The Botanist's Companion Part 50

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136 Heracleum elegans Elegant-leaved Cow Parsnep c.m.

137 Ligustic.u.m laevistic.u.m Common Lovage c.m.

138 ---------- peloponnese Hemlock-leaved ditto c.m.

139 Angelica archangelica Garden Angelica c.m.

140 Sium Falcaria Creeping-rooted Skirret l.b.

141 Ph.e.l.landrium Mutellina Mountain Ph.e.l.landrium l.b.

142 Chaerophyllum bulbosum Bulbous-rooted Chaerophyllum c.m.

143 ------------ hirsutum Hairy ditto c.m.

144 ------------ aromatic.u.m Sweet-scented ditto c.m.

145 Sesseli montanum Long-leaved Meadow-saxifrage c.m.

146 Thapsia villosa Deadly carrot c.m.

147 Smyrnium aureum Golden Alexanders l.b.


148 Aralia racemosa Berry-bearing Aralia c.m.

149 Aralia nudicaulis Naked-stalk'd Atalia l.b.

150 Statice Cephalotes Large single-stalk'd Statice l.

151 ------- speciosa Plaintain-leaved ditto l.

152 ------- tatarica Tartarian ditto l.


153 Tradescantia virginica Virginian Spider-wort c.m.

154 Narcissus angustifolius Narrow-leaved Narcissus c.m.

155 --------- biflorus Two-flowered ditto c.m.

156 --------- majalis Late-flowering white ditto c.m.

157 Narcissus incomparabilis Peerless Daffodil c.m.

158 --------- major Large ditto c.m.

159 --------- orientalis Oriental ditto c.m.

160 --------- Tazetta Polyanthus Narcissus c.m.

161 --------- odorus Sweet-scented ditto c.m.

162 --------- Jonquilla Jonquil c.m.

163 --------- hispanicus Spanish-white ditto c.m.

164 --------- Bulbocodium Hoop Petticoat ditto l.b.

165 --------- minor Lesser daffodil c.m.

166 Amaryllis lutea Yellow Amaryllis l.

167 Allium victorialis Long rooted Garlick c.m.

168 ------ sphaerocephalon Small round-headed ditto c.m.

169 ------ descendens Purple-headed ditto c.m.

170 ------ nutans Nodding ditto c.m.

171 ------ senescens Narcissus-leaved Garlick c.m.

172 ------ multibulbosum Broad-leaved ditto c.m.

173 ------ flavum Yellow Garlick c.m.

174 ------ Moly Yellow Moly c.m.

175 ------ tartaric.u.m Tartarian Garlick c.m.

176 ------ subhirsutum Hairy ditto c.m.

177 ------ pallens Pale-flowered ditto c.m.

178 Lilium candidum White Lilly c.m.

179 ------ bulbiferum Orange ditto c.m.

180 ------ pomponium Pomponian ditto b.m.

181 ------ chalcedonium Scarlet Martagon ditto c.m.

182 ------ superb.u.m Superb ditto b.m.

183 ------ martagon Common Martagon ditto c.m.

184 ------ canadense Canada-Martagon ditto b.m.

185 ------ tigrinum Tiger Lily l.b.

186 ------ philadelphic.u.m Philadelphia Lily b.m.s.

187 ------ Catesbaei Catesby's Lily b.m.s.

188 Fritillaria imperialis Crown Imperial c.m.

189 ----------- persica Persian Fritillary l.

190 ----------- pyrenaica Pyrenean Fritillary c.m.

191 Uvularia perfoliata Perfoliate Uvularia l.b.

192 -------- amplexifolia Heart-leaved ditto l.b.

193 -------- grandiflora Large-flowered ditto c.m.

194 Erythronium Dens Canis Dog's-tooth Violet c.m.

195 Tulipa sylvestris Italian Yellow Tulip c.m.

196 ------ Gesneriana Common Garden ditto c.m.

196 Hypoxis erecta Upright Hypoxis c.m.

197 Ornithogalum nutans Nodding Star of Bethlehem c.m.

198 ------------ pyrenaic.u.m Pyrenean ditto c.m.

199 ------------ latifolium Broad-leaved ditto c.m.

200 Scilla peruviana Peruvian-Hyacinth c.m.

201 ------ campanulata Spansh Squill c.m.

202 ------ bifolia Two-leaved ditto l.b.

203 ------ praec.o.x Siberian ditto l.b.

204 ------ italica Italian ditto c.m.

205 ------ amoena Early-flowering ditto c.m.

206 Asphodelus luteus Yellow Asphodel c.m.

207 ---------- ramosus Branching ditto c.m.

208 Antheric.u.m ramosum Branching Antheric.u.m c.m.

209 ---------- Liliago Gra.s.s-leaved ditto c.m.

210 ---------- Liliastrum St. Bruno's Lily c.m.

211 Convallaria verticillata Verticillate Solomon's Seal l.

212 ----------- racemosa Branching ditto l.

213 ----------- stellata Starry ditto l.

214 Hyacinthus orientalis Garden Hyacinth c.m.

215 ---------- roma.n.u.s Roman ditto l.

216 ---------- cernuus Nodding ditto c.m.

217 ---------- Muscaria Musk ditto c.m.

218 ---------- monstrosus Feathered ditto c.m.

219 ---------- comosus Purple-Grape or Ta.s.sel ditto c.m.

220 ---------- botryoides Blue-Grape ditto c.m.

221 ---------- racemosus Starch ditto c.m.

222 Aletris Uvaria Orange-flowered Aletris l.s.

223 Yucca gloriosa Superb Adam's Needle l.s.

224 ----- filamentosa Thready ditto c.m.

225 Hemerocallis flava Yellow Day Lily c.m.

226 ------------ coerulea Blue ditto l.s.

The Botanist's Companion Part 50

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