Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Part 99

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Bawden, Mrs. J. 831 W. 7th St., Duluth Bauer, Edward Cove Bayly, Mrs. J. W. 2419 E. 2nd St., Duluth Benke, Albert Dent Berlin, A. N. Crystal Lake, Ill.

Berkner, Alfred Sleepy Eye, Ill.

Bender, Louis Wheaton Berstrand, Dr. J. G. Menahga Bergman, Mrs. Wm. Comfrey Berdahl, A. A. Gernmell Biermann, Henry Glencoe Bisanz, Rudolph 1505 E. 24th St., Mpls.

Bickert, W. J. Washburn, N. D.

Biggs, S. Elizabeth Fairmount, N. D.

Bisbee, Clinton West Sumner, Me.

Bierwirth, Paul 1021 Winslow Ave., W. St. Paul Billings, H. H. Pine Island Bixly, Henry N. Richville Bimebsero, W. A. Hinton, Ia.

Bittner, Geo. J. R. 2, Winona Bill, Ambrose 984 Gorman Ave., W. St. Paul Bjornlie, Thorwald Madison Bjornberg, G. J. Willmar Bjeldanes, N. H. Madison Blaker, Rev. C. D. 4420 Grimes Ave., Mpls.

Blakestad, L Lyle Blackmore, Hon. J. C. Christchurch, N. Z.

Bluhm, A. G. Biscay Blessing, David S. 4 N. Court St., Harrisburg, Pa.

Black, G. D. Independence, Ia.

Blomberg, Fred Crosby Blair, D. L. Winnebago Blodgett, Mrs. H. A. 856 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul Bloomer, Ed Sherburn Blombeck, Alfred Eagle Bend Blodgett, Mrs. F. S. 330 W. 3rd St., St. Paul Blase, Fred So. St. Paul Blackstad, Rudolph St. James Blaker, M. H. Palmyra, N. Y.

Blood, Oscar F. Worthington Bly, C. W. Osakis Blair, Frank D. 26 Court House, Mpls.

Blodgett, P. L. 2913 Emerson So., Mpls.

Blazing, G. M. Deer River Bjork, Fred Buffalo Bjorge, Henry O. Lake Park Bjordal, Einar Wild Rice, N. D.

Bosshard, Herman Moorhead Boardman, Mrs. H. A 1336 River Blvd., St. Paul Bollmann, Paul Balaton Boline, J. A. Clarissa Boelk, Ferd Lansing Bock, John Born, Otto G. So. St. Paul Bongie, Louis Bradley St. Sta., St. Paul Bofferding, W. H. 1423 N. Emerson, Mpls.

Boeglin, Louis Park Greenhouses, 38th & Bryant, Mpls.

Borland, Robt. Excelsior Boll, Jos. St. Bonifacius Bondeson, Wm. Walnut Grove Bodreen, Chas. J. Stillwater, R. 1, Box 6 Bottenmiller, L. H. Bertha Bondhus, Thos. Storden Bothun, B. E. Thief River Falls Borreseh, Rev. Father Caledonia Borning, B. J. Echo, R. 2 Borgendale, H. L. Madison Boman, A. 2018 W. Supr. St., Duluth Boone, C. L. Care of Chase Bros. Co., Rochester, N.Y.

Borchardt, A. W. Bellingham Booth, Wm. Eagle Bend Bosin, Mrs. F. W. Rapidan Borgerding, John Freeport Boraas, Julius 1319 E. Franklin, Mpls.

Boche, Herman H. Sunfish Rd. and Butler Ave., W. St. Paul Botsford, F. P. Gilbert Boerger, Wm. A. St. Cloud Bowman, Dr. F. C. 119 6th Ave. W., Duluth Boyington, Mrs. R. P. Nemadji Bove, Peter St. F, R. 4, Mpls.

Boyd, J. B. Willmar Bowen, Walter S. 347 Wabasha St., St. Paul Boysen, P. B. Steen Bozja, Rev. Vincent Morgan Boyd, Montelle M. Stephen Boyum, Iver A. Northfield Bourduas, Frank 933 So. Robert St., W. St. Paul Bowman, Mary Rothsay Boxlang, Mrs. B. J. Kenyon Boysen, Dr. Pelican Rapids Boyd, Byron Long Prairie Bovay, Arthur G. Lakefield Boswell, L. R. Mpls. Paper Co., Mpls.

