Wild Birds in City Parks Part 7

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Bright olive-green; head, neck, throat and upper part of breast, _bluish ash_; yellow belly; black band on breast; about bushes and in the gra.s.s; noteworthy song. *Connecticut Warbler.


(Dendroica pennsylvanica. 659.)

Back shows black streaks mixed with olive-green; yellow cap; white below with dainty _chestnut markings on sides of breast_; song, "chee, chee, chee, chee'ar." *Bay-breasted Warbler.

99. WHIP-POOR-WILL. 9-3/4 in.

(Antrostomus vociferus. 417.)

Mottled, strongly resembling the bark of certain trees; narrow white band across upper part of breast; big head; in daytime lies _motionless_, _lengthwise a branch_. *Nighthawk.

100. CERULEAN WARBLER. 4-1/2 in.

(Dendroica caerulea. 658.)

_Azure-blue_, marked with black on back and sides of head; white below, streaked with blue; two white wing-bars; frequents tree-tops; song resembles that of _Parula_. *Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

101. HOODED WARBLER. 5-1/2 in.

(Wilsonia mitrata. 684.)

Olive-green; yellow below; head, neck and upper breast, black; _yellow "mask" across forehead and cheeks_; white spots on tail; female less black. *Western Yellow-throat. *Wilson Black-cap Warbler. *Canadian Warbler.

102. BLACK-POLL WARBLER. 5-1/2 in.

(Dendroica striata. 661.)

Streaked black and white; _black crown_; white cheeks; below white with line of black spots down sides; tree-tops; song, a staccato musical "c.h.i.n.k" repeated rapidly. *Black and White Creeper.

103. YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO. 12-1/4 in.

(Coccyzus america.n.u.s. 387.)

Bronzy olive-gray; white below; _lower half of curved bill yellow_ tipped with black; outer tail-feathers black tipped _broadly_ with white; wings show a _reddish-brown tinge in flight_; glides stealthily from tree to tree and keeps concealed among the leaves; slowly droops and raises its tail when perching; song, loud "kuk-kuk, kuk-kuk." *Black-billed Cuckoo.

*Mourning Dove.

104. CANADIAN WARBLER. 5-1/2 in.

(Wilsonia canadensis. 686.)

Bluish-lead color; yellow below with a necklace of black spots; no wing-bars; noteworthy song. *Magnolia Warbler.


(Wilsonia pusilla. 685.)

Bright olive-green; yellow below; _black cap_; in low bushes. *Pine Warbler. *Female Western Yellow-throat.

106. LINCOLN SPARROW. 5-3/4 in.

(Melospiza lincolni. 583.)

_Finely_ streaked with black and brown; white beneath, with *broad buff band across the breast and down the sides; narrow streaks on throat, upper breast and sides; dark stripe on each side of throat from corner of mouth; very shy. *Song *and *Swamp Sparrows.


(Trochilus colubris. 428.)

Iridescent green and purple; male has ruby-red throat; frequents flowering shrubs and plants; darts here and there and poises in mid air with wings vibrating so rapidly that they make a humming noise; "squeaky note."

108. NIGHTHAWK. 9-1/2 in.

(Chordeiles virginia.n.u.s. 420.)

On the wing overhead after insects just before or at dusk; long, pointed wings _showing a white patch_; flight resembles that of _Chimney Swift_; sharp note, "skeep;" often nests on the flat roofs of city buildings.



(Coccyzus erythropthalmus. 388.)

Bronzy olive-gray; white below; bill _entirely_ black; _only a little white_ on tail; movements like those of _Yellow-billed Cuckoo_; song, soft "coo-coo, coo-coo." *Yellow-billed Cuckoo. *Mourning Dove.

110. GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH. 7-1/2 in.

(Hylocichla aliciae. 757.)

Uniform olive; below white, _very palely_ suffused with buff; cheeks _gray tinged_; breast and sides of throat, spotted; usually silent in Lincoln Park. *Olive-backed and *other Thrushes.


(Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. 497.)

Black; head, throat and breast, _yellow_; white wing patch; female dark brown, yellow markings duller, no wing patch; female smaller than male.

112. d.i.c.kCISSEL. 6 in.

(Spiza americana. 604.)

Streaked; ashy on head and neck; white chin; _black throat patch_; _yellow breast_; white belly; _line over eye, yellow_; wings show chestnut brown; female has less yellow and no throat patch.

*Yellow-breasted Chat. *Meadowlark.


(Geothlypis agilis. 678.)

Wild Birds in City Parks Part 7

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