Historical Tales Volume Xii Part 21
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confinement. Dread of China and j.a.pan induced the king to send envoys with tribute to Peking and Yedo, but the tribute was small, and the isolation was maintained, Corea winning for itself the names of the Hermit Nation and the Forbidden Land.
It was not until within recent years that this policy of isolation was overthrown and Corea opened to the world. How this was done may be briefly told. In spite of the Corean watchfulness, some French missionaries long ago penetrated into the land and made many converts, who were afterwards severely persecuted. French fleets were sent there in 1866 and later, and a fight took place in which the French were repulsed. In consequence the persecution of the Christians grew more severe. War-s.h.i.+ps were sent by different nations to try to open trade, but in vain, and finally an American trading vessel was destroyed and its crew ma.s.sacred.
This affair brought a fleet from the United States to the coast of Corea in 1871, which, being fired on from the sh.o.r.e, attacked and captured five Corean forts. The opening of Corea was finally due to j.a.pan. In 1876 the j.a.panese did what Commodore Perry had done to themselves twenty-two years before. A fleet was sent which sailed up within sight of Seoul, the capital, and by a display of men and guns forced the government to sign a treaty opening the country to trade through the port of Fusan. In 1880 Chemulpo was also made an open port. Two years afterwards a United States fleet obtained similar concessions, and within a short time most of the countries of Europe were admitted to trade, and the long isolation of the Hermit Kingdom was at an end.
These events were followed by a rivalry between China and j.a.pan, in which the latter country showed itself much the more active and alert.
Imposing j.a.panese consulates were built in Seoul, flouris.h.i.+ng settlements were laid out, and energetic steps taken to make j.a.pan the paramount power in Corea. As a result, the Coreans became divided into two factions, a progressive one which favored the j.a.panese, and a conservative one which was more in touch with the backwardness of China and whose members hated the stirring islanders.
In 1882 a plot was formed by the Min faction, the active element in the conservative party, to drive the j.a.panese out of Seoul. The intruders were attacked, a number of them were murdered, and the minister and others had to fight their way to the sea-sh.o.r.e, where they escaped on a junk. Two years afterwards a similar outbreak took place, and the j.a.panese were once more forced to fight for their lives from Seoul to the sea. On this occasion Chinese soldiers aided the Coreans, an act which threatened to involve j.a.pan and China in war. The dispute was settled in 1885 by a treaty, in which both countries agreed to withdraw their troops from Corea and to send no officers to drill the Corean troops. If at any future time disturbances should call for the sending of troops to Corea, each country must notify the other before doing so.
And thus, for nine years, the rivalry of the foreign powers ceased.
Meanwhile internal discontent was rife in the Corean realm. The people were oppressed by heavy taxes and the other evils of tyranny and misgovernment, excited by the political questions described, and stirred to great feeling by the labors of the Christian missionaries and the persecution of their converts. One outcome of this was a new religious sect. At the same time that the Tai-ping rebels were spreading their new doctrines in China, a prophet, Choi-Chei-Ou by name, arose in Corea, who taught a doctrine made up of dogmas of the three religions of China, with some Christian ideas thrown in. This prophet was seized as a Roman Catholic in 1865 and executed, but his followers, known as the Tong-Haks, held firm to their faith. In 1893 some of them appeared with complaints of ill usage at the king's palace, and in March, 1894, they broke out in open revolt, and increased in numbers so rapidly that by May they were said to be twenty thousand strong.
The government troops drove them back into a mountain region, but here the pursuers were cunningly led into an ambuscade and routed with severe loss. This victory of the rebels filled the government with consternation, which became greater when the insurgents, on June 1, took the capital of the province of Cholla. It was now feared that they would soon be at the gates of Seoul.
This insurrection of the Tong-Haks was the inciting cause of the war between China and j.a.pan. The Min faction, then at the head of affairs, was so alarmed that aid from China was implored, and a force of about two thousand Chinese troops was sent to the port of Asan. Some Chinese men-of-war were also despatched. This action of China was quickly followed by similar action on the part of j.a.pan, which was jealous of any Chinese movement in Corea. The j.a.panese minister, who had been absent, returned to Seoul with four hundred marines. Other troops quickly followed, and in a short time there were several thousand j.a.panese soldiers stationed around the Corean capital.
