Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Part 103

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Martin, John H. 22 N. 4th St., Mpls.

Marsh, V. P. Big Falls Mariem, P. B. Daytons Bluff, Sta. F, R. 4, St. Paul Marthaler, Henry South St. Paul Martenson, Alfred Maynard, R. 2 Maruska, John A. New Prague, R. 4, Box 78 Martin, Grant Redwood Falls Mathews, Mrs. Jas. H. Larimore, N. D.

Mathisen, Geo. W. Windom Ma.s.see, A. W. Albert Lea Mayo, E. D. 2808 S. Fremont, Mpls.

Maust, S. H. Canton Mayman, E. W. Sauk Rapids Matzke, Sil. So. St. Paul Mayland, A. W. Albert Lea Mathison, Thoger St. Paul Park Mattison, Dr. C. W. Swea City, Ia., Box 201 Mathes, E. H. Excelsior Mayman, Hattie A. Sauk Rapids Mattson, F. Terrace, B. C.

Mayne, Prof. D. D. Univ. Farm, St. Paul Mason, Joe Long Lake Mather, O. L. 201 S. 21st Ave. E., Duluth May, Bernard Stewart Matzke, H. C. 1925 Jefferson St., Duluth May, Prof. J. H. River Falls, Wis.

Ma.s.son, E. Deerwood Mathews, Oscar R. Newell, S. D.

Mathews, Miss Harriet 807 W. College St., Rochester Mattocks, Brewer Jr. 911 Woodland Ave., Duluth Mawin, Geo. G. Warroad Mellinger, T. S. Pine Island Merrill, Geo. E. 4604 Washburn So., Mpls.

Mense, F. G. 3941 Aldrich S. Mpls.

Meeker, Mary K. 2548 Clinton Ave., Mpls.

Meeds, A. D. 2424 Harriet Ave., Mpls.

Meadow Lawn Farm St. Peter, R. No. 2 Meginess, Fred J. Winona Merritt, Mrs. John E. Aitkin Meisinger, Engelb. 1062 Stryker Ave., W. St. Paul Meelker, Ben Raymond Mendenhall, W. J. 1212 27th Ave. NE., Mpls.

Mead, P. H. White Bear Lake Melson, John Deerwood Merritt, C. H. 519 Woodland Ave., Duluth Merritt, Neal R. Hinckley Meyer, Henry Blue Earth Meyer, J. H. Austin Meyer, C. H. 774 West Ave., Red Wing Meyer, Frank Excelsior, R. No. 1 Mesenbring, Otto Clayton, Wis., care Louis Schmidt Meyenburg, H. C. Montvideo Meyer, E. St. Louis Park, R. No. 1 Meyers, Rev. J. St. James Miller, W. L. 152 E. 5th St., St. Paul Metcalf, Dr. F. W. Winton Meyers, J. E. 515 N. 27th St., Mpls.

Mills, D. L. Lake City Miks, Rev. A. St. Michael Mpls. Public Library Mpls.

Miller E. B. Mpls., R. 1, Sta. F.

Milne, H. A. Elmerado, N. D., R. No. 2 Mighton, S. R. Winnipeg, Man., Box 1393 Miller, H. J. Cologne Miner, H. P. 3022 Dupont So., Mpls.

Mix, H. P. Lidgewood, N. D.

Miller, Warren Verdi Mitch.e.l.l, D.M. Owatonna Mitch.e.l.l, W. B. 508 1st Ave. S., St. Cloud Minder, Emma Ortonville Michelson, Nels Austin Miller, Elbert W. R. 1, Anoka Mills, L. D. Garden City Miller, Hans F. P. 501 N. Greeley, Stillwater Middleton, E. C. Baudette Miller, T. E. Ely Mpls. Real Estate Bd. 633 Andrus Bldg., Mpls.

Miller W. L. 152 E. 5th St., St. Paul Miller, O. A. Rainbow Hotel, Great Falls, Mont.

