The Covenants And The Covenanters Part 6

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A great and solemn work (Honourable and Reverend) this day is put into our hands; let us stir up and awaken our hearts unto it. We deal with G.o.d as well as with men, and with G.o.d in His greatness and excellency, for by Him we swear; and at the same time we have to do with G.o.d and His goodness, Who now reacheth out unto us a strong and seasonable arm of a.s.sistance. The goodness of G.o.d procuring succour and help to a sinful and afflicted people (such are we) ought to be matter of fear and trembling, even to all that hear of it. We are to exalt and acknowledge Him this day, Who is fearful in praises, swear by that name which is holy and reverend, enter into a covenant and league that is never to be forgotten by us nor our posterity, and the fruit I hope of it shall be so great, as both we and they shall have cause to remember it with joy; and such an oath as for matter, persons, and other circ.u.mstances, the like hath not been in any age or oath we read of in sacred or human history, yet sufficiently warranted in both.

The parties engaging in this league, are three kingdoms, famous for the knowledge and acknowledgment of Christ above all the kingdoms in the world; to swear before such a presence should mould the spirit of man into a great deal of reverence. What then to be engaged, to be incorporated, and that by sacred oath, with such an high and honourable fraternity? An oath is to be esteemed so much the more solemn, by how much greater the persons are that swear each to other; so in this business, where kingdoms swear mutually.

And as the solemnity of an oath is to be measured by the persons swearing, so by the matter also that is to be sworn to. G.o.d would not swear to the covenant of Works, He intended not to honour it so much, it was not to continue, it was not worthy of an oath of His; but to the Covenant of Grace, which is the Gospel, He swears, and repents not of it. G.o.d swears for the salvation of men, and of kingdoms: and if kingdoms swear, what subject of an oath becometh them better than the preservation and salvation of kingdoms, by establis.h.i.+ng the kingdom of a Saviour amongst them, even our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who is a Mediator and Saviour for nations as well as particular persons?

The end also is great and honourable, as either of the former. "Two are better than one," saith He, Who knoweth what is best, and from Whom alone every thing hath the goodness it hath. a.s.sociation is of divine offspring; not only the being of creatures, but the putting of them together. The cl.u.s.ter as well as the grape is the work of G.o.d. Consort and harmony amongst men, especially amongst saints, is very pleasing unto the Lord. If, when but two or three agree and a.s.sent upon any thing on earth, it shall be confirmed in heaven, and for this, because they gather together in His name; much more when two or three kingdoms shall meet, and consent together in His name, and for His name, that G.o.d "may be one, and His name one amongst them," and His presence amidst them.

That prayer of Christ seemeth to proceed from a feeling sense of His own blessedness, "Father, that they may be one, as Thou in Me." Unity among His churches and children must needs therefore be very acceptable unto Him: for out of the more deep sense desires are fetcht from within us, the more pleasing will be the answer of them unto us. Churches and kingdoms are near to G.o.d, His patience towards them, His compa.s.sions over them more than particular persons sheweth it plainly. But kingdoms willingly engaging themselves for His kingdom, His Christ, His saints, the purity of religion, His wors.h.i.+p and government, in all particulars, and in all humility sitting down at His feet to receive the law, and the rule from His mouth: what a price doth He set upon such? Especially, when (as we this day) sensible of our infirmity, and of an unfaithful heart not steady with our G.o.d, but apt to start from the cause, if we feel the knife or the fire; who bind ourselves with cords, as a sacrifice to the horns of the altar; we invocate the name of the great G.o.d, that His vows, yea, His curse may be upon us, if we do not this; yea, though we suffer for so doing, that is, if we endeavour not so far as the Lord shall a.s.sist us by His grace, to advance the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ here upon earth, and make Jerusalem once more the praise of the whole world, notwithstanding all the contradictions of men.

