Beautiful Bulbous Plants Part 6
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The Spanish and English Irises flourish in ordinary good and well-drained garden soil containing a fair amount of sand or grit, and humus. The English varieties on the whole require a somewhat moister situation and rather heavier soil than the Spanish. They flower profusely, and their many shades of colour make the long-stalked blossoms great favourites for decorative purposes. The different colours can be had separately from the nurseryman or florist, but a mixed collection will afford great pleasure to those who do not wish to be burdened with the fancy names given in catalogues.
The smaller kinds of Bulbous Irises--like those shown on Plate 3--require to be treated a little more carefully than the Spanish and English varieties. Indeed many of the choicer and rarer varieties are safer grown in pots of rich sandy soil in cold frames. They flower early in the year, and, if exposed in the open border or rock-garden, the blossoms would be probably not only considerably disfigured, but the cold rains and frosts might kill the bulbs. When grown in the open air, warm sheltered spots should be selected for them, and the soil should be a well-drained sandy loam with a little leaf-soil. If the plants are flouris.h.i.+ng, they may be left in the same spot for three or four seasons. After this it is better to lift them when the leaves have withered, and then any offsets may be detached to increase the stock. As a rule the best time to plant bulbous Irises is in September or October, but not later.
=IXIA= (=African Corn Lily=).--If the reader will turn to Plate 1, he or she will at once admit that the Ixias are a charming cla.s.s of bulbous plants. The picture was prepared from specimens kindly supplied by Messrs. Wallace & Co., of Colchester. There are many other shades and combinations of colour besides those represented, and happy would be the amateur who succeeded in raising such lovely flowers in his garden--either in the open air or under gla.s.s.
The Ixias are natives of South Africa, and have smooth or fibrous-coated, round and flattish corms, about an inch in diameter. The sword-shaped leaves are strongly veined, and the beautiful blossoms are borne on stems 1 to 2 feet, during June and July. Some of the best varieties are shown on Plate 1, and attention is especially directed to the charming soft sea-green flowers of _I. viridiflora_, having a dark blotch in the centre. To these may be added the deep-red or crimson-flowered _speciosa_ or _crateroides_.
It is a pity that such elegant flowers cannot be grown in the open air in every part of the British Islands. Unfortunately they are not hardy enough for this, and consequently the best results out of doors are only likely to be secured in the mildest parts of the kingdom. The best time to plant is from September to November. The corms should be about 3 inches beneath the surface of the soil. This should be a light, sandy loam; if inclined to be heavy, it should be raised in small beds above the general level to secure better drainage, and a little sand may be placed round each corm, also with the same object in view. In the event of cold rains and frosts in winter, the bulbs should be protected with litter, bracken, &c., to be removed at the end of February or March when the leaves begin to appear.
Where it is impossible to grow Ixias successfully in the open air, they may be grown in pots in cold frames or for the decoration of the greenhouse or conservatory. The corms should be potted in September or October, and kept under ashes or fibre in the open until roots have developed, after which they may be brought inside to develop. Ixias are best increased by offsets.
=IXIOLIRION montanum.=--This beautiful plant (also known as _I. Pallasi_ and _I. tataric.u.m_) has long-necked ovoid bulbs about an inch in diameter, and tufts of leaves. The charming lilac blossoms, as shown on Plate 18, fig. 73, are borne in early summer in loose cl.u.s.ters on stems a foot or more high, and are very useful in a cut state. There is a good deal of variation in the colour, which has led to different names being given from time to time.
_I. Kolpakowskyanum_ is a rare and little known species from Turkestan.
It has much smaller bulbs than _montanum_, and the blue or whitish blossoms appear somewhat earlier in the year.
Ixiolirions may be grown successfully in the milder parts of the kingdom in warm sheltered spots in the flower-border or rock-garden. They should be planted about 3 inches deep in September or October in light sandy soil, and in cold localities should be protected with litter, &c., in winter.
=LAPEYROUSIA= (=Anomatheca=) =cruenta.=--A pretty South African plant, 6 to 12 inches high, with irregular roundish corms about 2 inches in diameter, and narrow sword-shaped leaves. The deep crimson or blood-red blossoms, with a still deeper-coloured blotch on each of the three inner segments, appear in late summer in loose cl.u.s.ters on slender stalks, and are very striking when seen in large This species, although perhaps a trifle hardier, may be grown in the same way as the Ixias (see p. 90). The corms, however, being larger, should be planted about 6 inches deep, and new plants may be secured by detaching the offsets when the leaves have withered.
