Mediaeval Tales Part 26

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2. Further, anything that he desired of him, he should bring him.

3. Also that in all Faustus's demands and interrogations, the spirit should tell him nothing but that which was true.

Hereupon the spirit answered, and laid his case forth, that he had no such power of himself until he had first given his prince (that was ruler over him) to understand thereof, and to know if he could obtain so much of his lord: "Therefore speak farther, that I may do thy whole desire to my prince; for it is not in my power to fulfil without his leave."

"Show me the cause why?" said Faustus.

The spirit answered Faustus: "Thou shalt understand, that with us it is even as well a kingdom as with you on earth; yea, we have our rulers and servants, as I myself am one; and we have our whole number the legion, for although that Lucifer is thrust and fallen out of heaven, through his pride and high mind, yet he hath notwithstanding a legion of devils at his command, that we call the Oriental Princes, for his power is infinite; also there is a power in meridie, in septentrio, in occidente, and for that Lucifer hath his kingdom under heaven; we must change and give ourselves to men, to serve them at their pleasure. It is also certain, we have not as yet opened to any man the truth of our dwelling, neither of our ruling, neither what our power is; neither have we given any man any gift, or learned him anything, except he promise to be ours."

Dr. Faustus upon this arose where he sat, and said, "I will have my request, and yet I will not be d.a.m.ned."

The spirit answered: "Then shalt thou want thy desire, and yet art thou mine notwithstanding; if any men would detain thee, it is but in vain, for thy infidelity hath confounded thee."

Hereupon spake Faustus: "Get thee hence from me, and take St. Valentine's farewell, and Crisman with thee; yet I conjure thee, that thou be here at evening, and bethink thyself of what I have asked thee; ask thy prince's counsel therein."

Mephistophiles the spirit, thus answered, vanished away, leaving Faustus in his study, where he sat pondering with himself how he might obtain his request of the devil, without the loss of his soul; yet he was fully resolved in himself, rather than to want his pleasure, to do what the spirit and his lord should condition upon.


_The second Time of the Spirit's appearing to Faustus at his House, and their Parley._

Faustus continued in his devilish cogitations, never moving out of the place where the spirit left him, such was his fervent love to the devil; the night approaching, this swift-flying spirit appeared to Faustus, offering himself with all submission to his service, with full authority from his prince, to do whatsoever he would request; if so be Faustus would promise to be his. "This answer I bring thee, an answer must thou make by me again: yet I will hear what is thy desire, because thou hast sworn to me to be here at this time."

Dr. Faustus gave him this answer, though faintly for his soul's sake, that his request was none other, but to become a devil, or at least a limb of him, and that the spirit should agree to these articles following:

1. That he might be a spirit in shape and quality.

2. That Mephistophiles should be his servant at his command.

3. That Mephistophiles should bring him anything, and do for him whatsoever he desired.

4. That all times he would be in the house invisible to all men, except only to himself, and at his command to show himself.

5. That Mephistophiles should at all times appear at his command, in what form or shape soever he would.

Upon these points the spirit answered Dr. Faustus. That all this should be granted him, and fulfilled, and more if he would agree unto him upon certain articles as followeth:

1. That Dr. Faustus should give himself to the lord Lucifer, body and soul.

2. For confirmation of the same, he should make him a writing written in his own blood.

3. That he would be an enemy to all Christian people.

4. That he would deny the Christian belief.

5. That he let not any man change his opinion, if so be any man should go about to dissuade or withdraw him from it.

Farther the spirit promised Faustus to give him certain years to live in health and pleasure, and when such years were expired, that then Faustus would be fetched away; and if he would hold these articles and conditions, that then he should have whatsoever his heart would wish or desire; and that Faustus should quickly perceive himself to be a spirit in all manner of actions whatsoever. Hereupon Dr. Faustus's mind was inflamed, that he forgot his soul, and promises Mephistophiles to hold all things as he mentioned them: he thought the devil was not so black as they used to paint him, nor h.e.l.l so hot as the people say.


_The third Parley between Dr. Faustus and Mephistophiles about a Conclusion._

After Dr. Faustus had made his promise to the devil, in the morning betimes he called the spirit before him, and commanded him, that he should always come to him like a friar, after the order of St. Francis, with a bell in his hand like St. Anthony, and to ring it once or twice before he appeared, that he might know of his certain coming: then Faustus demanded of his spirit what was his name?

The spirit answered, "My name is as thou sayest, Mephistophiles, and I am a prince, but a servant to Lucifer, and all the circuit from septentrio to the meridian, I rule under him."

