Beowulf Part 3

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[The figures refer to the divisions of the poem in which the respective names occur. The large figures refer to fitts, the small, to lines in the fitts.]

--aelfhere--.--A kinsman of Wiglaf.--36_3.

--aeschere--.--Confidential friend of King Hrothgar. Elder brother of Yrmenlaf. Killed by Grendel.--21_3; 30_89.

--Beanstan--.--Father of Breca.--9_26.

--Beowulf--.--Son of Scyld, the founder of the dynasty of Scyldings. Father of Healfdene, and grandfather of Hrothgar.--1_18; 2_1.

--Beowulf--.--The hero of the poem. Sprung from the stock of Geats, son of Ecgtheow. Brought up by his maternal grandfather Hrethel, and figuring in manhood as a devoted liegeman of his uncle Higelac. A hero from his youth.

Has the strength of thirty men. Engages in a swimming-match with Breca.

Goes to the help of Hrothgar against the monster Grendel. Vanquishes Grendel and his mother. Afterwards becomes king of the Geats. Late in life attempts to kill a fire-spewing dragon, and is slain. Is buried with great honors. His memorial mound.--6_26; 7_2; 7_9; 9_3; 9_8; 12_28; 12_43; 23_1, etc.

--Breca--.--Beowulf's opponent in the famous swimming-match.--9_8; 9_19; 9_21; 9_22.

--Brondings--.--A people ruled by Breca.--9_23.

--Brosinga mene--.--A famous collar once owned by the Brosings.--19_7.

--Cain--.--Progenitor of Grendel and other monsters.--2_56; 20_11.

--Daeghrefn--.--A warrior of the Hugs, killed by Beowulf.--35_40.

--Danes--.--Subjects of Scyld and his descendants, and hence often called Scyldings. Other names for them are Victory-Scyldings, Honor-Scyldings, Armor-Danes, Bright-Danes, East-Danes, West-Danes, North-Danes, South-Danes, Ingwins, Hrethmen.--1_1; 2_1; 3_2; 5_14; 7_1, etc.

--Ecglaf--.--Father of Unferth, who taunts Beowulf.--9_1.

--Ecgtheow--.--Father of Beowulf, the hero of the poem. A widely-known Waegmunding warrior. Marries Hrethel's daughter. After slaying Heatholaf, a Wylfing, he flees his country.--7_3; 5_6; 8_4.

--Ecgwela--.--A king of the Danes before Scyld.--25_60.


--Elan--.--Sister of Hrothgar, and probably wife of Ongentheow, king of the Swedes.--2_10.

--Eagle Cape--.--A promontory in Geat-land, under which took place Beowulf's last encounter.--41_87.

--Eadgils--.--Son of Ohthere and brother of Eanmund.--34_2.

--Eanmund--.--Son of Ohthere and brother of Eadgils. The reference to these brothers is vague, and variously understood. Heyne supposes as follows: Raising a revolt against their father, they are obliged to leave Sweden.

They go to the land of the Geats; with what intention, is not known, but probably to conquer and plunder. The Geatish king, Heardred, is slain by one of the brothers, probably Eanmund.--36_10; 31_54 to 31_60; 33_66 to 34_6.

--Eofor--.--A Geatish hero who slays Ongentheow in war, and is rewarded by Hygelac with the hand of his only daughter.--41_18; 41_48.

--Eormenric--.--A Gothic king, from whom Hama took away the famous Brosinga mene.--19_9.

--Eomaer--.--Son of Offa and Thrytho, king and queen of the Angles.--28_69.

--Finn--.--King of the North-Frisians and the Jutes. Marries Hildeburg. At his court takes place the horrible slaughter in which the Danish general, Hnaef, fell. Later on, Finn himself is slain by Danish warriors.--17_18; 17_30; 17_44; 18_4; 18_23.

--Fin-land--.--The country to which Beowulf was driven by the currents in his swimming-match.--10_22.

--Fitela--.--Son and nephew of King Sigemund, whose praises are sung in XIV.--14_42; 14_53.

--Folcwalda--.--Father of Finn.--17_38.

--Franks--.--Introduced occasionally in referring to the death of Higelac.--19_19; 40_21; 40_24.

--Frisians--.--A part of them are ruled by Finn. Some of them were engaged in the struggle in which Higelac was slain.--17_20; 17_42; 17_52; 40_21.

--Freaware--.--Daughter of King Hrothgar. Married to Ingeld, a Heathobard prince.--29_60; 30_32.

--Froda--.--King of the Heathobards, and father of Ingeld.--29_62.

--Garmund--.--Father of Offa.--28_71.

--Geats, Geatmen--.--The race to which the hero of the poem belongs. Also called Weder-Geats, or Weders, War-Geats, Sea-Geats. They are ruled by Hrethel, Haethcyn, Higelac, and Beowulf.--4_7; 7_4; 10_45; 11_8; 27_14; 28_8.

--Gepids--.--Named in connection with the Danes and Swedes.--35_34.

--Grendel--.--A monster of the race of Cain. Dwells in the fens and moors.

Is furiously envious when he hears sounds of joy in Hrothgar's palace.

Causes the king untold agony for years. Is finally conquered by Beowulf, and dies of his wound. His hand and arm are hung up in Hrothgar's hall Heorot. His head is cut off by Beowulf when he goes down to fight with Grendel's mother.--2_50; 3_1; 3_13; 8_19; 11_17; 12_2; 13_27; 15_3.

--Guthlaf--.--A Dane of Hnaef's party.--18_24.

--Half-Danes--.--Branch of the Danes to which Hnaef belonged.--17_19.


--Halga--.--Surnamed the Good. Younger brother of Hrothgar.--2_9.

--Hama--.--Takes the Brosinga mene from Eormenric.--19_7.

--Haereth--.--Father of Higelac's queen, Hygd.--28_39; 29_18.

--Haethcyn--.--Son of Hrethel and brother of Higelac. Kills his brother Herebeald accidentally. Is slain at Ravenswood, fighting against Ongentheow.--34_43; 35_23; 40_32.

--Helmings--.--The race to which Queen Wealhtheow belonged.--10_63.

--Heming--.--A kinsman of Garmund, perhaps nephew.--28_54; 28_70.

--Hengest--.--A Danish leader. Takes command on the fall of Hnaef.--17_33; 17_41.

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