The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires Part 1

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The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires.

by John Frederick Helvetius.

The Epistle


Most n.o.ble, most Excellent, most Expert, and most Accurate Inspectors of the Vulcanian Anatomy, and my most real FRIENDS.

Although I neither was willing, nor able to be wanting to my honoured Friends, yet would not divulge and bring to light the Verity of the Spagirick Art, but by this most precious, and Miraculous Arcanum, which I not only saw with these Eyes, but taking a little of the trans.m.u.tatory powder, I myself also trans.m.u.ted an Impure Ma.s.s of Lead volatile in the Fire, into fixed Gold, constantly sustaining every Examen of Fire: in such wise, as henceforth it can no more be suspected by any Man, no not by those, who unto this day have perswaded themselves and others, that this Arcanum is given to no man: but contrarily we were fully and indubitately perswaded, that, in things of Nature, The Mercury of Philosophers is Primo-material, and is like a Fountain overflowing with wonderfull Effects, and those escaping every acuteness, and Light of Human reprehensible Reason, as shall be evidenced in this my little work: which I was willing to dedicate and consecrate to you, my Primary Patrons, as to most prudent Masters, and Defenders.

Yet in the mean while, I pray consider, that I have not writ to the end I would teach any one, that Art, which I my self know not, but only that I might recite the true Process of this Arcanum. For, what can more confirm, and Patronize Verity, than the true Light of Truth it self? It is the property of Brute Animals to pa.s.s their life in Silence, and especially not to heed those things in them, which do most of all look to, and are required for the propagation of the Glory of the most Wise, and most powerful G.o.d our creator. Wherefore, since it is a thing unworthy, and to the Divine Majesty ungrateful, for Man, who should be a Consort of the Divine Nature, to wax brutish with Brutes, I present to you, my most faithful Friends, and Patrons of this Science, this most rare History: having as time, and my Ability would permit, recollected all things, and have faithfully commemorated them.

Therefore, omitting all paints, and flourishes of Rhetorical Expressions, I will forthwith betake my self to the discovery of all, whatsoever I both saw, and heard from Elias the Artist touching this. For truly, I was not so intimately familiar with him, as that he should instruct me in the way of preparing the Universal Medicine, after the Method of Physico-artificial Chimistry: yet he supplyed me with such Reasons in the Method of Healing, as I shall never be able to commend his worth with condigne Praises. Therefore, most curious Favourers, and true Lovers of the Chimical Art, accept of this little work, as a mean Gift, or if you had rather, peruse if only for recreation of the mind; for in it I shall relate all things whatsoever, that were discoursed of between him and me, at several times: humbly requesting, that with the same benevolence you have received other of my small Treatises, you would also accept of this Novel, which I freely dedicate, and officiously give to you, for a motion, and increase of Admiration.

Farewel, avete, favete.

Your most humble

John Fredrick Helvetius.


Most Excellent, and Prudent Sirs.

Before I enter upon the Description of the Philosophick PIGMY, (in this little Theatre of Secrets) overcoming and subduing GIANTS, I pray permit me here to use the words of Vanhelmont, taken out of his Book De Arbore Vitae, fol. 630.

and here Transcribed.

I compelled to believe, that there is an Aurifick, and Argentick Stone.

But (Friend of the Spagyrick Art) I am not ignorant, that many have been found among the most wise, yea among the exquisite Chimists, who have not only consumed their own Goods, but the Goods of others also, in this Great Vulanick Secret, as Experience even at this very day sufficiently proves. For we have seen, the more is the pity! how unwary Chimists, yea such as are more worthy, than those who are called Alchimists; how, I say, they, labouring simply, are daily deluded with Guile of this kind, by Diabolick, Aurifick, and Argentick Suckgoods.

Also I know, that many Stupid Men will rise up, and contradict the truth of my true Experience, touching the Philosophick Stone. One will have it to be a work of the Devil; another affirms there is no such thing; a third faith it is the Soul of Gold only, and that with an Ounce of that Gold, an Ounce of Lead, and no more may be again tinged: but this is repugnant to the Attestation of Kifflerus, as I shall briefly commemorate; a fourth believes the Verity and Possibility thereof, but faith it is so chargeable, as it will never quit Cost; with many other like Allegations. Yet I wonder not at this, for according to this Saying,

Quorum rationem non intelligimus, miramur, Que vero pernoscere volupe est, rimamur.