The sending of troops to Corea was succeeded by disputes between the two foreign powers. China claimed to be suzerain of Corea, a claim which j.a.pan sternly denied. On the other hand, the j.a.panese government declared that the Tong-Hak movement was a natural result of the prevailing misgovernment, and could not be overcome unless radical reforms were carried out. China was asked to take part in inst.i.tuting a series of reforms, but declined.
The situation quickly grew serious. The Mins, who controlled the government, declared that the j.a.panese troops must be withdrawn before the reforms could be inst.i.tuted. The j.a.panese refused. Neither China nor j.a.pan would yield, but the latter held the capital and had the controlling position.
It was not long before a crisis came. On July 20, Otori, the j.a.panese minister, made certain demands on the Corean government, and stated that the presence of the Chinese soldiers was a threat to the independence of the country, their general having proclaimed that Corea was a va.s.sal state. On the 22d the officials answered that the Chinese had come at their request and would stay until asked to leave. The next step of the j.a.panese was a warlike one. On the early morning of the 23d two battalions marched from their camp, stating that they were going to attack the Chinese at Asan. But they quickly changed the direction of their march, advanced upon the palace, drove out the Corean guard, and took possession both of the palace and of the king. They declared they had come to deliver him from an obnoxious faction and restore his freedom of action.
The Min party was at once driven out and replaced by new officials chosen from the progressive faction. With a feeble resistance, in which only two men were killed and a few wounded, a revolution had been accomplished and a government which favored j.a.pan established. The new authorities at once declared the Chinese at Asan to be intruders instead of defenders, and requested the aid of the j.a.panese to drive them out.
War between China and j.a.pan was at hand.
Hostilities were precipitated by a startling event. On July 25 three j.a.panese men-of-war, cruising in the Yellow Sea, sighted two s.h.i.+ps of the Chinese navy convoying a transport which had on board about twelve hundred troops. They were a portion of a large force which was being sent to Corea with the purpose of reinforcing the troops at Asan and expelling the j.a.panese.
The Chinese s.h.i.+ps were cleared for action, and, though the j.a.panese were ignorant of the late event at Seoul, they at once accepted the wager of battle, and attacked the s.h.i.+ps of the enemy with such effect that they were quickly crippled and put to flight. The Naniwa, the j.a.panese flag-s.h.i.+p, now approached the transport, a chartered British vessel named the Kows.h.i.+ng and flying the British flag. A boat was sent from the j.a.panese cruiser to the steamer, her papers were examined, and orders given that she should follow the Naniwa. This the Chinese generals refused to do, excitedly declaring that they would perish rather than be taken prisoners. Their excitement was shared by the troops, who ran wildly about the deck, threatening the officers and the Europeans on board with death if they attempted to obey the order of the enemy.
They trusted to the protection of the British flag, but it proved of no avail, for the captain of the Naniwa, finding his orders defied, opened fire on the transport, with such effect that in half an hour it went to the bottom, carrying down with it over one thousand souls. The officers, the Europeans, and many of the Chinese sprang overboard, but numbers of these were shot in the water by the frantic soldiers on board. In all only about one hundred and seventy escaped.
This terrible act of war at sea was accompanied by a warlike movement on land, the j.a.panese forces leaving Seoul on the same day to march on Asan and expel the Chinese. On the 29th they attacked the enemy in their works and quickly drove them out, little resistance being made. These events preceded the declaration of war, which was made by both countries on August 1, 1894.
The story of the war that followed was one of unceasing victory for the j.a.panese, their enemy making scarcely an effort at resistance, and fleeing from powerful strongholds on which they had expended months of hard labor with scarcely a blow in their defence. Such was the case with Port Arthur, which in other hands might have proved a Gibraltar to a.s.sailing troops. The war continued until April 17, 1895, when a treaty of peace was signed, which remarkably changed the relative positions of the two powers before the world, China having met with utter and irretrievable defeat. The war yielded but a single event of novel interest, the famous naval battle of Hai-yang, which we shall describe more at length.
