Ossian in Germany Part 7

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A collection of opinions expressed by different critics in regard to Denis's translation, written on occasion of the publication of Ossians und Sineds Lieder (1784). Reprinted in the Nachla.s.s (1801).

Minona, oder die Angelsachsen. Ein tragisches Melodrama in vier Akten.

Von Heinrich Wilhelm von Gerstenberg. Hamburg.

A prose drama in the Ossianic spirit with poetic pa.s.sages interspersed. Cp. Schriften, 1794, 1815, and cf. _infra_, pp. 1129.

REVIEWS: Gothaische gelehrte Zeitungen, 1786, No. 85, pp. 70911.

Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 77, i, pp. 1168 (1787).

Neue Bibl. der schonen Wissenschaften, Vol. 34, i, pp. 12142 (1787), ii, pp. 27999, Vol. 35, ii, pp. 21735 (1788).

Der Teutsche Merkur, 1788, iv, pp. 20124.

Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1789, i, pp. 71620, etc.

Beitrage zum Theater, zur Musik und der unterhaltenden Lekture uberhaupt. Erster Band. Stendal. pp. 2248: Chelims Klage. von C.


A story in the Ossianic manner; rhythmic prose with a metrical complaint.

Musenalmanach. (Poetische Blumenlese. Auf das Jahr 1785.) Gottingen. pp.

702: Gaul an den Geist seines Vaters, als er hinging das Schwert desselben aus seinem Grabe zu holen. von J. A e. Klontrup.

A free imitation of Ossian in quatrains.

Lehrreiche Nebenstunden. Eine Wochenschrift fur die Jugend beyderley Geschlechts. Vol. 1, Berlin, pp. ??: Fingals Hohle.

I was unable to find this volume, a notice of which appeared in the Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 69, ii, pp. 6134 (1786).

@1787.@ Poems of Ossian lately discover'd by Edmond Baron de Harold.


An English version of seventeen little Caledonian poems purporting to have been discovered by the translator, all but two of which are ascribed to Ossian.

Neuentdeckte Gedichte Ossians, ubersetzt von Edmund Freiherrn von Harold. Dusseldorf.

Same as above. Second edition 1798.

REVIEWS: Gott. Anz. von gel. Sachen, 1787, ii, p. 1248.

Supplemente zur Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1787, v, pp. 223.

Anhang zu dem 53. bis 86. Bande der Allg. deutschen Bibl., 3. Abth., pp. 18478 (1791).

Vom Geist der Ebraischen Poesie ... von J. G. Herder. 2 vols. Leipzig.

Vol. 1, p. 115: Ossians Anrede an die untergehende Sonne, pp. 1156: An die Morgensonne, pp. 1178: An den Mond. pp. 1189: An den Abendstern.

Cf. 1st ed., 1782. In the 3d ed., edited by Justi, Leipzig, 1825, the fragments are found in Vol. 1, pp. 1036.

Albrechts von Haller Tagebuch seiner Beobachtungen uber Schriftsteller und uber sich selbst. 2 vols. Bern. Vol. 1, pp. 2658, 28896, (368); (Vol. 2, pp. 446): Laudatory criticism of the Works of Ossian.

The first pa.s.sage consists of Haller's review of Fingal, Gott. Anz.

von gel. Sachen, 1765, the second of his review of The Works of Ossian, _ibid._, 1767; the remarks in Vol. 2 refer to the article on Ossian in Sulzer's Theorie.

Allgemeine Theorie der Schonen Kunste ... von Johann George Sulzer. Neue vermehrte Auflage. 4 vols. Leipzig. 17867. Vol. 3, pp. 51627: Article on Ossian. 1st ed. 1774, _q. v._

Fingal in Lochlin. Dessau. Cf. 1782.

Inamorulla. Leipzig. Cf. 1783.

Both these dramas by Wachs.m.u.th were reprinted in this year.

Allgemeine Literatur Zeitung. Jena und Leipzig. iv, pp. 4312: Notice of the originals of John Smith's Galic Antiquities (Sean Dana etc.). Cf.

Gallische Alterthumer, 1781.

@1788.@ Fingal an epic poem in six books, taken from Ossian's Works.


A somewhat inaccurate, cheap reprint. The date of publication is not 1798, as occasionally given.

Deutsches Museum. Leipzig. ii, pp. 51227: Komala, ein Singspiel nach Ossian. Von Friedr. Boutterweck.

A _Singspiel_ in three scenes, a free rendering of Comala with the original ending unchanged. The recitatives are in blank iambic verse. The author is Friedrich Bouterwek, 17661828; cf. his Geschichte der Poesie und Beredsamkeit, 1810.

Der Zustand des Staats, der Religion, der Gelehrsamkeit und der Kunst in Grosbritannien gegen das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts von D. Gebh.

Friedr. Aug. Wendeborn. 4 vols. Berlin. 17858. Vol. 4, pp. 1412: A diatribe against the genuineness of the poems of Ossian.

Henrici Alberti Schultens Oratio de Ingenio Arab.u.m. Lugduni Batavorum.

pp. 112: declares the poems of Ossian to be authentic.

Neue Bibliothek der schonen Wissenschaften, Vol. 35, ii, p. 332: Notice of the originals of Smith's Galic Antiquities. Cf. Gallische Alterthumer, 1781.

Musen Almanach fur 1788. herausgegeben von Voss und Goeking. Hamburg.

pp. 502: Urrins Preis. Nach dem Wallischen des Barden Taliesin.

Translated by von Halem in rimed verses from Edward Jones's Musical and Poetical Relics of the Welsh Bards, London, 1786, a notice of which had appeared in the Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1786, ii, p. 203. Cp.

Poesie und Prose, 1789.

@1789.@ Essai d'une Traduction d'Ossian en vers francois. Par J.

Lombard, Secretaire prive au cabinet du Roi. Berlin.

Metrical translation of Carthon. pp. 716: Preliminary essay. This translation is erroneously referred to by Gurlitt (April 9, 1802, pp. 45), Ersch und Gruber, Encyklopadie, _sub_ Ossian (p. 429) and others as being one of Fingal instead of Carthon. The translator's full name is Jean Guillaume Lombard.

REVIEWS: Allg. Lit.Zeitung, 1789, iv, pp. 814.

Allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 97, i, pp. 1513 (1790).

La Prusse Litteraire sous Frederic II. Par Mr l'Abbe Denina. 3 vols.

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