Complete Short Stories of Miss Marple Part 21
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She thereupon departed, Mary standing politely by the door holding a piece of striped rock with a completely expressionless face.
For ten days longer St. Mary Mead had to endure hearing of the excellencies of Miss Lavinia's and Miss Emily's treasure. On the eleventh day the village awoke to its big thrill. Mary, the paragon, was missing! Her bed had not been slept in and the front door was found ajar. She had slipped out quietly during the night.
And not Mary alone was missing! Two brooches and five rings of Miss Lavinia's, three rings, a pendant, a bracelet, and four brooches of Miss Emily's were missing also! It was the beginning of a chapter of catastrophe.
Young Mrs. Devereux had lost her diamonds which she kept in an unlocked drawer and also some valuable furs given to her as a wedding present. The judge and his wife also had had jewellery taken and a certain amount of money.
Mrs. Carmichael was the greatest sufferer. Not only had she some very valuable jewels, but she also kept a large sum of money in the flat which had gone. It had been Janet's evening out and her mistress was in the habit of walking round the gardens at dusk, calling to the birds and scattering crumbs. It seemed clear that Mary, the perfect maid, had had keys to fit all the flats!
There was, it must be confessed, a certain amount of ill-natured pleasure in St. Mary Mead. Miss Lavinia had boasted so much of her marvellous Mary. 'And all the time, my dear, just a common thief' Interesting revelation followed. Not only had Mary disappeared into the blue, but the agency which had provided her and vouched for her credentials was alarmed to find that the Mary Higgins who had applied to them and whose references they had taken up had, to all intents and purposes, never existed. It was the name of a bona fide servant who had lived with the bona fide sister of a dean, but the real Mary Higgins was existing peacefully in a place in Cornwall.
'Clever, the whole thing,' Inspector Slack was forced to admit. 'And, if you ask me, that woman works in with a gang. There was a case of much the same kind in Northumberland a year ago. Stuff was never traced and they never caught her. However, we'll do better than that in Much Benham!'
Inspector Slack was always a confident man. Nevertheless, weeks pa.s.sed and Mary Higgins remained triumphantly at large. In vain Inspector Slack redoubled that energy that so belied his name.
Miss Lavinia remained tearful. Miss Emily was so upset and felt so alarmed by her condition that she actually sent for Dr. Haydock.
The whole of the village was terribly anxious to know what he thought of Miss Emily's claims to ill-health but naturally could not ask him. Satisfactory data came to hand on the subject, however, through Mr. Meek, the chemist's a.s.sistant, who was walking out with Clara, Mrs. Price-Ridley's maid. It was then known that Dr. Haydock had prescribed a mixture of asafoetida and valerian which, according to Mr. Meek, was the stock remedy for malingerers in the army!
Soon afterward it was learned that Miss Emily, not relis.h.i.+ng the medical attention she had had, was declaring that in the state of her health she felt it her duty to be near the specialist in London who understood her case. It was, she said, only fair to Lavinia.
The flat was put up for subletting.
It was a few days after that that Miss Marple, rather pink and fl.u.s.tered, called at the police station in Much Benham and asked for Inspector Slack.
Inspector Slack did not like Miss Marple. But he was aware that the chief constable, Colonel Melchett, did not share that opinion. Rather grudgingly, therefore, he received her.
'Good afternoon, Miss Marple. What can I do for you?'
'Oh, dear,' said Miss Marple, 'I'm afraid you're in a hurry.'
'Lot of work on,' said Inspector Slack, 'but I can spare a few moments.'
'Oh, dear,' said Miss Marple. 'I hope I shall be able to put what I say properly. So difficult, you know, to explain oneself, don't you think? No, perhaps you don't. But you see, not having been educated in the modern style just a governess, you know, who taught one the dates of the Kings of England and General Knowledge and how needles are made and all that. Discursive, you know, but not teaching one to keep to the point. Which is what I want to do. It's about Miss Skinner's maid, Gladys, you know.'