In these latter days the world seems overturned. Events of startling interest are every year taking place, new discoveries are made, new inventions produced, new explorations completed, peoples and tribes formerly not even known by name are becoming prominent in daily history, and nations which seemed sunk in a death-like slumber are awakening and claiming a place among the leading powers of the world. And of all these events perhaps the most astounding is that which took place in September, 1894, the battle of iron-clads in the Yellow Sea.
About forty years before there had begun among Western nations a remarkable revolution in naval warfare, the subst.i.tution of the iron-clad for the wooden man-of-war. During the interval this evolution of the iron-clad had gone briskly on, until by 1894 the nations of Europe and America possessed fleets of such wonderful powers of resistance that the naval artillery of the past would have had no more effect upon them than hailstones upon an iron roof. But a revolution in artillery had also taken place. The old smooth-bore guns had been replaced by great rifled cannon capable of sending a heavy ball for ten or twelve miles and of piercing through steel plates of moderate thickness as through so much paper. With these came the quick-fire guns, from whose gaping mouths cannon-b.a.l.l.s could be rained like the drops of a rapid shower, and the torpedoes, capable of tearing ruinous holes in the sides and bottoms of the mightiest s.h.i.+ps.
Such was the work that was doing in the West while the East slept calmly on. But no occasion had arisen for putting to the proof these great floating engines of war. Theories in abundance were offered of the probable effect upon one another of two modern fleets, but the dread of terrible results had a potent influence, and fear of the destructive powers of modern s.h.i.+ps and armies had proved the strongest of arguments in keeping the nations of the world at peace.
The astounding event spoken of is the fact that the iron-clad battle-s.h.i.+p of the present day was first put to proof in the waters of the Yellow Sea, in a war between two nations which half a century before were hardly beyond the bow-and-arrow stage of warfare, and were still novices in the modern art of war. The naval inventions made in Europe and America had their first trial in a conflict between China and j.a.pan, and the interest with which maritime nations read of the doings of these powerful engines of war in those far-off waters was intense.
j.a.pan had been alert in availing itself of all the world knew about war, providing its army with the best modern weapons and organizing them in the most effective European method, while purchased iron-clads replaced its old fleet of junks. China, though doing little for the improvement of its army, had bought itself a modern fleet, two of its s.h.i.+ps, the Ting-yuen and Chen-yuen, having fourteen inches of iron armor, and surpa.s.sing in size and strength anything that j.a.pan had to show. These vessels were all armed with the most effective of modern weapons, were handled by men trained in the theories of European war, and seemed capable of the most destructive results.
On the 17th of September, 1894, an epoch-making battle of these iron-clads took place. It was a remarkably different event from the first engagement of this sort, that between the Monitor and the Merrimac in Hampton Roads, for the guns now brought into play would have pierced the armor of those vessels as if it had been made of tin. The j.a.panese squadron had just convoyed a fleet of transports, bearing ten thousand troops and thirty-five hundred horses, to Chemulpo, near the Corean capital. The Chinese squadron had similarly convoyed four thousand troops to the Yalu River. These were landed on the 16th, and on the morning of the 17th the fleet started on its return. On the same morning the j.a.panese fleet reached the island of Hai-yang, leaving their torpedo-boats behind, as there was no thought of fighting a battle.
About nine o'clock smoke was seen in the distance, and at eleven-forty the Chinese fleet came into sight.
The j.a.panese fleet consisted of ten vessels, the First Flying Squadron, consisting of four fine cruisers of high speed, and the Main Squadron, composed of six vessels of lower speed. There were two smaller s.h.i.+ps, of no value as fighting vessels. The Chinese fleet was composed of twelve vessels and six torpedo-boats, though two of the vessels and the torpedo-boats were at a distance, so that the effective fighting force on each side was composed of ten s.h.i.+ps-of-war. The Chinese fleet included the two great s.h.i.+ps already named, the Ting-yuen and Chen-yuen.
The latter, as has been said, were heavily armored. The other Chinese s.h.i.+ps were lightly protected, and some of them not at all. None of the j.a.panese vessels had external armor, their protection consisting of steel decks and internal lining down to the water-line.
On perceiving the enemy's s.h.i.+ps, Admiral Ito, of the j.a.panese fleet, at once gave orders to his captains to prepare for action. Ting, the Chinese admiral, did the same, drawing up his fleet in a single line, with the large s.h.i.+ps in the centre and the weaker ones on the wings.
