Indian Methodist Hymn-book Part 1

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Indian Methodist Hymn-book.

by Various.


The following hymns are in the Chill-way-uk dialect of the language of the Alkomaylum nation of Indians, who live along the Fraser River, from Yale to the Coast, and on Vancouver Island, at Cowichan and Nanaimo. The Alkomaylum, (or Ankomeenum, sometimes called Stawlo or River language,) as spoken by the Cowichans, is sweet and rythmical. The Chillwayuk dialect is harsher and more guttural. The Nanaimos, the Yales, the Sumas, the Kwantuls, etc. of B.C., and the Nooksaks of Wash., U.S.A., each speak a slightly different dialect of the same language.

==> p.r.o.nUNCIATION.

_'_ When before k, sound the letter by pressing the back of the tongue against the soft palate, and expelling the letter with a clicking sound.

When before t, ts, or tz, press the tip of the tongue against the hard palate, and expel the sound as before.

_kh_, Is sounded by lightly pressing the back of the tongue against the soft palate, and emitting the sound in a slurring manner.

_tl_, and _lth_, Are sounded by pressing the tip of the tongue against the hard palate and emit as in kh.

_a_, Is p.r.o.nounced ah; while all others are regular as in English.

T.C., C.M.T., and W.H.B., at the end of each hymn, are the initials of the translators.

Ts'hayilth Staylim


Canadian Hymnal No. 72.


1 Whee talswal skwi-la-wal whee, Wheesit ta kul see-see; Ta sat-see-ul Jesus Aylakut telth-le-melth: Tokla tl'khaylikh ska ta See-am, S'khayl talswal skwikh lay ta tchalikhs.


2 Owe-awts tokla Jesus My-ate talswal skwi-la-wal, Al stlay tokla See-am, E ta swas sat-see-ul; Tokla Jesus swas sat-see-ul Ay-la-kut tomuk sawlth skwi-lawal.



Arise, my soul arise, Shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears; Before the throne my surety stands; My name is written on his hands.


Gospel Hymns 1-6 Complete No. 180.


1 Lay ta ay-e tumokh al stlay-kwus ka-wom, Temtam kwuls lam al tus; Temtam kwus tlakit talswal see-ize E ka-wom lay ta Ay-e.

Ay-e-kwus see-ize ka tatsel ta Jesus, ||:See-ize-tchit ka tatsel ta Jesus,:|| Lam ka-put alokh.

2 Lay-wilth kukh ta ay-e mestayokh lay, Hayluk taswas skwilawal.

Kla al stlay-kwus lam kwatsit toklalim Lay ta ay-e tumokh.

3 Owita ay-e e-tila tumokh, Owe-awts telth-le-melth kham; Owa-tcha staas lay ta ay-e tumokh, Laysit ta sawlth See-am.



O land of rest, for thee I sigh, When will the moment come, When I shall lay my armor by, And dwell in peace at home.

||: We'll work till Jesus comes, :|| And we'll be gathered home.


G.H. 1-6 No. 18.


Hayluk tal skwilawal tal mal lay ta tchee-tchilth, Shkha-khayl taswas skwell tokla may awkwus-thawmikh, Kukh ta ay-e stem shkha-khayl lay taswas skwell Kla ewal ay-e tokla Jesus stlay-il-thawmikh.

||:Hayluk tal skwilawal ta Jesus stlayil-thawmikh:|| Jesus stlay-il-thawmikh ta-alsa.



Indian Methodist Hymn-book Part 1

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