Brandt, P. C. Morris Brandt, P. A. Erskine Brand, A. M. Faribault Bradrud, Albert Spring Valley Braden, Mrs. Chas. E. 450 McKnight Bldg., Mpls.

Brakke, Albert Wild Rice, N.D.

Bradley, Geo. J. Norwood Bradbury, W. W. 1724 E. 3rd St., Duluth Brander, Mrs. J. R. 3, Hopkins Brabetz, N. F. 915 3rd Ave. So., Mpls.

Brawnell, T. G. Grand Meadow Bratan, F. M. Grand Meadow Bray, N. J. Hovland Bradford, F. H. Farmington Bradley, Wm. Montpelier, N. D.

Brainard, Harold Turtle River Bradley, Wilson Deerwood Brevig, A. L. Starbuck Briggs, H. W. Sanborn Briggs, Geo. A. St. Peter Bremer, John Lake City Bringmeier, Fred J. Ca.s.s Lake Brevig, C. L. Starbuck Breyer, P. P. 3318 4th St. No., Mpls.

Brierley, Prof. W. D. Univ. Farm, St. Paul Bren, Daniel Hopkins Bredvold, Martin Greenbush Bren, Rev. Jos. Hopkins Brinkmann, Henry W. Glencoe Breening, H. C. Balaton Bremer, Leslie Cannon Falls Brimeyer, H. Slayton Brewer, I. C. St. Charles Bren, Adolph Hopkins Brewer, W. W. Orisko, N. D.

Bren, Geo. J. Hopkins Bren, Jos. S. Hopkins Bren, Frank E. Hopkins Brinkman, Wm. 407 Erie St., St. Paul Breide, Fred Deer River Brown, Frank Paynesville Brown, Mrs. G. T. 646 Hague Ave., St. Paul Broberg, Peter New London Broman, Aug. At.w.a.ter Brunkow, Chas. A. Delano Brown, Aug. Winthrop Broden, Gust A. Murdock Brown, H. A. Brownsdale Brown, John A. Windom Brummer, Henry W. Renville Bruns, Henry Excelsior Brooks, W. W. Long Prairie Brogren, Olof Willmar Brownlie, J. Roy Care of Flathead Natl. Bk., Kalispell, Mont.

Brodalen, H. A. Pelican Rapids Brown, A. F. 2120 Como Ave., W. St. Paul Brown, Clarence Z. 610 N. Y. Life, Mpls.

Brown, Mrs. G. W. St. Louis Park Brown, Chas. G. Paynesville Broman, Axel Milaca Broker, Mrs. H. A. Collegeville Brodalen, G. A. Ottosen, Iowa Brumpton, Wm. Shevlin Bugbie, A. E. Paynesville Buchanan, D. P. Shoshone, Cal.

Buhler, E. O. Capitol, St. Paul Bue, Thos. 3138 22nd Ave. S., Mpls.

Buehler, John G. 434 Main St. N. E., Mpls.

Buchloz, Aug. Oss...o...b..ll, M. Royal Crown Soap Co., Winnipeg, Man.

Bull, Geo. N. 4116 8th St. W., Calgary, Alta.

Bullard, W. H. 95 E. 6th St., St. Paul Buol, Peter Wabasha Buckeye, J. Lakefield Bunn, T. H. Pine Island Brombach, Jos. 3010 15th Ave. So., Mpls.

Brown, R. A. Lakefield Brown, Rev. Geo. W. Wilson, Wis.

Brown, Clarence J. 629 Sec. Bk. Bldg., Mpls.

Brown, Mrs. J. F. 2412 Garfield, So., Mpls.

Brooker, H. W. Sauk Center Burkee, John A. Roseau Burnette, W. J. 1405 Como Ave. S. E., Mpls.

Burow, W. P. La Crescent Burns, Mark. Ca.s.s Lake Burfield, Geo. E. Shevlin Burns, Chris Ca.s.s Lake Burke, T. J. Bemidji Burrows, Mrs. A. L., Box 355, White Bear Burbeck, E. W. 106 E. Winona St., Duluth Burquist, A. E. Lindstrom Burnett, John Torrey Bldg., Duluth Burns, John J. Hopkins Burkhard, Miss L. S. White Bear Lake Burness, B. 328 Security Bk. Bldg., Mpls.

Burch, Edward P. 1729 James So., Mpls.

