Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology Part 74

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Sculpture: the markings or pattern of impression or elevation on an elytra or other body surface.

Sculptured: a surface, when marked with elevations or depressions or both, arranged in some definite manner.

Scutate-iform: s.h.i.+eld or buckler-shaped.

Scutcheon: = scutellum; q.v.: also used by some authors (Walker) for the p.r.o.notum in h.o.m.optera.

Scutel: = scutellum: q.v.

Scutellar angle: of elytra is next to the scutel when wing is expanded.

Scutellar bridge: in Diptera, a small ridge on either side of the Scutellum, connecting it with the mesonotum.

Scutellar s.p.a.ce: in Mantids, an area between antennae and clypeus.

Scutellate: dish- or platter-shaped.

Scutellum: the third dorsal sclerite of the meso- and meta-thorax: in Coleoptera, the triangular piece between the elytra at base and universally referred to as the scutellum: in Heteroptera, a similar sclerite between base of hemelytra: in Diptera, a sub-hemispherical.

body posteriorly cut off by an impressed line from the dorsum of the meso-thorax.

Scutes: the chitinous s.h.i.+elds or plates on the segments of larvae.

Scutiform: = scutate; q.v.

Scutum: the second dorsal sclerite of the meso- and meta-thorax.

Seal-brown: a brilliant deep red-brown: almost like, but darker than castaneous [between dragon's blood and Indian red].

Sebaceous: fatty or oily; applied to glands secreting such substances.

Sebific: oily; sebaceous; somewhat sticky.

Sebific duct: carries the excretions of the colleterial gland to the bursa copulatrix.

Second antennal segment: the third or tritocerebral segment of head.

Secondaries: the hind wings; always attached to the meta-thorax.

Secondary s.e.xual characters: features possessed by one s.e.x but not the other, other than the differences of the reproductive organs themselves; e.g. color, size, shape, etc.

Second clypeus: see anteclypeus.

Second costal cell: in Hymenoptera (Pack.); is the stigma.

Second inner apical: in Hymenoptera (Nort.), = media 3 (Comst), to the junction of medial cross-vein; also called sub-marginal nervure in part.

Second lateral thoracic suture: in Odonata, extends front base of secondaries to the rear of the third c.o.xa.

Second longitudinal vein: in Diptera:= radius 2 + 3 (Comst). Second maxilla: the labium: q.v.

Second maxillary segment: the seventh or l.a.b.i.al segment of head.

Second median area: see median area; areola.

Second submarginal nervure: Hymenoptera (Nort.), = radius 5 (Comst.).

Secretion: any matter produced by a gland: in Coccidae, specifically, the waxy, fibrous, cottony or silky substances forming the "scales."

Secretionary supplement: that part of a Diaspid scale extending beyond or around the pellicles.

Secretory: concerned in the process of secretion.

Sectores coronis: the tearing or cutting structures used by the Lepidoptera in working out of a coc.o.o.n.

Sectors: longitudinal veins in Odonata, which strike the princ.i.p.al veins at an angle, and usually reach the apex or hind margin: they are radial, subnodal, princ.i.p.al, nodal, median, short, and upper and lower of triangle: all of which see.

Secund: pointing one way: unilateral.

Securiform: triangular-compressed; like the blade of a hatchet.

Sedentary: not active: settled or remaining in one place.

Segment: a ring or division bounded by incisions or sutures: a segment of an insect or of any articulate is a transverse portion reaching entirely across the body, originally separated on the exterior by incisions or sutures from the preceding and the succeeding segments, having attached to it not more than one pair of ventral appendages, containing internally not more than one pair of nerve ganglia which supply nerves to the pair of appendages; = somite, arthromere: fusion of segments frequently obscures, as in the head: externally the walls of one segment may be composed of a number of sclerites separated from each other by secondary sutures.

Segmentate: made up of rings or segments.

Segmentation of egg: the division of the originally single celled egg into a number of coherent cells or blastomeres; = cleavage.

Segregated: detached or scattered into groups.

Segregation: a separation or placing apart.

Sejunctus: separated.

Sellate: saddle-shaped.

Sematoph.o.r.e: a seminal packet, composed of the seminal fluid mixed with the excretions of the accessory glands.

Sembling: = a.s.sembling; q.v.

s.e.m.e.n: the fluid secreted in the testes, containing the spermatozoa.

Semi-: half.

Semicircular: like the half of a circle.

Semi-complete: in metamorphosis, = incomplete; q.v.

Semicordate: half or partly heart-shaped.

Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology Part 74

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