'Mary Higgins,' said Inspector Slack.
'Oh yes, the second maid. But it's Gladys Holmes I mean rather an impertinent girl and far too pleased with herself, but really strictly honest, and it's so important that that should be recognized.'
'No charge against her so far as I know,' said the inspector.
'No, I know there isn't a charge but that makes it worse. Because, you see, people go on thinking things. Oh, dear I knew I should explain badly. What I really mean is that the important thing is to find Mary Higgins.'
'Certainly,' said Inspector Slack. 'Have you any ideas on the subject?'
'Well, as a matter of fact, I have,' said Miss Marple. 'May I ask you a question? Are fingerprints of no use to you?'
'Ah,' said Inspector Slack, 'that's where she was a bit too artful for us. Did most of her work in rubber gloves or housemaid's gloves, it seems. And she'd been careful wiped off everything in her bedroom and on the sink. Couldn't find a single fingerprint in the place!'
'If you did have her fingerprints, would it help?'
'It might, madam. They may be known at the Yard. This isn't her first job, I'd say!'
Miss Marple nodded brightly. She opened her bag and extracted a small cardboard box. Inside it, wedged in cotton wool, was a small mirror.
'From my handbag,' said Miss Marple. 'The maid's prints are on it. I think they should be satisfactory she touched an extremely sticky substance a moment previously.'
Inspector Slack stared. 'Did you get her fingerprints on purpose?'
'Of course.'
'You suspected her then?'
'Well, you know it did strike me that she was a little too good to be true. I practically told Miss Lavinia so. But she simply wouldn't take the hint! I'm afraid, you know, Inspector, that I don't believe in paragons. Most of us have our faults and domestic service shows them up very quickly!'
'Well,' said Inspector Slack, recovering his balance, 'I'm obliged to you, I'm sure. We'll send these up to the Yard and see what they have to say.'
He stopped. Miss Marple had put her head a little on one side and was regarding him with a good deal of meaning.
'You wouldn't consider, I suppose, Inspector, looking a little nearer home?'
'What do you mean, Miss Marple?'
'It's very difficult to explain, but when you come across a peculiar thing you notice it. Although, often, peculiar things may be the merest trifles. I've felt that all along, you know; I mean about Gladys and the brooch. She's an honest girl; she didn't take that brooch. Then why did Miss Skinner think she did? Miss Skinner's not a fool, far from it! Why was she so anxious to let a girl go who was a good servant when servants are hard to get? It was peculiar, you know. So I wondered. I wondered a good deal. And I noticed another peculiar thing! Miss Emily's a hypochondriac, but she's the first hypochondriac who hasn't sent for some doctor or other at once. Hypochondriacs love doctors. Miss Emily didn't!'
'What are you suggesting, Miss Marple?'
'Well, I'm suggesting, you know, that Miss Lavinia and Miss Emily are peculiar people. Miss Emily spends nearly all her time in a dark room. And if that hair of hers isn't a wig, I I'll eat my own back switch! And what I say is this it's perfectly possible for a thin, pale, grey-haired, whining woman to be the same as a black-haired, rosy-cheeked, plump woman. And n.o.body that I can find ever saw Miss Emily and Mary Higgins at one and the same time. 'Plenty of time to get impressions of all the keys, plenty of time to find out all about the other tenants, and then get rid of the local girl. Miss Emily takes a brisk walk across country one night and arrives at the station as Mary Higgins next day. And then, at the right moment, Mary Higgins disappears, and off goes the hue and cry after her. I'll tell you where you'll find her, Inspector. On Miss Emily Skinner's sofa! Get her fingerprints if you don't believe me, but you'll find I'm right! A couple of clever thieves, that's what the Skinners are and no doubt in league with a clever post and rails or fence or whatever you call it. But they won't get away with it this time! I'm not going to have one of our village girl's character for honesty taken away like that! Gladys Holmes is as honest as the day, and everybody's going to know it! Good afternoon'
Miss Marple had stalked out before Inspector Slack had recovered.
