The Forest of Dean Part 20
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"The names of the officers belonging to his Mties fforrest of Deane in Com' Glouc., viz., the Earle of Pembrooke is now High Cunstable of the same fforest. William Winter and Roger Myners, Esqrs, or one of them, is deputie Cunstable to the said Earle, & they keepe Courtes every 3 weeks at St Breuilles, and allso every 6 weekes at the Speach House, or Court of Attachment wthin the same fforrest. William Carpenter is Steward of St Breuills Courtes & the said Speach Court or Attachementes courtes.
Robert Bridgeman is Bailiff for all the said Courtes, and allso in all the liberties in the said fforrest, and James Yennys is his deputie Bayliff. Md every tenantes & the borderers doe take tymber for their buildings as allso hedge woods to inclose their own groundes, & take fyring at their pleasure wthin the fforrest, & sell their owne woodes and the woodes of the landes wthin mentioned, to the great spoile of the Kinge's woodes wthin the said fforrest."
No. II.
One of the Dean Forest Claims, put in at the Justice Seat, held in Gloucester Castle, 10 Chas. I.
Clamea posita in Itinere Forestae de Deane tento apud Castrum Glouc. in com. Glouc. die Iovis decimo die Iulij anno Regni Domini Caroli nunc Regis Angliae decimo coram Henrico Comite de Holland praen.o.bilis Ordinis Garterii Milite Capitali Just.i.tiario ac Just.i.tiariis Itinerantibus omnium Forestarum Chacearum parcorum et warrennarum Domini Regis citra Trentam.
(18) Foresta de Deane in Comitatu Glouc.Et modo ad hanc curiam venit Willielmus Skynne, per Edwardum Offley attornatum suum, et dicit quod ipse est seisitus de antiquo mesuagio in Plattwell in parochia de Newland et de viginti acris terrae prati et pasturae et de diversis horreis stabulis, Anglice barnes Stables, et aliis necessariis edificiis super terram praedictam ab antiquo edificatis in parochia de Newland infra Forestam de Deane praedictam in dominico suo ut de feodo, et pro se et haeredibus suis clamat has libertates privilegia et franchesias sequentia tanquam ad mesuagium terram pratum et pasturam et caetera edificia praedicta pertinentia et spectantia, videlicet pro necessaria reedificatione et reparatione dicti mesuagii sui et aliorum antiquorum edificiorum suorum super terram et tenementa sua praedicta existentium, quod ipse per visum et allocationem forestariorum et viridariorum Forestae praedictae de bosco et maeremio domini Regis super vasta et communia Forestae praedictae crescentibus de tempore in tempus capere et percipere potest. Et quod forestarii et viridarii Forestae praedictae post requisitionem per ipsum Willielmum Skynne eisdem factam apud Curiam domini Regis infra Forestam praedictam tentam vocatam Le Speech Court, debent ire videre et appunctuare bosc.u.m et maeremium in vastis et communibus Forestae praedictae sic ut praefertur crescentia praedictis necessariis reedificationibus et reparationibus suis dicti mesuagii et aliorum edificiorum suorum supradictorum et eidem Willielmo Skynne inde allocationem facere. Clamat etiam pro necessariis estoveriis suis in dicto antiquo mesuagio comburendis et expendendis ad libitum suum capere de mortuis et siccis arboribus dicti domini Regis in vastis et communibus locis Forestae praedictae existentibus. Clamat etiam communiam pasturae in omnibus locis apertis et communicalibus Forestae praedictae pro omnibus averiis suis communicalibus super terras et tenementa sua praedicta levantibus et cubantibus omnibus anni temporibus (mense solummodo excepto). Clamat etiam habere p.a.w.nagium pro omnibus porcis suis super terras et tenementa sua praedicta levantibus et cubantibus in omnibus vastis Forestae praedictae tempore p.a.w.nagii, Reddendo domino Regi annuatim summam unius denarii pro p.a.w.nagio praedicto