Ossian in Germany Part 16
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Erganzungsblatter zur Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1819, iv, pp. 9136.
@18179.@ Die Gedichte Ossians, neu ubersezt und mit dem Englischen Texte begleitet, von J. F. Arnauld de la Periere, Sekretar der Koniglichen Regierung zu Koln. 4 vols. Koln.
Vorrede, Vol. 1, pp. ixxii. English and German on opposite pages.
To Vol. 1 is prefixed a translation of Macpherson's first, to Vol. 2 Macpherson's second essay. Notes at the end of each poem. Metrical translation.
@1821.@ Gesammelte Werke der Bruder Christian und Friedrich Leopold Grafen zu s...o...b..rg. 20 vols. Hamburg, 18205. Vol. 2, pp. 22830: Spatere Zueignung des Ossian an meinen Bruder.
Friedrich Leopold's dedication of his translation of Ossian, 1806.
@1822.@ Tales of Ossian for Use and Entertainment. Ein Lesebuch fur Anfanger in der englischen Sprache. Dritte verbesserte Auflage.
1st ed., 1784, 2d ed., 1794, _q. v_. The long preface of the first and second editions is omitted. pp. 10930: Appendix: 1. To the Sun.
(Carthon, p. 163, l. 32p. 164, end.) 2. To the Moon. (DarThula, p. 278, beginningp. 279, l. 13.) 3. To the evening star. (The Songs of Selma, p. 208, ll. 110.) 4. Colmar and Colmal. A Poem.
(Calthon and Colmal.) By J. Balbach.
@1824.@ Ossian's Gedichte. Nach Macpherson. Von Ludwig Schubart. 2 vols.
1st ed., 1808, _q. v._ Ersch u. Gruber, Encyklopadie, _sub_ Ossian (p. 429), has 1822.
Minerva Taschenbuch fur das Jahr 1824. Leipzig, pp. 277310: Darthula, nach Ossian, von Van der Velde. In vier Gesangen.
Pp. 27980: Three introductory stanzas opening with an invocation to the Muse of Ossian. pp. 280310: Iambic pentameter translation of DarThula, p. 281, l. 22p. 289, end, by Karl Franz van der Velde, 17791824.
Ceres. Originalien fur Zerstreuung und Kunstgenuss. Zweyter Theil. Wien.
pp. 2104: Das Madchen von Selma. Nach Ossian. Von Freyh. von Auffenberg.
A servile imitation of Ossian in hexameters by Joseph Freiherr von Auffenberg, 17981857, written in Freiburg, 1819. In his Sammtliche Werke, 20 vols., Siegen und Wiesbaden, 18434, the imitation is given on pp. 2636 of Vol. 20.
@1825.@ Musenalmanach fur das Jahr 1826. Herausgegeben von Julius Curtius. Berlin. pp. 818: Ossian. Von J. Curtius.
A servile imitation of Ossian, recounting the poet's death, in irregular meters.
@1826.@ The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. In Three Volumes. Leipzick. (Fleischer.)
Vol. 3 contains Macpherson's two dissertations, as well as Dr.
Blair's Critical Dissertation.
@18267.@ Ossian's Gedichte. Neu ubersetzt. 3 Bandchen. Quedlinburg und Leipzig. = Vols. 13 of the Bibliothek der Meisterwerke des Auslandes.
In neuen Uebersetzungen. In Verbindung mit Mehreren herausgegeben von L.
G. Forster. Bandchen 13. Quedlinburg und Leipzig.
Metrical translation without rime, by Lebrecht Gotthilf Forster, 17881846. No introduction, but an index of names at the end of Vol.
3. Cf. _infra_.
@1827.@ Ossian's Gedichte. Neu ubersetzt von L. G. Forster. 2 Theile.
Quedlinburg und Leipzig.
Cf. _supra_. 2d ed., 1830. Neither introduction nor notes, but index of names at the end of Vol. 2.
@1828.@ Minerva Taschenbuch fur das Jahr 1828. Leipzig. pp. 37586: Malvina. Weibliche Charakterschilderung von E. Munch.