What is this but the contents and matter of our oath? What do we covenant? What do we vow? Is it not the preservation of religion, where it is reformed, and the reformation of religion, where it needs? Is it not the reformation of three kingdoms, and a reformation universal, in doctrine, discipline, and wors.h.i.+p, in whatsoever the word shall discover unto us? To practise is a fruit of love; to reform, a fruit of zeal; but so to reform, will be a token of great prudence and circ.u.mspection in each of these churches: and all this to be done according to G.o.d's word, the best rule, and according to the best reformed churches, and best interpreters of this rule. If England hath obtained to any greater perfection in so handling the word of righteousness, and truths that are according to G.o.dliness, as to make men more G.o.dly, more righteous: and, if in the churches of Scotland any more light and beauty in matters of order and discipline, by which their a.s.semblies are more orderly: or, if to any other church or person, it hath been given better to have learned Christ in any of His ways, than any of us, we shall humbly bow, and kiss their lips that can speak right words unto us, in this matter, and help us into the nearest uniformity with the word and mind of Christ in this great work of Reformation.

Honourable and reverend brethren, there cannot be a more direct and effectual way to exhort and persuade the wise, and men of sad and serious spirits (and such are you to whom I am commanded to speak this day) than to let into their understandings the weight, and worth, and great importance of the work, they are persuaded unto. This oath is such, and, in the matter and consequence of it, of such concernment, as I can truly say, It is worthy of us; yea, of all these kingdoms; yea, of all the kingdoms of the world; for it is swearing fealty and allegiance unto Christ, the King of kings; and giving up of all these kingdoms which are in His inheritance, to be subdued more to His throne, and ruled more by His sceptre, upon whose shoulders the government is laid, and "of the increase of whose government and peace there shall be no end." Yea, we find this very thing in the utmost accomplishment of it, to have been the oath of the greatest angel that ever was, who setting his feet upon two of G.o.d's kingdoms, the one upon the sea, the other upon the earth, lifting up his hand to heaven, as you are to do this day, and so swearing. The effect of that oath you shall find to be this, "That the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of the Lord and His Christ, and He shall reign forever." His oath was for the full and final accomplishment, this of yours for a gradual, yet a great performance towards it.

That which the apostles and primitive times did so much and so long pray for, tho' never long with much quietness enjoyed; that which our fathers in these latter times have fasted, prayed and mourned after, yet attained not; even the cause which many dear saints now with G.o.d, have furthered by extremest sufferings, poverty, imprisonment, banishment, death, even ever since the first dawning of reformation: that and the very same is the very cause and work that we are come now, through the mercy of Jesus Christ, not only to pray for, but swear to. And surely it can be no other, but the result and answer of such prayers and tears, of such sincerity and sufferings, that three kingdoms should be thus born, or rather new-born in a day; that these kingdoms should be wrought about to so great an engagement, than which nothing is higher. For this end kings reign, kingdoms stand, and states are upheld.

It is a special grace and favour of G.o.d unto you, brethren, (Reverend and Honourable) to vouchsafe you the opportunity, and to put into your hearts, as this day, to engage your lives and estates in matters so much concerning Him and His glory. And if you should do no more, but lay a foundation stone in this great work, and by so doing engage posterity after you to finish it, it were honour enough: but there may yet further use be made of you, who now are to take this oath. You are designed as chief master-builders, and choice instruments for the effecting of this settled peace and reformation; which, if the Lord shall please to finish in your hands, a greater happiness on earth, nor a greater means to augment your glory and crown in heaven, you are not capable of. And this, let me further add for your encouragement, of what extensive good, and fruit in the success of it, this very oath may prove to be, we know not. G.o.d hath set His covenant like the heavens, not only for duration, but like also for extension. The heavens move and roll about, and so communicate their light, and heat, and virtue, to all places and parts of the earth; so doth the covenant of G.o.d; so may this gift be given to other covenants, that are framed to this pattern. How much this solemn league and oath may provoke other reformed churches to a further reformation of themselves; what light and heat it may communicate abroad to other parts of the world, it is only in Him to define, to whom is given the utmost ends of the earth for His inheritance, and worketh by His exceeding great power great things out of small beginnings.

