Introduction to the History of Religions Part 80

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DIETERICH, A. Mutter Erde, ein Versuch uber Volksreligion (Leipzig and Berlin, 1905).

FARNELL, L. R. Evolution of Religion (London and New York, 1905).

DULAURE, J. A. Des divinites generatrices (2d ed., Paris, 1905).

REITZENSTEIN, R. h.e.l.lenistische Wundererzahlungen (Leipzig, 1906).

c.u.mONT, F. Les religions orientales dans le paganisme romain (Paris, 1907; Eng. tr., Chicago, 1911).

HAMILTON, MARY. Incubation (London, 1906).

HOBHOUSE, L. T. Morals in Evolution (London and New York, 1906).

Article "Art" in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (Edinburgh and New York, 1908).

PERROT AND CHIPIEZ. Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite (Paris, 1882-1911; Eng. tr., London and New York, 1883-1890).

MEYER, EDOUARD. Geschichte des Altertums (2d ed., Stuttgart and Berlin, 1907-1909).

WESTERMARCK, E. Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas (London, 1908).

PREUSS, K. T. Ursprung der Religion und Kunst.

WEBSTER, H. Primitive Secret Societies (New York, 1908); Rest-Days: a Sociological Study (reprinted from _University Studies_) (Lincoln, Nebraska, 1911).

CONDER, C. R. The Rise of Man (London and New York, 1908).

PLOSS, H. H. Das Kind (Stuttgart, 1876); Das Weib, ed. M. Bartels (Leipzig, 1902).

HARTLAND, E. S. Primitive Paternity (London, 1909).

FRAZER, J. G. Psyche's Task [influence of superst.i.tion on the growth of inst.i.tutions] (London, 1909).

REINACH, S. Orpheus (Paris, 1909; Eng. tr., revised by the author, London and New York, 1909).

FROBENIUS, L. Childhood of Man (Eng. tr., London and Philadelphia, 1909).

THOMAS, W. I. Source-Book for Social Origins (Chicago and London. 1909).

MARETT, R. R. The Threshold of Religion (London [1909]).

SELIGMANN, S. Der bose Blick und Verwandtes (Berlin, 1910).

ELWORTHY, F. T. Article "Evil Eye" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).

BOEHMER, J. Religions-Urkunden der Volker (Leipzig).

Article "Cosmogony and Cosmology" in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (Oxford, 1912).

CRAWLEY, A. E. Articles "Cursing and Blessing," "Dress," and "Eating the G.o.d," ibid.

Articles "Dwarfs and Pygmies," "Dualism," "Fate," "Calendar,"

"Feasting," "Fasting," "Festivals and Fasts," ibid.

SCHNEIDER, H. Religion und Philosophie (Leipzig, 1912).

CARPENTER, J. Estlin. Comparative Religion (London and New York, 1913(?)).


MORGAN, L. H. Ancient Society (London, 1877).

SPENCER, H. Principles of Sociology, i, -- 171 ff. (London and New York, 1882).

HAHN, ED. Die Haustiere (Leipzig, 1896); Demeter und Baubo (Lubeck, 1897).

TYLOR, E. B. Remarks on Totemism, _Journal of the Anthropological Inst.i.tute_ (1899).

PIKLER AND SOMLo. Ursprung des Totemismus (Berlin, 1900).

HARTLAND, E. S. Totemism and Some Recent Discoveries, _Folklore_ (1900).

DURKHEIM, E. La prohibition de l'inceste et ses origines, _L'Annee sociologique_, i (Paris, 1896-1897); Sur le totemisme, _L'Annee sociologique_, v (1900-1901).

ZAPLETAL, V. Totemismus und die Religion Israels (Freiburg (Swiss), 1901).

HILL-TOUT, C. Origin of Totemism among the Aborigines of British Columbia, _Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada_ (2d Series, 1901-1902 and 1903-1904).

SMITH, W. R. Kins.h.i.+p and Marriage in Early Arabia (2d ed., London, 1903) (criticized by Noldeke in _Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft_, 1886).

LANG, A. Social Origins (London, 1903); Secret of the Totem (London, 1905); Australian Problems (in Anthropological Essays presented to Tylor) (Oxford, 1907).

JEVONS, F. B. Introduction to the History of Religion (2d ed., London, 1902).

MARILLIER, L. La place du totemisme dans l'evolution religieuse [criticism of Jevons], _Revue de l'histoire des religions_, x.x.xvi, x.x.xvii (Paris, 1897-1898); article "Totem" (in La Grande Encyclopedie) (Paris, 1886-1902).

WUNDT, W. Mythus und Religion (in his Volkerpsychologie, Leipzig, 1908-1910).

CRAWLEY, A. E. Exogamy and the Mating of Cousins (in Essays presented to Tylor, Oxford, 1907).

RIVERS, W. H. H. On the Origin of the Cla.s.sificatory System of Relations.h.i.+ps (in Essays presented to Tylor, 1907).

THOMAS, N. W. La survivance du culte totemique ... dans le pays de Galles, _Revue de l'histoire des religions_, x.x.xviii (Paris); Origin of Exogamy (in Essays presented to Tylor, Oxford, 1907).

GOMME, G. L. Totemism in Britain, _Archaeological Review_ (London, 1889).

GOLDENWEISER, A. A. Totemism, an a.n.a.lytical Study, _Journal of American Folklore_ (Boston and New York, 1910).

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