Team Of Rivals Part 94

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"when 'a mile a minute' their boots": Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 16, 1860.

prizefighters hired "to keep the peace...broken heads": Clark, "Lincoln's Nomination As Seen By a Young Girl," Putnam's, p. 537.

"such refreshments...among the opponents": Buffalo Morning Express, May 15, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

"almost ridiculous": Anonymous writer, quoted in As Others See Chicago: Impressions of Visitors, 16731933, ed. Bessie Louise Pierce (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933), p. 151.

"growth is...a word": James Stirling, quoted in ibid., p. 123.

"a military post and fur station": A Guide to the City of Chicago (Chicago: Zell & Co., 1868), pp. 3233.

population of more than a hundred thousand: Thomas, Abraham Lincoln, p. 207.

"the first grain...all of Europe": A Strangers' and Tourists' Guide to the City of Chicago (Chicago: Relig. Philo. Pub. a.s.soc., 1866), p. 24.

"the first lumber-market in the world": Anonymous writer, quoted in As Others See Chicago, p. 151.

"miles of wharves...pursuit of trade": A Strangers' and Tourists' Guide to the City of Chicago, p. 19.

a bold decision to elevate every building: Anonymous writer, quoted in As Others See Chicago, pp. 15758.

"Our city has been chosen"...Lavish preparations: Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 12, 1860.

"A most magically...the eager crowd": Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 15, 1860.

Accommodations, restaurants: Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, pp. 21213; Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 9, 14, and 17, 1860.

The most popular luncheon: Chicago Daily Evening Journal, May 15, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

As packed trains forty thousand: Buffalo Morning Express, May 15, 1860, Davis Papers, ALPLM; Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, p. 222.

"I thought...some popular eruption": Daily [Ind.] Journal, May 17, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

"with a zest...unfeeling bosom": Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 17, 1860.

"The city is thronged...shunned and condemned": Chicago Daily Evening Journal, May 15, 1860.

If this new party...the presidency: Luthin, The First Lincoln Campaign, p. 140.

"who crowded...standing room": Chicago Daily Evening Journal, May 16, 1860, Davis Papers, ICHi.

When the big for the afternoon: Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, pp. 14748; Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, pp. 24647; Jones, "The 1860 Republican Convention"; Clark, "Lincoln's Nomination As Seen By a Young Girl," Putnam's, p. 537 (quote).

Exactly at noon...officially began: Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 17, 1860.

"no body of [their] faith": Governor Morgan, quoted in Oldroyd, Lincoln's Campaign, pp. 2728; Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 17, 1860.

an inclusive platform...a two-thirds vote: Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, pp. 15658, 159.

"The great body...cardinal doctrines": Pike, "Mr. Seward's Defeat," May 20, 1860, from NYTrib, reprinted in Pike, First Blows of the Civil War, p. 517.

a move was made to proceed: Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, pp. 158, 159, 161; Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 18, 1860.

A Committee of Twelve..."consumed in talking": Charles P. Smith, "The Nomination of Lincoln," undated pamphlet from the Collections of the New Jersey State Library, Archives & History Division, Trenton, N.J., copy in Davis Papers, ICHi.

Greeley at convention: Van Deusen, Horace Greeley, pp. 24548; Smith, "The Nomination of Lincoln."

"cannot concentrate...will be nominated": May 17 telegram from Horace Greeley, reprinted in NYTrib, May 18, 1860.

"every one of the...freely as water": Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, pp. 16061.

"Four years ago...courage and confidence": TW, quoted in Addison G. Procter, Lincoln and the Convention of 1860: An Address Before the Chicago Historical Society, April 4, 1918 (Chicago: Chicago Historical Society, 1918), pp. 67.

"I suppose...confirm what I say": Horace Greeley, quoted in Procter, Lincoln and the Convention of 1860, p. 8.

"each of whom...Greeley had said": Ibid.

"I know my people well...slavery where it is": Henry Lane, quoted in ibid., pp. 1213.

few were aware of his estrangement: Henry J. Raymond, quoted in Barnes, Memoir of Thurlow Weed, p. 274.

"While professing so high...had his revenge": Auburn [N.Y.] Daily Advertiser, May 31, 1860.

"In all the same effect": Koerner, Memoirs of Gustave Koerner, Vol. II, pp. 8889.

He was much too conservative...officially enlisted: Missouri Republican, St. Louis, Mo., May 19, 1860; Potter, The Impending Crisis, 18481861, p. 427.

"If united...and the West": Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, p. 148.

Any hope of persuading..."promote his interest": John McLean, quoted in Luthin, The First Lincoln Campaign, p. 146.

"There was no unity...pitiable to behold": Statement of Willard Warner, paraphrased in Columbus [Ohio] Gazette, May 25, 1860.

"If the Ohio delegation...[been] relied upon": Francis M. Wright to SPC, May 21, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

"There are lots...lukewarm friends": Erastus Hopkins to SPC, May 17, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

"Men gather...the big bell rings": Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, pp. 143, 163, 14950.

"You know positive objection": AL to Richard M. Corwine, May 2, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 47.

"to antagonize no one": King, Lincoln's Manager, p. 136.

"relative who could win": Stampp, "The Republican National Convention of 1860," in Stampp, The Imperiled Union, p. 160.

"No men ever worked...two hours a night": Leonard Swett to Josiah Drummond, May 27, 1860, Davis Papers, ALPLM.

"Most of them...political morality": Whitney, Lincoln the Citizen, Vol. 1, p. 266.

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