Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx Part 12

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No doubt; but yet my name, good _Pantaloon_, Like yours, must be quite "inexpressible."


My wish to please is irrepressible.

Command me, pray. Henceforth I will be dumb.

The watchword is,--I understand you,--"Mum!"


G-go-ood Pr-prince, d-don't m-mi-mind th-that st-stu-pid P-pa-pantaioon, H-he's n-nothing b-but a g-go-gossipping B-buff-ffoon.

C-co-conf-fi-fide in m-me. Your s-se-secret I won't u-u-ut-ter, I-in f-f-fact I c-ca-_can't_, 'c-ca-cause of my d-de-deuced s-st-stutter.


Your Highness! to the palace, if you please.

(_Signs to_ BRIGh.e.l.lA.)


Recover, Pigtails! Black Guards, stand at ease!

(_Exeunt_ KALAF, PANT., _and_ TART., _Guards and_ BRIGh.e.l.lA.)

BARAK, (_who has been watching in the background, comes forward_).

Ye Tartar deities, watch o'er his life!

Good gracious, what can hither bring my wife?

(_Enter_ SKIRINA.)

Where art thou going, wife, in such a hurry?


Oh, dearest husband, I'm all in a flurry.

Our handsome guest will be Chang's future Who'd have believed such an astounding thing?

The Princess Turandot is in despair; She weeps, she wrings her hands, she tears her hair.

She'll kill herself if she can't tell to-morrow The name of your young friend. To calm her sorrow, I bade her not torment herself, for you Knew all about him, and his father too.


Unhappy woman, thou hast ruined us!


Why, what harm's done? Why make you such a fuss?


My head will have to answer for thy tongue.


Oh, nonsense, dear; I'm sure I've done no wrong.

(_Enter_ TRUFFALDIN _and slaves_.)


Behold what thou hast done, thou Chatterbox.

(TRUFFALDIN, _with pompous exaggerated ferocity, holds his sabre to BARAK's breast_.)


Make no resistance! Yield thee, sly old fox!


Have mercy, Truffaldin,--my husband spare!


Of his bald head I'll not disturb one hair.

Good female, you're of the fem'nine gender, And therefore towards your weakness my heart's tender.

Your husband shall not come to any harm, So pray don't needlessly yourself alarm.

The highest honour is in store for him, Free entrance's offered to our Hareem.


Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx Part 12

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Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx Part 12 summary

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