Ito, who proposed to take advantage of the superior speed of his s.h.i.+ps and circle round his adversary, drew up his vessels in a single column with the Flying Squadron at the head.
The action began at 1 P.M., the Chinese opening fire at about six thousand yards, the j.a.panese reserving their fire until at half that distance. Ito headed his s.h.i.+ps straight for the centre of the Chinese line, but on drawing near they swerved so as to pa.s.s the Chinese right wing, their speed being at the same time increased. As the Yos.h.i.+no, which led the movement, came up, she became a target for the whole Chinese fleet, but her speed soon carried her out of danger, the Flying Squadron sweeping swiftly past the Chinese right wing and pouring a deadly fire on the unprotected vessels there posted as they pa.s.sed. The stream of sh.e.l.ls from the rapid-fire guns tore the wood-work of these vessels into splinters and set it on fire, the nearest s.h.i.+p, the Yang Wei, soon bursting into flames.
The j.a.panese admiral, keeping at a distance from the large central vessels with their heavy guns, and concentrating his fire on the smaller flanking s.h.i.+ps, continued his evolution, the Main Squadron following the Flying Squadron past the Chinese right wing and pouring its fire on the second s.h.i.+p in the line, the Chao-yung, which, like its consort, was soon in flames. This movement, however, proved a disadvantage to the slower vessels of the j.a.panese fleet, which could not keep pace with their consorts, particularly to the Hiyei, which lagged so far in the rear as to become exposed to the fire of the whole Chinese fleet, now rapidly forging ahead. In this dilemma its commander took a bold resolve. Turning, he ran directly for the line of the enemy, pa.s.sing between the Ting-yuen and the King-yuen at five hundred yards' distance.
Two torpedoes which were launched at him fortunately missed, but he had to bear the fire of several of his antagonists, and came through the line with his vessel in flames. The Akagi, a little j.a.panese gunboat, hurried to his aid, though seriously cut up by the fire of the Lai-yuen, which pursued until set on fire and forced to withdraw by a lucky shot in return. Meanwhile the Flying Squadron had wheeled to meet the two distant Chinese s.h.i.+ps, which were hastily coming up in company with the torpedo-boats. On seeing this movement they drew back and kept well out of reach. Somewhat later these vessels took part in the action, though not an important one. At 2.23 P.M. the Chao-yang, which had been riddled by the fire of the Main Squadron, sank, the cries of the drowning men sounding above the roar of the cannon as she went down.
As a result of the j.a.panese evolution, the two squadrons finally closed in on the Chinese fleet on both sides and the battle reached its most furious phase. The two flag-s.h.i.+ps, the j.a.panese Matsus.h.i.+ma and the Chinese Ting-yuen, poured the fire of their great guns upon each other with terrible effect, the wood-work of the Chinese iron-clad being soon in flames, while a sh.e.l.l that burst on the Matsus.h.i.+ma exploded a heap of ammunition and killed or wounded eighty men. Fire broke out, but it was soon extinguished. Almost all the j.a.panese gunners were killed, but volunteers pressed forward to take their place, among them even the band-players.
On the Chinese flag-s.h.i.+p the flames drove the gunners from their pieces, and she would probably have been destroyed had not the Chen-yuen come bravely to her aid. The fire was finally extinguished by the aid of some foreigners who were on board. It may be said here that the fire-drill of the j.a.panese was far superior to that of their foes.
The j.a.panese continued their circling movement around their slower antagonists, pouring a concentrated fire upon the weaker vessels, of which the Chih-yuen was sunk at about 3.30 P.M. and the King-yuen at 4.48. By this time the Chinese fleet was in the greatest disorder, its line broken, some of its vessels in full flight, and all coherence gone.
The fire of the j.a.panese fleet was now princ.i.p.ally directed against the two large iron-clads, but the fourteen-inch armor of these resisted the heaviest guns in the j.a.panese fleet, and, though their upper works were riddled and burnt, they were able to continue the battle.
In the fight here described the j.a.panese had shown a discipline and a skill in naval tactics far superior to those of their foes. They had kept at a distance of about four thousand yards from their antagonists, so as to avoid their heavy fire and make the most advantageous use of their larger number of rapid-fire guns and also of their much better marksmans.h.i.+p. The result of the battle was not due to greater courage, but to superior skill and more effective armament.