Miller, S. J. Briarcombe Farm, Winona Mitch.e.l.l, Mrs. Harry Halma Minn. Northern Nurs. Co. 1511 Raymond Ave., St. Paul Miller, Joseph Hopkins Miller, Chas. 4539 Morgan No., Mpls.

Miller, Wm. J. Warroad, Box 442 Miller, Hjalmar S. Lindstrom Miller, E. Amery, Wis.

Mielke, Geo. Sidney, Mont.

Miller, Henry C. Sauk Center Mpls. Architectural Club 920 Nic. Ave., Mpls.

Miller, Sarah A. Sauk Rapids Moehring, Otto Montevideo Moore, W. M. Forest Service, Santa Barbara, Cal.

Moeser, Ed St. Louis Park Moore, Mrs. C. F. Worthington Moberg, Aron Lowry Moline, E. J. 2622 Henn. Ave., Mpls.

Monson, N. L. Buffalo Lake Mondeng, Chas. 160 Newton Ave. N. Mpls.

Moeser, Ernest St. Louis Park Montgomery, Katherine A. Bradley St. Sta., St. Paul, R. 4, Bx. 29 Montgomery, W. C. Excelsior, R. No. 3 Moore, John E. Louisville Moede, H. F. Buffalo Lake Moody, Geo. W. Amery, Wis.

Moeser, Miss Flora St. Louis Park Molander, A. L. Bemidji Moline, Geo. Woodstock Molenar, John Raymond, R. 2 Monk, B. B. Minot, N. D.

Moen, A. A. Bemidji, R. 2 Mojha, Joseph R. No. 1, Lonsdale Moore, E. V. Eagle Bend Moen, Albert O. Smithport Moberg, Oscar Lowry Moe, P. C. Mentor Morrison, Rev. J. D. 2131 E. Supr. St., Duluth Moran, C. B. Newport Morey, Geo. W. 3606 Van Buren St. NE., Mpls.

Moris, Mrs. F. 180 Rondo St., St. Paul Morris, John R. Beaudette Morgan, Benj. H. 712 So. 5th St., Leavensworth, Kan.

Morrill, E. W. Hopkins, R. 1 Morton, Mrs. E. H. St. Louis Park Mortz, Aug. Stewart Morlan, Ogden C. 4628 Colfax S., Mpls.

Mortenson, J. P. New Richland Moritz, Isaac Hector Morrison, Mrs. Eugenia Excelsior Morley, Jas. Wahpeton, N. D.

Morse, John H. 2511 Washburn Ave. S., Mpls.

Morgan, R. M. Howard Lake Moen, Albert O. Terrace, R. 1, Box 42 Molsted, C. E. Valley City, N. D.

Moffitt, Mrs. F. L. 508 Univ. Ave. SE., Mpls.

Moses, Mrs. W. S. Wahkon Motter, J. P. Lamberton Mousel, Henry Canby Moss, W. F. Worthington Mosbjerg, Chr. 216 7th St. N., Mpls.

Moulton, H. R. Windom Mott, F. R. Hibbing Moses, J. B. Jackson Munch, Mrs. E. W. Crookston Mullen, A. J. Custom House, Mpls.

Mudd, Mrs. Neva Sandstone Munson, Nels c.o.kato Mulqueeneg, Mrs. Jas. Buffalo Munn, Mrs. M. D. Forest Lake Mundt, Fred Sunfish Rd., R. 2, W. St. Paul Mullen, John T. Litchfield Munsterteiger, Arthur Buffalo Mulroy, M. F. Brown's Valley Murray, J. W. Excelsior Murray, D. L. Blooming Prairie Murray, Chas. M. Princeton Musser, R. D. Little Falls Musser, C. R. 200 Mer. State Bk. Bldg., Muscatine, Ia.

Murphy, Frederick P. Central Lake Murdock, H. E. 1961 Queen Ave. S, St. Paul Murray, Mrs. H. J. 812 Osceola Ave., St. Paul Mutny, John S. Gregory, S. D.

