Nothing To Lose Part 20

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"Not possible," she said. "I know that none of us died. I would have heard."


"People in our position."

"Somebody died."

"People die all the time."

"Young people? For no apparent reason?"

She didn't answer that, and he knew she never would. The waitress brought his coffee. He took a sip. It was not as good as Mrs. Gardner's, either in terms of brew or receptacle. He put the mug down and looked at the girl again and said, "Whatever, Lucy. I wish you nothing but good luck, whatever the h.e.l.l you're doing and wherever the h.e.l.l you're going."

"That's it? No more questions?"

"I'm just here to eat."

He ate alone, because Lucy Anderson left before his steak arrived. She smiled and slid out of the booth and walked away. More accurately, she skipped away. Light on her feet, happy, full of energy. She pushed out through the door and instead of huddling into her s.h.i.+rt against the chill she squared her shoulders and turned her face upward and breathed the night air like she was in an enchanted forest. Reacher watched her until she was lost to sight and then gazed into s.p.a.ce until his food showed up.

He was through eating by ten-thirty and headed back to the motel. He dropped by the office, to pay for another night's stay. He always rented rooms one night at a time, even when he knew he was going to hang out in a place longer. It was a rea.s.suring habit. A comforting ritual, intended to confirm his absolute freedom to move on. The day clerk was still on duty. The stout woman. The nosy woman. He a.s.sembled a collection of small bills and waited for his change and said, "Go over what you were telling me about the metal plant."

"What was I telling you?"

"Violations. Real crimes. You were interested in why the plane flies every night."

The woman said, "So youare a cop." a cop."

"I used to be. Maybe I still have the old habits."

The woman shrugged and looked a little sheepish. Maybe even blushed a little.

"It's just silly amateur stuff," she said. "That's what you'll think."


"I'm a day trader. I do research on my computer. I was thinking about that operation."

"What about it?"

"It seems to make way too much money. But what do I know? I'm not an expert. I'm not a broker or a forensic accountant or anything."

"Talk me through it."

"Business sectors go up and down. There are cycles, to do with commodity prices and supply and demand and market conditions. Right now metal recycling as a whole is in a down cycle. But that place is raking it in."

"How do you know?"

"Employment seems to be way up."

"That's pretty vague."

"It files taxes, federal and state. I looked at the figures, to pa.s.s the time."

And because you're a nosy neighbor,Reacher thought.

"And?" he asked.

"It's reporting great profits. If it was a public company, I'd be buying stock, big time. If I had any money, that is. If I wasn't a motel clerk."


"But it's not a public company. It's private. So it's probably making more than it's reporting."

"So you think they're cutting corners out there? With environmental violations?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

"Would that make much difference? I thought rules were pretty slack now anyway."


"What about the plane?"

The woman glanced away. "Just silly thoughts."

"Try me."

"Well, I was just thinking, if the fundamentals don't support the profits, and it's not about violations, then maybe there's something else going on."

"Like what?"

"Maybe that plane is bringing stuff in every night. To sell. Like smuggling."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Stuff that isn't metal."

"From where?"

"I'm not sure."

Reacher said nothing.

The woman said, "See? What do I know? I have too much time on my hands, that's all. Way too much. And broadband. That can really do a person's head in."

She turned away and busied herself with an entry in a book and Reacher put his change in his pocket. Before he left he glanced at the row of hooks behind the clerk's shoulder and saw that four keys were missing. Therefore four rooms were occupied. His own, Lucy Anderson's, one for the woman with the large underwear, and one for the new girl in town, he guessed. The dark girl, who he hadn't met yet, but who he might meet soon. He suspected that she was going to be in town longer than Lucy Anderson, and he suspected that at the end of her stay she wasn't going to be skipping away with a smile on her face.

He went back to his room and showered, but he was too restless to sleep. So as soon as the stink of the bar fight was off him he dressed again and went out and walked. On a whim he stopped at a phone booth under a streetlight and pulled the directory and looked up David Robert Vaughan. He was right there in the book. Vaughan, D. R., with an address on Fifth Street, Hope, Colorado.

Two blocks south.

He had seen Fourth Street. Perhaps he should take a look at Fifth Street, too. Just for the sake of idle curiosity.


