Ossian in Germany Part 9
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REVIEW: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 23, ii, p. 321 (1796).
Bragur ... Herausgegeben von Ha.s.slein und Grater. Vol. 3, pp. 120206: Translation of an article by William Tytler Ueber die alten Schottischen Balladen und Lieder und die Schottische Musik uberhaupt.-pp. 1202, 1312: references to Ossian.
_Ibid._, p. 473: Notice of Alstrup's Danish translation of Ossian.
_Ibid._, pp. 4805: Letter of Prof. [Johann Christian Christoph] Rudiger (17511822) of Halle to Grater Ueber Ossian.
_Ibid._, pp. 48591: Letter of L. Th. Kosegarten to Grater, dated Wolgast, Sept. 16, 1791, Ueber Ossian, die Sean Dana u. s. w.
Sammtliche Poetische Schriften von Joh. [_sic_!] Wilhelm von Gerstenberg. III. Theil. Erste vollstandige Ausgabe. Wien. pp. 1173: Minona, oder die Angelsachsen. Ein tragisches Melodrama in vier Akten.
Unauthorized edition. Cf. 1785, and _infra_, pp. 523.
Harald oder der Kronenkrieg. Eine nordische Erzahlung. 2 vols. Kaschau in OberHungarn.
A novel in the Ossianic vein, reprinted in the Nordische Geschichten der Vorzeit, 1798.
REVIEW: Neue allg. deutsche Bibl., Vol. 23, i, p. 173 (1796).
@1795.@ Ossians Gedichte, von Edmund von Harold in Prosa ubersetzt.
Munster. Cf. _ibid._, 1775.
Ludewig Gottlieb Cromens Gedichte. Leipzig, pp. 4453: Armyns Klagelied an Kirmor. pp. 548: Fragment aus einem altschottischen Gedichte. Cf.
Unterhaltungen, 1767.
Geschichte des Glaubens an Unsterblichkeit, Auferstehung, Gericht und Vergeltung von Christian Wilhelm Flugge. Leipzig. Vol. 2, pp. 149210: Sechster Abschnitt. Lehren und Meinungen der alten Caledonier uber Fortdauer nach dem Tode, nach Ossian und andern celtischen Gedichten.
Numerous quotations are made from Denis's translation, some quite lengthy, as _e. g._, pp. 1723: CarricThura, p. 147, ll. 525, p.
148, ll. 19. pp. 1745: Fingal, Bk. ii, p. 227, l. 5bottom. pp.
1767: The War of Caros, p. 191, l. 36p. 192, l. 16. pp. 1801: Temora, Bk. vii, beginning, p. 354p. 355, l. 3. p. 187: Berrathon, p. 375, l. 22bottom. There are also several quotations from the Galic Antiquities and from Macpherson's and Blair's Dissertations.
On pp. 2034 an extract from Grater's translation in the Nordische Blumen, pp. 3712, CathLoda, Duan i, p. 130, ll. 2030.
REVIEW: Gottingische Bibl. der neuesten theologischen Literatur.
Gottingen. Vol. 1, x, pp. 7334 (1795).
Nachtrage zu Sulzers allgemeiner Theorie der schonen Kunste. 8 vols.
Leipzig, 17921808. Vol. 3, ii, pp. 23752: Ueber die Celtischen Barden.
Nach Ossian, von Herrn W.N. Freudentheil.
The full name of the author is Wilhelm Nicolaus Freudentheil, 17711853. Cp. Vol. 8, 1808.
Die h.o.r.en eine Monatsschrift herausgegeben von Schiller. Vierter Band.
Tubingen. Zehntes Stuck, pp. 86107: Homer und Ossian. von Herder.
A comparison of Homer and Ossian, contained on pp. 44662 in Vol. 18 of the Suphan edition, where on pp. 4624 is given an extract from the first draft: (Homer und Ossian, Sohne der Zeit.)-A similar comparison, consisting of three academic polemics, had appeared 17925 in Upsala: Gustav Rosen, Comparatio Homeri et Ossiani.
