Coal Part 5

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[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 9.--ALBO-CARBON BURNER.]

To appreciate properly the value of those discoveries which have enabled manufacturers to utilize this hydrocarbon, it is only necessary to recall to mind the actual quant.i.ty produced in this country. Supposing that ten million tons of coal are used annually for gas-making, and that the 500,000 tons of tar resulting therefrom contain only eight per cent. of naphthalene, there would be available about 40,000 tons of this hydrocarbon annually. Great as have been the recent advancements in the utilization of naphthalene derivatives, there is still a larger quant.i.ty of this hydrocarbon produced than is necessary to supply the wants of the colour-manufacturer. From this last statement it will be inferred that naphthalene is now a source of colouring-matters. Let us consider how this has been brought about.

The phenols of naphthalene are called naphthols--they bear the same relations.h.i.+p to naphthalene that carbolic acid bears to benzene. Owing to the structure of the naphthalene molecule there are two isomeric naphthols, whereas there is only one phenol. The naphthols--known as alpha- and beta-naphthol, respectively--are now made on a large scale from naphthalene, by heating the latter with sulphuric acid; at a low temperature the alpha sulpho-acid is produced, and at a higher temperature the beta sulpho-acid, and these acids on fusion with caustic soda furnish the corresponding naphthols. Similarly there are two amidonaphthalenes, known as alpha- and beta-naphthylamine respectively. As aniline is to benzene, so are the naphthylamines to naphthalene. The alpha-compound is made in precisely the same way as aniline, viz. by acting upon naphthalene with nitric acid so as to form nitronaphthalene, and then reducing the latter with iron dust and acid. Beta-napthylamine cannot be made in this way; it is prepared from beta-naphthol by heating the latter in presence of ammonia, when the hydroxyl becomes replaced by the amido-group in accordance with a process patented in 1880 by the Baden Aniline Company.

The principle thus utilized is the outcome of the scientific work of two Austrian chemists, Merz and Weith. Setting out from the naphthols and naphthylamines we shall be led into industrial developments of the greatest importance.

The first naphthalene colour was a yellow dye, discovered by Martius in 1864, and manufactured under the name of "Manchester yellow." It is, chemically speaking, dinitro-alpha-naphthol; but it was not at first made from naphthol, as the latter was not at the time a technical product. It was made from alpha-naphthylamine by the action of nitrous and nitric acids. When a good method for making the naphthol was discovered in 1869, the dye was made from this. The process is just the same as that employed in making picric acid; the naphthol is converted into a sulpho-acid, and this when acted upon by nitric acid, gives the colouring-matter.

Manchester yellow is now largely used for colouring soap, but as a dye-stuff it has been improved upon in a manner that will be readily understood. The original colouring-matter being somewhat fugitive, it was found that its sulpho-acid was much faster. This sulpho-acid cannot be made by the direct action of sulphuric acid upon the colouring-matter--as in the case of acid yellow or acid magenta--but by acting upon the naphthol with very strong sulphuric acid, three sulphuric acid residues or sulpho-groups enter the molecule, and then on nitration only two of these are replaced by nitro-groups, and there results a sulpho-acid of dinitro-alpha-naphthol. This was discovered in 1879 by Caro, and introduced as "acid naphthol yellow." It is now one of the standard yellow dyes.

The history of another important group of colouring-matters dependent on naphthalene begins with A. v. Baeyer in 1871 and with Caro in 1874. Two products formerly known only as laboratory preparations were called into requisition by this discovery. One of these compounds, phthalic acid, is obtained from naphthalene, and the other, resorcin or resorcinol, is prepared from benzene. Phthalic acid, which was discovered in 1836 by Laurent, is a product of the oxidation of many benzenoid compounds.

Chemically considered it is a di-derivative of benzene, _i.e._ two of the hydrogen atoms of benzene are replaced by certain groups of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. We have seen how the replacement of hydrogen by an ammonia-residue, amidogen, gives rise to bases such as amidobenzene (aniline), or diamidobenzene. Similarly, the replacement of hydrogen by a water-residue, hydroxyl, gives rise to a phenol. The group of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms which confers the property of acidity upon an organic compound is a half-molecule of oxalic acid--it is known as the carboxyl group. Thus benzoic acid is the carboxyl-derivative of benzene, and the phthalic acid with which we are now concerned is a dicarboxyl-derivative of benzene. It is related to benzoic acid in the same way that diamidobenzene is related to aniline. Three isomeric phthalic acids are known, but only one of these is of use in the present branch of manufacture. The acid in question, although a derivative of benzene, is most economically prepared by the oxidation of certain derivatives of naphthalene which, when completely broken down by energetic oxidizing agents, furnish the acid. Thus the dinitronaphthol described as Manchester yellow, if heated for some time with dilute nitric acid, furnishes phthalic acid. The latter is made on a large scale by the oxidation of a compound which naphthalene forms with chlorine, and known as naphthalene tetrachloride, because it contains four atoms of chlorine.

