Hymns from the Morningland Part 5

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And sin and death no longer reign, Nor day to dark declines, For, from the Father's face, a light Of reconcilement s.h.i.+nes.


Nailed to the cross the Saviour dies, While earth is moved with sore dismay, And e'en the sun, though high at noon, In anguish veils the light of day.


Then h.e.l.l and darkness riot held, And sin and death combined their power To crush the Christ Whom sinful men Had hastened to that awful hour.


But O, 'twas darkness deeper still Than o'er the earth in blackness lay, When G.o.d beheld the suffering Son, And turned from Him His face away.


Ah! whence that suffering? Whence that woe?

The horror felt by earth and sky?

The victory of the powers of night, That doomed the G.o.d-man there to die?


My soul distressed, look up! behold!

With light from heaven the earth is filled;-- The Christ that awful conflict met, Because a G.o.d of wisdom willed.


Now sin its latest shaft has hurled, And death put forth its utmost might, But, lo, the Christ the conflict stood, And sin and death are vanquished, quite.


Glory to Thee our souls proclaim, Great Son of G.o.d, Thou Victor strong; Thy love inspires our hearts to sing, The victory fills our endless song.


O Son of G.o.d, afflicted, And slain for sinful men, My soul hath oft' depicted What Thou didst suffer then,-- The pain, the grief, the sighing, The burden of Thy woe, The cross, the shame, the dying That filled Thy life below.


Ah, why from heavenly blessing Didst Thou to earth descend, And share the woes distressing, To be the sinner's Friend?

The angels looked amazed, While men untouched beheld The Christ to souls debased, By love divine impelled.


'Twas love, 'twas love unbounded, As high as heaven ascends, As deep as depths unsounded, And broad as earth extends; Yea, 'twas a love undying, That suffered for my sake;-- Lord, may a love replying, Within my soul awake.


This be our prayer, O Saviour of our souls, When night is dark, and muttering thunder rolls, For none but Thee the power of h.e.l.l controls,-- Have mercy, Lord.


There is no help, if Thou no help wilt bring; No heavenly messenger on speedy wing; Hope gilds the morn, if to Thy cross we cling,-- Have mercy, Lord.


Woeful the threats that flash from Sinai's hill; Dark are the fears, our guilty souls that fill; Help we have none,--O then, of Thy sweet will, Have mercy, Lord.


Strong is the arm that in our cause was raised,-- Christ, be Thy name to endless ages praised, Who, at the hands of sinners was abased;-- Have mercy, Lord.


Doomed to our death, the G.o.d-man bowed the head; Pierced for our sins, upon the cross He bled; Life is His gift, Who liveth, and was dead;-- Have mercy, Lord;


Life, and to live, amid the bliss beyond, Where souls beloved, to loving souls respond, Free from all bondage in Thy gentle bond,-- Have mercy, Lord.



Lo, in its brightness the morning arising, Gold on the hilltops in richness is spread; Heaven decks the earth with a beauty surprising, Light is the victor, and darkness hath fled.


Lord of the morning, our souls are awaking, Flood them with beauty, and free them from gloom; Morn speaks of joy, for when morning was breaking, Free from death's bands Thou did'st rise from the tomb.


Souls that in slumber behold not the beauty, See not the Master arise in His might; Hear not the call to the doing of duty, Know not the rapture that thrills in the light.

Hymns from the Morningland Part 5

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