Gypsy Nights Part 6

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Sebastian dove at Aaron and caught his head with his hands. One quick jerk to the side and Aaron no longer resisted. Sebastian let Aaron's dead body fall from his grasp. The lycans in the room growled, and the blond one silence them.

"No more bloodshed," the blond said. "We'll take him and go."

"Travis!" Another exclaimed. Travis turned and let a low rumble escape his throat.

Sebastian knew that Travis was now the pack's Alpha male, their leader, and from his actions tonight, he would make a fine one.

Stepping away from Aaron's body, he turned his attentions to Gitana.

William was on the floor next to her, pus.h.i.+ng on her chest. Sebastian's mind raced. She couldn't be dead. His mate, his love could not leave him when he'd only just found her.

He dropped to his knees and reached for her. William touched his hand gently. "She is gone, old friend."

Sebastian screamed out, seizing hold of Gitana's tiny body. It cooled and knew that life no longer ran through it. His now beating heart felt as though it had shattered. He clutched her body to him, kissing her, rocking her back and forth gently.

"Je t'aime," he whispered.

The air in the room stilled. The temperature climbed rapidly around them, but he did not care. He pulled Gitana to him, as tears fell down his face.

Gitana's body tightened, her eyes flew open, and she drew in a sharp breath. William was suddenly there--helping to support her head gently.

"Gitana?" William said, softly.

A small smile formed on her mouth as her gaze moved to Sebastian. "I love you too," she said weakly.

He dropped his lips to hers and kissed her through his tears. His body shook, partly from the shock of the G.o.ddess giving her back to him, and partly out of the need to resist crus.h.i.+ng her with his love.

He drew his lips back from her slowly, savoring her sweet taste. She tried to sit up, but he and William said no at the same time. She laughed. "I'm fine you two. Stop worrying about me."

"You died," William said sardonically. "How is that fine? And how exactly were we not supposed to worry?"

"I didn't die. I stepped onto the spirit plane to receive a message, that's all." She grinned mischievously.


Gitana touched his cheek lightly. "My mother wants to know what took you so long to find me. She said that you may be slow, but you'll make a fine father for her grandchild."


"Yes, Bastian, the baby is fine. I'm fine."


Sebastian drew in a deep breath as he watched his wife working in her greenhouse. Her hand went to her tiny belly, as it often did. At twelve weeks, Gitana's belly had the slightest curve to it. She had only begun to show and he alone had the privilege of knowing that. Though William remained with them, he had not shared their bed again. Nor would he ever. As much as he wanted to see his friend happy, he could not let it be with his wife.

"I love you," he said, as Gitana repotted a small plant.

"I love you too, sweetie, but that's not what you came out here to talk to me about."

Sebastian sighed. His wife knew him well. William had received a call from a friend informing him that the Council had pinpointed their location and were in the process of planning what their next move would be.

He and William had spent the last two days straight trying to convince Gitana to leave, to go into hiding while they hunted down all that threatened them. She refused.

"You still trying to take my granddaughter away from me?"

Sebastian turned to see Gitana's grandmother standing behind him. The old witch could sneak up on him as no one else could.

She took great pleasure in getting the drop on a vampire. As much as she pretended to dislike him, he could sense that she cared for him, and he her.

"Madame, I think it is for the best that you all move somewhere safer."

She huffed. "We are moving boy or have you not noticed the boxes? I swear, Gitana tells me that you're a intelligent man, but I've yet to see it."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and the old woman smacked his arm. "Pardon moi, I did not mean to be rude, but I had hoped to move further than the house next door.""We all hope for a lot of things, boy. A move's a move. Besides, I've already told you that my granddaughter is safest here.

Travis and the pack will aid in whatever you need, and the magic that lives in these lands will protect all of you."

"I hope you are right."

"The spirits have told me that all will be well, and I tend to listen to them. Plus, the British boy's gonna meet his mate real soon, and he can't do it if he isn't here."


Must be 18 yrs or older to read!

Warning EXCERPT IS EXPLICT: Extremely erotic, contains EXPLICIT s.e.x and language, multiple partners, a.n.a.l s.e.x, and oral s.e.x--Not to be confused with other works by author.

Unedited Excerpt from Cyber s.e.x: Prepared to Please by Mandy M. Roth, coming soon to New Concepts Publis.h.i.+ng!

Dear Readers: This is a bit of a stretch for me, but I enjoyed it too much not to write it. My goal is to entertain not to isolate. Thank you so much for supporting me in this endeavor and I hope that you enjoy this as much as I have.

Chapter One.

On board the Expedition Vessel Nine, headed towards the Fargonie galaxy...

"That's it... harder, umm, harder."

Captain Roman Parker pumped the full length of his c.o.c.k into the beauty below him and held it there as his b.a.l.l.s tightened and his seed shot forth. She wrapped her long legs around him and moaned in his ear. "That's it, Roman, give it to me baby, I want all your come."