=LEUCOJUM= (_Snowflake_).--Beautiful plants closely related to the Snowdrops, and somewhat resembling them in bulbs, and leaves, and flowers. The Spring Snowflake (_L. vernum_) is the first of the group to produce its drooping sweet-scented blossoms in March and April. They are usually borne singly on a slender stalk 6 to 12 inches high, and are white in colour with more or less conspicuous green tips to the petals, as shown in Plate 12, fig. 47. The next best-known kind is the Summer Snowflake--the paradoxical name of _L. aestivum_. The pure white flowers, tipped with green, appear in May and June, sometimes as many as six being borne on a stem. _L. pulch.e.l.lum_ is closely related to this species, but has narrower leaves, and produces its smaller blossoms somewhat later. The pretty little plants, formerly known as _Acis_, are now included with the Leucojums. They all have small white drooping blossoms on slender stems 6 to 12 inches high, those of _hyemalis_ and _trichophylla_, appearing in April, while those of _autumnalis_ appear in autumn.
The Snowflakes flourish in rich sandy soil, and appear to advantage in the rock-garden or in the gra.s.s, where they may be ma.s.sed in the same way as Snowdrops, &c. Most of them are easily increased by offsets.
=LILIUM= (_Lily_).--Of all the hardy bulbous plants that may be grown in the open air in our climate, the Lilies may be looked upon as the most n.o.ble. Not only are many of them giants in stature among other hardy bulbs, but there is nothing to equal their individual blossoms in size, or their general gracefulness of appearance when borne collectively on the leafy stems.
They differ in another respect from other bulbous plants described in this book, and that is in having "scaly" bulbs as shown on page 12. All the other plants have either bulbs with several coats rolled round each other (tunicated), or else they are solid, when they are known as corms.
But in the Lilies neither of these two types appears. What are known as the "scales" are fleshy leaves that have been specially modified under the surface of the soil to act as reservoirs or storehouses for the surplus food that the green aerial leaves on the stems have elaborated for them during the daytime.
There are a large number of species of Lilium, differing greatly in size and blossom, and it is therefore only natural to expect the bulbs to vary a good deal also. Indeed, there are very large and very small bulbs, comparatively speaking, and they display a good deal of difference in their vegetation, and in producing offsets. For example, most kinds develop new bulbs or offsets round the base of the older bulb, while others, like _canadense_, _Grayi_, _pardalinum_, _Parryi_, and _superb.u.m_, develop their new bulbs along creeping stems or rhizomes as shown in the sketch on page 31.
Useful as the offsets are for the purpose of increasing the stock, some kinds, notably _bulbiferum_, _Browni_, _speciosum_, and _tigrinum_, often develop what are called "bulbils" in the axils of the aerial leaves. These bulbils are small bulb-like bodies, which, when sown and covered with soil as if they were large seeds, will develop into flowering bulbs in the course of two or three years. The origin of these bulbils is more fully dealt with at p. 32.
Besides these two fairly easy means of increasing the stock of Lilies, many kinds may be also raised from seeds, which at the end of three, six, or eight years, will have produced bulbs large enough to throw up flowering stems. Raising Lilies from seed is more common now than it used to be, especially in America, where some lovely hybrids have been raised, such as _Burbanki_, _Dalhansoni_, _Marhan_, &c.
=Distribution of Lilies.=--As Liliums are distributed throughout all parts of the north temperate hemisphere--extending from California in the west, to China and j.a.pan in the east, across the continents of North America, Europe, and Asia--they are therefore found naturally growing in different soils, and under various climatic conditions, in all degrees of suns.h.i.+ne and shadow, drought and moisture. In the British flower garden they are, as a rule, best in positions where they will be shaded from the hot mid-day sun, as the flowers will last much longer than if exposed too much. They should not, however, be planted in deep shade under trees, or among their roots, as the latter would absorb too much food and moisture from the Lilies, while the overhanging boughs would prevent the rain from reaching the bulbs in sufficient quant.i.ty. During vigorous growth, Lilies like plenty of water, but the soil must at the same time be so well drained that it shall readily pa.s.s away from the bulbs. ("A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO GARDEN PLANTS.")