An enthusiastic charactersketch of Malvina, the daughter of Toscar, with several pa.s.sages from the poems of Ossian quoted in German rhythmic prose. pp. 3779: Croma, beginning, p. 177p. 178, l. 21; pp. 37980: The War of Caros, first (p. 188) and last (p. 193) paragraphs; pp. 3801: Cathlin of Clutha, beginning, p. 194p. 195, l. 2; pp. 3812: OinaMorul, beginning, p. 165, ll. 112; pp. 3826: Berrathon, beginning, p. 374p. 376, l. 14. The author is Ernst Hermann Joseph Munch, 17981841.
@[1829.]@ Fingal and other Poems of Ossian. (Campe's Edition.) Nurnberg and New York.
Contains Fingal, The War of Caros, The War of InisThona, The Battle of Lora, The Death of Cuthullin, Carthon, The Songs of Selma. No introduction.
@1830.@ Ossian's Gedichte. Neu ubersetzt von L. G. Forster. 2 Theile.
Zweite Auflage. Quedlinburg und Leipzig. 1st ed. 1827, _q. v._
Allgemeine Unterhaltungsblatter fur Verbreitung des Schonen, Guten und Nutzlichen. Munster und Hamm. October, No. 1, pp. 151?: Ossian.
A ballad in rimed eightline stanzas by Ferdinand Freiligrath. Cf.
Euphorion, 1895, E, pp. 1269.
@1831.@ PocketEdition of the most eminent English authors of the preceding century. Schneeberg. Vol. 5: The Works of Ossian. i, Fingal.
@1832.@ Handbuch der Englischen Sprache und Literatur, oder Auswahl interessanter, chronologisch geordneter Stucke aus den Kla.s.sischen Englischen Prosaisten und Dichtern ... von H. Nolte und L. Ideler.
Poetischer Theil. Vierte Auflage. Berlin.
Not 1852, as given in the Allg. Deutsche Biog., Vol. 13, p. 743, _sub_ Ideler. 2d ed., 1802; 3d ed., 1811.-pp. 5105: Macpherson.
pp. 5156: Morna. pp. 5167: Comal and Galvina. pp. 51825: The Songs of Selma.
@1834.@ The Poems of Ossian, translated by James Macpherson, Esq. To which are prefixed, a preliminary Discourse and Dissertations on the Aera and Poems of Ossian. A new Edition complete in one Volume. Leipsic.
The preliminary discourse-signed "Berrathon"-gives an account of the renewal of the controversy over the genuineness of the poems, and considers the Report of the Committee of the Highland Society, Malcolm Laing's edition of the Poems of Ossian (1805), and von Harold's Poems of Ossian lately discover'd (1787).
@1835.@ Briefe an Johann Heinrich Merck von Gothe, Herder, Wieland und andern bedeutenden Zeitgenossen ... herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Wagner.
Darmstadt. Von Herder (Stra.s.sburg, 28. Oct. 1770), p. 14; (Buckeburg, Juli 1771), pp. 278: References to Ossian, with a literal translation of a few verses from the end of Temora, Bk. vii, translated from the Gaelic original.
Allgemeine Encyklopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste ... herausgegeben von J. S. Ersch und J. G. Gruber. Dritte Section. Sechster Theil.
Leipzig. pp. 4209: Ossian. Von Heinrich Doring.
An article on the poems of Ossian and their authenticity, with several quotations from Ahlwardt's translation (1811) and some bibliographical material.
@1838.@ Ossians kleine Gedichte ubersetzt von Karl Georg Neumann.
Translation of all the poems contained in the Tauchnitz edition with the exception of the epics. Goethe's translation of The Songs of Selma as far as p. 210, l. 15, is inserted in place of the author's.
For Neumann's translation of Fingal, cf. Gurlitt, 18035.
@1839.@ Die Gedichte Ossian's. Aus dem Galischen von Christian Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Mit 3 Holzschnitten. 3 vols. Leipzig. Cf. 1811.
Ossians Gedichte. Rhythmisch bearbeitet von Ed. Brinckmeier. Mit t.i.telbild. Braunschweig. Cp. 1883.
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