Musil, F. J. Hector Musil, Rudolph Hector Murdock, E. C. 405 Scheffman Bldg., St. Paul Myrah, E. G. Spring Grove McBroom, J. K. Excelsior McBride, A. F. 1764 Marshall Ave., St. Paul McAllister, Geo. E. 2637 Emerson N., Mpls.

McCullough, Francis Mound McCabe, Mrs. M. Sta. F., Mpls.

McConachie, N. Perham McCallum, John Clinton, R. No. 1 McCoy, Dr. Mary 15 W. Supr. St., Duluth McCabe, W. J. 2125 Abbotsford Ave., Duluth McCullach, Jas. T. Washburn, N. D.

McClintock, R. G. Willmar McCaleb, Seth Eyota McCathy, T. Caledonia McCabe, M. M. 2328 Roslyn Ave., Duluth McCall, Geo. W. Fort Williams, Ont.

McCarthy, F. F. 2725 E. 6th St., Duluth McCormick, Miss Care Geo. H. Rogers, 2302 Blaisdell Ave., Mpls.

McElroy White Bear, Bx 386 McDuffee, Herbert S. 2540 3d Ave. S., Mpls.

McFadden, Dr. C. A. 6719 Tioga St., Duluth McGuire, A. J. Univ. Farm, St. Paul McGuire, S. H. Annandale McGonagle, Mrs. W. A. Hunter's Park, Duluth McGolerick, Bishop, Jas. Duluth McKusick, Miss Florence M. Stillwater McKee, Maude L. Hotel Waverly, Mpls.

McMillan, F. G. No. 2, 5th St., SE., Mpls.

McLeod, Neil A. 523 3d Ave. SE., Mpls.

McMahon, J. A. Arago McLaughlin, Peter Hunter, N. D.

McLarty, Jas. Neche, N. D., R. 2 McLean, Robt. C. 735 Palace Bldg., Mpls.

McNair, C. I. Cloquet McNeil, Mrs. Alex Dayton McQuoid, Jas. Pipestone McQuire, Mrs. D. F. Hopkins McPherson, A. K. Walker McPhail, A. J. Hibbing

Naslund, Adolph Tower, Bx 1448 Neils, Julius Ca.s.s Lake Neinabor, Chas. Round Lake Neal, J. A. P. 604 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., Duluth Neilson, A. Mankato Nelson, C. N. Storden Nelson, Oscar W. Aitken, R. 2 Nelson, Chas. F. 1449 Hythe St., St. Anthony Park Nelson, C. G. Lindstrom Nelson, F. A. At.w.a.ter Nelson, Hans Fergus Falls Nelson, Jacob Beltrami Nelson, Hans Twin Valley Nelson, C. A. A. Park Rapids, Bx. 206 Nelson, Peter E. Montevideo Nelson, Anton Gra.s.ston Nelson, Mrs. Sim. Westbrook Nelson, Mrs. V. D. 2829 9th St. S., Mpls.

Nelson, C. J. Willmar Nelson, Hugo C. Hibbing Nelson, Mrs. Wm. Box 143, Spooner Nelson, P. J. Clarissa Nelson, Chas. J. R. 1, Eagle Bend Nelson, S. R. Owatonna Nelson, A. N. R. 2, Box 116, Hopkins Nelson, E. 880 S. Robert St., W. St. Paul Nelson, Hon. E. M. Fairmount, N. D.

Nelson, E. V. Box 111, Alta Dens, Cal.

Nelson, M. O. 2530 Harriet Ave., Mpls.

Nelson, Andrew Northland Nelson, Martin R. 1, Hopkins Nellermoe, F. G. Buffalo Lake Ness, H. H. 1900 Wash. N., Mpls.

Newland, H. Custom House, Mpls.

Newberg, A. Excelsior Newell, Wilfred Mayo Farm, Rochester Newmann, A. H. Sta. F., R. 3, Mpls.