'Whew!' he muttered. 'I wonder if she's right.'
He soon found out that Miss Marple was right again. Colonel Melchett congratulated Slack on his efficiency, and Miss Marple had Gladys come to tea with Edna and spoke to her seriously on settling down in a good situation when she got one.
The Case of the Caretaker
'Well,' demanded Doctor Haydock of his patient. 'And how goes it today?'
Miss Marple smiled at him wanly from pillows.
'I suppose, really, that I'm better,' she admitted, 'but I feel so terribly depressed. I can't help feeling how much better it would have been if I had died. After all, I'm an old woman. n.o.body wants me or cares about me.'
Doctor Haydock interrupted with his usual brusqueness. 'Yes, yes, typical after-reaction of this type of flu. What you need is something to take you out of yourself. A mental tonic.'
Miss Marple sighed and shook her head.
'And what's more,' continued Doctor Haydock, 'I've brought my medicine with me!'
He tossed a long envelope on to the bed.
'Just the thing for you. The kind of puzzle that is right up your street.'
'A puzzle?' Miss Marple looked interested.
'Literary effort of mine,' said the doctor, blus.h.i.+ng a little. 'Tried to make a regular story of it. "He said," "she said," "the girl thought," etc. Facts of the story are true.'
'But why a puzzle?' asked Miss Marple.
Doctor Haydock grinned. 'Because the interpretation is up to you. I want to see if you're as clever as you always make out.' With that Parthian shot he departed.
Miss Marple picked up the ma.n.u.script and began to read.
'And where is the bride?' asked Miss Harmon genially.
The village was all agog to see the rich and beautiful young wife that Harry Laxton had brought back from abroad. There was a general indulgent feeling that Harry wicked young scapegrace had had all the luck. Everyone had always felt indulgent towards Harry. Even the owners of windows that had suffered from his indiscriminate use of a catapult had found their indignation dissipated by young Harry's abject expression of regret. He had broken windows, robbed orchards, poached rabbits, and later had run into debt, got entangled with the local tobacconist's daughter been disentangled and sent off to Africa and the village as represented by various ageing spinsters had murmured indulgently. 'Ah, well! Wild oats! He'll settle down!'
And now, sure enough, the prodigal had returned not in affliction, but in triumph. Harry Laxton had 'made good' as the saying goes. He had pulled himself together, worked hard, and had finally met and successfully wooed a young Anglo-French girl who was the possessor of a considerable fortune.
Harry might have lived in London, or purchased an estate in some fas.h.i.+onable hunting county, but he preferred to come back to the pan of the world that was home to him. And there, in the most romantic way, he purchased the derelict estate in the dower house of which he had pa.s.sed his childhood.
Kingsdean House had been unoccupied for nearly seventy years. It had gradually fallen into decay and abandon. An elderly caretaker and his wife lived in the one habitable corner of it. It was a vast, unprepossessing grandiose mansion, the gardens overgrown with rank vegetation and the trees hemming it in like some gloomy enchanter's den.
The dower house was a pleasant, unpretentious house and had been let for a long term of years to Major Laxton, Harry's father. As a boy. Harry had roamed over the Kingsdean estate and knew every inch of the tangled woods, and the old house itself had always fascinated him.
Major Laxton had died some years ago, so it might have been thought that Harry would have had no ties to bring him back nevertheless it was to the home of his boyhood that Harry brought his bride. The ruined old Kingsdean House was pulled down. An army of builders and contractors swooped down upon the place, and in almost a miraculously short s.p.a.ce of time so marvellously does wealth tell the new house rose white and gleaming among the trees.
Next came a posse of gardeners and after them a procession of furniture vans.
The house was ready. Servants arrived. Lastly, a costly limousine deposited Harry and Mrs Harry at the front door.