Fifth Street was more or less a replica of Fourth Street, except that it was residential on both sides. Trees, yards, picket fences, mailboxes, small neat houses resting quietly in the moonlight. A nice place to live, probably. Vaughan's house was close to the eastern limit. Nearer Kansas than Despair. It had a plain aluminum mailbox out front, mounted on a store-bought wooden post. The post had been treated against decay. The box hadVaughan written on both sides with stick-on italic letters. They had been carefully applied and were perfectly aligned. Rare, in Reacher's experience. Most people seemed to have trouble with stick-on letters. He imagined that the glue was too aggressive to allow the correction of mistakes. To get seven letters each side level and true spoke of meticulous planning. Maybe a straightedge had been taped in position first, and then removed. written on both sides with stick-on italic letters. They had been carefully applied and were perfectly aligned. Rare, in Reacher's experience. Most people seemed to have trouble with stick-on letters. He imagined that the glue was too aggressive to allow the correction of mistakes. To get seven letters each side level and true spoke of meticulous planning. Maybe a straightedge had been taped in position first, and then removed.

The house and the yard had been maintained to a high standard, too. Reacher was no expert, but he could tell the difference between care and neglect. The yard had no lawn. It was covered with golden gravel, with shrubs and bushes pus.h.i.+ng up through the stones. The driveway was paved with small riven slabs that seemed to be the same color as the gravel. The same slabs made a narrower winding walkway to the door. More slabs were set here and there in the gravel, like stepping-stones. The bushes and the shrubs were neatly pruned. Some of them had small flowers on their branches, all closed up for the night against the chill.

The house itself was a low one-story ranch maybe fifty years old. At the right-hand end was a single attached garage and at the left was a T-shaped that maybe housed the bedrooms, one front, one back. Reacher guessed the kitchen would be next to the garage and the living room would be between the kitchen and the bedrooms. There was a chimney. The siding and the roof tiles were not new, but they had been replaced within living memory and had settled and weathered into pleasant maturity.

A nice house.

An empty house.

It was dark and silent. Some drapes were halfway open, and some were all the way open. No light inside, except a tiny green glow in one window. Probably the kitchen, probably a microwave clock. Apart from that, no sign of life. Nothing. No sound, no subliminal hum, no vibe. Once upon a time Reacher had made his living storming darkened buildings, and more than once it had been a matter of life or death to decide whether they were occupied or not. He had developed a sense, and his sense right then was that Vaughan's house was empty.

So where was David Robert?

At work, possibly. Maybe they both worked nights. Some couples chose to coordinate their schedules that way. Maybe David Robert was a nurse or a doctor or worked night construction on the Interstates. Maybe he was a journalist or a print worker, involved with newspapers. Maybe he was in the food trade, getting stuff ready for morning markets. Maybe he was a radio DJ, broadcasting through the night on a powerful AM station. Or maybe he was a long-haul trucker or an actor or a musician and was on the road for lengthy spells. Maybe for months at a time. Maybe he was a sailor or an airline pilot.

Maybe he was a state policeman.

Vaughan had asked:Don't I look married?

No,Reacher thought.You really don't. Not like some people do.

He found a leafy cross-street and walked back north to Second Street. Vaughan's truck was still parked where he had left it. The diner's lights were spilling out all over it. He walked another block and came out on First Street. There was no cloud in the sky. Plenty of moon. To his right there was silvery flatness all the way to Kansas. To his left the Rockies were faintly visible, dim and blue and bulky, with their north-facing snow channels lit up like ghostly blades, impossibly high. The town was still and silent and lonely. Not quite eleven-thirty in the evening, and no one was out and about. No traffic. No activity at all.

Reacher was no kind of an insomniac, but he didn't feel like sleep. Too early. Too many questions. He walked a block on First Street and then headed south again, toward the diner. He was no kind of a social animal either, but right then he wanted to see people, and he figured the diner was the only place he was going to find any.

He found four. The college-girl waitress, an old guy in a seed cap eating alone at the counter, a middle-aged guy alone in a booth with a spread of tractor catalogs in front of him, and a frightened Hispanic girl alone in a booth with nothing.

Dark, not blonde,Vaughan had said.Sitting around and staring west like she's waiting for word from Despair.