N.Y. State Col. of For. Syracuse, N. Y.

Nesbitt, Mrs. Victoria K. 210 13th Ave. E., Duluth Neske, Mrs. Albert Waseca Neudecker, A. S. Clements Nesdahl, Ole Box 15, Shevlin Nettleton, C. H. Stockton Newhall, Mrs. H. F. 2702 Humboldt S., Mpls.

Ness, Gabriel Hannaford, N. D.

N.Y. State Ranger School Wanakena, N. Y.

Nesbitt, Mrs. W. L. 4715 Fremont S., Mpls.

Nelson, Henry Oslo Nelson, Alfred M. Hector Nelson, A. M. 5114 Elliot Ave. S., Mpls.

Nelson, A. E. R. 1, Box 81, Felton Nelson, Geo. H. Hope, Minn., via Owatonna Nelson, Walter R. 2, Oslo Nelson, L. M. 2637 17th Ave. S., Mpls.

Nelson, E. M. Fairmount, N. D.

Nelson, Fred S. Maple Plain Nelson, S. C. Alexandria Nelsen, Leslie 953 Goff Ave., W. St. Paul Nelson, Carl A. c.o.kato Nelson, John Baudette Nieman, Chas. Hamburg, Wis.

Niemeyer, C., 487 W. Calif. St., Pasadena, Calif.

Nichols, S. S. 707 Cham. of Com., Mpls.

Nichols, Mrs. C. H. 1920 Palace St., St. Paul Nielsen, N. Mankato Nickel, Geo. Reading Nicol, Henry C. Mail Carrier 30, St. Paul Nicholson, Mrs. Sam'l J. 5303 Nic. Ave., Mpls.

n.o.ble, A. S. Dent Norderhus, Paul S. Murdock Nolte, Henry Duluth Nordby, Ed. J. Renville Norval, Wm. Elk River Nordbye, O. W. Granite Falls Northern Pine Mfgrs., Lumber Ex. Minneapolis Norin, Dr. Frans L. Roseau Nousse, John 1346 Western No., W. St. Paul Nordine, John Lake City.

n.o.ble, Fred 287 E. Lucy St., St. Paul Nowlen, B. E. 2370 Chilcombe Ave., St. Paul Nordquist, E. D. Evansville Novak, Frank Lonsdale Nohava, Mathias Lonsdale Norton, John Lonsdale Norberg, Mrs. C. Eastwood Noehl, Nicholas R. 3, Da.s.sel Norton, A. W. c.u.mberland, Wis.

N.W. Nat. Bk.

Information & Pub. Dept., Minneapolis Nutter, F. H. 710 Sykes Blk., Mpls.

Nydahl, J. L. 715 21st Ave. So., Mpls.

Nygaard, Thos. 953 40th Ave S.E., Mpls.

Nyman, Col. M. R. 1401 1st Ave. So., Mpls.

Nystrom, O. Eastwood Nysoeu, C. O. Pelican Rapids

O'Brien Pat Renville O'Connor, Jas., Jr. Granite Falls Oberleiter, John Pequot Oberleiter, Mrs. Maria Pequot Oberg, Alma Mayer Olson, S. J. Grand Meadow Olson, Oscar A. Truman Olson, Wm. C. R. 2, Maynard Olson, Ova Boyd Olson, John A. Boyd Olson, Chas. R. 2, Lindstrom Olson, Miss Julia Aitkin Olson, Geo. W. Carver Olmstead, Mrs. E. W., 2727 Lake of Isles Blvd., Mpls.

Olsen, Chesta Central Olsen, Peter Eastwood Olson, Paul 2538 Taylor St. N.E., Mpls.

Olin, Miss Signe J., 328 No. 60th Ave. W. Duluth Olson, J. J. Central Lakes Odell, Mrs. R. R. 2836 Irwing So., Mpls.

Oehring, C. C. Elkader, Ia.

