Introduction to the History of Religions Part 86

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Articles "Asherah" and "Pillar" in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible.

Articles "Asherah" and "Ma.s.sebah" in Encyclopaedia Biblica.

TRUMBULL, H. C. Threshold Covenant, p. 228 (New York, 1896).

HARTLAND, E. S. Primitive Paternity, Index, s.v. _Trees_ (London, 1910).

PHILPOT, MRS. J. H. The Sacred Tree, or the Tree in Religion and Myth (London, 1897).



PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris.

RAWLINSON, G. History of Ancient Egypt (London and New York, 1881).

TIELE, C. P. History of the Egyptian Religion (Eng. tr., Boston, 1882).

LE PAGE RENOUF, P. Religion of Ancient Egypt (London, 1884).

BRUGSCH, H. Religion und Mythologie der alten Aegypter (1884).

MEYER, ED. Geschichte des alten Aegyptens (Berlin, 1887).

MASPERO, G. etudes de mythologie et d'archeologie egyptiennes (Paris, 1893); The Dawn of Civilization (Eng. tr., London, 1896).

MuLLER, W. MAX. Asien und Europa (Leipzig, 1893); Article "Egypt" (in Encyclopaedia Biblica).

WIEDEMANN, K. A. Religion of the Ancient Egyptians (London, 1897); Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality (London, 1895); Religion of Egypt (in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. v) (1904).

PETRIE, W. M. F. Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt (London, 1898); Article "Egyptian Religion" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).

STEINDORFF, G. Religion of the Ancient Egyptians (New York and London, 1905).

ERMAN, A. Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum (1887); Eng. tr., Life in Ancient Egypt (London, 1894); Handbook of Egyptian Religion (Eng. tr., London, 1907).

BREASTED, J. H. History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest (New York, 1905); Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt (New York, 1912).

c.u.mONT, F. The Religion of Egypt (Eng. tr., in _The Open Court_, Chicago, September, 1910).

REITZENSTEIN, R. Poimandres (Leipzig, 1904).

FOUCART, G. Article "Dualism (Egyptian)" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).

_General Semitic_

BAUDISSIN, W. W. Studien zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte (Leipzig, 1876-1878).

HALeVY, J. Melanges de critique et d'histoire relatifs aux peuples semitiques (Paris, 1883).

BAETHGEN, FR. Beitrage zur semitichen Religionsgeschichte (Berlin, 1888).

NoLDEKE, TH. Sketches from Eastern History (Eng. tr., London and Edinburgh, 1892).

MuLLER, W. MAX. Asien und Europa (Leipzig, 1893).

SMITH, W. R. Religion of the Semites (2d ed., London, 1894); Kins.h.i.+p and Marriage in Early Arabia (2d ed., London, 1903).

BARTON, G. A. A Sketch of Semitic Origins (New York and London, 1902).

CURTISS, S. I. Primitive Semitic Religion To-day (London, 1902).

LAGRANGE, M. J. etudes sur les religions semitiques (2d ed., Paris, 1905).


SALE, G. Preliminary Discourse to Translation of the Koran (1734; new ed., London, 1857) (and in Wherry's Commentary on the Quran, London, 1882).

SPRENGER, A. Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammeds (Berlin, 1861-1865).

SYED, AHMED. Essays on the Life of Mohammed and Subjects Subsidiary thereto (London, 1870).

AMEER, ALI. Life and Teachings of Mohammed, or the Spirit of Islam (London, 1873); Islam (London, 1897).

Ta.s.sY, GARCIN DE. L'Islamisme d'apres le Coran (Paris, 1874).

KREMER, A. VON. Kulturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen (Vienna, 1875-1877).

SMITH, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammedanism (New York, 1875).

GOLDZIHER, I. Muhammedanische Studien (Halle, 1889-1890).

MUIR, SIR WILLIAM. Mahomet and Islam (London, Religious Tract Society; New York, ca. 1894).

CASTRIES, LE COMTE HENRY DE. L'Islam (Paris, 1896).

WELLHAUSEN, J. Reste arabischen Heidentumes (Berlin, 1897).

SMITH, H. P. The Bible and Islam (New York, 1897).

KLEIN, F. A. The Religion of Islam (London, 1906).

LEONARD, A. G. Islam, her Moral and Spiritual Value (London, 1909).

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