A. Lincoln_ A Biography Part 37
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wrote his own biography William E. Barton, William E. Barton, President Lincoln President Lincoln (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1933), 63-64. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1933), 63-64.
"if his name" Jackson Grimshaw to WHH, April 28, 1866, Jackson Grimshaw to WHH, April 28, 1866, HI, HI, 247; and Lamon, 247; and Lamon, Life, Life, 424 (Lamon is incorrect about the year of the meeting). 424 (Lamon is incorrect about the year of the meeting).
"It is not improbable" Browning, Browning, Diary, Diary, February 8, 1860, 395. February 8, 1860, 395.
"the nomination of Lincoln" Chicago Press & Tribune, Chicago Press & Tribune, February 16, 1860. February 16, 1860.
endors.e.m.e.nt of Lincoln Philip Kinsley, Philip Kinsley, The Chicago Tribune: Its First Hundred Years, The Chicago Tribune: Its First Hundred Years, vol. I, vol. I, 1847-1865 1847-1865 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943), 105-7. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943), 105-7.
"No former effort" HL, HL, 2:165. 2:165.
SIGNIFICANT.-The Hon. Illinois State Register, Illinois State Register, February 23, 1860. February 23, 1860.
at the Cooper Union For the complete story of the Cooper Union Address, see Holzer, For the complete story of the Cooper Union Address, see Holzer, Lincoln at Cooper Union. Lincoln at Cooper Union.
"I am on my way" am on my way" Francis Fisher Browne, Francis Fisher Browne, The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln: A Narrative and Descriptive Biography The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln: A Narrative and Descriptive Biography (Chicago: Browne and Howell Company, 1913), 1:217. (Chicago: Browne and Howell Company, 1913), 1:217.
"I see you want" see you want" Roy Meredith, Roy Meredith, Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man, Mathew B. Brady Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man, Mathew B. Brady (New York: Dover Publications, 1946), 59. (New York: Dover Publications, 1946), 59.
"a gallant soldier" Holzer, Holzer, Lincoln at Cooper Union, Lincoln at Cooper Union, 107. 107.
The first impression Rufus Rockwell Wilson, ed., Rufus Rockwell Wilson, ed., Intimate Memories of Lincoln Intimate Memories of Lincoln (Elmira, N.Y.: Primavera Press, 1945), 258. (Elmira, N.Y.: Primavera Press, 1945), 258.
"Mr. Cheerman" Holzer, Holzer, Lincoln at Cooper Union, Lincoln at Cooper Union, 114. 114.
"Mr. Lincoln is one of Nature's" New York Tribune, New York Tribune, February 28, 1860. February 28, 1860.
"somewhat funny, to see" Mayson Brayman to William H. Bailhache, February 28, 1860, ALPLM, quoted in Holzer, Mayson Brayman to William H. Bailhache, February 28, 1860, ALPLM, quoted in Holzer, Lincoln at Cooper Union, Lincoln at Cooper Union, 145. 145.
"according to Bob's orders" AL to Mary Lincoln, March 4, 1860, AL to Mary Lincoln, March 4, 1860, CW, CW, 3:555. 3:555.
"Enclosed please find" James A. Briggs to AL, February 29, 1860, ALPLC. James A. Briggs to AL, February 29, 1860, ALPLC.
"I have been unable" AL to Mary Lincoln, March 4, 1860, AL to Mary Lincoln, March 4, 1860, CW, CW, 3:555. 3:555.
Welles, an ex-Democrat John Niven, John Niven, Gideon Welles: Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles: Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), 283, 288-89. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), 283, 288-89.
"I am glad to know" AL, "Speech at Hartford, Connecticut, March 5, 1860," CJ^4:7. AL, "Speech at Hartford, Connecticut, March 5, 1860," CJ^4:7.
"recent success had stimulated" HL, HL, 2:275. 2:275.
"there will be but little" Samuel Galloway to AL, March 15, 1860, ALPLC. Samuel Galloway to AL, March 15, 1860, ALPLC.
"My name is new" AL to Samuel Galloway, March 24, 1860, AL to Samuel Galloway, March 24, 1860, CW, CW, 4:33-34. 4:33-34.
"I have heard your name" James F. Babc.o.c.k to AL, April 9, 1860, ALPLC. James F. Babc.o.c.k to AL, April 9, 1860, ALPLC.
