The Poetical Works of John Milton Part 14

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PSAL. Lx.x.xIII.

1 BE not thou silent now at length O G.o.d hold not thy peace, Sit not thou still O G.o.d of strength We cry and do not cease.

2 For lo thy furious foes now *swell And *storm outrageously, *Jehemajun.

And they that hate thee proud and fill Exalt their heads full hie.

3 Against thy people they *contrive *Jagnarimu.

*Their Plots and Counsels deep, *Sod. 10 *Them to ensnare they chiefly strive *Jithjagnatsu gnal.

*Whom thou dost hide and keep. *Tsephuneca.

4 Come let us cut them off say they, Till they no Nation be That Israels name for ever may Be lost in memory.

5 For they consult *with all their might, *Lev jachdau.

And all as one in mind Themselves against thee they unite And in firm union bind. 20 6 The tents of Edom, and the brood Of scornful Ishmael, Moab, with them of Hagars blood That in the Desart dwell, 7 Gebal and Ammon there conspire, And hateful Amalec, The Philistims, and they of Tyre Whose bounds the sea doth check.

8 With them great a.s.shur also bands And doth confirm the knot, 30 All these have lent their armed hands To aid the Sons of Lot.

9 Do to them as to Midian bold That wasted all the Coast.

To Sisera, and as is told Thou didst to Jabins hoast, When at the brook of Kishon old They were repulst and slain, 10 At Endor quite cut off, and rowl'd As dung upon the plain. 40 11 As Zeb and Oreb evil sped So let their Princes speed As Zeba, and Zalmunna bled So let their Princes bleed.

12 For they amidst their pride have said By right now shall we seize G.o.ds houses, and will now invade *Their stately Palaces. *Neoth Elohim bears both.

13 My G.o.d, oh make them as a wheel No quiet let them find, 50 Giddy and restless let them reel Like stubble from the wind.

14 As when an aged wood takes fire Which on a sudden straies, The greedy flame runs hier and hier Till all the mountains blaze, 15 So with thy whirlwind them pursue, And with thy tempest chase; 16 *And till they *yield thee honour due, *They seek thy Lord fill with shame their face. Name. Heb.

17 Asham'd and troubl'd let them be, 60 Troubl'd and sham'd for ever, Ever confounded, and so die With shame, and scape it never.

18 Then shall they know that thou whose name Jehova is alone, Art the most high, and thou the same O're all the earth art one.

PSAL. Lx.x.xIV.

1 How lovely are thy dwellings fair!

O Lord of Hoasts, how dear The pleasant Tabernacles are!

Where thou do'st dwell so near.

2 My Soul doth long and almost die Thy Courts O Lord to see, My heart and flesh aloud do crie, O living G.o.d, for thee.

3 There ev'n the Sparrow freed from wrong Hath found a house of rest, 10 The Swallow there, to lay her young Hath built her brooding nest, Ev'n by thy Altars Lord of Hoasts They find their safe abode, And home they fly from round the Coasts Toward thee, My King, my G.o.d 4 Happy, who in thy house reside Where thee they ever praise, 5 Happy, whose strength in thee doth bide, And in their hearts thy waies. 20 6 They pa.s.s through Baca's thirstie Vale, That dry and barren ground As through a fruitfull watry Dale Where Springs and Showrs abound.

7 They journey on from strength to strength With joy and gladsom cheer Till all before our G.o.d at length In Sion do appear.

8 Lord G.o.d of Hoasts hear now my praier O Jacobs G.o.d give ear, 30 9 Thou G.o.d our s.h.i.+eld look on the face Of thy anointed dear.

10 For one day in thy Courts to be Is better, and mere blest Then in the joyes of Vanity, A thousand daies at best.

I in the temple of my G.o.d Had rather keep a dore, Then dwell in Tents, and rich abode With Sin for evermore 40 11 For G.o.d the Lord both Sun and s.h.i.+eld Gives grace and glory bright, No good from him shall be with-held Whose waies are just and right.

12 Lord G.o.d of Hoasts that raign 'st on high, That man is truly blest Who only on thee doth relie.

And in thee only rest.

PSAL Lx.x.xV.

1 THY Land to favour graciously Thou hast not Lord been slack, Thou hast from hard Captivity Returned Jacob back.

2 Th' iniquity thou didst forgive That wrought thy people woe, And all their Sin, that did thee grieve Hast hid where none shall know.

3 Thine anger all thou hadst remov'd, And calmly didst return 10 From thy *fierce wrath which we had prov'd *Heb. The burning Far worse then fire to burn. heat of thy 4 G.o.d of our saving health and peace, wrath.

Turn us, and us restore, Thine indignation cause to cease Toward us, and chide no more.

