Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology Part 87

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Trumpets: breathing tubes of mosquito pupae.

Truncate: cut off squarely at tip.

Truncature: the truncation or point squarely cut off.

Truncus: the trunk or thorax.

Trunk: the thorax as a whole: the body.

Tryptic: acting like tripsin, the proteolytic ferment of the pancreatic fluid.

Tube: a slender, hollow, cylindrical body: specifically applied to the a.n.a.l siphon or respiratory tube of mosquito larvae.

Tubercle: a little solid pimple or small chitinous b.u.t.ton: really a ring, which may or may not give rise to a seta.

Tubercles: on the thoracic and abdominal segments of caterpillars are anterior trapezoidal; posterior trapezoidal; lateral; posterior stigmatal; anterior stigmatal; sub-primary subventral; pedal and adventral: all of which see.

Tubercula: an elevated triangular process at the anterior angle of the thorax specifically in Hymenoptera.

Tuberculate -ose: formed like a tubercle: a surface covered with tubercles.

Tubercule -ulum: a small tubercle.

Tuberculiform: shaped like a pimple or tubercle.

Tuberculose -ous: covered or set with tubercles.

Tubulifera: Hymenoptera, in which the terminal segments of abdomen are retracted, but may be extended, tube-like: Thysanoptera in which there is no ovipositor and the terminal segments of abdomen are tubular.

Tubulous -ose: formed like a tube: fistulous.

Tubulus: the slender, flexible abdominal segments forming the ovipositor in Diptera.

Tubus: a term used to designate the corneous base of a ligula: the sheath of the tongue.

Tumescence: a swelling or tumid enlargement: a puffed up area.

Tumescent: a little swollen or puffed up.

Tumid: swollen; enlarged; puffed up.

Tunica intima: the inner layer of the silk glands: an inner lining or membrane.

Tunica propria: a layer of epithelial cells and connective tissue lining the interior of the hind gut: the outer layer of the silk glands: a covering or investing membrane.

Tunicate: composed of concentric layers, enveloping one another: said of antennae when each successive joint is buried in the preceding funnel-shaped one.

Turbinate: top-shaped; nearly conical: differs from pyriform in being shorter and more suddenly attenuated at base: applied to an eye = pillared eye; q.v.

Turgid: swollen.

Turritus: towering: a surface rising cone-like.

Tylo: = tylus; q.v.

Tylus: the anterior central lobe of the head in Hemiptera.

Tympana: the ears in Orthoptera.

Tympa.n.a.l: applied to organs covered with a tympanum or stretched membrane supposed to function as ears.

Tympanic spiracle: in Diptera, the thoracic spiracle at base of wing.

Tympanules: small openings covered by a membrane, having otoliths and serving as ears.

Tympanum: any membrane stretched like the head of a drum: specifically applied to the membrane covering the auditory organs in Orthoptera.

Type: a unique or single specimen selected from a series and labelled by the describer to represent his name and description: if male or female be added to the label, the specimen typifies that s.e.x, and in case of an erroneous a.s.sociation the male type stands for the species unless the author has specifically designated the other example as representing the name: see also co-type; h.o.m.otype; meta-type; paratype; topotype.

Typical: the normal or usual form of a species; agreeing with the type form.


Uliginous: muddy, or pertaining to mud.

Ulnar: in h.o.m.optera, a wing vein between the radial vein and claval suture; = cubitus: in Orthoptera, = cubitus; q.v.

Ulnar area: in Orthoptera, = median area; q.v.

Ulona: the thick, fleshy mouth parts of Orthoptera.

Ulonata: a Fabrician. term for Orthoptera, based on the character of the mouth structures.

Ultimate: last or final: that larval stage just before pupation.

Ultramarine: an intense deep blue [cobalt blue].

Ultra-nodal sector: in Odonata, runs parallel with and between media 1 and 2, or princ.i.p.al and nodal sectors: = postnodal sector.

Umbilicate: navel-shaped, or resembling a navel.

Umbilicus: a navel, or navel-like depression.

Umbonate: bossed; with an elevated k.n.o.b in the centre.

Umbone: an embossed, elevated k.n.o.b situated on humeral angle of elytra.

Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology Part 87

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