What we cannot attain to, we admire, But what to know is pleasing, do desire.

How can a Man, fallen from the Fountain of Light, into the Abyss of Darkness, effect any thing to purpose, in Natural things, especially when his Wisdome in this natural Philosophick Study is barren and sophisticate? It is, for the most part, proper to these Fools and unapt men, presently to contemn a thing, not knowing, that more are yet to be sought by them, than they have the possession of. Therefore, rightly saith Seneca, in lib. de Moribus: Thou art not yet happy, if the Rout deride thee not. But I matter not, whether they believe, or contradict what I write, touching the Trans.m.u.tation of Metals.

I rest satisfied in this one thing, which with my eyes I have seen, and what with my hands I have done. For what Philosophers say of themselves, I also have with my hands handled this Spark of the Eternal Wisdome, or this Saturnine Catholick Magnesia of Philosophers, a Fire of potency sufficient to penetrate Stones, yea, a Treasure of so great value, as 20 Tun of Gold cannot exceed the price thereof. What seek you?

I believe what I have seen with the eyes of Thomas, and handled as he, (but in the nature of things only) as well as the Adept Philosophers; although in this our decrepit age of the world, That be accounted a most Secret Hyperphysico-magical Saturn, and not known, unless to some Cabalistick Christian only.

We judge him the most happy of all Physicians, who hath the knowledge of this pleasant Medicinal potion of our Mercury, or of the Medicine of the Son of our Esculapius resisting the force of death, against which there is no Panacea otherwise produced in Gardens.

Moreover, the most wise G.o.d doth not reveal his Gifts of Solomon promiscuously to all Mortals. They indeed seem strange to them, when they behold a Creature, from the occult Magnetick potency incited in it self, deduced into art by its own like; as for Example: In Iron is a Magnetick, ingenited, potential virtue from the Magnet: a Magnetick virtue in Gold from Mercury: a Magnetick virtue in Silver from Venus, or Copper: and so consequently in all Metals, Minerals, and Stones, Herbs, and Plants, &c.

Moreover, I may properly quaery, which of the wisest Philosophers is so Sage, as to be able to comprehend with the acuteness of his own most dextrous ingeny, with what Ob.u.mbracle the Imaginative Tinging, Venemons, or Monstrous Faculty of any pregnant Woman, compleats its work in one Moment, if it be deduced into art by some External Object?

I do a.s.suredly believe, that very many will foolishly say, that this is a Mortomagical Work of the Devil; but the Doltish and Ignorant are affraid to be out-s.h.i.+ned by the true resplendent Light of Verity, with which their Owl-like Sight is troubled, and afflicted.

Also the Stars are a cause of what we treat of, and this cause is not to be contemned, although I, nor you, know not how to comprehend the Celestial Influences of them in our mind. Nor are the Plants, which the Earth supplies us with, to be rejected, although I; or you, from the External Signature of them, know not how to judge aright of the Effect of Virtues ingenited in them, which they notoriously exercise, according to their power, in healing and conserving Humane bodies. Therefore, since all others are also offended at the Internal Light, being ignorant of all abstruse things, of which you, or I, want the Science, how can the same Virtues be deduced into art, according to the end for which they were created?

A thousand other like things might be instanced. Although you know not the Splendour in Angels, the Candour in the Heavens, the Perspicuity in the Air, Limpitude in Waters, the variety of Colours in Flowers, hardness of Metals and Stones, Proportion in Animals, the Image of G.o.d in regenerate Men, Faith in Believers, and Reason in the Soul; yet in them there is such a beauty, as hath been throughly beheld, and fully known by very few Mortals.

Although in the Stone of Philosophers there be so potent a virtue, and the same hath been seen by me, yet I would not therefore have any man to think, that my primary Scope, and intention, is to perswade the worthy, or unworthy Sons of this Age, to labour in this work, no, not at all: but I shall rather dehort all, and every of the curious Indagators of this Art, that they seriously abstain from this most perilous Arcanum, as from a certain Sanctum Sanctorum; yea, and I would admonish the Studious of this Arcanum, accurately to take heed to himself, and beware of the Lectures, and a.s.sociation of false Philosophers. But I hope I shall satisfie the curious Naturalists, or investigators of Physical Arcanums, by communicating and publis.h.i.+ng in this present Discourse, all which pa.s.sed between Elias the Artist, and Me, touching the Nature of the Stone of Philosophers.