5 Wilt thou be angry without end, For ever angry thus Wilt thou thy frowning ire extend From age to age on us? 20 6 Wilt thou not * turn, and hear our voice * Heb. Turn to And us again * revive, quicken us.

That so thy people may rejoyce By thee preserv'd alive.

7 Cause us to see thy goodness Lord, To us thy mercy shew Thy saving health to us afford And lift in us renew.

8 And now what G.o.d the Lord will speak I will go strait and hear, 30 For to his people he speaks peace And to his Saints full dear, To his dear Saints he will speak peace, But let them never more Return to folly, but surcease To trespa.s.s as before.

9 Surely to such as do him fear Salvation is at hand And glory shall ere long appear To dwell within our Land. 40 10 Mercy and Truth that long were miss'd Now joyfully are met Sweet Peace and Righteousness have kiss'd And hand in hand are set.

11 Truth from the earth like to a flowr Shall bud and blossom then, And Justice from her heavenly bowr Look down on mortal men.

12 The Lord will also then bestow Whatever thing is good 50 Our Land shall forth in plenty throw Her fruits to be our food.

13 Before him Righteousness shall go His Royal Harbinger, Then * will he come, and not be slow *Heb. He will set his His footsteps cannot err. steps to the way.

PSAL. Lx.x.xVI.

1 THY gracious ear, O Lord, encline, O hear me I thee pray, For I am poor, and almost pine With need, and sad decay.

2 Preserve my soul, for *I have trod Heb. I am good, loving, Thy waies, and love the just, a doer of good and Save thou thy servant O my G.o.d holy things Who still in thee doth trust.

3 Pity me Lord for daily thee I call; 4 O make rejoyce 10 Thy Servants Soul; for Lord to thee I lift my soul and voice, 5 For thou art good, thou Lord art To pardon, thou to all Art full of mercy, thou alone To them that on thee call.

6 Unto my supplication Lord Give ear, and to the crie Of my incessant praiers afford Thy hearing graciously. 20 7 I in the day of my distress Will call on thee for aid; For thou wilt grant me free access And answer, what I pray'd.

8 Like thee among the G.o.ds is none O Lord, nor any works Of all that other G.o.ds have done Like to thy glorious works.

9 The Nations all whom thou hast made Shall come, and all shall frame 30 To bow them low before thee Lord, And glorifie thy name.

10 For great thou art, and wonders great By thy strong hand are done, Thou in thy everlasting Seat Remainest G.o.d alone.

11 Teach me O Lord thy way most right, I in thy truth will hide, To fear thy name my heart unite So shall it never slide. 40 12 Thee will I praise O Lord my G.o.d Thee honour, and adore With my whole heart, and blaze abroad Thy name for ever more.

13 For great thy mercy is toward me, And thou hast free'd my Soul Eev'n from the lowest h.e.l.l set free From deepest darkness foul.

14 O G.o.d the proud against me rise And violent men are met 50 To seek my life, and in their eyes No fear of thee have set.

15 But thou Lord art the G.o.d most mild Readiest thy grace to shew, Slow to be angry, and art stil'd Most mercifull, most true.

16 O turn to me thy face at length, And me have mercy on, Unto thy servant give thy strength, And save thy hand-maids Son. 60 17 Some sign of good to me afford, And let my foes then see And be asham'd, because thou Lord Do'st help and comfort me.


1 AMONG the holy Mountains high Is his foundation fast, There Seated in his Sanctuary, His Temple there is plac't.

2 Sions fair Gates the Lord loves more Then all the dwellings faire Of Jacobs Land, though there be store, And all within his care.

3 City of G.o.d, most glorious things Of thee abroad are spoke; 10 4 I mention Egypt, where proud Kings Did our forefathers yoke, I mention Babel to my friends, Philistia full of scorn, And Tyre with Ethiops utmost ends, Lo this man there was born: 5 But twise that praise shall in our ear Be said of Sion last This and this man was born in her, High G.o.d shall fix her fast. 20 6 The Lord shall write it in a Scrowle That ne're shall be out-worn When he the Nations doth enrowle That this man there was born.

7 Both they who sing, and they who dance With sacred Songs are there, In thee fresh brooks, and soft streams glance And all my fountains clear.


1 LORD G.o.d that dost me save and keep, All day to thee I cry; And all night long, before thee weep Before thee prostrate lie.

2 Into thy presence let my praier With sighs devout ascend And to my cries, that ceaseless are, Thine ear with favour bend.

3 For cloy'd with woes and trouble store Surcharg'd my Soul doth lie, 10 My life at death's uncherful dore Unto the grave draws nigh.

4 Reck'n'd I am with them that pa.s.s Down to the dismal pit I am a *man, but weak alas * Heb. A man without manly And for that name unfit. strength.

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