But however, this I am sure of, it is a way in all probability most likely to enable us to preserve and defend our religion against our common enemies; and possibly a more sure foundation this day will be laid for ruining popery and prelacy, the chief of them, than yet hath been led unto in any age. For popery hath been a religion ever dexterous in fencing and mounting itself by a.s.sociation and joint strength. All sorts of professors amongst them are cast into fraternities and brotherhoods; and these orders carefully united by vow one with another, and under some more general notion of common dependence. Such states also and kingdoms, as they have thus made theirs, they endeavour to improve and secure by strict combinations and leagues each to other; witness of late years that _la sainte ligue_, the holy league. It will not be unworthy your consideration, whether, seeing the preservation of popery hath been by leagues and covenant, G.o.d may not make a league or covenant to be the destruction of it. Nay, the very rise of popery seemeth to be after such a manner, by kings, that is kingdoms a.s.senting and agreeing perhaps by some joint covenant (the text saith, "with one mind," why not then with one mouth) to give their power and strength unto the beast, and make war against the Lamb. For you read, "the Lamb shall overcome the beast," and possibly with the same weapons. He is the Lord of lords, and King of kings, He can unite kings and kingdoms, and give them one mind also to destroy the wh.o.r.e, and be her utter ruin. And may not this day's work be a happy beginning of such a blessed expedition?

Prelacy, another common enemy, that we covenant and swear against. What hath been, or what hath the strength of it been, but a subtile combination of clergymen, formed into a policy or body of their own invention, framing themselves into subordination and dependence one upon another; so that the interest of each is improved by all, and a great power by this means acquired to themselves, as by sad experience we have lately found. The joints and members of this body, you know, were knit together by the sacred engagement of an oath, the _Oath of Canonical Obedience_, as they called it. You remember also, with what cunning industry they endeavoured lately, to make this oath and covenant more sure for themselves and their posterity, and intended a more public, solemn and universal engagement; than since Popery, this cause of theirs, was ever maintained or supported by: and questionless, Ireland and Scotland also must at last have been brought into this holy league with England. But blessed be the Lord, and blessed be His good hand, the parliament that, from the indignation of their spirits against so horrid a yoke, have dashed out the very brains of this project, and are now this day present before the Lord, to take and give possession of this blessed ordinance, even an oath and covenant, as solemn, and of as large extent, as they intended theirs; uniting these three kingdoms into such a league and happy combination, as will doubtless preserve us and our reformation against them, though their iniquity, in the mysteries of it, should still be working amongst us. Come, therefore (I speak in the words of the prophet) "let us join ourselves to the Lord," and one to another, and each to all, "in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten."

We are now entering upon a work of the greatest moment and concernment to us, and to our posterity after us, that ever was undertaken by any of us, or any of our forefathers before us, or neighbouring nations about us; if the Lord shall bless this our beginning, it will be a happy day, and we shall be a happy people. An oath is a duty of the first commandment, and therefore of the highest and n.o.blest order and rank of duties, therefore must come forth attended with choicest graces, especially with these two, humility and fear.

Fear, not only of G.o.d, which ought to be in an eminent measure. Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac, as if he coveted to inherit his father's grace, as well as his father's G.o.d: but also, fear of an oath, it being a dreadful duty, and hath this peculiar, it is established by the oath of G.o.d, "I have sworn, that unto Me every tongue shall swear."

It is made the very character of a saint, he fears an oath.

Humility is another grace requisite. Set your hearts before G.o.d in an humble obedient frame. "Thou shall fear the Lord thy G.o.d, and serve Him, and swear by His name." The apostle Paul was sensible of this engagement, even in the very act of this duty. "I call G.o.d to witness, whom I serve in my spirit:" although it be a work of the lips, yet the heart, and the whole man must be interested, if we expect this wors.h.i.+p to be acceptable. "Accept the free-will offering of my mouth, and teach me Thy judgments."

Also it must be done in the greatest simplicity and plainness of spirit, in respect of those with whom we covenant; we call G.o.d as a witness betwixt us, who searcheth the heart: "With Him is wisdom and strength, the deceived and deceiver are His." He hath wisdom to discover, and strength to punish, if our hearts be not upright to our brethren in this matter. Let us be contented with this, that the words of our covenant be bands; it may not be, so much as in the desire of our hearts, that they should become snares, no not to the weakest and simplest person that joineth with us. On the whole work make your address unto G.o.d, as Jacob did to his father Isaac, and let there be the like fear and jealousy over your spirits. "My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to Him as a deceiver, and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing."