"As to the Presidential" AL to James F. Babc.o.c.k, April 14, 1860, AL to James F. Babc.o.c.k, April 14, 1860, CW, 4:43. CW, 4:43.
"tobe putfully" AL to Lyman Lrumbull, April 29, 1860, AL to Lyman Lrumbull, April 29, 1860, CW, CW, 4:45. 4:45.
"I keep no secrets" Mark E. Neely, Jr., Mark E. Neely, Jr., The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982), 299. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982), 299.
"I am informed" Johnson to WHH, [1865-1866], Johnson to WHH, [1865-1866], HI, HI, 463. 463.
old John Hanks Ibid.
"prominent candidates" Harper's Weekly, Harper's Weekly, May 12, 1860. May 12, 1860.
receiving reports King, King, Lincoln's Manager, Lincoln's Manager, 135-36. 135-36.
"He was almost too much" Wilson, Wilson, Intimate Memories of Lincoln, Intimate Memories of Lincoln, 294. 294.
"We are here" Jesse K. Dubois to AL, May 13, 1860, ALPLC. Jesse K. Dubois to AL, May 13, 1860, ALPLC.
"Things are working" Nathan M. Knapp to AL, May 14, 1860. Nathan M. Knapp to AL, May 14, 1860.
"We are laboring" Nathan M. Knapp to Ozias M. Hatch, May 12, 1860, in "Praise for the 'Most Available Candidate,' " Nathan M. Knapp to Ozias M. Hatch, May 12, 1860, in "Praise for the 'Most Available Candidate,' " JISHS JISHS 71, no. 1 (February 1978): 72. 71, no. 1 (February 1978): 72.
"Dont come" Jesse K. Dubois and David Davis to AL, May 14, 1860, ALPLC. Jesse K. Dubois and David Davis to AL, May 14, 1860, ALPLC.
"Don'tbe too sanguine" Charles H. Ray to AL, May 14, 1860, ALPLC. Charles H. Ray to AL, May 14, 1860, ALPLC.
"Make no contracts" "Endors.e.m.e.nt on the Margin of the "Endors.e.m.e.nt on the Margin of the Missouri Democrat, " Missouri Democrat, " [May 17, 1860], [May 17, 1860], CW, CW, 4:50. 4:50.
"he hardly thought this" Clinton L. Conkling, "How Mr. Lincoln Received the News of His First Nomination," Clinton L. Conkling, "How Mr. Lincoln Received the News of His First Nomination," Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society (1909):64-65. (1909):64-65.
Judd stood second Proceedings of the First Three Republican National Conventions, Proceedings of the First Three Republican National Conventions, 151-54. 151-54.
"I-I a-a-rise" a-a-rise" Charles H. Workman, "Tablet to Abraham Lincoln at Mansfield," Charles H. Workman, "Tablet to Abraham Lincoln at Mansfield," Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications 34 (1925) 519-20. 34 (1925) 519-20.
"Well gentlemen there is" Charles S. Zane (statement for WHH), [1865-66], Charles S. Zane (statement for WHH), [1865-66], HI, HI, 491. 491.
CHAPTER 15. 15. Justice and Fairness to All: May i860-November i860 Justice and Fairness to All: May i860-November i860 "did not suppose" AL, "Response to a Serenade," May 18, 1860, AL, "Response to a Serenade," May 18, 1860, CW, CW, 4:50. 4:50.
"Write no letters" David Davis to AL, May 18, 1860, ALPLC. David Davis to AL, May 18, 1860, ALPLC.
"his modest frame house" Carl Schurz, Carl Schurz, The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz (New York: The McClure Company, 1908), 2:188. (New York: The McClure Company, 1908), 2:188.
"Justice and fairness" AL, AL, CW, CW, 4:94. 4:94.
"such intuitive knowledge" Life of Thurlow Weed: Including His Autobiography and a Memoir, Life of Thurlow Weed: Including His Autobiography and a Memoir, vol. 1: Weed (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1883), 602. vol. 1: Weed (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1883), 602.
met with Edward Bates Browning, Browning, Diary, Diary, May 24, 1860, 410-11. May 24, 1860, 410-11.
"Holding my self" AL to Salmon P. Chase, May 26, 1860, AL to Salmon P. Chase, May 26, 1860, CW, CW, 4:53. 4:53.
"You distinguish between yourself" AL to Schuyler Colfax, May 26, 1860, AL to Schuyler Colfax, May 26, 1860, CW, CW, 4:54. 4:54.
