Team Of Rivals Part 96

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Seward received the news..."on the next ballot": Stanton, Random Recollections, pp. 21516 (quote p. 216).

"rightly [judged] bring": Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18461861, p. 452.

turned "as pale as ashes": Stanton, Random Recollections, p. 216.

"that it was no ordinary...and irrevocable": Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18461861, p. 452.

"The sad tidings...clouded brow": Stanton, Random Recollections, p. 216.

"of his sanguine...Few men can": Entry for May 19, 1860, Charles Francis Adams diary, reel 75.

"he took the and the world": Van Deusen, William Henry Seward, pp. 228, 229.

"Father told Mother...unselfish coolness": Entry for May 18, 1860, f.a.n.n.y Seward diary, Seward Papers.

"No truer...nomination have fallen": WHS for the Auburn Daily Advertiser, in "Biographical Memoir of William H. Seward," Works of William H. Seward, Vol. IV, p. 79.

"You have my...light as my own": WHS to TW, May 18, 1860, quoted in Barnes, Memoir of Thurlow Weed, p. 270; WHS to TW, May 18, 1860, quoted in Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18461861, p. 453.

in a public letter..."progress of that cause": WHS to the New York Republican Central Committee, quoted in Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18461861, p. 454.

"It was only some months...cursing and swearing": Van Deusen, William Henry Seward, p. 229.

"When I remember...compet.i.tion with his": SPC to Robert Hosea, June 5, 1860, reel 13, Chase Papers.

For years, Chase was racked: Blue, Salmon P. Chase, p. 126.

"adhesion of the...own State Convention": SPC to AL, misdated as May 17, 1860, Lincoln Papers.

Lincoln responded graciously: AL to SPC, May 26, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 53.

"While the victory...most profoundly": Schurz, Reminiscences, Vol. II, pp. 18687.

"melancholy ceremony": Daily Ohio Statesman, Columbus, Ohio, May 19, 1860.

"As for me...I have ever known": EB to Horace Greeley, quoted in Hollister, Life of Schuyler Colfax, p. 148.

"Some of my friends...border slave states": Entry of May 19, 1860, in The Diary of Edward Bates, 18591866, pp. 129, 13031.

Some claim...Others maintain: See Conkling, "How Mr. Lincoln Received the News," Transactions (1909), p. 65; Tarbell, The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. I, p. 358; Illinois State Register, February 13, 1903.

"Mr. are nominated": quoted in Tarbell, The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. I, p. 358

office of the Illinois State Journal: Charles S. Zane interview, 18651866, in HI, p. 492; Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 22, 1860.

he "looked at it...all around": Chicago Journal correspondent, quoted in Cincinnati Daily Commercial, May 25, 1860.

"I knew...second ballot": AL, quoted in Donald, Lincoln, p. 250.

"My last had come": quoted in Tarbell, The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. I, p. 358.

"the hearty western"...rotunda of the Capitol: "Ecarte" [John Hay], Providence [R.I.] Journal, May 26, 1860, reprinted in Lincoln's Journalist: John Hay's Anonymous Writings for the Press, 18601864, ed. Michael Burlingame (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1998), p. 1.

"the signal for immense...a great party": Missouri Republican, May 20, 1860.

"the fact of...of Lincoln": Halstead, Three Against Lincoln, p. 176.

"The leader of...against a leader": T. S. Verdi, "The of the Sewards," The Republic 1 (July 1873), pp. 28990.

Some have pointed to luck...held in Chicago: See Fehrenbacher, Prelude to Greatness, p. 5; Alexander McClure, quoted in Taylor, William Henry Seward, p. 10.

"Had the Convention...nominated": Koerner, Memoirs of Gustave Koerner, Vol. II, p. 80.

Lincoln's team in Chicago played the game: Potter, The Impending Crisis, 18481861, pp. 42728; Stampp, "The Republican National Convention of 1860," in Stampp, The Imperiled Union, pp. 155, 15758.

Lincoln was the best prepared: Fehrenbacher, Prelude to Greatness, p. 2.

speeches possessed unmatched...moral strength: Miller, Lincoln's Virtues, pp. 397401.

"his avoidance of its balance": Press and Tribune, Chicago, May 16, 1860.

"comparatively unknown": Verdi, "The of the Sewards," The Republic (1873), p. 290.

"give no offence...their first love": AL to Samuel Galloway, March 24, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 34.

he had not made enemies: Illinois State Journal, Springfield, Ill., March 23, 1860.

"an ambition...overindulgence": Fehrenbacher, Prelude to Greatness, p. 161.


"was we adjourned": Entry for May 18, 1860, Charles Francis Adams diary, reel 75.

journals..."Abraham": NYT, May 21, 1860.

"it is but fair...his own name": NYH, June 5, 1860.

"It seems as if...'Abraham'": AL to George Ashmun, June 4, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 68.

"a third rate Western...clumsy jokes": NYH, May 19, 1860.

"Lincoln is the leanest...being ugly": Houston Telegraph, quoted in NYTrib, June 12, 1860.

"After President?": Charleston [S.C.] Mercury, June 9, 1860, quoted in Emerson David Fite, The First Presidential Campaign, (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1911), p. 210.

"thrust aside...freesoil border-ruffian": Charleston Mercury, October 15, 1860.

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