per nomen de Swinesilver et non amplius. Et pro t.i.tulo ad has libertates privilegia et franchesias sic ut praefertur superius per ipsum clamata, idem Willielmus Skynne ulterius dicit quod ipse et omnes antecessores sui et omnes illi quorum statum ipse nunc habet in mesuagio terra et tenementis supradictis a tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non exist.i.t in contrarium usi fuerunt et consueverunt de tempore in tempus facere sectam ad Curiam dicti domini Regis et praedecessorum suorum Regum et Reginarum Angliae apud Castrum suum Sancti Briavelli de tribus septimanis in tres septimanas, ac etiam annuatim solvere feodo firmario domini Regis Forestae praedictae pro tempore existenti vel ejus ballivo redditum octo solidorum et octo denariorum ad usum dicti domini Regis. Ac etiam annuatim solvere dicto feodo firmario vel ejus ballivo summam unius denarii in nomine de Swinesilver ad usum dicti domini Regis. Et quod ipse praefatus Willielmus Skynne et omnes antecessores et omnes ili quorum statum ipse nunc habet in mesuagio terris et tenementis supradictis ratione soctae ad Curiam dicti domini Regis et redditus octo solidorum et octo denariorum praedictorum ac summae unius denarii in nomine de Swinesilver sic ut praefertur per ipsum de tempore in tempus domino Regi factorum et solutorum usi fuerunt et a toto praedicto tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non exist.i.t in contrarium uti consueverunt omnibus et singulis libertatibus privilegiis et franchesiis modo et forma prout per ipsum Willielmum Skynne superius sunt clamata tanquam ad praedictum mesuagium terras et tenementa praedicta spectantia et pertinentia, et eis omnibus et singulis juxta vim formam et effectum clamei sui praedicti usi fuerunt, et idem Willielmus Skynne adhuc ut.i.tur prout ei bene licet. Et hoc paratus est verificare prout curia consideraverit unde idem Willielmus Skynne pet.i.t praedicta libertates privilegia et franchesias hic ut praefertur per ipsum superius clamata sibi et haeredibus suis allocari juxta clameum suum praedictum.
No. III.
An Account of the Admeasurement of Trees in Dean Forest; viz., A, an Oak near the Woodman's in Shutcastle; B, "Jack of the Yat," an Oak Tree on the Coleford and Mitcheldean Road; C, a large Oak in Sallow Vallets; D, an Oak which appears to be formed of two Oaks grown together, on the Lodge Hill, 300 yards west of York Lodge; E, a black Italian Poplar in the Garden at Whitemead. All taken at six feet from the ground.
[NOTE: In each table, Inc = Increase in Size.]
A B C D E {265} {265a} {265b} Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Ft.ins ins Ft.ins ins Ft.ins ins Ft.ins ins Ft.ins ins Oct 3 9 - - - - - - - - - 1814 ,, 3 1.625 - - - - 17 2 - - - 1816 10.625 ,, 3 1 - - - - 17 3 1 0 - 1818 11.625 11.5 ,, 4 1.25 - - - - 17 4.125 - - 1820 0.825 7.125 ,, 4 1.75 - - - - 18 5.125 - - 1822 2.625 0.25 ,, 4 4.5 1.825 - - - - 18 3.5 - - 1824 3.75 ,, 4 5.5 1 - - - - 18 6 - - 1826 9.75 ,, 4 8 2.5 - - - - 18 2 - - 1828 11.75 ,, 4 10 2 - - 12 - 19 0.75 4 3 - 1830 4.5 0.5 ,, 4 0.75 - - - - 19 1.25 - - 1832 10.75 1.75 ,, 4 0.5 - - - - 19 4 2.25 6 - 1834 11.25 1.75 ,, 5 0 0.75 - - - - 19 9 5 6 9 7.25 1836 ,, 5 0.75 17 9 12 6 20 2 5 7 3.5 1838 0.75 10.5 0.5 ,, 5 1 0.25 17 10 1 12 0.25 20 4 2 7 7 6.5 1840 10.75 ,, 5 0.25 17 1.25 12 0.75 20 8 4 8 0 5 1842 1.25 11.25 11.5 ,, 5 3.5 2.25 18 3.5 13 1 1.5 - - 8 10 10 1844 2.75 ,, 5 1.25 18 0.75 13 1.5 21 0 4 9 5.25 1846 4.75 3.5 2.5 3.25 ,, 5 6 1.25 18 1.75 13 4 1.5 21 4 4 9 10 6.75 1848 5.25 ,, 5 6.5 0.5 18 6 0.75 13 0.75 21 2.5 10 2 4 1850 4.75 6.5 ,, 5 7 0.5 18 0.5 13 0.5 21 8 1.5 10 8 6 1852 6.5 5.25 ,, cut - 18 0.75 13 2.75 21 10 2 11 6.5 1854 down 7.25 7.5 2.5
An Account of the Admeasurement of several Oak Trees in the Bailey Copse (North), A, B, C, D, E, and F.