As the last drop of s.e.m.e.n fell from his c.o.c.k, he withdrew from her. Her bright blue eyes looked up at him with an emptiness that he always hated. She drew in her bottom lip and flashed him a half smile. "Can I suck you off now?" she asked, in a husky bedroom voice.

"Destiny, baby, you can suck my d.i.c.k another time. Not tonight, baby."

She crossed her arms over her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s and pouted. "You never let me suck you enough. I could roll your b.a.l.l.s around in my mouth again--you always seem to like that. I didn't get enough of your s.e.m.e.n. I want more. It tastes so good."

Roman sat up on the bed and pushed Destiny's hand away. "Computer, end holographic program Destiny-211, authorization code, Parker 0840."

Instantly the life-like holographic image in his bed disappeared. The computer was able to simulate s.e.x almost perfectly but it lacked one thing, the real Lieutenant Commander Destiny Stewart. Sure, his d.i.c.k was at least partially sated, but it still longed for a taste of the real thing. The program he'd created gave him something to f.u.c.k whenever he wanted, but she lacked all of Destiny's personality. It was nice to have a hot woman begging to blow you, but even better to know that the real thing wanted you. So far, Lt. Commander Stewart showed no signs of wanting him.

The intercom beeped, and he groaned. "Parker here."

"Sir, we're nearing M83293 and are receiving a transmission from the Expedition Central Commander--Myers." Lt. Commander Dirks said.

Roman rubbed his stubble covered chin and stretched his shoulders. "Patch me through to Myers and let me know when we reach the planet."

"Yes, Captain."

The com beeped again and Roman steeled himself to deal with Commander Myers. They'd b.u.t.ted heads since their first day in the academy fifteen years ago. "What do you want Jonas?"

"There's the man I know and love." Jonas Myers said sardonically. "I'll cut to the chase, you were scheduled to be in the Fargonie galaxy for two months, we need you to stay for five now."

"Five months!" Roman was outraged. It was just like Myers to pull a stunt like this when he was at least twenty light years away.

"My crew has been s.h.i.+p bound for six months already. They need some R&R."

"Fine, let them take leave on the next planet, but you are staying in Fargonie an additional three months. A replacement vessel will be sent as soon as we can."

"Jonas." He took a deep, calming breath. "Fine, but I want my men compensated. I don't need a bunch of them de-listing."

Jonas laughed. "Well, with you as their Captain it's a wonder they even stay at all. Fine, I'll authorize a three percent bonus for each crew member who completes the additional three months."

"Deal. Parker out." The com shut off and Roman smiled. It was good to be the first to hang up. He stood slowly, attempting to work the kinks out. The computer generated Destiny had worn him out. "Turn shower on--default settings."

The sound of the particle stream running from the other room sounded like music to his ears. His sore body pulled in the direction of relief, stopping only to glance in the full-length mirror. At thirty thirty-three, he still managed to have the body of a twenty year old. Working out in the fitness center everyday had a little something to do with it. Knowing Destiny would be there, working her tiny little a.s.s to perfection had a little something else to do with it.

Roman ran his hand through his dark brown hair and cursed when he thought he saw a speck of gray in it. That's all he needed, gray hair to offset his gray eyes. Women either loved his eyes or hated them. They weren't a natural color, but he'd ended up with them all the same.

Shrugging, he entered the bathroom. The feel of the hot particle stream against his skin was pure heaven. A knock on his quarter's door startled him. "Enter," he shouted, expecting Dirks to come trapping in with news of their arrival on the new planet.

"Captain, Lt. Dirks told me that I could find you in...oh, I'm sorry, Sir..."

Roman's d.i.c.k hardened instantly at the sound of Destiny's sweet voice. He turned slowly, knowing that she now stared at his naked backside, and hoping that she like what she saw. He bit back a smile when he saw her blue eyes widened as her gaze went to his groin. He knew he was impressive. He didn't need her to confirm that--or did he?

Her long black hair was down today. That wasn't her normal way of wearing it, and he loved it. Granted, she looked great regardless how she wore her hair, but down she looked so exotic--a vixen in an officer's clothing.

Destiny stood there with her mouth open. She'd seen naked men before, but Captain Parker took the cake. She felt heat rus.h.i.+ng up to her cheeks and hoped that he wouldn't notice. She did her best to pull her gaze away from the ma.s.sive serpent that had seemed to spring to life between his legs, but couldn't. From the moment she'd laid eyes on him, she'd tried to imagine what he'd look like without his uniform on. There was no way she'd done him justice.

He cleared his throat and her head snapped up. "Sir...umm...sorry, Captain."

He laughed. "Lt. Commander Stewart, I've asked you to call me Roman several times before. Now that you've seen me with my clothes off, perhaps you can feel comfortable enough to start doing it now."

"Yes, Captain...err...Roman."

"Can I call you Destiny?"

You can call me whatever the h.e.l.l you want to, she thought to herself as her gut pulled tight. Snap out of it, girl. You're two steps away from drooling.

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