A Guide for the Study of Animals Part 59

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#Ab do' men#, (1) the hinder portion of the body of an invertebrate; (2) of higher animals, the region or cavity containing the stomach, intestine, etc.

#Al bu' men#, (1) a proteid substance; (2) "white of egg."

#A' nal#, pertaining to the a.n.u.s, or hinder opening of the intestine.

#a.n.a.l fin#, a ventral median fin of fishes, just back of the a.n.u.s.

#Animal Communities#, a.s.sociations of many animals of the same species.

#An ten' na#, a segmented sensory appendage on the head of an arthropod.

#An ten' nule#, a small antenna.

#An te' ri or#, farther forward, in front of; at the head or forward end.

#A or' ta#, a large artery arising at the heart and forming the trunk of the arterial system.

#Ap' er ture#, an opening.

#Ap pend' age#, a projection from the body, usually one of a pair.

#Ar throp' o da#, a group of animals with a segmented trunk and paired, segmented appendages.

#Ar ti o dac' tyl#, an ungulate with an even number of toes.

#A s.e.x' u al#, without s.e.x.

#Au' di to ry#, pertaining to hearing.

#Barb#, one of the lateral outgrowths of the shaft of a feather, forming the vane.

#Barb ule#, a small outgrowth of the barb of a feather.

#Bi lat' er al sym' me try#, having the right and left sides mirror images one of the other.

#Body cavity#, the s.p.a.ce between the body wall and the alimentary ca.n.a.l.

#Body-wall#, the outer wall in bodies of the many-celled animals.

#Budding#, a form of fission in which a cell or portion of the body forms a small protuberance or bud, which is then cut off from the parent and forms a new individual.

#Ca.n.a.ls#, channels through the body-walls of sponges.

#Car' a pace#, the sh.e.l.l which covers a portion or all of the cephalo-thorax in crustaceans.

#Car' di nal#, pertaining to a cardo or hinge.

#Car niv' or ous#, flesh-eating.

#Car ot' id#, a large artery which supplies the brain and head with blood.

#Car' pal#, a bone of the wrist.

#Cat' er pil lar#, the larva of a b.u.t.terfly or moth.

#Caud al#, pertaining to the tail.

#Cell#, the smallest living unit.

#Cell-wall#, the lifeless membrane surrounding many cells, secreted by the protoplasm.

#Central cavity#, the cavity surrounded by the body-wall in the simpler many-celled animals, as in the sponges.

#Ceph a lop' o da#, the cla.s.s to which the squid, octopus, nautilus, etc., belong.

#Ceph' al o-tho' rax#, the division of the body formed by the fused head and thorax in many arthropoda.

#Cer' vi cal groove#, the groove marking the place of union when head and thorax are merged into a cephalo-thorax.

#Cha la' za#, one of the spiral ma.s.ses of alb.u.men found at the two ends of a bird's egg.

#Che' li peds#, the large claws in many crustaceans.

#Chor-date#, animals with a notochord, present throughout life or disappearing.

#Chro mat' o ph.o.r.e#, color body.

#Chrys' a lis#, the pupa stage of a b.u.t.terfly.

#Cil' i um# (pl. #cilia#), a minute vibrating hair on the surface of many cells.

#Co c.o.o.n' #, the envelope spun by certain larval insects in which they are inclosed during the pupa stage. A similar structure, as the egg-case of spiders, earthworms, etc.

#C' c.u.m# (se' k.u.m), a blind pouch or bag; a sac open at one end.

#C len te ra' ta#, rather simple, sac-like animals with nettle cells in the body walls.

#Co le op' te ra#, beetles.

#Col' o ny#, a group of animals of the same kind found in one locality, usually related to each other and often actually connected.

#Com men' sal ism#, an a.s.sociation of two animals, not mutually helpful, but without injury to either.

#Com pound eye#, an eye made up of many simple eyes or eye elements.

A Guide for the Study of Animals Part 59

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