N.B.--The Copse was open for many years, and the Oak underwood kept down by cattle browsing. It was enclosed in 1813, and thickly stored, and the underwood cut in 1817. It is now (1818) well stored with young Oaks of the same description as those measured.
A B C D E F Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
Oct. 7.75 - 10.75 - 9.5 - 9 - 12.625 - 10.75 - 1818 ,, 9 1.25 13 2.25 10.5 1 10.25 1.25 14.375 1.75 12.125 1.375 1820 ,, 10.25 1.25 15.125 2.125 11.25 0.75 11.5 1.25 16.25 1.825 13 0.825 1822 ,, 11.375 1.125 17.125 2 12.375 1.125 12.625 1.125 17.75 1.5 14.75 1.75 1824 ,, 12.25 0.825 18.75 1.625 13.25 0.825 13.75 1.125 19.125 1.375 16.125 1.375 1826 ,, 13.125 0.825 19.5 0.75 13.75 0.5 14.5 0.75 20.375 1.25 17.25 1.125 1828 ,, 13.625 0.5 20.375 0.825 14 0.25 15.25 0.75 21 0.625 17.75 0.5 1830 ,, 15.375 1.75 22.25 1.825 14.5 0.5 16.625 1.375 22.5 1.5 19.25 1.5 1832 ,, 17.375 2 25 2.75 15.625 1.125 18.125 1.5 24 1.5 21 1.75 1834 ,, 19.125 1.75 27.75 2.75 17.625 2 19.5 1.375 25.75 1.75 22.75 1.75 1836 ,, 21.125 2 30.375 2.625 19 1.375 20.75 1.25 27.75 2 24.25 1.5 1838 ,, 22.825 1.75 32 1.625 20.375 1.375 21.75 1 29 1.25 25.75 1.5 1840 ,, 24.625 1.75 33.825 1.825 21.75 1.375 22.625 0.825 30.25 1.25 27 1.25 1842 ,, 26 1.375 34.75 0.825 22 0.25 22.825 0.25 30.75 0.5 27.5 0.5 1844 ,, 27.5 1.5 36.5 1.75 22.75 0.75 23.625 0.75 32.125 1.375 28.625 1.125 1846 ,, 30 2.5 38.75 2.25 24.5 1.75 25.25 1.5 34.125 2 30.625 2 1848 ,, 31.5 1.5 40.5 1.75 26 1.5 26 0.75 35.5 1.375 32.5 1.825 1850 ,, 32.75 1.25 41 0.5 26.75 0.75 26.25 0.25 37 1.5 33.75 1.25 1852 ,, 33.75 1 44 3 26.75 - 27.25 1 37.75 0.75 34.75 1 1854
An Account of the Admeasurement of Seven Beech Timber Trees growing in Doward Wood, near the walk by the side of the River Wye. They are clean and smooth in the bark, and appear fast growing.