=Time and Depth of Planting.=--If bulbs can be secured early in autumn, say in September or October, that would be the best time to plant Lilies. But very often bulbs of certain kinds cannot be secured till spring, so that planting must necessarily take place then. The depth at which Lily bulbs are to be planted depends greatly upon the size of the individual bulbs; some kinds are planted about 6 inches deep, while others require a depth of 9 or 10 inches. A safe general rule to follow, is to cover the bulbs with about twice their own depth of soil when planting in the open air. If a piece of peat be placed beneath each bulb at the time of planting, and a layer of sand about half-an-inch thick round them, they will root much more freely. An exception to the general rule seems to be _L. giganteum_ (see p. 100). When Liliums are hardy enough to be left undisturbed for several seasons in the same place, a good top-dressing or "mulching" of well-decayed manure in autumn will be of great advantage in replenis.h.i.+ng the food for the roots.
So far as culture is concerned, Liliums may be arranged in three distinct groups as follows:--
_Alexandrae_, 2 to 3 feet high, with pure white flowers, 6 to 8 inches across in July and August.
_Batemanniae_, 3 to 5 feet high, flowers rich apricot, 4 to 5 inches across.
_Bulbiferum_, 2 to 4 feet high, with erect crimson flowers spotted with brown; May and June.
_Candidum_, the well-known "Madonna Lily," 3 to 5 feet high, with sweet-scented pure-white flowers, 3 to 4 inches across, and ten to thirty on an erect truss in June. When subject to disease in any locality, it is almost useless attempting to grow this Lily. (See Plate 16, fig. 64).
_Chalcedonic.u.m_, a fine "Turk's Cap" Lily, 2 to 3 feet high, with drooping bright scarlet flowers in July and August; there are several varieties, including _maculatum_, a spotted one.
_Croceum_, the "Orange or Saffron Lily," with somewhat cobwebby stems 3 to 6 feet high, and golden orange, funnel-shaped flowers, spotted with purple at the base; June and July. (See Plate 17, fig. 67).
_Dalhansoni_, a pretty hybrid between _dalmatic.u.m_ and _Hansoni_, about 5 feet high, with dark brownish-purple flowers in June and July.
_Dauric.u.m_ or _davuric.u.m_ grows 2 to 3 feet high, and has orange-scarlet flowers spotted with blackish-purple.
_Henryi_, 3 to 6 feet high (sometimes much taller) with jagged-surfaced orange-red flowers from July to September.
_Marhan_, a lovely hybrid between the white-flowered _Martagon_ and _Hansoni_. It grows 4 to 5 feet high, and has clear orange-yellow flowers with red-brown streaks and spots.
_Pomponium_, a fine "Turk's Cap" species, 2 to 3 feet high, with drooping, bright-red, orange-yellow, flowers.
_Pyrenaic.u.m_ is closely related to _pomponium_, but is somewhat taller, and has bright-yellow flowers, blotched with crimson at the base (see Plate 18, fig. 71).
_Rubellum_, a beautiful species about 2 feet high, with bell-shaped rosy-pink flowers in June (see Plate 26, fig. 97).
_Testaceum_ (or _excelsum_), a fine Lily, 5 to 6 feet high, with somewhat drooping, soft, buff-yellow or apricot-coloured flowers, dotted with orange-red.
_Umbellatum._ A number of Lilies are grouped under this name, being apparently hybrid varieties between _croceum_, _davuric.u.m_, and _elegans_. The prevailing colours are orange, orange-red, and apricot, with darkly-spotted and unspotted forms.
_Was.h.i.+ngtonianum_ grows 3 to 6 feet high, and has sweet-scented, drooping, funnel-shaped flowers of a pure white tinged with lilac or purple. The soil should be particularly well-drained for this Californian Lily.
_Auratum_, a well-known Lily, 2 to 6 feet high, with ivory-white flowers, often 9 to 12 inches across, with a conspicuous yellow band down the centre, and deep purple blotches all over the inner surface.
There are several varieties, some poor, some excellent, amongst the latter being _platyphyllum_ with very large heavily-spotted flowers.
There is a white unspotted form of this called _virginale_, closely related to which is _Wittei_, the flowers of which, however, are stained with yellow down the centre.
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