I take liberty with more earnestness to press this care upon you, because I have observed oaths and covenants have been undertaken by us formerly, and by the command of authority, the fruit whereof, though great, yet answered not our expectation; the Lord surely hath been displeased with the slightness of our hearts in the work. I beseech you be more watchful, and stir up your hearts with more industry this day than ever before. As it is the last oath you are likely to take in this kind, so it is our last refuge, _Tabula post naufragium_. If this help us not, we are likely to remain to our dying day an unhappy people; but if otherwise, "You will indeed swear with all your hearts, and seek the Lord with your whole desire, G.o.d will be found, and give you rest round about."

And having sworn, and entered into this solemn engagement to G.o.d and man, make conscience to do accordingly; otherwise it is better thou shouldst not vow. As is said of fasting, "It is not the bowing down of the head for a day;" so of this solemn swearing, It is not the lifting up of the hand for a day, but an honest and faithful endeavouring after the contents of this covenant, all our days. A truce-breaker is reckoned up amongst the vilest of Christians, so a covenant-breaker is listed amongst the worst of heathens, but he that sweareth and changeth not, tho' he swear to his hurt, that is, he that will keep his covenant and oath, tho' the contents of it prove not for him, nay possibly against him, yet he will keep it for his oath's sake, such an one "shall have his habitation with the most High, and dwell in His tabernacle." And as for you, reverend brethren, that are ministers of the gospel, there is yet another obligation will lie upon you: let us look to ourselves, and make provision to walk answerable to this our covenant, for the gospel's sake: it will reflect a great aspersion upon the truth of the gospel, if we should be false or inconstant in any word or purpose, tho' in a matter of less consequence, as you can easily collect from that apology of Paul. How much more in such a case as this is, if we should be found to purpose, nay more, to vow, and covenant, and swear, and all this according unto the flesh, and with us there should be, notwithstanding all these obligations, yea, yea, and nay, nay.

That we may all, who take the covenant this day, be constant, immoveable, and abound in this work of the Lord, that we may not start aside, or give back, or go on uncomfortably, there is a twofold grace or qualification to be laboured after.

1. We must get courage, spirits that are bold and resolute. It is said in Haggai, that "the Lord stirred up the Spirit of Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people, and they came and did work in the house of the Lord." The work of G.o.d's house, reformation work especially, is a stirring work: read history, you find not any where, reformation made in any age, either in doctrine or discipline, without great stir and opposition. This was foretold by the same prophet, the promise is, "He will fill His house with glory." But what goeth before. "Yet once it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land," that is, all nations, as in the words following.

This place is applied to the removing Jewish rites, the moveables of G.o.d's house. The like you find in the apostles' times, the truth being preached, some believed, others did not. Here beginneth the stir. Those that believed not, "took unto themselves certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city in an uproar;"

and when they had done so, complained of the brethren to the rulers, as men that turn the world upside down. In such a work therefore, men had need be of stout, resolute and composed spirits, that we may be able to go on in the main, and stir in the midst of such stirs, and not be amazed at any such doings. It may possibly happen, that even amongst yourselves, there will be outcries: Sir, you will undo all, saith one; You will put all into confusion, saith another; If you take this course, saith a third, we can expect nothing but blood. But a wise statesman, like an experienced seaman, knoweth the compa.s.s of his vessel, and tho'

it heave, toss, and the pa.s.sengers cry out about him, yet in the midst of all, he is himself, turneth not aside from his work, but steereth on his course. I beseech you, let it be seriously considered, if you mean to do any such work in the house of G.o.d, as this is; if you mean to pluck up what many years ago was planted, or to build up what so long ago was pulled down, and to go thro' with this work and not be discouraged, you must beg of the Lord this excellent spirit, this resolute, stirring spirit, otherwise you will be outspirited, and both you and your cause slighted and dishonoured.

2. On the other hand, we must labour for humility, prudence, gentleness, meekness. A man may be very zealous and resolute, and yet very meek and merciful: Jesus Christ was a Lion, and yet a Lamb also; in one place, He telleth them He cometh to send "fire on the earth:" and, in another place, rebuketh His disciples "for their fiery spirits." There was the like composition in Moses, and in Paul; and it is of great use, especially in this work of reformation. I have not observed any disputes carried on with more bitterness in men's writings, and with a more unsanctified heat of spirit, yea, and by G.o.dly men too, than in controversies about discipline, church government, ceremonies, and the like. Surely, to argue about government with such ungoverned pa.s.sions, to argue for reformation with a spirit so unreformed, is very uncomely.