At nightfall, as the torpedo-boats had now joined the Chinese fleet, the j.a.panese drew off, not caring to risk the perils of a battle at night with such antagonists, both sides being also exhausted by the long fight. The next morning the Chinese fleet had disappeared. It had lost four vessels in the fight, and a fifth afterwards ran ash.o.r.e and was blown up. Two of the j.a.panese s.h.i.+ps were badly damaged, but none were lost, while the total loss in killed and wounded was two hundred and eighteen, nearly half of them on the flag-s.h.i.+p. The Chinese lost far more heavily, from the sinking of a number of their s.h.i.+ps.
Thus ended the typical battle of modern naval warfare, one whose result was mainly due to the greater speed and rapid evolutions of the j.a.panese s.h.i.+ps and the skill with which they concentrated a crus.h.i.+ng fire on the weak points of the enemy's line. The work of the quick-firing guns was the most striking feature of the battle, while the absence of torpedo-boats prevented that essential element of a modern fleet from being brought into play. An important lesson learned was that too much wood-work in an iron-clad vessel is a dangerous feature, and naval architects have since done their best to avoid this weak point in the construction of s.h.i.+ps-of-war. But the most remarkable characteristic of the affair is that the battle was fought by two nations which, had the war broken out forty years before, would have done their naval fighting with fleets of junks.
It may be said in conclusion that the Chinese fleet was annihilated in the later attack on the port of Wei-hai-wei, many of the vessels being destroyed by torpedo-boats, and the remainder, unable to escape from the harbor, being forced to surrender to the j.a.panese. Thus ended in utter disaster to China the naval war.
[Ill.u.s.tration: THE PEKIN GATE.]
We have in the preceding tales brought down from a remote period the history of the two oldest nations now existing on the face of the earth.
There are peoples as old, but none others which have kept intact their national organization and form of government for thousands of years.
Invasion, conquest, rebellion, revolution, have kept the rest of the world in a busy stir and caused frequent changes in nations and governments. But j.a.pan and China lay aside from the broad current of invasion, removed from the general seat of war, and no internal convulsion or local invasion had been strong enough to change their political systems or modes of life. And thus these two isolated empires of the East drifted down intact through the ages to the middle of the nineteenth century, when their millennial sleep was rudely broken and their policy of isolation overthrown.
This was due, as has been shown, to the coming of the navies of Europe and America, bent on breaking down the barriers that had been raised against the civilization of the West and forcing these remote empires to enter the concert of the nations and open their ports to the commerce of the world. Concerning all this we have no tales to tell, but a brief account of the effect of foreign intercourse upon China and j.a.pan will fitly serve to close our work and outline the recent history of these two great powers of the East.
There are marked differences of character between the Chinese and the j.a.panese, and these differences have had a striking effect upon their recent history. In the j.a.panese we find a warlike and aggressive people, a stirring and inquisitive race, not, like their neighbors on the continent, lost in contemplation of their ancient literature and disdainful of any civilization but their own, but ready and eager to avail themselves of all that the world has to offer worth the having. In the Chinese we find a non-aggressive people, by nature and custom disinclined to war, asking only, so far as outer nations are concerned, to be let alone, and in no sense inquisitive concerning the doings of the world at large. Of their civilization, which goes back beyond the reputed date of the Deluge, they are intensely proud, their ancient literature, in their conception, is far superior to the literatures of all other nations, and their self-satisfaction is so ingrained that they still stand aloof in mental isolation from the world, only the most progressive among them seeing anything to be gained from foreign arts.
These differences in character have given rise to a remarkable difference in results. The j.a.panese have been alert in availing themselves of all things new, the Chinese torpid and slow, sluggishly resisting change, hardly yielding even to the logic of war.
There is nothing in the history of the world to match the phenomenal progress of j.a.pan since the visit of Commodore Perry in 1853. If it had been the people of the United States, instead of those of that archipelago of the Eastern seas, that in this way first gained a knowledge of the progress of the outer world, they could not have been readier in changing their old inst.i.tutions and ideas and accepting a new and strange civilization offered them from afar than have been the alert islanders of the East.
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