Hymns from the Morningland Part 14

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Forgive my heart its vain regrets, And, as I cast my eyes behind, Subdue the spirit, Lord, that frets, Because the light with dark is twined.


I cannot understand the way By which unerring wisdom leads; Nor do I know for what to pray, Unconscious of my deepest needs.


Thou, Whose almighty power upholds The stars that in their courses move,-- Whose eye creation's need beholds To prompt the outflow of Thy love;--


Teach me in calm content to live 'Mid all the changes life contains, a.s.sured that, love and wisdom give The blessing that for aye remains.


And in the darkness and the light, And in the gladness and the pain, Make me to know that all is right, And every loss my truest gain.

{porrho ekpheuxometha kosmou, hapan to hamartema.}


Far let me flee from worldly sin, Nor look behind, but onward press; Lest the deceit that lurks within, Should link the soul to worldliness.


Ah! whither shall I flee, my G.o.d?

There is no refuge but in Thee, And Thy command exceeding broad, Condemns my soul's perversity.


But in Thy grace my troubled soul Would find forgiveness freely given; And in Thy Spirit's firm control, A power to lift me nearer heaven.


Thus shall I flee from worldly sin, Nor look behind, but onward press, And daily fight, and daily win The rich reward of righteousness.


Lord of mercy, at Thy gate, Needy souls imploring pray; Have we come, Good Lord, too late?

Must we turn in grief away?


Young and old Thy mercy claim,-- Some are early at the gate, Some are late to own Thy name, Surely none, though late, too late!


Blessed, who with morning sun, Hopeful at Thy portals wait; Yea, and when the day is done, Blessed they who find the gate.


Ah, Good Lord, when Thou wert here, Homeless, in our world of sin, Few, to give Thee warmth and cheer, Called their weary Lord within.


Sad, repenting, full of fear, Hoping, doubting, still we wait; As we call, in mercy hear;-- Open, Lord, to us the gate.


Burdened with a heavy load, Lord, we come, for Thou art calling; Rough and toilsome is the road, And the night around is falling.


Sin, the burden that we bear, Fills us with a dread to meet Thee; Yet, we yield not to despair, But for mercy would entreat Thee.


From the cross a glorious light Falls upon our path to cheer us; And a hope on pinions bright Hovers, in the darkness, near us.


For the sake of Him Who bore All the sin, we come lamenting, Let Thy pardon now restore Sinners, at Thy feet, repenting.


Lord of a countless throng, Fair as the stars of night, Won from the thrall of cruel wrong Back to the good and right; Thine is the praise they sing, Lord of their souls, and King.


Thine was the love that sought Far as their wanderings led; Thine was the wondrous grace that brought Life to the faint and dead; Pardon for all the past, Peace that shall endless last.


Lord of a countless throng Sworn to be faithful aye, When, in the power that makes them strong, They stand in evil day; Make us by grace, we pray, Loyal and brave as they.

Hymns from the Morningland Part 14

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