Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Part 107

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Burton, Miss Hazel Deephaven Bach.e.l.ler, T. T. Seney, Mich.

Binger, Herman Renville Brush, Geo. H. R. Owatonna Bergstrom, A. G. Maple Plain Boucher, C. P. 201 E. 4th St., St. Paul Black, Robt H. Albert Lea Burlingame, Florence Grand Rapids Bratn.o.ber, C. P. 1419 Harmon Pl., Mpls.

Cady, Prof. LeRoy Univ. Farm, St. Paul Carlisle, S. A. Wyoming Cashman, M. R. Owatonna Cashman, T. E. Owatonna Chambers, Rev. R. F. Jackson Cheney, John Morton Chrisman, Chas. E. Ortonville Christensen, P. C. Fairmount Clarke, Fred H. Avoca Cline, Wm. Bertha Cooper, Madison Calcium, N. Y.

Crosby, S. P. 222 Miss. River Blvd., St. Paul Cutting, F. E. Byron Christianson, P. A. Hinckley Conard, Henry S. Grinnell, Ia.

Cutting, Frank H. City Hall, Duluth Connor, E. M. Excelsior Carlson, John A Box 963, Thief River Falls Carlson, Gust. Box 339, R. 3, Excelsior Care John Washburn Christianson, A. M. Bismarck, N. D.

Danforth, Wm. Randolph, Minn.

Daniels, R. L.

Davey, Dr. Flora M. 375 E. Grant St., Mpls.

d.i.c.kerson, Wm. Elk Point, S. D.

Doerfler, Rev. Bruno Muenster, Sask.

Doughty, J. Cole Lake City Dressler, Otto 428 Russell N., Mpls.

Drew, Prof. J. M. Univ. Farm, St. Paul Dunsmore, Henry Olivia Durbahn, A. Sleepy Eye Daniels, Frank P. 2112 Kenwood Pkwy., Mpls.

DeGraff, Miss Marie I. Anoka Dybdal, Tosten E. Elbow Lake, Minn.

Eddy, W. H. Howard Lake Ekloff, John c.o.kato Eliason, M. A. R. 2, Appleton Engman, Nels 4510 52d St. E. Mpls.

Evans, Sheldon J. La Crescent Effertz, Christ Norwood

Flannery, Geo. P. 2416 Blaisdell, Mpls.

Fletcher, F. F. 2816 W. 44th St., Mpls.

Fossum, G. Cottonwood Foster, Wesley S. 810 6th St. S. E., Mpls.

Fournelle, Peter White Bear Lake Franklin, A. B. St. F, R. 1, Mpls.

Fuller, F. C. Madison, S. D.

Fulton, T. C. White Bear Lake Funke, J. L. Wabasha Fredine, J. O. Winthrop Fiebring, J. H. Milwaukee, Wis. Care Fiebring Chemical Co.

Ferguson, Walker 1184 Woodland Ave., Mankato

Gale, Ed. C. Security Bldg., Mpls.

Gates, A. H. Rice Geiger, Wm. C. 520 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, Ill.

Gjemse, L. J. Cannon Falls Gjestrum, M. L. Rhinelander, Wis.

Glaeser, Mrs. Imelda Owatonna Gilbertson, G. G. Ruthton Galbraith, Raymond H. Care Butler Bros., Mpls.

Guerney, D. B. Yankton, S. D.

Gibbs, F. H. St. Anthony Park Gibbs, Mrs. F. H. St. Anthony Park Gunderson, Lawrence A. 6131 E. Superior St., Duluth Goebel, Herman Wildrose, N. D.

Gray, A. N. Deerwood Graeve, Rev. Mathias Lismore

Haatvedt, A. A. R. 1, Hoffman Hagen, O. W. Sleepy Eye Halbert, Geo. T. 648 Sec. Bldg., Mpls.

Hall, D. S. Olivia Halvorson, Halvor Hills Hannah, Robt. Fergus Falls Harris, Geo. W. McHugh Harris, E. E. Onlaska, Wis.

Harris, F. I. La Crescent Harrison, C. S. 829 York Ave., York, Neb.

Harrison, J. F. Excelsior Hart, W. H. Owatonna Hartman, M. B. 661 Plum St., St. Paul Hawkinson, Chas. Wayzata Hawley, T. C. 504 E. Elm St., Lodi, Cal.

Hermanson, Herman Hopkins Herrick, U. G. 731 Traffic Station, Mpls.

Hilstad, O. C. Nicollet Hobart, A. W. 1412 W. 36th St., Mpls.

Hoverstad, T. A. Care Soo Ry., Mpls.

Howard, J. A. Hammond Hunter, C. C. 5700 Nicollet Ave., Mpls.

Hendrickson, N. Audubon Holway, E. W. D. Excelsior Hjeltnes, K. Ulvik, Hardanger, Norway Heins, C. A. Olivia Haralson, Fred 1055 24th Ave. S. E., Mpls.

Irish, Prof. H. C. 1227 Childress Ave. St. Louis, Mo.

Jager, John 5241 Upton Ave. S., Mpls.

Jerabek, J. S. Hutchinson Jewell, Mrs. B. Randall, Wis.

Johannesson, L. Beltrami Johnson, A. A. Winnebago Johnson, Gust 2620 E. 22nd St., Mpls.

Johnson, Rev. Saml. Princeton Johnson, Miss Anna M. R. 1, Lafayette Johnson, Hans M. Pipestone

Kennedy, J. H. Sheyenne, N. D.