A B C D E F G Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins Oct. 64.5 - 52 - 56.25 - 58.25 - 56.5 - 53.25 - 47.25 - 1838 ,, 65 0.5 53 1 57.125 0.825 59 0.75 57.5 1 53.75 0.5 49 1.75 1840 ,, 66.75 1.75 54.25 1.25 58.5 1.375 60.375 1.375 58.625 1.125 55.125 1.375 49 - 1842 ,, 69.75 3 54.5 0.25 59 0.5 61.25 0.825 59 0.375 55.75 0.625 49 - 1844 ,, 73 3.25 55.5 1 60.25 1.25 62 0.75 59.5 0.5 56.5 0.75 49.5 0.5 1846 ,, 73.25 0.25 56 0.5 61.5 1.25 62.25 0.25 60.25 0.75 57.5 1 50.5 1 1848 ,, 73.5 0.25 56.25 0.25 62.5 1 63.25 1 60.5 0.25 58.75 1.25 50.75 0.25 1850 ,, 76 2.5 56.5 0.25 63.25 0.75 64.5 1.25 61.5 1 59.5 0.75 51.5 0.75 1852 ,, 78 2 58 1.5 64.75 1.5 65.625 1.125 62.5 1 61.25 1.75 52.5 1 1854
An Account of the Admeasurement of 14 Oak Timber Trees, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, growing on Hall's Hill, and H, I, J, K, L, M, and N, on Pritchard's Hill, both near the Ride in the Highmeadow Woods. The trees are probably now (1822) 80 or 90 years old.
A B C D E F G Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
Oct 61 - 62 - 65.5 - 67.375 - 46.5 - 82.5 - 49 - 1822 ,, 62.5 1.5 63.75 1.75 68 2.5 69 1.625 49.25 2.75 83.25 0.75 52 3 1824 ,, 65 2.5 65.75 2 71.75 3.75 71.5 2.5 52 2.75 84 0.75 55.5 3.5 1826 ,, 67.25 2.25 67.5 1.75 74.5 2.75 73.25 1.75 54.75 2.75 85 1 58 2.5 1828 ,, 68.25 1 68.5 1 75 0.5 73.75 0.5 55.25 0.5 87.25 2.25 59 1 1830 ,, 69 0.75 69.5 1 76.5 1.5 74.25 0.5 56.75 1.5 88.25 1 60.5 1.5 1832 ,, 71 2 71.25 1.75 77.5 1 75.25 1 57.5 0.75 90 1.75 61.5 1 1834 ,, 72.5 1.5 72.75 1.5 78.5 1 76 0.75 58 0.5 91 1 62.5 1 1836 ,, 73.5 1 73.5 0.75 79.75 1.25 76.5 0.5 59 1 92 1 63.75 1.25 1838 ,, 74 0.5 74.75 1.25 80.25 0.5 78 1.5 59.25 0.25 92.5 0.5 64 0.25 1840 ,, 75.625 1.625 74.825 0.125 81.5 1.25 79.125 1.125 59.25 - 93.375 0.825 64 - 1842 ,, 76.75 1.125 75.75 0.825 82 0.5 80.25 1.125 60.5 1.25 93.75 0.375 65.75 1.75 1844 ,, 78 1.25 77.5 1.75 82.75 0.75 81.5 1.25 61.5 1 96 2.25 67 1.25 1846 ,, 80.25 2.25 78.5 1 83.25 0.5 82.25 0.75 63 1.5 96.25 0.25 67 - 1848 ,, 82 1.75 79.75 1.25 84.75 1.5 83.75 1.5 64.5 1.5 98 1.75 68 1 1850 ,, 82.5 0.5 80.5 0.75 85.25 0.5 83.75 - 65.25 0.75 98.5 0.5 69.75 1.75 1852 ,, 83.25 0.75 81.25 0.75 85.5 0.25 86 2.25 66.25 1 99.25 0.75 71 1.25 1854