Even at these words was this wicked wretch Faustus inflamed, to hear himself to have gotten so great a potentate to serve him, forgetting the Lord his Maker, and Christ his Redeemer, he became an enemy to all mankind; yea, worse than the giants, whom the poets said to climb the hills to make war with the G.o.ds, not unlike the enemy of G.o.d and Christ, that for his pride was cast into h.e.l.l; so likewise Faustus forgot, that high climbers catch the greatest falls, and sweet meats have oft sourest sauce.

After a while Faustus promised Mephistophiles to write and make his obligation with all a.s.surance of the articles in the chapter before rehea.r.s.ed: a pitiful case, Christian reader, for certainly this letter or obligation was found in his house, after his most lamentable end, with all the rest of his d.a.m.nable practices used in his whole life.

Wherefore I wish all Christians to take example by this wicked doctor, and to be comforted in Christ, concerning themselves with that vocation whereunto it has pleased G.o.d to call them, and not so esteem the vain delights of this life as did this unhappy Faustus in giving his soul to the devil: and to confirm it the more a.s.suredly, he took a small penknife, and p.r.i.c.ked a vein in his left hand, and for certainty thereupon were seen on his hand these words written, as if they had been written in his own blood, O h.o.m.o FUGE; whereat the spirit vanished, but Faustus continued in his d.a.m.nable mind.


_How Dr. Faustus set his Blood in a Saucer on warm Ashes, and writ as followeth:_

I, John Faustus, _doctor, do openly acknowledge with mine own hand, to the great force and strengthening of this letter, that since I began to study, and speculate the course and nature of the elements, I have not found, through the gift that is given me from above, any such learning and wisdom that can bring me to my desire and for that I find that men are unable to instruct me any farther in the matter; now have I, Dr. Faustus, to the h.e.l.lish prince of Orient, and his messenger Mephistophiles, given both body and soul, upon such conditions, that they shall learn me, and fulfil my desires in all things, as they have promised and vowed unto me, with due obedience unto me, according to the articles mentioned between us._

Farther, I do covenant and grant _with them by these presents, that at the end of twenty-four years next ensuing, the date of this present letter, they being expired, and I in the mean time, during the said years, be served of them at my will, they accomplis.h.i.+ng my desires to the full in all points as we are agreed: that then I give to them all power to do with me at their pleasure, to rule, to send, fetch or carry me or mine, be it either body, soul, flesh, blood or goods, into their habitation, be it wheresoever: and hereupon I defy G.o.d and his Christ, all the Host of Heaven, and all living creatures that bear the shape of G.o.d; yea, all that live: And again I say it, and it shall be so, and to the more strengthening of this writing, I have written it with my own hand and blood, being in perfect memory: and hereupon I subscribe to it with my name and t.i.tle, calling all the infernal, middle, and supreme powers to witness of this my letter and subscription._

John Faustus.

_Approved in the elements, and the spiritual doctor._


_How Mephistophiles came for his Writing, and in what manner he appeared, and his Sights he showed him; and how he caused him to keep a Copy of his own Writing._

Dr. Faustus sitting pensive, having but one only boy with him, suddenly there appeared his spirit Mephistophiles in likeness of a very man, from whom issued most horrible fiery flames, insomuch that the boy was afraid, but being hardened by his master, he bid him stand still, and he should have no harm: this spirit began to bleat as in a singing manner.

This pretty sport pleased Dr. Faustus well; but he would not call his spirit into his counting-house until he had seen more. Anon was heard a rus.h.i.+ng of armed men, and trampling of horses; this ceasing, came a kennel of hounds, and they chased a great hart in the hall, and there the hart was slain. Faustus took heart, came forth and looked upon the hart, but presently before him there was a lion and a dragon together, fighting so fiercely, that Faustus thought they would have thrown down the house; but the dragon overcame the lion, and so they vanished. After this came in a peac.o.c.k and peahen; the c.o.c.k, bruising of his tail, turning to the female, beat her, and so vanished. Afterward followed a furious bull, that with a full fierceness ran upon Faustus, but coming near him vanished away. Afterward followed a great old ape; this ape offered Faustus the hand, but he refused; so the ape ran out of the hall again. Hereupon fell a mist in the hall, that Faustus saw no light, but it lasted not; and so soon as it was gone, there lay before Faustus two great sacks, one full of gold, another of silver.

Lastly, was heard by Faustus all manner of instruments of music, as organs, clarigolds, lutes, viols, citterns, waits, hornpipes, flutes, anomes, harps, and all manner of other instruments, which so ravished his mind, that he thought he had been in another world, forgot both body and soul, insomuch that he was minded never to change his opinion concerning that which he had done.

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