She was tiny. She was about eighteen or nineteen years old. She had long center-parted jet-black hair that framed a face that had a high forehead and enormous eyes. The eyes were brown and looked like twin pools of terror and tragedy. Under them were a small nose and a small mouth. Reacher guessed she had a pretty smile but didn't use it often and certainly hadn't used it for weeks. Her skin was mid-brown and her pose was absolutely still. Her hands were out of sight under the table but Reacher was sure they were clasped together in her lap. She was wearing a blue San Diego Padres warm-up jacket with a blue scoop-neck T-s.h.i.+rt under it. There was nothing on the table in front of her. No plate, no cup. But she hadn't just arrived. The way she was settled meant she must have been sitting there for ten or fifteen minutes at least. n.o.body could have gotten so still any faster.

Reacher stepped to the far side of the register and the college-girl waitress joined him there. Reacher bent his head, at an angle, universal body language for:I want to talk to you quietly. The waitress moved a little closer and bent her own head at a parallel angle, like a co-conspirator. The waitress moved a little closer and bent her own head at a parallel angle, like a co-conspirator.

"That girl," Reacher said. "Didn't she order?"

The waitress whispered, "She has no money."

"Ask her what she wants. I'll pay for it." He moved away to a different booth, where he could watch the girl without being obvious about it. He saw the waitress approach her, saw incomprehension on the girl's face, then doubt, then refusal. The waitress stepped over to Reacher's booth and whispered, "She says she can't possibly accept."

Reacher said, "Go back and tell her there are no strings attached. Tell her I'm not hitting on her. Tell her I don't even want to talk to her. Tell her I've been broke and hungry, too."

The waitress went back. This time the girl relented. She pointed to a couple of items on the menu. Reacher was sure they were the cheapest choices. The waitress went away to place the order and the girl turned a little in her seat and inclined her head in a courteous little nod, full of dignity, and the corners of her mouth softened like the beginnings of a smile. Then she turned back and went still again.

The waitress came straight back to Reacher and he asked for coffee. The waitress whispered, "Her check is going to be nine-fifty. Yours will be a dollar and a half." Reacher peeled a ten and three ones off the roll in his pocket and slid them across the table. The waitress picked them up and thanked him for the tip and asked, "So when were you broke and hungry?"

"Never," Reacher said. "My whole life I got three squares a day from the army and since then I've always had money in my pocket."

"So you made that up just to make her feel better?"

"Sometimes people need convincing."

"You're a nice guy," the waitress said.

"Not everyone agrees with that."

"But some do."

"Do they?"

"I hear things."

"What things?"

But the girl just smiled at him and walked away.

From a safe distance Reacher watched the Hispanic girl eat a tuna melt sandwich and drink a chocolate milk shake. Good choices, nutritionally. Excellent value for his money. Protein, fats, carbs, some sugar. If she ate like that every day she would weigh two hundred pounds before she was thirty, but in dire need on the road it was wise to load up. After she was finished she dabbed her lips with her napkin and pushed her plate and her gla.s.s away and then sat there, just as quiet and still as before. The clock in Reacher's head hit midnight and the clock on the diner's wall followed it a minute later. The old guy in the seed cap crept out with a creaking arthritic gait and the tractor salesman gathered his paperwork together and called for another cup of coffee.

The Hispanic girl stayed put. Reacher had seen plenty of people doing what she was doing, in cafes and diners near bus depots and railroad stations. She was staying warm, saving energy, pa.s.sing time. She was enduring. He watched her profile and figured she was a lot closer to Zeno's ideal than he was.The unquestioning acceptance of destinies. She looked infinitely composed and patient. She looked infinitely composed and patient.

The tractor salesman drained his final cup and gathered his stuff and left. The waitress backed away to a corner and picked up a paperback book. Reacher curled his fist around his mug to keep it warm.

The Hispanic girl stayed put.

Then she moved. She s.h.i.+fted sideways on her vinyl bench and stood up all in one smooth, delicate motion. She was extremely pet.i.te. Not more than five-nothing, not more than ninety-some pounds. Below the T-s.h.i.+rt she was wearing jeans and cheap shoes. She stood still and faced the door and then she turned toward Reacher's booth. There was nothing in her face. Just fear and shyness and loneliness. She came to some kind of a decision and stepped forward and stood off about a yard and said, "You can talk to me if you really want to."

Reacher shook his head. "I meant what I said."

Nothing To Lose Part 20

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