The village rushed to call, and Mrs Price, who owned the largest house, and who considered herself to lead society in the place, sent out cards of invitation for a party 'to meet the bride'.
It was a great event. Several ladies had new frocks for the occasion. Everyone was excited, curious, anxious to see this fabulous creature. They said it was all so like a fairy story!
Miss Harmon, weather-beaten, hearty spinster, threw out her question as she squeezed her way through the crowded drawing-room door. Little Miss Brent, a thin, acidulated spinster, fluttered out information.
'Oh, my dear, quite charming. Such pretty manners And quite young. Really, you know, it makes one feel quite envious to see someone who has everything like that. Good looks and money and breeding most distinguished, nothing in the least common about her and dear Harry so devoted!'
'Ah,' said Miss Hannon, 'it's early days yet!'
Miss Brent's thin nose quivered appreciatively. '0h, my dear, do you really think '
'We all know what Harry is,' said Miss Harmon.
'We know what he was! But I expect now '
'Ah,' said Miss Harmon, 'men are always the same. Once a gay deceiver, always a gay deceiver. I know them.'
'Dear, dear. Poor young thing.' Miss Brent looked much happier. 'Yes, I expect she'll have trouble with him. Someone ought really to warn her. I wonder if she's heard anything of the old story?
'It seems so very unfair,' said Miss Brent, 'that she should know nothing. So awkward. Especially with only the one chemist's shop in the village.'
For the erstwhile tobacconist's daughter was now married to Mr Edge, the chemist.
'It would be so much nicer,' said Miss Brent, 'if Mrs Laxton were to deal with Boots in Much Benham.'
'I dare say,' said Miss Hannon, 'that Harry Laxton will suggest that himself.'
And again a significant look pa.s.sed between them.
'But I certainly think,' said Miss Harmon, 'that she ought to know.'
'Beasts!' said Clarice Vane indignantly to her uncle, Doctor Haydock. 'Absolute beasts some people are.'
He looked at her curiously.
She was a tall, dark girl, handsome, warm-hearted and impulsive. Her big brown eyes were alight now with indignation as she said, 'All these cats saying things hinting things.'
'About Harry Laxton?'
'Yes, about his affair with the tobacconist's daughter.'
'Oh, that!' The doctor shrugged his shoulders. 'A great many young men have affairs of that kind.'
'Of course they do. And it's all over. So why harp on it? And bring it up years after? It's like ghouls feasting on dead bodies.'
'I dare say, my dear, it does seem like that to you. But you see, they have very little to talk about down here, and so I'm afraid they do tend to dwell upon past scandals. But I'm curious to know why it upsets you so much?'
Clarice Vane bit her lip and flushed. She said, in a curiously m.u.f.fled voice. 'They they look so happy. The Laxtons, I mean. They're young and in love, and it's all so lovely for them. I hate to think of it being spoiled by whispers and hints and innuendoes and general beastliness.'
'H'm. I see.'
Clarice went on. 'He was talking lo me just now. He's so happy and eager and excited and yes, thrilled at having got his heart's desire and rebuilt Kingsdean. He's like a child about it all. And she well, I don't suppose anything has ever gone wrong in her whole life. She's always had everything. You've seen her. What did you think of her?'
The doctor did not answer at once. For other people, Louise Laxton might be an object of envy. A spoiled darling of fortune. To him she had brought only the refrain of a popular song heard many years ago. Poor little rich girl A small, delicate figure, with flaxen hair curled rather stiffly round her face and big, wistful blue eyes.
Louise was drooping a little. The long stream of congratulations had tired her. She was hoping it might soon be time to go. Perhaps, even now. Harry might say so. She looked at him sideways. So tall and broad shouldered with his eager pleasure in this horrible, dull party.
Poor little rich girl 'Ooph!' It was a sigh of relief.
Complete Short Stories of Miss Marple Part 21
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