Wild Birds in City Parks Part 2

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Brown, barred with black; head grayish; back of neck marked with bright red; black crescent on cinnamon-brown spotted breast; in flight shows _white rump_ and yellow lining of wings and tail; feeds much on ground, unlike other woodp.e.c.k.e.rs; call-note, "flee'-ker." *Meadowlark.

19. BROWN CREEPER. 5-1/2 in.

(Certhia familiaris americana. 726.)

Brown finely streaked with white; silky white below; long curved bill; _flies to the base of tree-trunks and works up in spirals_ bracing with its long pointed tail-feathers; calls softly, "screep, screep."


20. CHICKADEE. 5-1/4 in.

(Parus atricapillus. 735.)

Ashy-gray; black throat and _cap_; white cheeks; frowsy; lively; often swings head downward from the tips of twigs; song, "chick-a-dee-dee"; call-note musical, "pewee," sometimes confused with note of _Phoebe_.


(Sitta carolinensis. 727.)

Ashy-blue; cap and back of the neck, black; white below; constantly exploring the bark of trees but does not brace, woodp.e.c.k.e.r fas.h.i.+on, with its tail-feathers; note, nasal "yank, yank, yank." *Red-breasted Nuthatch. *Brown Creeper.


(Ceryle alcyon. 390.)

Blue-gray; white collar; _big, crested head_; sits erect watching for fish and flies near the surface of the water, uttering a _rattling_ call; summers in Lincoln Park.


(Sphyrapicus varius. 402.)

Mixed black and white; _yellowish-white underneath_; streaked on sides; white bar _lengthwise_ the wing; scarlet patch, bordered with black on crown _and throat_ (female with throat white); harsh, squealing note.

*Downy Woodp.e.c.k.e.r. *Hairy Woodp.e.c.k.e.r.

24. RUSTY BLACKBIRD. 9-1/2 in.

(Scolecophagus carolinus. 509.)

Black, uniformly iridescent and more or less rusty; tail almost even; female smaller and rustier with pale line over eye. *Bronzed Grackle.

*Red-winged Blackbird.

25. FIELD SPARROW. 5-3/4 in.

(Spizella pusilla. 563.)

Streaked; crown and _bill_ reddish-brown; neck ashy; brownish-white _unspotted_ breast; two indistinct white wing bars; song, "fe-u, fe-u, fu, fee, fee, fee," beginning slowly and ending almost in a trill.

*Chipping Sparrow. *Tree Sparrow.

26. HERMIT THRUSH. 7-1/4 in.

(Hylocichla guttata pallasii. 759b.)

Olive-brown; _tail reddish-brown_; below dull white tinged with buff and thickly spotted across the breast; shy, hiding in bushes; famous for its song but silent during migration. *Other Thrushes.


(Agelaius phoeniceus. 498.)

Black; scarlet shoulder-straps edged with yellow; female much streaked, marked with rusty; likes marshy places; note, "quonk-a-ree'." *Cowbird.

*Rusty Blackbird.


(Regulus calendula. 749.)

Dark greenish-olive; light underneath; ring about eye and wing-bars white; male shows at will a brilliant ruby crown-patch; remarkable song.

*Golden-crowned Kinglet. *Warblers.

29. HAIRY WOODp.e.c.k.e.r. 9 in.

(Dryobates villosus. 393.)

White band down the middle of black back; wings black spotted with white; beneath white; outer tail-feathers white _not barred_; red band on neck of male; large bill; note, sharp resonant "plick." *Downy Woodp.e.c.k.e.r.

*Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

30. TREE SWALLOW. 6-1/4 in.

(Iridoprocne bicolor. 614.)

Metallic blue-green; _s.h.i.+ning white below_; tail appears nearly square at end in flight; often seen skimming near the surface of still water. *Barn Swallow. *Purple Martin.

31. CARDINAL. 8-1/2 in.

(Cardinalis cardinalis. 593.)

Bright red, including large blunt bill; _crested_; black markings on face and throat; female olive-gray, tinged lightly with red and obscurely marked; fine songster. *Tanagers.


(Zonotrichia albicollis. 558.)

_White throat_; unmarked ashy breast; whitish on belly; crown striped with black and white; broad white stripe over the eye shading to yellow in front; in flocks about shrubbery; clear, sweet whistle, "pee-bod-dee-dee-dee." *White-crowned Sparrow.

33. MARSH HAWK. 22 in.

(Circus hudsonius. 331.)

Bluish gray, showing light streaks; gray below, belly white marked with brown; tail barred; _white rump patch_; female brown, barred and streaked more heavily; note shrill.

Wild Birds in City Parks Part 2

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