Let us be zealous, as Christ was, to cast out all, to extirpate and root out every plant His heavenly Father hath not planted; and yet let us do it in an orderly way, and with the Spirit of Christ, whose servants we are. "The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose." We solemnly engage this day our utmost endeavours for reformation; let us remember this, that too much heat, as well as too much coldness, may harden men in their ways, and hinder reformation.

Brethren, let us come to this blessed work with such a frame of heart, with such a mind, for the present, with such resolutions for the time to come; let us not be wanting to the opportunity G.o.d hath put into our hands this day; and then I can promise you, as the prophet, "Consider this day and upwards, even from this day, that the foundation of the Lord's work is laid, consider it, from this day will I bless you saith the Lord." Nay, we have received, as it were, the first fruits of this promise; for, as it is said of some men's good "works, they are manifest before-hand." Even so may be said of the good work of this day, it is manifested before-hand. G.o.d hath, as it were before-hand, testified His acceptance; while we were thinking and purposing this free-will offering, He was protecting and defending our army, causing our enemies, the enemies of this work, to flee before us, and gave us a victory, not to be despised. Surely this oath and covenant shall be Judah's joy, the joy and comfort of this whole kingdom, yea, of all the three kingdoms.

Jesus Christ, King of the saints, govern us by His Spirit, strengthen us by His power, undertake for us according as He hath sworn, even the "oath which He sware to our father Abraham, that He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life." Grant unto us also, that when this life is finished, and we gathered to our fathers, there may be a generation out of our loins to stand up in this cause, that His great and reverend name may be exalted from one generation to another, until He Himself shall come, and perfect all His own wisdom: even so come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.




Although the time be far spent, yet am I bold (honourable, reverend, and beloved in the Lord) to crave your patience a little. It were both sin and shame to us in this so acceptable a time in this day, which the Lord hath made, to be silent and to say nothing. If we should hold our peace, we could neither be answerable to G.o.d, whose cause and work is in hand, nor to this church and kingdom, unto which we have made so large profession of duty, and owe much more; nor to our native kingdom, so abundant in affection towards you; nor to our own hearts, which exceedingly rejoice to see this day. We have greater reason than the leprous men sitting in a time of great extremity at the gates of Samaria, to say one to another, "We do not well, this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace." It is true, the Syrians are not yet fled; but our hope is through G.o.d, that the work begun this day, being sincerely performed, and faithfully pursued, shall put to flight, not only the Syrians and Babylonians, but all other enemies of the church of G.o.d, of the king's honour, and of our liberty and peace.

For it is acceptable to G.o.d, and well pleasing in His sight, when His people come willingly in the day of His power (and how shall they not be willing in the day of His power?) to enter into a religious covenant with Him, and amongst themselves, whatsoever be the condition of the people of G.o.d, whether in sorrow and humiliation before deliverance, or in rejoicing and thanksgiving after deliverance. This is it which the Lord waits for at their hands, which they have been used to perform, and with which He hath been so well pleased, that it hath been the fountain of many deliverances and blessings unto them. When a people begin to forget G.o.d, He lifteth up His hand against them, and smiteth them: and when His people, humbled before Him, lift up their hands, not only in supplication, but in covenant before the most high G.o.d, He is pleased (such is His mercy and wonderful compa.s.sion) first, to lift His hand unto them, saying, "I am the Lord your G.o.d;" as we have it three times in two verses of the 20th of Ezekiel: and next He stretcheth out His hand against His enemies and theirs. It is the best work of faith, to join in covenant with G.o.d, the best work of love and Christian communion, to join in covenant with the people of G.o.d; the best work of the best zeal, to join in covenant for reformation, against the enemies of G.o.d and religion; the best work of true loyalty, to join in covenant for the preservation of our king and superiors; and the best proof of natural affection, (and to be without natural affection is one of the great sins of the Gentiles) to join in covenant for defence of our native country, liberties and laws: such as from these necessary ends do withdraw, and are not willing to enter into covenant, have reason to enter into their own hearts, and to look into their faith, love, zeal, loyalty, and natural affection.

