The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires Part 3
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O Sir! The presence of such a new Guest shall never be troublesome to me, but rather I receive you as one of my best Friends. For Philosophick Discourse, touching the Secrets cf Nature, is the only recreation of my Mind, also it is such convenient Salutiferous Nutriment, as no man can be worthy to taste of, before he shall be rightly disposed for that Banquet.
Enter, I pray, Friend, into the House.
Indeed Sir! Here, as it seems to to me, you have a compleat Vulcanian Shop, and perhaps all these things Spagyrically and exactly drawn from, the Mineral Kingdom; but I pray, to what end so many Medicaments? I believe, that G.o.d in the things of Nature, naturally gives such Medicines, with a very few of which, we may much sooner, and more safely re-integrate the decayed, and languis.h.i.+ng Health of Man, unless the Disease be Mortal, from a deficiency of Nature, or from the putrefaction of some n.o.ble internal part hurt, or by reason of a total absumption of the radical humidity in which desperate Cases, no Galenick Cure, or Paracelsick Tincture can yeild releif. But in ordinary Diseases it is not so; and yet here, very many Men, before the fatal term of Life be expired (abfit Nemesis dicto) are enforced to pa.s.s out of this fair Kingdom of pleasing Light, into the Shadowed Land of the Dead, whilst, either they neglect the health of their own Body, or commit the same to the Faith of Physicians, unskilful of the Remedy they have in their hand.
As far as I can gather from your discourse, if my Judgement deceive me not, you are either a Physician, or a man expert in Chimistry.
Certainly, according as you say, so I believe, that in the things of Nature are given other more excellent Medicaments, as also very many other Philosophers affirm, that there is a certain (although to few known) Universal Medicament, by the benefit which, we may prolong Life unto the appointed End, cure all Diseases otherwise uncurable, and many other such things. But, where is any among all the Wisest men of this world, that can shew us the way, how to find out so n.o.ble a Fountain, whence such a wonderful Medicamentous juice, n.o.bilitating the Physician, is drawn?
Perhaps no one man.
Indeed, I am not a Physician, but only a Melter of Orichalc.u.m, and almost from my Child-hood, have exercised my Ingeny in Pyrotechny, and so have sought out the internal Nature of Metals And although I now cease from my usual diligence in elaborating some accurate work, by the Art of Vulcan, yet my mind still takes delight in labours of that kind, and in the lovers of this most curious Spagyrick Art; and I do verily.
believe and judge, that the most Wise G.o.d, will in this our age communicate gratis, or for nothing, the Metallick Mysteries of Nature to his Spagyrick Sons, Praying, and Physico-chimically Labouring.
My Friend, I must needs grant this, that G.o.d, for nothing, communicates to his Sons, this laudable Good, as well as all other gifts; yet you shall very rarely hear, that he for nothing gives or vends this Medicamentous Wine or Nectar to his Sons. For we certainly know, how great a number of Chymists lived in former ages who, (according to the Proverb ) strove to draw water in a Sieve, whilest they presumed to prepare this Universal Stone of Philosophers.
Besides, out of the books of them, who triumph in the glory of Adept, no one man can learn the way of preparing, nor know their First Matter, so as any one, searching to the lowest roots of Mountains, can never ascend to those their Heights, where Ambrosia, and Nectar of Macrosophists, is drank.
In the mean time, it is the part of a good Physician, since he wants such an Universal Elixir, (not without the daily study of conserving his Conscience pure and sound) to adhibit to the Diseases of the Sick, commended to his Cure, such Curations; or Remedies as for restoring Sanity as in which he (from the effect) certainly knows, that a virtue of healing is incited.
Wherefore, in all desperate Diseases, I, with many other Pract.i.tioners, do alwayes use such most simple Medicaments, that thence the Diseased may soon be restored to their Pristine state of Health, or to a better than the Pristine.
For indeed, various and diverse kinds of Salts, are generated in the Glandules and Lymphatick Vessels, after the putrefaction of this, or that nutriment taken, which afterward wax florid in various Humours, for diverse Diseases, either Internal, or External. Experience teacheth, that as many as are the Const.i.tutions, or Complexions of humane bodies, to so many diversities of Diseases the same are obnoxious; although in one manner, and the same Disease, as our daily conversation evidenceth to us in those who drink Wine, whence divers Operations manifestly discover themselves.
Because Peter drinks Wine, he labours with an angry, I will not say, furious mind.
On the contrary, Paul drinking Wine, seems to imbibe his mind with an Agnine Timorousness.
But Matthias sings, and Luke weeps.
Touching the s...o...b..tick Contagious Venome, viz. of Peter, his radical juice in the Lymphatick Vessels, and Glandules, is converted into an Acidity, stopping the pa.s.sages, and all Organs of the whole body, whence, under the Skin, arise Spots on the Arms and Legs of a blewish colour, but in times of Pestilence, they swell like Pepper Corns.
