Essays; Political, Economical, and Philosophical Part 30

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Under the column destined for the names of "relations and friends, living in the house," may be included strangers, lodgers, boarders, etc.

The column for "domestics" may, in like manner, serve, particularly in the houses of the n.o.bility, and other distinguished persons, for stewards, tutors, governesses, etc.

Each head of a family will receive two of these family-sheets, namely, one with these Remarks, which he will keep for his information,--the other, printed on a half-sheet of paper, and without remarks, which he will please to return to the public office of the inst.i.tution.

In case of a change in the family, or if one or other of the members of it should think proper to increase or to lessen their contribution, this alteration is to be marked upon the half-sheet, which is kept by the head of the family; and this sheet so altered is to be sent to the public office of the inst.i.tution, to the end that these alterations may be made in the general lists of the subscribers; or new printed forms being procured from the public office, and filled up, these new lists may be exchanged against the old ones.

For the accommodation of those who may at any time wish to contribute privately to the support of the inst.i.tution any sums in addition to their ordinary monthly donations, the banker of the inst.i.tution, Mr. Dallarmi, will receive such sums destined for that purpose, as may be sent to him privately under any feigned name, motto, or device; and for the security of the donors, accounts of all the sums so received, with an account of the feigned name, motto, or device, under which each of them was sent to the banker, will be regularly published in the Munich Gazette.

The first collection will be made on the last Sunday of the present month, and the following collections on the last Monday of every succeeding month; and each head of a family is respectfully requested to cause the contributions of his family, and of the inhabitants of his house, to be collected at the end of every month, by a domestic or a servant, and to keep the same in readiness against the time of the collection.

All persons of both s.e.xes, and of every age and condition, (Paupers only excepted,) are earnestly requested to have their names inserted in these lists or family-sheets; and they may rest a.s.sured, that any sum, even the most trifling, will be received with thankfulness, and applied with care to the great object of the inst.i.tution--the relief and encouragement of the Poor and the Distressed.

And finally, as it cannot fail to contribute very much to improve the human heart, if young persons at an early period of life are accustomed to acts of benevolence,--it is recommended to parents, to cause all their children to put down their names as subscribers to this undertaking, and this, even though the donations they may be able to spare may be the most trifling, or even if the parents should be obliged to lessen their own contributions in order to enable their children to become subscribers.

The foregoing Remarks were printed on the two first pages of a sheet, 13 inches by 18 inches, of strong writing-paper.

The following Subscription List was printed on the third page of the same sheet,--and also on a separate half-sheet of the same kind of paper.

Voluntary Contributions for the Support of the Poor at Munich.

F A M I L Y--S H E E T.

Number of the House District Street Floor.

Head of the Family } Monthly Contributions.

His Character, or } Florins. Creutzers.

Other Persons belonging to the Family.

------------------------------------------------------------------ : Wife, Children, Re- :Monthly :Domestics, Journey- :Monthly : : lations and Friends :Contribu-:man, Menial Servants, :Contribu-: : of both s.e.xes living: tions. :etc of both s.e.xes, the: tions. : : with the Family. The: :Christian and Sirname : : : Christian Name and : :of each Individual. : : : Sirname of each Per-:----:----: :----:----: : son. : Fl.: Kr.: : Fl.: Kr.: :---------------------:----:----:----------------------:----:----: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (At the lower corner : : : : : : : of this half-sheet : : : : : : : was printed in small : : : : : : : type): "This half- : : : : : : : "sheet is to be sent : : : : : : : "into the Public : : : : : : : "Office of the : : : : : : : "Inst.i.tution." : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------


[ Etext editor's note...the following table has had to be split into two parts, with the additional references A) B) etc through to UK) to link them together. Originally the entire table was printed in landscape format, with totals carried forward, brought over, which have been removed. ]

An Account of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURES of the INSt.i.tUTION for the POOR at MUNICH during Five Years.

R E C E I P T S.

------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Total in : : 1790. : 1791. : 1792. : 1793. : 1794. : 5 Years. : :----------:----------:----------:----------:----------:----------: : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : : : : : : : : A) : 36,640 : 38,024 : 35,847 : 34,424 : 33,880 : 178.815 : : : : : : : : B) : 15,400 : 15,400 : 16,800 : 16,800 : 16,800 : 81,200 : : : : : : : : C) : 970 : 1,043 : 800 : 800 : 802 : 4,415 : : : : : : : : D) : 179 : 388 : 388 : 411 : 390 : 1,756 : : : : : : : : E) : ------ : 168 : 392 : 229 : 234 : 1,023 : : : : : : : : F) : ------ : ------ : ------ : 3,216 : 2,773 : 5,989 : : : : : : : : G) : 318 : 177 : 187 : 610 : 229 : 1,521 : : : : : : : : H) : 99 : 153 : 69 : 168 : 176 : 665 : : : : : : : : I) : 3,642 : 691 : 825 : 723 : 423 : 6,304 : : : : : : : : J) : 2,674 : 1,472 : 3,528 : 1,820 : 12,179 : 21,673 : : : : : : : : K) : 48 : 128 : 48 : 48 : ------ : 272 : : : : : : : : L) : 3,300 : 4,600 : 1,500 : ------ : ------ : 9,400 : : : : : : : : M) : 824 : 3,433 : 910 : 1,752 : 346 : 7,265 : :==========:==========:==========:==========:==========:==========: : 64,094 : 65,677 : 61,294 : 61,001 : 70,232 : 320,298 :

E X P E N D I T U R E S.