As it is acceptable to G.o.d, so have we for it the precedent and example not only of the people of G.o.d of old, of the reformed churches of Germany, and the low countries; but of our own n.o.ble and Christian progenitors in the time of the danger of religion, which is expressed in the covenant itself. The defect was, they went not on thoroughly to enter into a solemn covenant, an happiness reserved for this time, which had they done, the corruptions and calamities of these days might have been prevented. And if the Lord shall be pleased to move, loose, and enlarge the hearts of His people in his majesty's dominions to take this covenant, not in simulation, nor in lukewarmness, as those that are almost persuaded to be Christians, but as becometh the people of G.o.d, it shall be the prevention of many evils and miseries, and a means of many and rich blessings, spiritual and temporal, to ourselves, our little ones, and the posterity that shall come after us, for many generations.

The near and neighbouring example of the church and kingdom of Scotland, is in this case worthy of our best observation. When the prelates there were grown by their rents, and lordly dignities, by their exorbitant power over all sorts of his majesty's subjects, ministers and others, by their places in parliament, council, college of justice, exchequer, and high commission, to a monstrous dominion and greatness, and, like giants, setting their one foot on the neck of the church, and the other on the neck of the state, were become intolerably insolent. And when the people of G.o.d, through their oppression in religion, liberties and laws, and what was dearest unto them, were brought so low, that they choose rather to die, than to live in such slavery, or to live in any other place, rather than in their own native country: then did the Lord say, "I have seen the affliction of My people, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them." The beginnings were small and contemptible in the eyes of the presumptuous enemies, such as used to be the beginnings of the greatest works of G.o.d; but were so seconded and continually followed by the undeniable evidences of divine providence, leading them forward from one step to another, that their mountain became strong in the end. No tongue can tell what motions filled the hearts, what tears were poured forth from the eyes, and what cries came from the mouths of many thousands in that land, when they found an unwonted flame warming their b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and perceived the power of G.o.d, raising them from the dead, and creating for them a new world, wherein shall dwell religion and righteousness. When they were dest.i.tute both of monies and munition, which, next unto the spirit and arms of men, are the sinews of war, the Lord brought them forth out of His hid treasures, which was wonderful in their eyes, and matter of astonishment to their hearts: when they were many times at a pause in their deliberations, and brought to such perplexity, that they knew not what to choose, or to do for prosecuting the work of G.o.d, only their eyes were towards Him; not only the fears and furies, but the plots also and policies of the adversaries opened the way unto them, their devices were turned upon their own heads, and served for promoting of the work of G.o.d. The purity of their intentions elevated above base and earthly respects, and the constant peace of their hearts in the midst of many dangers, did bear them out against the malicious accusations and aspersions put upon their actions: all which were sensible impressions of the good providence of G.o.d, and legible characters of His work; which the church and kingdom of England, exercised at this time with greater difficulty than theirs, have in part already found; so shall the parallel be perfected to their greater comfort in the faithful pursuing of the work unto the end.