The juice of Pauls parts is changed into an Aperitive Bitterness; whence, under the Skin of the Arms and Legs, arise red Spots, p.r.i.c.king like the bitings of Fleas; but in a Pestilential time, they are Blanes.
The juice of Matthias his parts, is converted into a sweetness easily putrifying; whence, under the Skin of Arms and leg, arise watery Tumours, almost such as are conspicuous in Dropsical Persons; but in time of the Pest, they are Pestilential Tumours.
The juice of the parts of Luke, is changed into a Saline, and drying sharpness; whence, under the Skin of the Arms and Legs, arise Precipitations of the ordinary Ferment of the Flesh, and Exficcations, as usually happens in this Atrophia, yea most frequently in the true Atrophia. But in the Pest, they become most ardent Buboes, with madness, even until death.
Behold, my Friend, no Physician, by one only Universal Medicament, can heal the Evil of this s...o...b..tick, or Pestilential, or Febrile Venome, but indeed, by the Mediation of some particular Vegetable, or Mineral Remedy, given to us from G.o.d in Nature, he may exterminate the same. For, as I cannot heal, or help all s...o...b..tick Persons, with one only s...o...b..tick Herb, as Scurvy-gra.s.s, or Sorrel, or Fumitory, or Brooklime; so, much less of a certain remedy made of these diverse Species congested into one; because, between the Herbs Scurvy-gra.s.s and Sorrel, there is an Antipathy, as between Fire and Water; and so there is the same Antipathy between the Herbs Fumitory and Brook-lime.
Therefore, the Correctory of Peters s...o...b..tick Saline acid tinging Venome, is made with the Volatile bitter Salt of Scurvy-gra.s.s.
But the Correctory of Pauls s...o...b..tick Saline bitter tinging Venome, is made with the acid fixed Salt of the Herb Sorrel.
The Correctory of Matthias his s...o...b..tick sweetish, and moistning tinging Venome is made by the help of the fixed bitter drying Sulphur of the Herb Fumitory.
And the Correctory of Lukes s...o...b..tick tinging Saline and drying Venome, is made with the help of the sweet moistning Mercury of the Herb Brook-lime, or red Colewort, as from the External Signature of these Herbs, it is easie to judge of the Internal Specifick Remedy against there diverse s...o...b..tick Disease. Certainly, my Friend, if this be observed by a prudent Physician, he must needs doubt of the Universal Medicine,
All you have discoursed of, I can easily grant; yet very few Physicians use this Method of healing. Yet, in the meanwhile, it is not impossible, that an Universal Medicine should be given in the highest Mineral Kingdome, by the benefit of which we may perform and administer all things, which are by you related to me, touching the lowest Kingdom of Vegitables; but the most wise G.o.d, for several weighty reasons, hath not on all Philosophers promiscuously conferred this most magnificent Charisma of Supereminent Science, but hath revealed it only; to a very few. According as all the Adept, with one mouth, confess, and say: The Science is true, And, the verity thereof not to be doubted.
Sir, besides the above commemorated, there are also other Observations; strenuously refuting the Operation on an Universal Medicine, partly in respect of the Age and strength of Man, partly by reason of the s.e.x, and other Circ.u.mstances, whilst a difference is to be made between the tender, and the Robust, whether from Nature, or from Education; or between the Male and Female, or between a Young Man and a Virgin, or between the Beginning, Middle, or End of Diseases; or it is to be understood whether a Disease, be inveterate, or the Sick be lately invaded; or lastly, whether the Ferment be promoted in this Disease, or be precipited in in another. Effervescency is made either in the Stomach or in the Intestines.
a.s.suredly there are many contradictions of the Wonderful effect, of the Universal Medicine.
For the greatest part of rational Physicians want the Perspicil of Thomas Didymus in their Fingers.
Indeed, Sir; you have philosophised rightly, and well, yea, Arthodoxly, against the universal Medicament, according to that notorious, and far spred proverb. As many Heads, so many Senses. For as Sweet sounding Musick delights not the Ears of every Midas; nor doth the Same History related please all Historians; nor of Bread and Wine, of the same Taste, is there a like relish in all Palats. So also the judgements of Skilful Men do strangely differ, touching the wonderful Effect of this Universal Medicine, on Humane and Metallick Bodies. For this Universal Medicine, in its way of Operating, vastly differs, from a particular Medicine, which may in some sense be called Universal, as the Herb Scurvy-gra.s.s, curing every s...o...b..tick marked with blew Spots; or Sorrel, healing every Scurvy, noted with red Spots; or Brook-lime, healing an Atrophia of that Kind, or Fumitory remedying Tumors of that Kind: and that especially with such Physicians, with whom the Observation you before recited, is of any esteem.