Burch, Frank E. 754 Linwood Place, St. Paul Busch, Fred Lyndale Ave. S. and 50th St., Mpls.

Bussey, L. M. 1814 Hamline Ave. S. E., Mpls.

b.u.t.trud, Mrs. J. H. 51 Luverne Ave., Mpls.

Busch, Bernh. Lyndale Ave. S. and 50th St., Mpls.

Buth & Co., W. F. 298 Univ. Ave., St. Paul b.u.t.terfield, F. J. Long Lake Bussey, W. H. 511 Beacon St., Mpls.

Bute, Chas M. R. 4, Jackson Bush, O. D. Barron, Wis.

Byrnes, Dr. W. J. 207 Masonic Temple, Mpls.

Bye, C. M. New Brighton Bye, J. T. R. 1, New Brighton Byrne, Mrs. M. E. 6544 Fafayette Ave., Chicago Cairns, Miss Gertrude M. Ellsworth, Wis.

Cant, W. A. Duluth Campbell, E. R. Excelsior Carniff, Mrs. Laura J. 185 W. Brompton St., W. St. Paul Canning, Richard Orchard Gardens, Mpls.

Cadoo, H.T. 988 Gorman Ave., W. St. Paul Campbell, Mrs. B. B. Sta. F., Mpls.

Cadwell, B. D. Hastings, Box 295 Callahan, John St. Charles Campbell, H. E. H. Willmar Cameron, John A. 2503 Lyndale No., Mpls.

Campbell, D. G. 959 26th Ave. N.E., Mpls.

Cady, E. N. Lewiston Cannon, Mrs. Newton Superior, Wis., 1517 John Ave.

Campbell, Mrs. H. A. 55 E. 4th St., St. Paul Carlson, C. H. Fertile Carmen, C. A. Hankinson, N. D.

Carruthers, J. T. Willmar Carlson, And. Grandy Carey, Geo. W. Lidgerwood, N.D.

Carlson, C. W. Mound Carpenter, F. H. 121 W. Franklin, Mpls.

Carlson, John Care of Carlson & Ha.s.slen, Ortonville Carnahan, E. J. Longville Carter, A. N. Howard Lake Carlson, Mrs. Wm. 6005 London R., Duluth Carpenter, M. B. Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul Carlson, Peter Mohall, N. D.

Carlson, J. A. 3410 18th Ave. S., Mpls.

Carlson, Rev. C. W. 711 10th Ave. So., Mpls.

Carlson, John Kimball Carlson, Oscar 2739 15th Ave. S., Mpls.

Carlson, Axel Manhattan Bldg., Fergus Falls Carll, Norman Waltham Carlson, G. D. R. 2, Buffalo Carlson, Janas R. 2, Esmond, N. D.

Cary, H. E. Jenkins Carey, Mrs. F. R. R. 2, Robbinsdale Carr, M. J. 682 Stryker Ave., St. Paul Carver, J. 2312 17th Ave. So., Mpls.

Carlson, Mrs. Jno. R. 3, Hopkins Carribou, Farris Twig Carlson, G. C. Tower Carlson, J. 3402 Cedar Ave So., Mpls.

Catlin, T. J., M.D. Palisade Cash, W. H. H. New Lisbon, Wis.

Case, L. S. 1413 Merc. Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Paul Cedergren. E. A. Lindstrom Cecil, R. E. Gen. Del., McKeesport, Pa.

Cecka, John Lonsdale Charlson, S. Dennison Chamberlain, V. M. Spring Valley Chalberg, Chas. Kandiyohi Chapman, C. P. Dent Chatfield, Mrs. E. C. Mound Chase, Jas. J. Farmington Chamberlain, W. D. Albert Lea Chapman, Ed. A. Redwood Falls Chamberlain, Louis M. 54th St. and Pillsbury, Mpls.

Charlton, R. 2049 Robinson, Regina, Sask.

Chapman, Sidney 158 E. Haskel St., W. St. Paul Charvat, Frank Brocket, N. D.

Chapman, R. W. Plainview Chase, Mrs. A. G. Faribault Chaffee, H. L. Amenia, N. D.

Chamber of Commerce Brainerd Cheney, W. H. Olivia Christopherson, K. O. Zumbrota Christopherson, Chris Camden Place, Mpls.

Cherney, J. W. Winslow and Arion Sts., W. St. Paul Chrystoph, John 525 2d St., Hudson, Wis.