_Ibid._, Eilftes Stuck, pp. 689, note: Characteristic of Ossian's poetry in Schiller's essay Ueber das Naive.
_Ibid._, Zwolftes Stuck, p. 24: Reference to Ossian in the paragraph on Elegiac Poetry in Schiller's essay Die sentimentalischen Dichter.
These references to Ossian in the essay Ueber naive und sentimentalische Dichtung are contained on pp. 444, note, and 467 of Schillers sammtliche Schriften, ed. Goedeke, Zehnter Theil, Aesthetische Schriften.
Johann Lane Buchanans ... Reisen durch die westlichen Hebriden, wahrend der Jahre 1782 bis 1790. Aus dem Englischen. Berlin.
Quoted from by Herder in his essay in the h.o.r.en, 1795, x, pp. 1047.
@1796.@ Der Neue Teutsche Merkur. Weimar. iii, pp. 12133: Englische Hexameter. Von B.
A review of an article in the Monthly Magazine, June, 1796, containing a hexameter transversion of Ossian's Apostrophe to the Sun, Carthon, p. 163, l. 32p. 164, end. The English transversion is repeated in the review on pp. 1278 and preceded by a literal prose translation of the Apostrophe into German, pp. 1267.-p. 129: Criticism of the English transversion. pp. 1301: Denis's translation of the pa.s.sage, added for the sake of affording a comparison.
_Ibid._, iii, pp. 2134: Notice of the Gaelic original of the poems of Ossian about to be published.
Etwas uber Caledonische und Scandinavische Dogmatik, mit Beziehung auf die Aechtheit der Gedichte Ossians, von Christian Wilhelm Flugge.
This treatise is mentioned by Gurlitt (1804) and elsewhere, but I have not been able to trace it.
Sketches of the History of Man. Considerably enlarged by the last additions and corrections of the author. 4 vols. Basil. Vol. 1, pp.
31572: Discussion of the Manners of the ancient Celts and Scandinavians.
Cf. German translation, 1774.
Allgemeiner Litterarischer Anzeiger. Leipzig. (July 15) p. 55, (Aug. 26) pp. 18990: Einige biographischlitterarische Nachrichten von James Macpherson, Esq.
Intelligenzblatt der Allgem. LiteraturZeitung. No. 97, pp. 8146:[11]
Notice of James Macpherson's death, with a short discussion of the poems of Ossian and the controversy they provoked.
_Ibid._, No. 146, pp. 12423: Notice of Hill's French translation of the Galic Antiquities: Les poemes d'Ossian, Orran, Ullin, etc., 3 vols.
Paris, 1796, with references to Le Tourneur's translation[12] and Arnault's[13] dramatization: Oscar, fils d'Ossian, tragedie en cinq actes.
@1797.@ Englische Blatter. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Schubart. Erlangen.
pp. 120: Ossian. Proben aus Duffs Versuch etc. Vom Herausgeber. pp.
16184: Ossian. (Beschluss.)
A discussion of the characteristics of Ossian and his poetry in his character as an original genius; with numerous quotations. A note on pp. 1813 contains a prose translation of Fingal's battle with the Spirit of Loda, CarricThura, p. 147, l. 9p. 148, l. 6.-Cp.
_ibid._, 1798.
Zerstreute Blatter von J.G. Herder. Sechste Sammlung. Gotha. pp.
95142: II. Das Land der Seelen. Ein Fragment.
Pp. 11129: ii. Celten, pp. 1129: Translation of Berrathon, p. 380, l. 17p. 382, end. pp. 11925: Berrathon, beginning, p. 374p. 376, l. 14. p. 128: The War of InisThona, p. 205, ll. 711. Cf.
Teutscher Merkur, 1782.
Friedrichs von Blankenburg Litterarische Zusatze zu Johann George Sulzers allg. Theorie der schonen Kunste. 3 vols. Leipzig, 17968. Vol.
2, pp. 4846: Article on Ossian. Cp. Sulzer's Theorie, 1774.
@1798.@ Neuentdeckte Gedichte Ossians, ubersetzt von Freiherr von Harold. Zweite Auflage. Dusseldorf.
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