Oesch, Fred Winona O'Hara, Dr. P. Waverly Ohr, E. J. Sta. F, R. 3, Mpls.

Ogren, G. C. Cambridge Oehler, Mrs. Ira C., 1766 St. Claire St. St. Paul Ogaard, Arthur J. Hettinger, N. D.

Ogroskie, Paul Deer River Olson, Lewis R. 3, Kalispell, Mont.

Oldenburg, Henry C. Carlton Olsen, H. P. R. 1, St. Louis Park Olson, Aug. R. Kennedy Olson, J. B. Willmar Oleson, Michael Montevideo Olson, Mrs. D. W. White Bear Olson, Peter M. R. 4, Zumbrota Olmstead, Rett E. Excelsior Olson, O. E. R. 2, Bx. 92, Braham Olney, Will Knox, N. D.

Olson, O. J. 20 W. 5th St., St. Paul Olson, Edwin O. R. 2, Dent Olson, O. G. Porter Olson, C. H. Beltrami Olds, L. Pequot Ollinger, J. F. Hopkins Oldenberg, C. J. R. 1, Belle Plain Olson, Wm. G. Dunnel Olson, Oluf Burtrum Olson, Hjalmer C. Bx. 26, Ironwood, Mich.

Olson, Mrs. Otto W. Eagle Bend Olson, Oscar Orr Old, Mrs. W. A., 5218 Washburn Ave. S. Minneapolis Olson, A. H. 912 W. Robert St., St. Paul Olson, Miss Margaret Wyoming Olson, Martin Lake City Olson, C. E. Underwood Oleson, Cris Cus.h.i.+ng, Wis.

Old, Mrs. M. E., 1399 W. Minnehaha St. St. Paul Oredalen, Ole Kenyon O'Neill, O. H. 608 Globe Bldg., St. Paul Opsata, C. Bemidji Omland, Erik McIntosh Orr, Grier M. 1040 Laurel Ave., St. Paul O'Neil, Wm. Ca.s.s Lake Orwell, C. S. Clarkfield O'Neill, Jas. M. Woodstock Oram, Martin 3240 16th Ave. S., Mpls.

Orr, Mrs. G. M. 1040 Laurel Ave., St. Paul Ordway, Mrs. L. P. 523 Portland Ave., St. Paul O'Meara, Steve LeSueur Center Omann, M. E. Stewart Octhoudt, Geo. Eden Prairie Oppegaard, E. O. Sacred Heart Oregon Agri. Col. Library Corvallis, Ore.

Orde, G. S. Riverdale Ave., Calgary, Can.

Osborn, John Da.s.sel Ostern, L. N. Montevideo Osborne, E. W. 323 B. P. Bldg., St. Paul Ottis, Frank J. 867 Forest, St. Paul Osborn, L. M. 3900 Sheridan S., Mpls.

Orsborn, H. E. 2900 3rd Ave. S., Mpls.

Osgood, H. E. St. Paul Otte, E. W. 821 S. Wabasha St. W. St. Paul Ostergren, E. A. N. St. Paul Ostrom, Mrs. C. J. Winthrop Otosa, A. L. R. 3, St. James...o...b..rn, Frank H. R. 4, Albert Lea Otto, W. H. 958 S. Robert St., W. St. Paul Oswald, Wm. K. 122 10th St., Cloquet Ott, Adolph R. 2, Granite Falls Overgaard, P. H. Albert Lea Ouellette, C. A. 904 Arkwright St., St. Paul Owens, John 4452 Xerxes Ave. S., Mpls.

Overn, A. V. Albert Lea Owens, John Cook

Pabody, Mrs. E. F. 69 11th St. S., Mpls.

Palzer, Casper Mazeppa Paine, F. W. 706 Sellwood Bldg., Duluth Palmer, Ezra Paynesville Palmer, S. E. Browerville Palke, Stephan Bryant, Wis.

Parman, E. A. Hudson, Wis.

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