For that is an Ens more Effulgent than the Morning, or a Carbuncle: more splendid, than the Sun, or Gold: more fair, than the Moon, or Silver: so very Recreable, and Amiable, was the sight of this Light, and most pleasing Object to me, as out of my inward Mind, it cannot be obliterated, or extinguished by any Oblivion; although the same be credited by none of the fatuate Learned, or illiterate ignorant, and such as glory only in the praise of ambitious Eloquence.

For in this malignant ulcerated age of the world, nothing is so safe and secure from Calumnies, but it is taken in a wrong Sense, and perverted unworthily by the Idiotick Ignorance of mad-brain'd CacoZelots.

So very farr do all these dark-sighted men deviate from the true rule of Verity, as in success of time, they, intangled with their own Errors, will miserably wast away and expire; but our a.s.sertion, built on the Eternal Foundation of Triumphing Verity, shall continue and remain, unto the Consummation of all ages, without diminution, although this art be not yet known to all Mortals. For the Adept Philosophers, according to the antient Faith of their experience, have affirmed, that this Natural Mystery (which many anxious men have sinistrously sought, and required) is only to be found with Jehovah, Saturninely placed in the Centre of the World. In the mean while, we proclaim those happy, who take care, by the help of art, how they may wash this Philosophick Queen, or how they ought to circulate the Virgin-Catholick-Earth, in Physico-Magical Crystalline Artifice, as Khunradus.

did; they only, and none others besides them, shall see the Crowned, and internally fiery King of Philosophers, coming forth from his Sepulchre, in an external fiery Body glorified, more then perfect with all the Colours in the world, as a s.h.i.+ning Carbuncle, or perspicuous, compact and ponderous Crystal, a Salamander Spewing out Waters, and by the benefit thereof in the Fire was.h.i.+ng Leprous Metals, as I my self have seen.

What? How shall they see the Abyss of the Spagyrick Art? when as this Royal Art hath so long lain hid, and been absconded in the Mineral Kingdom, as in the Safest of all Secret places, for so very many years? a.s.suredly the Genuine Sons of this Laudable Art, shall not only behold a like Flood of Numicius, in which aeneas heretofore, by the command of Venus, washed and absolved from his Immortality, was immediately transformed into an immortal G.o.d; but also the Lydian River of Pactolus all trans.m.u.ted into Gold, and how Midas Mygdonius washed himself in the same. Likewise those candid Rivals of this Art, shall in a serious order behold the Bathing-place of naked Diana, the Fountain of Narcissus and Scylla walking in the Sea, without garments, by reason of the most fervent Rayes of Sol: partly also the Blood of Pyramus and Thisbe, of it self collected, by the help of which, white Mulberries are tinged into Red; partly also the Blood of Adonis, by the descending G.o.ddess Venus transformed into a Rose of Anemona; partly likewise the Blood of Ajax, from which arose that most beautiful flower the Violet; partly also the Blood of the Giants slain by Jupiters thunder-bolt; partly also the Shed Tears of Althea, when she put off her Golden Vestments; and partly the Drops, which fell from the decocted Water of Medea, by which green things immediatly sprang out of the Earth; partly also the cocted Potion of Medea, made of various Herbs, gathered always three dayes before full Moon, for the cure of Jasons aged Father; partly also those Leaves, by the tast of which, the nature of Gaucus was changed into Neptune; partly also the Exprest Juice of Jason, by the benefit of which, he, in the Land of Cholcons, received the Golden Fleece, afterward by reason of that, compleatly armed, he fought in the Feild of Mars, not without the hazard of Life; partly also the Garden of the Hesperides, where Golden Apples may be gathered from the Trees; partly also Hippomenes running for the Mastery with Atalanta, and staying her Course, and so overcoming her with three Golden Apples, the Gifts of Venus; partly also the Aurora of Cephalus, partly also Romulus transformed by Jupiter into a G.o.d; partly also the Soul of Julius Caesar, by the G.o.ddess Venus, transfigured into a Comet, and placed among the Stars; partly also Python, Juno's Serpent, arising out of the putrid Earth (after Deucalions Flood) made hot by the Rayes of the Sun; partly also the Fire, with which Medea kindled seven Lights; partly also the Moon, inflamed by the burning of Phaeton; partly also the Withered Olive Branch, a new; flouris.h.i.+ng and bearing Fruit; yea, becoming a new and tender Olive Tree; partly also Arcadia, where Jupiter was wont to walk; partly also the Habitation of Pluto, at the Gate whereof lay the Three-headed Cerberus; & also partly that Mountain, where Hercules burned all his Members, received from the Mother, upon Wood, but the Parts of the Father remained Fixed, and incombustible in Fire, and nothing of his Life was destroyed, but he, at length, was trans.m.u.ted into a G.o.d.