Chrudinsky, Mrs. Robt. J. Lakewood Chinn, W. P. Care Ella Mine, Gilbert Chinlund, H. A. 13th & S. Park St., Red Wing Cheyney, Prof. E. G. Univ. Farm, St. Paul Chute, L. P. Chute Bldg., Mpls.

Cheney, Mrs. W. B. 4237 Washburn Ave., Mpls.

Christman, W. F. 3804 5th Ave. S., Mpls.

Christiansen, Peder C. Dagoner, Mont.

Christenson, Chris R. 3, Box 39, Albert Lea Chradle, Mrs. W. E. Cleveland Chermack, W. R. Hopkins Christie, R. G. Canby Cherveny, John J. Zimmerman Chelmen, B. E. Georgeville Christenson, Abraham Deerwood Christenson, C. G. Deerwood Christopherson, Chas. G. 4116 45th Ave. S., Mpls.

Cherveny, Joe Zimmerman Christenson, Miss Nancy Mandan, N. D.

Chemak, Otto R. 1, Hopkins Christian, Jas. Sherburn Christensen, M. 951 Goff Ave., W. St. Paul Christensen, Aug. Little Falls Cherry, M. M. N. St. Paul Cinkl, Albert Blooming Prairie Child, F. S. R. 1, Hopkins Christy Color Printing Eng., Inc. 179 St. Paul St., Rochester, N.Y.

Clemons, L. A. Storm Lake, Ia.

Clarkson, Stewart F. St. Charles Clausen, P. Albert Lea Cleator, Frederic W. Forest Service, Republic, Wash.

Cleator, W. P. 1400 Wash. Ave. N., Mpls.

Clark, Mrs. A. Y. Box 237, White Bear Clague, Frank Redwood Falls Clark, R. J. Eden Prairie Clementsen, Nels Fertile Clausen, T. A. Lakesh.o.r.e Greenhouses, Albert Lea Clark, Geo. S. 27 5th Ave. S., St. Cloud Clement, C. C. Mosier, Oregon Clapp, Edw. S. 770 Hamline Ave., N. St. Paul Clark, Jas. Williams Clark, Newell E. 5030 Emerson S., Mpls.

Clark, E. E. Eden Prairie Clark, H. B. Pine Island Clausen, Hans Sleepy Eye Clum, Miss K. M. R. 4, St. Paul Clark, D. F. 2110 Bryant S., Mpls.

Cleveland, Henry 603 15th Ave. E., Duluth Colling, Jas. H. Inkster, N. D.

Coffin, W. F. Homer Converse, T. R. Stillwater Constance, Wm. Hopkins Colburn, Otis L. Excelsior Congdon, John S. R. 5, Box 83 Fort Collins, Colo.

Colb, John F. 3442 20th Ave. S., Mpls.

Coffin, E. C. 2449 Garfield Ave., Mpls.

Colban, Walter H. 307 4th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Coffman, G. W. Wadena Conrad, Maud A. Montevideo Congdon, J. W. 2620 Blaisdell, Mpls.

Colburn, G. B. R. 6, St. Cloud Conklin, Marion Jamestown, N. D.

Coffron, Geo. Box 74, Biwabik Cole, Geo. Penturen Conners, J. B. Hibbing Collins, J. C. Mound c.o.c.ker, Walter Lanesboro Colby, F. L. Enfield, N. H.

Conrad, Emil R.R., Collis Commandros, Tom Golden Rule Floral Dept., St. Paul Colman, I. W. 519 11th Ave. S.E., Mpls.

Coleman, D. A. R. 2, Aitkin Constance, Geo. I. c.u.mberland, Wis.

Coffey, Mrs. J. A. Jamestown, N. D.

Cobb, E. R. 175 E. Winona St., Duluth Cook, A. D. 225 Kasota Blk., Mpls.

Corser, Fred 615 James N., Mpls.

Cornwell, E. C. Minnesota City Cornell, T. H. 815 Fidelity Bldg., Duluth Cornetinson, C. O. Watson Cook, Geo. Menahga Cooper, Mrs. D. H. Winnipeg, Man.

Cook, Geo. H. Care Golden Rule, Red Wing Cook, E. W. Cleveland Corwin, Ellis Cove Cornwell, L. L. Pine Island Cornell Univ. Library Ithaca, N.Y.

Crowe, W. H. Osakis Crowell, Dr. I. G. Sh.e.l.l Lake, Wis.

Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Part 99

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