Necessity, which hath in it a kind of sovereignty, and is a law above all laws, and therefore is said to have no law, doth mightily press the church and kingdom of Scotland at this time. It is no small comfort unto them, that they have not been idle, and at ease, but have used all good and lawful means of supplications, declarations and remonstrances to his majesty, for quenching the combustion in this kingdom: and after all these, that they sent commissioners to his majesty, humbly to mediate for a reconcilement and pacification. But the offer of their humble service was rejected from no other reason, but that they had no warrant nor capacity for such a mediation; and that the intermixture of the government of the church of England, with the civil government of the kingdom, was such a mystery as could not be understood by them. Although it be true, which was at that time often replied, that the eighth demand of the treaty, and the answer given thereunto, concerning the uniformity of religion, was a sufficient ground of capacity; and the proceedings of the houses of parliament against episcopal government, as a stumbling block hindering reformation, and as a prejudice to the civil state, was ground enough for their information. The commissioners having returned from his majesty without success, and the miseries of Ireland, and the distresses of England, and the dangers and pressures of the kingdom of Scotland, growing to greater extremity; such as were intrusted with the public affairs of the kingdom, were necessitate, according to the practice of former times, his majesty having denied a parliament, to call a convention of the estates, for considering of the present affairs, and for providing the best remedies: which, immediately upon their meeting, by the special providence of G.o.d, did receive information of divers treacherous attempts of papists, in all the three kingdoms, as if they had been called for that effect. And by the same providence, commissioners were sent from both houses of parliament, to consider with the estates of the kingdom of Scotland, of such articles and propositions, as might make the conjunction betwixt the two nations more beneficial and effectual for the securing of religion and liberty against papists and prelates, with their adherents. Their consultations with the commissioners of the General a.s.sembly did in the end bring forth a covenant, as the only means after all other had been essayed, for the deliverance of England and Ireland out of the depths of affliction, preservation of the church and kingdom of Scotland from the extremity of misery, and the safety of our native king and his kingdoms, from destruction and desolation. This is the manifold necessity which nature, religion, loyalty and love hath laid upon them.

Nor is it unknown in this honourable, reverend and wise audience, what errors and heresies in doctrine, what superst.i.tion and idolatry in wors.h.i.+p, what usurpation and tyranny in government, what cruelty against the souls and bodies of the saints have been set on foot, exercised and executed for many generations, and now of late by the Roman church: all which we hope, through the blessing of G.o.d upon this work, shall be brought to an end. Had the Pope at Rome the knowledge of what is doing this day in England, and were this covenant written on the plaster of the wall over against him, where he sitteth, Belshazzar-like in his sacrilegious pomp, it would make his heart to tremble, his countenance to change, his head and mitre to shake, his joints to loose, and all his cardinals and prelates to be astonished.

When the reformed churches, which by their letters have been exciting us to Christian communion and sympathy, in this time of the danger of religion and distress of the G.o.dly, shall hear of this blessed conjunction for uniformity in religion, according to the Word of G.o.d, and the defence thereof, it shall quicken their hearts against the heaviness of oppressing sorrows and fears; and be no other than a beginning of a jubilee and joyful deliverance unto them, from the antichristian yoke and tyranny.

Upon these and the like considerations, we are very confident that the church and kingdom of Scotland will most cheerfully join in this covenant; at the first motion whereof, their bowels were moved within them. And to give testimony of this our confidence, we who are Commissioners from the General a.s.sembly, although we have no particular and express commission for that end (not from want of willingness, but of foresight) offer to join our hearts and hands unto it, being a.s.sured, that the Lord in His own time will, against all opposition, even against the gates of h.e.l.l, crown it with a blessing from heaven. The Word of G.o.d is for it, as you have been now resolved by the consent and testimony of a reverend a.s.sembly of so many G.o.dly, learned and great divines. In your own sense and experience, upon seeking G.o.d in private or public, as in the evening of a well spent Sabbath or day of fast and humiliation, the bent and inclinations of your hearts will be strongest to go through with this work. It is a good testimony that our designs and ways are agreeable to the will of G.o.d, if we affect them most when our hearts are farthest from the world, and our temper is most spiritual and heavenly, and least carnal and earthly. As the Word of G.o.d, so the prayers of the people of G.o.d in all the reformed churches, are for us. That divine providence also which hath maintained this cause, and supported His servants in a marvellous manner unto this day, and which this time past hath kept things in an equal balance and vicissitude of success, will, we trust, from this day forth, through the weight of this covenant, cast the balance, and make religion and righteousness to prevail, to the glory of G.o.d, the honour of our king, the confusion of our common enemies, and the comfort and safety of the people of G.o.d; which, may He grant who is able to do above any thing that we can ask or think.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fac-simile of old t.i.tle page of following Sermon.]

_The Heart's Engagement._




St. _Margaret's Westminster_,

At the publick Entering into the



I. _Some of the n.o.bility, Knighthood and Gentry._ II. _Divers Colonels, Officers and Soldiers._ III. _Those of the_ Scotish _Nation about the City._ IV. _Many Reverend Divines here residing._

The Covenants And The Covenanters Part 6

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