Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx Part 20

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Dear me, what is the matter?

I cannot hear thro' all this general chatter.

PANT, (_aside_).

I shan't attempt just now to make him hear; I'm dazed myself, and his head's _never_ clear.


W-what a c-ca-cat-as-a.s.s-astrophe! _Corpo di Bacco!_ H-he m-must r-re-return--_colle pive nel sacco_.


My overloving heart has caused my woe, I gave up all, to please my lovely foe.

If yesterday I purposely had failed To win the day, or from the contest quailed, My soul had now found rest. Ah, why Altoum, wert thou too merciful? To die To-day, if conquered, should have been my meed-- Great Emperor, thus shouldst thou have decreed.


Poor Kalaf! tears mine aged eyes bedew.

(_wipes. .h.i.t eyes_.)

TUR. (_aside to_ SKIRINA)--

His grief affects me deeply; strangely new Emotions swell my bosom.


Put an end To trifling. Far as Jericho I'd send All s.h.i.+lly-shally. Do, for goodness' sake Speak out and say, "As husband I thee take."

I've married twice, and know how shy one feels--

Plunge in at once, right over head and heels.

A royal Crown Prince, too; my stars and garters!

_Creme de la creme_--the cream of Crimean Tartars!


My soul by doubt and hate is torn; She loves him, though she shows such bitter scorn.

I'm stung to anguish, yet I'll not repine, My rival's torture is as sharp as mine.

(KALAF _has stood bowed down by grief; he starts suddenly and approaches_ TURANDOT'S _throne_)--


Thy cruel will shall find no more resistance; Why need the headsman end my sad existence?

This dagger shall release....

(_Unsheathes a dagger._ ADELMA _makes a movement of horror._ TURANDOT _precipitates herself from the throne, and stays his hand_).


Stay, Kalaf, stay!

Or strike thy heart through mine.

(_Throws herself across his breast._)


What does she say?

(TURANDOT _and_ KALAF _gaze at each other in silence, for some time_.)


Wouldst doom me to a life, of love bereft?

My hopes and joys all faded--nothing left.

Such mercy seeks more cruelly to kill; But my despair is stronger than thy will.

(_Attempts to stab himself._)


For my sake, live; nor ever quit my side; Prince, take me as your loving, happy bride.

ADELMA (_aside_).

'Tis agony; I cannot bear this sight. (_Retires_.)


What do they say? (_to_ PANT., _who endeavours to explain_).

Don't speak. I _see_ all's right.

Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx Part 20

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