H I J K L M N Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
Oct 49 - 31.25 - 46.75 - 30 - 67.25 - 36.75 - 28 - 1822 ,, 52.25 3.25 32.25 1 49.5 2.75 32 2 69.75 2.5 39 2.25 29.75 1.75 1824 ,, 55.75 3.5 33.75 1.5 52.5 3 34.5 2 72.5 2.75 42.25 3.25 31.75 2 1826 ,, 58.25 2.5 35.25 1.5 55.25 2.75 37 2.5 75 2.5 45 2.75 34 2.25 1828 ,, 59 0.75 36 0.75 56 0.75 37.5 0.5 76 1 45.5 0.5 34.5 0.5 1830 ,, 60.25 1.25 38 2 57.25 1.25 39 1.5 77.5 1.5 47.25 1.75 36.25 1.75 1832 ,, 61 0.75 38.75 0.75 58 0.75 39 - 78.75 0.75 48 0.75 37 0.75 1834 ,, 62 1 39.5 0.75 59 1 40 1 79 0.25 48.75 0.75 38 1 1836 ,, 62.75 0.75 40.5 1 60.25 1.25 41.75 1.75 80.25 1.25 50 1.25 39 1 1838 ,, 63 0.25 41.25 0.75 61 0.75 42.75 1 82.25 2 51.5 1.5 39.25 0.25 1840 ,, 63.75 0.75 41.25 - 61 - 43.25 0.5 83.25 1 53.25 1.75 39.5 0.25 1842 ,, 64.25 0.5 42 0.75 62 1 44 0.75 84.75 1.5 54.5 1.25 40.125 0.625 1844 ,, 66.25 2 43 1 62.75 0.75 45.25 0.5 85.75 1 55.5 1 41 0.825 1846 ,, 67 0.75 44 1 63.75 1 46.25 1 86.5 0.75 57 1.5 42 1 1848 ,, 68.75 1.75 44.5 0.5 65 1.25 47.5 1.25 88 1.5 58 1 43 1 1850 ,, 69 0.25 44.75 0.25 65.75 0.75 48 0.5 89 1 59 1 43.75 0.75 1852 ,, 69.5 0.5 45.75 1 66.375 0.625 48.75 0.75 90 1 60 1 44 0.25 1854
An Account of the Admeasurement of nine Trees growing on York Lodge Hill: A, B, C are Oaks; D, E, F are Turkey Oaks; and G, H, I are Chesnuts.
These trees have been planted singly on the open Forest without any Fence (now 1836), about 20 years since.
A. Oak. B. Oak. C. Oak. D. Turkey E. Turkey Oak.
Inc Inc Inc Inc Inc in. in. in. in. in.
Oct 1836 2 8.5 - 2 5 - 2 9.25 - 1 7.5 - 1 9 - ,, 1838 2 11 2.5 2 6.75 1.75 2 11.25 2 1 10 2.5 1 11.5 2.5 ,, 1840 3 0.25 1.25 2 8.5 1.75 3 1.5 2.25 2 0.75 2.75 2 2.5 3 ,, 1842 3 2 1.75 2 10 1.5 3 3.5 2 2 3.5 2.75 2 5.5 3 ,, 1844 3 5.5 3.5 3 1 3 3 6.5 3 2 7 3.5 2 9 3.5 ,, 1846 3 8 2.5 3 2 1 3 10 3.5 2 10 3 3 0 3 ,, 1848 3 10.25 2.25 3 4 2 4 1 3 3 1 3 3 2.25 2.25 ,, 1850 4 0.5 2.25 3 5.5 1.5 4 2 1 3 2.75 1.75 3 4.25 2 ,, 1852 4 2.75 2.25 3 7.5 2 4 4 2 3 4.75 2 3 6.5 2.25 ,, 1854 4 5.75 3 3 10 2.5 4 7 3 3 8.75 4 3 10.5 4
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