Kerns, G. F. Fairmont Klingel, Rev. Clement St. Anthony, Ind.

Knight, H. G. LeRoy Korista, J. S. Box 172, Hopkins Krier, T. N. Farmer, S. D.

Kueker, Wm. Faribault Kurth, Wm. A. R. 9, Rochester Krog, Johan, Jr. Pleasant Grove Farm, Lake Benton Kugler, F. J. Grand Portage, Minn.

King, E. C. Neshkors, Wis.

Knutesen, Clarence R. 1, Box 200, Hopkins Krueger, O. F. 3017 Cedar Ave., Mpls.

Larson, C. L. Winthrop Larson, Louis M. St. Louis Park Larson, Lars M. Faribault Lien, Thos. J. Delavan Lingen, Carl Starbuck Loftness, A. G. Thief River Falls Longyear, E. J. Excelsior Luce, E. C. Luverne Loring, A. C. 202 Clifton Ave., Mpls.

Loring, Mrs. C. M. River Side, Cal.

Lowe, J. W. Fairmont Ludescher, J. L. Frazee Lund, I. E. Hopkins Lundgren, Miss E. E. 591 Olive St. St. Paul Lyman, A. B. Excelsior Lyndgaard, Jorgen Lake Benton Lyon, Jay F. Elkhorn, Wis.

Leding, Edward R. 1, Box 64, Gary Lawrence, Jas. G. Wabasha Lafot, Ed. W. Lakefield Lien, Chas. H. R. 3, St. Cloud Lima, Ludvig Montevideo

Macauley, T. B. Montreal, Can.

Mackintosh, Prof. R. S. 2153 Doswell, St. Paul Maher, John Devils Lake, N. D.

Manda, W. A. Short Hills, N. J.

Mann, W. P. Dodge Center Manner, C. J. Jerome, Idaho Manning, Warren H. N. Billerica, Ma.s.s.

Marshall, F. F. R. 1, Grove City Marso, J. P. Canby Mayo, Dr. C. H. Rochester Melgaard, H. L. Argyle Melinat, Rev. Max. Odessa Miller, Albert R. 7, Box 24, Cannon Falls Mohr, C. J. Rapidan Mo, Hans Sleepy Eye Moorhead, W. W. Bethany, Mo.

Mosbaek, Ludvig Askov Moyer, L. R. Montevideo Mueller, Paul L. 4845 Bryant S., Mpls.

Mazey, E. H. 3029 Ewing Ave., Mpls.

McComb, Richard Antler, Sask.

McCulley, Preston Maple Plain McKibben, A. T. Ramey McKisson, G. D. Fairmont McKusick, John C. Marble McLeague, Rev. P. Stewart McVeety, J. A. Howard Lake McClelland, L. E. R. 3, Hopkins McKesson, J. H. 5106 S. Lyndale Ave., Mpls.

McCall, Prof. Thos. M. Crookston McConnell, Roy E. St. Cloud

Nehring, Edward Stillwater Nelson, A. A., Jr. 3222 16th Ave. S., Mpls.

Nelson, B. F. 1125 5th St. S. E., Mpls.

Nelson, John A. R. 2, Maynard Noren, Geo. Chisago City Norwood, F. F. Balaton Nussbaumer, Fred St. Paul Nelson, Iver Cottonwood Newman, G. A. 410 W. Olive St., Stillwater Norling, A. L. Elbow Lake Negstad, A. L. R. 5, Arlington, S. D.

O'Connor, Patrick H. 1219 5th Ave. N., Mpls.

Older, C. E. Luverne Onstine, Frank A. Harmony Ortmann, Rev. Anselm Richmond Orton, C. J. Marietta O'Callaghan, J. Eden Valley Oyen, O. J. Watson Older, F. E. 1127 N. Alexandria Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

Pattridge, C. A. Comfrey Paulson, Johannes Sta. F, Richfield, Mpls.

Pederson, J. S. Walnut Grove Peet, Wm. Boston Blk., Mpls.

Peterson, Geo. A. Canby Peterson, J. G. Kensington Peterson, K. K. Rothsay Peterson, R. M., Office of Markets Dept. of Agri., Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C.

Peterson, W. A. Mandan, N. D.

Peterson, Wm. A. 3400 Peterson Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Pfaender, Max Mandan, N. D.

Pond, H. H. Sta. F, R. 3, Mpls.

Pond, I. W. Madelia Poore, Hamlin V. 817 10th Ave. S. E., Mpls.

Pracna, Frank 236 Delmas Ave., San Jose, Cal.

Prosser, E. M. Gully Perry, A. G. Care Butler Bros., Mpls.

Quammen, Ole S. Lemmon, S. D.

Randall, E. W. 315 Commerce Bldg., St. Paul Rennacker, C. J. Detroit Regeimbal, L. O.

Roberts, Dr. T. S. 2303 Pleasant Ave. S., Mpls.

Rood, A. J. Spring Grove Rowe, Chas. R. 3, Excelsior Ruff, D. W. C. 732 Globe Bldg., St. Paul Rydeen, Arthur R. Marietta Rice, J. A. Renville Rolf, Rev. W. F. R. 4, Sturgis, Mich.

Reil, John H. Brownton Raymond, E. A. Wayzata Robinson, S. Roe 2217 Colfax Ave. S., Mpls.

Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Part 107

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