"We know not" AL to Anson G. Henry, July 4, 1860, AL to Anson G. Henry, July 4, 1860, CW, CW, 4:82. 4:82.
"I missed the greatest chance" William Dean Howe 11s, William Dean Howe 11s, Life of Abraham Lincoln Life of Abraham Lincoln (Springfield, 111.: The Abraham Lincoln a.s.sociation, 1938), vii. (Springfield, 111.: The Abraham Lincoln a.s.sociation, 1938), vii.
"I believe the biography" John L. Scripps to ALJuly 17, 1860, ALPLC. John L. Scripps to ALJuly 17, 1860, ALPLC.
"made frequent humorous" John L. Scripps to WHH, June 24, 1865, John L. Scripps to WHH, June 24, 1865, HI, HI, 57. 57.
became his one-man Helen Nicolay, Helen Nicolay, Lincoln's Secretary: A Biography of John Lincoln's Secretary: A Biography of John G. G. Nicolay Nicolay (New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1949), 6-7, 84. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1949), 6-7, 84.
"Lincoln bears his honors" Browning, Browning, Diary, Diary, June 12, 1860, 415. June 12, 1860, 415.
"That looks better" Lloyd Ostendorf, Lloyd Ostendorf, Lincoln's Photographs: A Complete Alb.u.m Lincoln's Photographs: A Complete Alb.u.m (Dayton, Ohio: Rockywood Press, 1998), 46-48. (Dayton, Ohio: Rockywood Press, 1998), 46-48.
"I think there" AL to Thurlow Weed, August 17, 1860, AL to Thurlow Weed, August 17, 1860, CW, CW, 4:98. 4:98.
"I am slow" AL to John AL to John M. M. Pomeroy, August 31, 1860, Pomeroy, August 31, 1860, CW, CW, 4:103. 4:103.
"amiable and accomplished" New York Tribune, New York Tribune, May 25, 1860. May 25, 1860.
"a sparkling talker" Baker, Baker, Mary Todd Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, 160. 160.
"Mr. Lincoln has never been" Mary Lincoln to Dyer Burgess, October 29, 1860, Mary Lincoln to Dyer Burgess, October 29, 1860, MTL, MTL, 67. 67.
"You are an ambitious" "William "William M. M. d.i.c.kson to AL, with Note from Annie M. d.i.c.kson to Mary Todd Lincoln," May 21, 1860, ALPLC. d.i.c.kson to AL, with Note from Annie M. d.i.c.kson to Mary Todd Lincoln," May 21, 1860, ALPLC.
"You used to be worried" Mary Lincoln to Hannah Shearer, October 20, 1860, Mary Lincoln to Hannah Shearer, October 20, 1860, MTL, MTL, 63-64. 63-64.
"warmly welcomed" Frank Fuller, Frank Fuller, A Day with the Lincoln Family A Day with the Lincoln Family (New York: (New York: n.d.). n.d.).
"a man of unblemished" Dougla.s.s' Monthly, Dougla.s.s' Monthly, June 1860. June 1860.
"On Monday night" Illinois State Journal, Illinois State Journal, August 8, 1860. August 8, 1860.
Westward the star Stephen B. Oates, Stephen B. Oates, With Malice Toward None: A Life of Abraham Lincoln With Malice Toward None: A Life of Abraham Lincoln (New York: Harper and Row, 1977), 185. (New York: Harper and Row, 1977), 185.
"The Prairies on Fire" Illinois State Journal, Illinois State Journal, August 9, 1860. August 9, 1860.
"It has been my purpose" AL, "Remarks at a Springfield Rally, Springfield, Illinois," August 8, 1860, AL, "Remarks at a Springfield Rally, Springfield, Illinois," August 8, 1860, CW, CW, 4:91. 4:91.
"slipped him over" George Brinkerhoff (WHH interview), [1865-1866], George Brinkerhoff (WHH interview), [1865-1866], HI, HI, 437. 437.
"The reward that fidelity" Edward D. Baker to AL, August 1, 1860, ALPLOC. Edward D. Baker to AL, August 1, 1860, ALPLOC.
"such a result" AL to Hannibal Hamlin, September 4, 1860, AL to Hannibal Hamlin, September 4, 1860, CW, CW, 4:110. 4:110.
"The people of the South" AL to John B. Fry, August 15, 1860, AL to John B. Fry, August 15, 1860, CW, CW, 4:95. 4:95.
a sense of relief WHL to AL, October 10, 1860, ALPLC. WHL to AL, October 10, 1860, ALPLC.
