Observations on Madness and Melancholy Part 12

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Containing Syphilis, Yaws, Sivvens, Elephantiasis, and the Anomala confounded with them. Part II. On Acute Contagions, particularly the Variolous and Vaccine. Second Edition, ill.u.s.trated with four coloured Engravings, copious practical Remarks, and further Commentaries on Mr.

Hunter's Opinions; by JOSEPH ADAMS, M. D. F. L. S. Physician to the Small Pox and Inoculation Hospitals, in one large quarto, boards, 1 5s.

"Some judicious remarks on Variolus and Vaccine Inoculation terminate this work; which must be considered as far superior to the ephemeral productions of authors, who want to write themselves into a high road to riches and renown. This volume is valuable in another point of view, because it inculcates the habit of a.n.a.lyzing diseases, and shows the importance of minute attention in tracing the history and progress of every series of morbid action."--Vide Edinburgh Journal, Vol. III.

2--ADAMS's (Dr. JOSEPH) GUIDE to MADEIRA, containing a Short Account of Funchall, with Instructions to such as repair to that Island for Health, _2nd edit. price_ 1s 6d, 1808.


4--ANDREWS's OBSERVATIONS on the APPLICATION of LUNAR CAUSTIC to STRICTURES in the URETHRA and the OESOPHAGUS; ill.u.s.trated by Cases, and with Plates, by M. W. ANDREWS, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, late Army Surgeon, and now Physician, at Madeira, _octavo, boards_, _price_ 5s 6d.


JENNER, on the supposed Failures of Vaccination at RINGWOOD; including a report of the Royal Jennerian Society on that subject after a careful public investigation on the spot: also containing remarks on the prevalent Abuse of Variolous Inoculation, and on the dreadful Exposure of Out-Patients attending at the Small Pox Hospital, 8s 6d, _boards_, 1808.

6--BOYER's LECTURES upon DISEASES of the BONES, arranged into a systematic Treatise, by A. Richerand, Professor of Anatomy and Philosophy, and princ.i.p.al Surgeon to the Northern Hospital at Paris: translated from the French, by M. Farrell, M. D. 2 vol. _plates, boards_, 10s, 1800.

7--BLANE's OBSERVATIONS on the DISEASES of SEAMEN, 3rd edition, _boards_, 7s, 8vo.

8--b.u.t.tER's (Dr. WILLIAM) ACCOUNT of PUERPERAL FEVERS as they appeared in Derbys.h.i.+re and some of the counties adjacent, ill.u.s.trated by Cases and successful Methods both of Prevention and Cure, 2s 6d.

9--b.u.t.tER's TREATISE on the ANGINA PECTORIS, 2s.

10--b.u.t.tER's TREATISE on the VENEREAL ROSE, commonly termed the Gonorrhoea Virulenta, containing a simple, safe, and certain Method of Cure, without the use of Mercury, 2s 6d.

11--b.u.t.tER on the INFANTILE REMITTENT FEVER, commonly called the Worm Fever; accurately describing that fatal Disease, explaining its Causes and Nature, and discovering an easy, safe, and successful Method of Cure, 2nd edit.--price 1s 6d, 1806.

12--BADHAM's OBSERVATIONS on the INFLAMMATORY AFFECTIONS of the MUCOUS MEMBRANE of the BRONCHIae. Comprehending an account of the acute inflammation of the parts, of peripneumonia notha, of chronic coughs, &c.

by CHARLES BADHAM, M. D. Physician to his Royal Highness the Duke of Suss.e.x, and to his Household; Physician to the Westminster General Dispensatory, and Lecturer on the Practice of Physic, &c. 12mo. price 4s in _boards_.

13--CUTHBERTSON's PRACTICAL TREATISE on ELECTRICITY and GALVANISM, by John Cuthbertson, Philosophical Instrument Maker, and Member of the Philosophical Societies of Holland and Utrecht, in one vol. 8vo.

ill.u.s.trated with nine copper plates,--price in _boards_ 10s 6d, 1807.

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24--GORDON's (Dr. Alexander) TREATISE on the EPIDEMIC PUERPERAL FEVER of ABERDEEN, _sewed_, 2s 6d.

25--HARTY's (Dr.) OBSERVATIONS on the SIMPLE DYSENTERY, and its COMBINATIONS; containing a Review of the most celebrated Authors, who have written on this Subject, and also an Investigation into the Source of Contagion, in that and some other Diseases, _boards_, 7s 6d, 8vo.

"This Work we find no difficulty in recommending to our Readers; it contains, unquestionably, a larger ma.s.s of evidence than is any where else to be found, of the various species of this formidable disease; and again we think it right once more to recommend the Work before us, as the most valuable digest of all that has been written upon it."--Vide MEDICAL and PHYSICAL JOURNAL, for December, 1805.

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37--PEARSON's OBSERVATIONS on the EFFECTS of VARIOUS ARTICLES of the MATERIA MEDICA, in the CURE of LUES VENEREA, ill.u.s.trated with Cases. By JOHN PEARSON, F. R. S. Senior Surgeon of the Lock Hospital and Asylum, and Surgeon to the Public Dispensatory; Reader on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, the Second Edition, with Additions, _price_ 7s, 8vo. 1807.

38--PEARSON's PRINCIPLES of SURGERY, for the Use of Chirurgical Students.

A new Edition with Additions. By JOHN PEARSON, F. R. S. &c. 8vo. _boards_, 8s 6d. 1808.

39--POTT's (P) CHIRURGICAL WORKS: a new Edition, with his last Corrections. To which are added, a short Account of the Life of the Author, a Method of curing the Hydrocele by Injection, and occasional Notes and Observations. By Sir James Earle, 3 vol. _boards_, 1l 7s. 1808.

40--RICHERAND's ELEMENTS of PHYSIOLOGY; containing a Comprehensive View and Clear Explanation of the Functions of the Human Body, in which the modern Improvements in Chemistry, Galvanism, and other Sciences, are applied to explain the Actions of the Animal Economy with a new Cla.s.sification, and a copious Index; translated from the French of A.

Richerand, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, and princ.i.p.al Surgeon of the Hospital of the North, in Paris. By ROBERT KERRISON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, &c. _In one closely printed vol._ 8vo. price 6s. _boards_, 1806.

41--REES's (Dr. GEORGE) OBSERVATIONS on DISEASES of the UTERUS; in which are included, Remarks on Moles, Polypi, and Prolapsus, as also on Schirrous and Cancerous Affections of that Organ, _boards_, 4s 6d, 8vo.

42--REES's (Dr. GEORGE) TREATISE on the PRIMARY SYMPTOMS of LUES VENEREA, with a concise, critical, and chronological Account of all the English Writers on this Subject, from 1735 to 1783, to which is added, an a.n.a.lysis of a Course of Lectures delivered by the Author, _boards_, 5s, 8vo.

43--ROLLO's CASES of the DIABETES MELLITUS, with the Results of the Trials of certain Acids and other Substances, in the Cure of the Lues Venerea, Second Edition, with large Additions, _boards_, 6s, 8vo. 1806.

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