My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year Part 51

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Those people are greatest who are most like G.o.d. We become partakers of the Divine nature through a child-like relations.h.i.+p to G.o.d. The grace and power of G.o.d pour into our souls when we wait upon Him like a little child.

Child-likeness opens the doors and windows to the incoming of the Almighty. The child-like is the trustful, and no barriers of cynical suspicion block the channels of spiritual communion. And the child-like is the docile, and no boulders of arrogance or self-conceit block the channel of the invigorating waters of life. And so the child-like become the G.o.d-like, and, of course, they are the greatest among the sons of men. The little child enshrines the secret of the G.o.d-man, and we should be infinitely wise if we had the little child always in our midst.

OCTOBER The Twenty-third


MATTHEW xx. 20-28.

It is always our peril that we hunger for place more than for character, for position more than for disposition, for a temporal sceptre more than for a majestic self-control.

These disciples coveted places on the right and left of the Lord, and they had little or no concern about their worthiness for the posts.

Temporalities eclipsed spiritualities, fleeting fireworks hid the quiet stars. They wanted to be great and prominent, the Lord wanted them to be pure and good. They longed to be Prime Ministers, the Lord purposed that they should be glad to be ministers, working contentedly in an obscure place.

Now mark our Lord's response. "_Are ye able to drink of the cup that I drink of?_" They wanted to be the King's cup-bearers; He offers them to drink of His cup. They call for sovereignty: He asks for sacrifice. They crave sweetness: He offers them bitterness. They seek a life of "getting": He demands a life of "giving." Who has a cup of bitterness to drink? Go and share it with him! Where are the morally and spiritually anaemic? Go and give them thy blood! "Whoever shall lose his life shall find it."

Through self-sacrifice we pa.s.s to our throne.

OCTOBER The Twenty-fourth

"_PUSH_" _AND_ "_PULL_"

LUKE xiv. 1-11.

The world canonizes "push." It eulogizes the "man of push." It loves to see a man elbowing his way through the jostling crowd, and gaining for himself a "chief seat" at life's feast. He is proclaimed a "successful"

man, and he rises in "the chief seat," and amid loud hurrahs he responds to the toast of his health.

Yes, "push" is the word of the world, but "pull" is the word of the Lord, and between the two there is the difference of darkness and light. "Push"

is selfish and exclusive: "pull" is inclusive and neighbourly. "Push"

takes as its motto, "The weakest to the wall!" "Pull" takes as its motto, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."

The final verdict upon life will be founded, not upon our own success in gaining a chief seat, but upon our success in encouraging the faint and the weakling, and in "helping lame dogs over stiles."

My gracious Lord, help me to put on "a heart of compa.s.sion" that by neighbourly feeling and ministry I may lead my fellows to the choice places of life's feast.

OCTOBER The Twenty-fifth


1 PETER v. 1-11.

Let me, therefore, learn this lesson, that if my Lord should give me prominence in His church it is not to feed my l.u.s.t of dominion, but in order to strengthen and extend the influence of the church's life.

"_Neither as lording it over the charge allotted to you, but making yourselves ensamples to the flock._"

The only truly imperial purple is the robe of humility. Any other sort of attire may appear to be kingly, but it has none of the glorious significance which belongs to our sovereign Lord. When a man puts on the robe of pride, he immediately belittles his manhood. When a man puts on the robe of humility, he becomes a greater man.

But humility is more than an imperial robe, it is a complete armour. It is fine for defence! The devil cannot get at the man who is "clothed in humility." There is no c.h.i.n.k or crevice through which his deadly rapier can pierce. And it is equally fine for offence! Wearing this armour we can go out "redressing human wrongs." The stroke of pride is ever futile. When the humble man deals a blow, the power of the Almighty is in his right hand. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of G.o.d."

OCTOBER The Twenty-sixth


MATTHEW xxiii. 1-12.

Pharisaism is the l.u.s.t of externalities, and the utter negligence of the inward sanct.i.ties of the spirit. It thinks more of decorum than of holiness, more of etiquette than of equity, more of ritualism than of "the robe of righteousness and the garment of salvation." Pharisaism lives in the streets: it does not dwell in the inner chambers of our mystic life.

Pharisaism thirsts for the homage of men and not for the approbation of G.o.d. It is far more alert to the "Rabbi! Rabbi!" of the crowd than it is to the secret callings of the Lord. The path between itself and the highest is unfrequented and gra.s.s-grown; the path between itself and the mult.i.tude is a well-trodden and barren road.

My Lord, let me be warned! Let me not pervert the ministries of religion to the aggrandizement of self. Let me not, in appearing to wors.h.i.+p Thee, be seeking the wors.h.i.+p of men. Give me singleness of mind. Give me purity of heart. And may I discover true greatness in seeking greatness for others.

OCTOBER The Twenty-seventh


PROVERBS iii. 1-12.

"Acknowledge Him." But not with a pa.s.sing nod of recognition. I must not merely glance at Him now and again, admitting His existence on the field.

To acknowledge Him is to acknowledge Him as King, with the right to control, and as predominant partner in all the affairs of my life, even the right to give the determining voice in all my decisions. No, it is not the recognition paid to an acquaintance, it is the homage paid to a King.

And if I thus acknowledge Him, He will direct my paths. Life shall always be moving on to its purposed end and glory. The path chosen will not always be the most alluring one, but it will be the right one, and therefore the safe one, and there will be wonderful discoveries on the uninviting track.

How will He let me know which path to take? I cannot say. We can never antic.i.p.ate G.o.d's ways of dealing with us. But if my life is bent to the loving acknowledgment of His will, He will a.s.suredly find a way to make His will known. The light will always reach the willing mind.

OCTOBER The Twenty-eighth


My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year Part 51

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