"It now looks" AL to William H. Seward, October 12, 1860, AL to William H. Seward, October 12, 1860, CW, CW, 4:126. 4:126.
"a very happy man" Henry C. Bowen, "Recollections of Abraham Lincoln," Henry C. Bowen, "Recollections of Abraham Lincoln," Independent, Independent, April 4, 1895, 4. April 4, 1895, 4.
CHAPTER 16. 16. An Humble Instrument in the Hands of the Almighty. November 1860-February 1861 An Humble Instrument in the Hands of the Almighty. November 1860-February 1861 "Well, boys" Oates, Oates, With Malice Toward None, With Malice Toward None, 195. 195.
"I then felt" Lincoln spoke about this evening in 1862 with Gideon Welles; Welles, Lincoln spoke about this evening in 1862 with Gideon Welles; Welles, Diary, Diary, August 15, 1862, 1:82. August 15, 1862, 1:82.
Public exigencies may Lruman Smith to AL, November 7, 1860, ALPLC. Lruman Smith to AL, November 7, 1860, ALPLC.
"It is with the most profound" AL to Lruman Smith, November 10, 1860, AL to Lruman Smith, November 10, 1860, CW, CW, 4:138. 4:138.
"You would look" AL to Grace Bedell, October 19, 1860, AL to Grace Bedell, October 19, 1860, CW, CW, 4:129-30 n. 1. 4:129-30 n. 1.
"He sits or or stands" New stands" New York Herald, York Herald, November 11, 14, 20, 1860. November 11, 14, 20, 1860.
"He is precisely the same man" Lincoln on the Eve of'61: A Journalist's Story by Henry Villard Lincoln on the Eve of'61: A Journalist's Story by Henry Villard (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941), 20. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941), 20.
"each and all of the States" "Pa.s.sage Written for Lyman Lrumbull's Speech at Springfield, Illinois," November 20, 1860, "Pa.s.sage Written for Lyman Lrumbull's Speech at Springfield, Illinois," November 20, 1860, CW, CW, 4:141-42. 4:141-42.
"all knowledge of the Southern" New York Herald, New York Herald, November 22, 1860. November 22, 1860.
"would lean heavily" Mark M. Krug, Mark M. Krug, Lyman Trumbull: Conservative Radical Lyman Trumbull: Conservative Radical (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1965), 165. (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1965), 165.
"The long continued" James Buchanan, "Fourth Annual Message," Decembers, 1860, James Buchanan, "Fourth Annual Message," Decembers, 1860, The Works of James Buchanan: Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence, The Works of James Buchanan: Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence, ed., John Ba.s.sett Moore (Philadelphia: J. B. Lip-pincott Company, 1910), 11:7-9. ed., John Ba.s.sett Moore (Philadelphia: J. B. Lip-pincott Company, 1910), 11:7-9.
written to urge Lincoln Henry J. Raymond to AL, November 14, 1860, ALPLC. Henry J. Raymond to AL, November 14, 1860, ALPLC.
"a demonstration in favor" AL to Henry J. Raymond, November 28, 1860, AL to Henry J. Raymond, November 28, 1860, CW, CW, 4:145-46. 4:145-46.
reaching for a way Francis Brown, Francis Brown, Raymond of the Times Raymond of the Times (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1951), 197. (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1951), 197.
"Theyseeka sign" Matt. 12:39, 16:4. sign" Matt. 12:39, 16:4.
"delayed so long" AL to William H. Seward, December 8, 1860, AL to William H. Seward, December 8, 1860, CW, CW, 4:148. 4:148.
"free in his communications" Bates, Bates, Diary, Diary, December 16, 1860, 164. December 16, 1860, 164.
at least one Southerner David M. Potter, David M. Potter, Lincoln and His Party in the Secession Crisis Lincoln and His Party in the Secession Crisis (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1942), 151. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1942), 151.
Lincoln sent Speed Joshua F. Speed (WHH interview), [1865-66], 475. Joshua F. Speed (WHH interview), [1865-66], 475.
"Don't give up the s.h.i.+p" Schott, Schott, Alexander Stephens of Georgia, Alexander Stephens of Georgia, 306. 306.
"The country is certainly Alexander H. Stephens to AL, December 14, 1860, ALPLC. Alexander H. Stephens to AL, December 14, 1860, ALPLC.
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