------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : Total in : : 1790. : 1791. : 1792. : 1793. : 1794. : 5 Years. : :----------:----------:----------:----------:----------:----------: : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : Florins. : : : : : : : : N) : 42,080 : 46,410 : 43,055 : 41,933 : 43,189 : 216,667 : : : : : : : : O) : 11,800 : 9,900 : 10,300 : 9,600 : 9,400 : 51,000 : : : : : : : : P) : 1,011 : 1,040 : 800 : 861 : 805 : 4,517 : : : : : : : : Q) : 450 : 403 : 350 : 1,150 : 1,500 : 3,853 : : : : : : : : R) : 217 : 254 : 272 : 336 : 290 : 1,396 : : : : : : : : S) : 256 : 183 : 219 : 210 : 226 : 1,094 : : : : : : : : TA): 890 : 564 : 418 : 425 : 594 : 2,891 : : : : : : : : TB): 160 : 187 : 34 : 35 : 94 : 510 : : : : : : : : TC): 960 : 960 : 960 : 960 : 960 : 4,800 : : : : : : : : TD): 84 : 72 : 72 : 72 : 72 : 372 : : : : : : : : TE): 100 : 360 : 288 : 540 : 300 : 1,588 : : : : : : : : TF): 220 : 240 : 240 : 240 : 240 : 1,180 : : : : : : : : TG): 480 : 480 : 480 : 480 : 480 : 2,400 : : : : : : : : TH): 440 : 480 : 480 : 480 : 480 : 2,360 : : : : : : : : UA): 318 : 318 : 159 : ------ : ------ : 795 : : : : : : : : UB): ------ : ------ : ------ : 183 : 200 : 383 : : : : : : : : UC): 1,672 : 1,824 : 912 : ------ : ------ : 4,408 : : : : : : : : UD): 369 : 199 : 189 : 250 : 361 : 1,368 : : : : : : : : UE): 506 : 333 : 150 : 227 : 301 : 1,517 : : : : : : : : UF): 22 : 6 : ------ : ------ : ------ : 28 : : : : : : : : UG): 55 : 60 : 60 : 50 : 75 : 300 : : : : : : : : UH): 831 : 300 : ------ : ------ : ------ : 1,131 : : : : : : : : UI): ------ : ------ : 40 : 40 : 40 : 120 : : : : : : : : UJ): ------ : ------ : ------ : ------ : 1,200 : 1,200 : : : : : : : : UK): 172 : 234 : 261 : 645 : 433 : 1,745 : :==========:==========:==========:==========:==========:==========: : 63,093 : 64,807 : 59,739 : 58,717 : 61,240 : 307,596 : -------------------------------------------------------------------

R E C E I P T S.

A) From monthly voluntary donations of the inhabitants including 100 Florins given monthly by his Most Serene Highness the Elector out of his private purse; 50 florins monthly by the Electress Dowager of Bavaria, and 50 florins monthly by the States of Bavaria,

B) From the Public Treasury a stated monthly allowance, intended to defray the expense of the police of the city,

C) From voluntary donations, particularly destined by the donors to a.s.sist the Poor in paying their house-rent,

D) From voluntary and unsolicited donations from the foreign merchants and traders a.s.sembled at Munich at the two annual fairs,

E) From the courts of justice, being fines for certain petty offences,

F) From the magistrates of the city; being the amount of sums received from musicians for licence to play in the public houses,

G) From the poor's boxes in the different churches,

H) From the poor's boxes at inns and taverns,

I) From private contributions sent to the banker of the Inst.i.tution, under feigned names, devices, etc.

J) From legacies,

K) From interest of money due to the Inst.i.tution,

L) From cash received in advance,

M) From sundries,

E X P E N D I T U R E S.

N) Given to the Poor in alms, in ready money,

O) Expended in feeding the Poor at the Public Kitchen of the Military Workhouse, and in premiums for the encouragement of industry,

P) Given to the Poor to a.s.sist them in paying their house-rent,

Q) Paid for medicines administered to the Poor at their own lodgings,

R) Expended in burials,

S) Given with poor children when bound apprentices,

Given as an indemnification for the loss of the right formerly enjoyed of making collections of alms among the inhabitants:

------- TA) To persons who have suffered by fires, ------- TB) To travelling journeymen tradesmen, ------- TC) To the sisters of the religious order of charity, ------- TD) To the nuns of the English convent, ------- TE) To the hospital for lepers on the Gasteig, ------- TF) To the hospital at Schwabing, ------- TG) To the poor scholars of the German school, ------- TH) To the poor scholars of the Latin school,

UA) Paid to the clerks of office of police

UB) Paid to the accountant of the Inst.i.tution,

UC) Paid to the guards of the police[5],

UD) Paid to writers employed occasionally as clerks,

Essays; Political, Economical, and Philosophical Part 30

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