Likewise we will not forget those Germans, the Sons of true Philosophers, who entred into a Country-house, at length transformed into a Temple, whose Covering was made of pure Gold. Certainly, I cannot choose, but must yet once more with acclamation, say with the Adept: O happy, and thrice happy is that Artificer, who by the most merciful benediction of the highest, Jehovah pursues the Art of Confecting, and preparing that (as it were, Divine) Salt, by the Efficacious Operation of which, a Metallick, or Mineral body, is corrupted, destroyed, and dyes; yet the Soul thereof is in the mean while revived, to a glorious Resurrection of a Philosophick Body. Yea, I say, most happy is the Son of that man, who, by his Prayers, obtains this Art of Arts, unto the glory of G.o.d. For it is most certain, that this Mystery can be known no other way, unless it be drawn and imbibed from G.o.d, the Fountain of Fountains. Therefore, let every serious Lover of this inestimable Art judge, that the whole work of him required, is, that he constantly, with the prayer of true faith, in all his labour, implore and solicite the Divine Grace of the Holy Spirit. For the solemn manner of G.o.d alone is, candidly and liberally, either mediately or immediately, to communicate his gifts and benefits, to none, unless to candid and liberal Ingenies only. In this holy way of practical Piety, all Inquisitors of profound Arts, find what they seek, when they, in their work, exercise themselves Theosophically by solitary Colloquies with Jehovah, with a pure Heart and Mouth, religiously. For the Heavenly Sophia, indeed, willingly embraces our friends.h.i.+p, presenting, and offering to us, her inexhaustible Rivolets, most full of gracious goodness and benevolence. But, happy is he, to whom the Royal way, in which he is to walk, shall be shown by some One expert in this Arcanum.

I seem to presage to my self, that I have not equally satisfied all Readers in this Preface; but it is, as if I did presume to teach them an Art, unknown to my self; yet I hope better of the greatest part of them. For my intention was, only to relate to you a certain History.

Therefore, Drink, my Friends, of the following Dialogue, or Springing Colloquy, presented by me, wis.h.i.+ng you well, that thence you may satisfie, and allay all the Thirst of your Thirsting Minds: for I doubt not in the least, but that this Study of Divine Wisdome, will be more sweet to you, than Nectar and Ambrosia. No other will I communicate, no other have I common, then that of Jul.

Caes. Scaliger: The End, of Wis.e.m.e.n, is the Communication of Wisdome: according to that of Gregory Nyen: He who is Good, in Nature, the same very willingly communicates his Goods to others. For it is the part of good Men, to be profitable to others.


Divers Il.u.s.trious men have written touching the Verity of this Arcanum, among these, take the Sayings of some of them, as follows.

PARACELSUS In his Book Of the Signature of Natural things.

The Tincture of Naturalists, is a, true sign, that by the trans.m.u.tative virtue thereof, all imperfect Metals are changed, viz. the White into Silver, and the Red into the best Gold, if an exceeding small part of this Medicine well prepared, be injected upon the Metal, while in flux in a Crucible, &c.

The same.

For the invincible Astrum of Metals overcomes all things, and changeth into a Nature like it self, &c. This Gold and Silver is more n.o.ble, and better, than those, which are dug out of Metallick Mines; for Medicinal Arcanums to be prepared therefrom.

The same.

Therefore, I say every Alchimist, which hath the Astrum of Gold, is able to tinge all Red Metals into Gold, &c.

The same.

Our Tincture of Gold hath Astrums in it self, is a Substance most fixed, and in multiplication immutable. It is a Powder, haveing a colour most red, almost like Saffron, yet its whole Corporal Substance, is liquid as Rosin, perspicuous as Crystal, brittle as Gla.s.s, of the colour of a Rubie, and exceeding poaderous, &c.

Also read Paracelsus his Heaven of Philosophers.

Likewise, Paracelsus his Seventh Book, Of the Trans.m.u.tation of Natural things.

The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires Part 1

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