Moreover, there is an exceeding great difference between the Universal Medicine of Philosophers, refres.h.i.+ng the vital Spirits, and between a Particular Medicament of Proletary-Curation, with which is corrected the venom of Humors; viz. such as boyles up against Nature, in this Man, Acid; in that Man, the Bitter is predominant; in one, what is Saline, in another, what is sharp, grow potent. But, if these Corrupt humors be not without all delay presently expelled out of the Body, by the ordinary Emunctories of Nature either by the Belly, or by Urine of the Bladder, or by the Sweat through the Pores, or by the Spittle of the Mouth, or by the Nostrils, a.s.suredly the corruption of one, becomes the Generation of another, viz. of a Disease. For, from every spark, if we do not timely extinguish it, an exceding great burning will arise. Also, if there be a defect, of the Vital Spirits, it is impossible to effect this. Therefore the only care of a Conscientious Physician should be, how to deduce the motion of the Vital Spirits to a digestible natural Heat, and that is best of all, and most securely performed by the Operation of our Universal Medicament, by which they are found to be notably recreated. For as soon as this more than perfect Medicine hath driven the Morbifick Evil from the Seat it occupies, then immediately it infuseth the lost Sanity, and that only from the Harmony, or Sympathy it self, which the Vital Spirits, and this Medicine, have mutually in themselves.
Wherefore, it, by the Adept, is called the Mystery of Nature, and the Defensive of old Age, against all Diseases. Which, I fay, even in a most pestilent Season, most full of contagious Diseases every where raging, makes of man a Salamander, bearing such Epidemical Plagues of Heaven displeased, until the utmost term of his Life be expired.
As far as I, beloved Friend, can understand, this Medicine makes not for the Emendation of depraved Humours, but is chiefly conducent for the recreation of the Vital Spirits.
Besides, among practical Chimists, this Secret is taught, viz.
that by the Spayrick Art, it may be commonstrated, how the pure should be separated from the impure, and by the same, how the Immature are rendred mature, and how the Bitter are corrected into sourish, and the sourish into Sweet, and the Sharp into Gentle, and the Gentle into Sharp; and the Acid into Sweet, and the Sweet into Acid. Also this Laudable Medicine of Philosophers, according to my understanding, cannot prolong Life, beyond the term prefixed from above, but only preserve from the Effect of all Venimous, or otherwise mortiferous Diseases: and so it is certainly true, as is commonly believed, that the prolongation of Humane Life depends, on the Will of the Omnipotent G.o.d only. But, omitting these, I would here ask this one Question. Whether by the use of this Universal Medicine, the pristine Nature of Man may be converted into New, so as a Slothful Man may degenerate into a Diligent, or stirring Man, and a Man, who before was by Nature Melancholy and Sad, afterward became Jovial, Chearful, and full of Joy, or like alterations, reformations, permutations, or vicissitudes happen in the Nature of Man?
Not at all Sir. For so great power was never conferred on any Medicament, that it could change the Nature of Man. Wine inebriating, taken by diverse individual Men, in him, who is drunk, changeth not his Nature but only provokes, and deduceth into act, what is naturally, and potentially in him, but before was as it were, dead.
Even so is the Operation of the Universal Medicine, which by recreation of the Vital Spirits, excites Sanity, for a time only suppressed, because it was naturally in him before; even as the heat of the Sun changeth not Herbs, or Flowers, but only provokes the same, and from the proper potential nature of them, deduceth them into act only. For a Man of a Melancholy temper, is again raised up to exercise his own Melancholy matters; and the jovial Man, who was pleasant, is recreated in all his chearful actions, and so consequently, in all desperate Diseases it is a present, or most excellent Preservative. Hence a Man, presaging that some evil will befal him, will rather prevent than be prevented. But if any prolongation of Life, by some Philosophick Medicament, could have been induced, against the predestination of the Omnipotent G.o.d, undoubtedly neither Hermes Trismegistus, nor Paracelsus, nor Raymundlully, nor the Count Bernhard, and many more like ill.u.s.trious Possessors of this great Mystery, would not have yeilded to the common death of all Mortals, but perhaps have protracted their Life until this very Day, Therefore, it would be the part of a fanatick, and foolish Man to affirm this, yea of a most foolish Man, to believe, and a.s.sent to the same, touching any one Medicament in the things of Nature.
My Friend, whatsoever you have spoken no less regularly, than fundamentally, touching the Operation of the Universal Medicine, I indeed cherefully, and willingly grant, but as long as I am ignorant of preparing the same rightly, I do no other than attempt to carry my Boat from a very small Lake, into the Vast Ocean, because it will certainly be driven back to the Sh.o.r.e, without any Fruit. For although many of those ill.u.s.trious Men have written somewhat touching that laudable preparation, yet they involved that in such a Wrapper of shadowed Caution, as the Footsteps of them latently demonstrated, can be known by few or none of the most diligent Readers, who should follow them so far, as until they come where they would be. Also, who is so wealthy, and well informed, as to be able, and to know where to buy all those Books, in which, here, and there an Hypothesis of this kind is handled: betides, you may consume the greatest part of your life, before you can gather thence any sufficient knowledge, or the direct manual Operation. Therefore it is best for us to abide patiently in our Laboratory, praying to the blessed G.o.d, according to that Saying:
Ora, ac Labora; & Deus dat omni hora.
The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires Part 3
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