The other compound, resorcinol, was known to chemistry ten years before it was utilized as a source of colouring-matters. It was originally prepared by fusing certain resins, such as galbanum, asafoetida, &c., with caustic alkali. Soon after its discovery, viz. in 1866, it was shown by Korner to be a derivative of benzene, and from this hint the technical process for the preparation of the compound on a large scale has been developed. Resorcinol is a phenolic derivative of benzene containing two hydroxyl groups; it is therefore related to phenol in the same way that diamidobenzene is related to aniline or phthalic acid to benzoic acid. The relations.h.i.+ps can be expressed in a tabular form thus--

Amidobenzene or Aniline. Benzoic acid. Carbolic acid or Phenol.

Diamidobenzene. Phthalic acid. Resorcinol.

Resorcinol is now made by heating benzene with very strong sulphuric acid so as to convert it into a disulpho-acid, and the sodium salt of the latter is then fused with alkali. As a technical operation it is one of great delicacy and skill, and the manufacture is confined to a few Continental factories.

When phthalic acid is heated it loses water, and is transformed into a white, magnificently crystalline substance known as phthalic anhydride, _i.e._ the acid deprived of water. In 1871, A. v. Baeyer, the eminent chemist who subsequently synthesised indigo, published the first of a series of investigations describing the compounds produced by heating phthalic anhydride with phenols. To these compounds he gave the name of "phthalens." Baeyer's work, like that of so many other chemists who have contributed to the advancement of the coal-tar colour industry, was of a purely scientific character at first, but it soon led to technological developments. The phthalens are all acid compounds possessing more or less tinctorial power. One of the first discovered was produced by heating phthalic anhydride with an acid known as gallic acid, which occurs in vegetable galls, and in the form of tannin in many vegetable extracts which are used by the tanner. The acid is a phenolic derivative of benzoic acid, viz. trihydroxybenzoic acid, and on heating it readily into trihydroxybenzene, which is the "pyrogallic acid" or pyrogallol familiar as a photographic developer. The phthalen formed from gallic acid and phthalic anhydride really results from the union of the latter with pyrogallol. It is now manufactured under the name of "gallen," and is largely used for imparting a bluish grey shade to cotton fabrics. By heating gallen with strong sulphuric acid, it is transformed into another colouring-matter which gives remarkably fast olive-green shades when dyed on cotton fibre with a suitable mordant. This derivative of gallen is used to a considerable extent under the name of "coerulen." These two colouring-matters were the first practical outcome of v. Baeyer's researches. There is another possible development in this direction which chemistry may yet accomplish, and another natural colouring-matter may be threatened, even as the indigo culture was threatened by the later work of the same chemist. There is reason for believing that the colouring-matter of logwood, known to chemists as haematen, is related to or derived in some way from the phthalens, and the synthesis of this compound may ultimately be effected.

The dye introduced by Caro in 1874 is the brominated phthalen of resorcinol. The phthalen itself is a yellow dye, and the solutions of its salts show a splendid and most intense greenish yellow fluorescence, for which reason it is called "fluorescen." When brominated, the latter furnishes a beautiful red colouring-matter known as "eosin" (Gr. [Greek: eos], dawn), and the introduction of this gave an industrial impetus to the phthalens which led to the discovery of many other related colouring-matters now largely used under various trade designations.

About a dozen distinct compounds producing different shades of pink, crimson and red, and all derived from fluorescen, are at present in the market, and a few other phthalens formed by heating phthalic anhydride with other phenolic compounds instead of resorcinol or pyrogallol (_e.g._ diethylamidophenol), are also of industrial importance. By converting nitrobenzene into a sulpho-acid, reducing to an amido-sulpho-acid, and then fusing with alkali, an amido-phenol is produced, the ethers of which, when heated with phthalic anhydride, give rise to red phthalens of most intense colouring power introduced by the Baden Aniline Company as "rhodamines."

It remains to point out that the scientific spirit which prompted the investigation of the phthalens in the first instance has followed these compounds throughout their technological career. The researches started by v. Baeyer were taken up by various chemists, whose work together with that of the original discoverer has led to the elucidation of the const.i.tution of these colouring-matters. The phthalens are members of the triphenylmethane group, and are therefore related to magenta, corallin, malachite green, methyl violet, and the phosgene dyes.

It has been said that the phenolic and amidic derivatives of naphthalene, _i.e._ the naphthols and naphthylamines, are of the greatest importance to the colour industry. One of the first uses of alpha-naphthylamine has already been mentioned, viz. for the production of the Manchester yellow, which was afterwards made more advantageously from alpha-naphthol. A red colouring-matter possessing a beautiful fluorescence was afterwards (1869) made from this naphthylamine and introduced as "Magdala red." The latter was discovered by Schiendl of Vienna in 1867. It was prepared in precisely the same way as induline was prepared from aniline yellow. The latter, which is amido-azobenzene, and which is prepared, broadly speaking, by the action of nitrous acid on aniline, has its a.n.a.logue in amido-azonaphthalene, which is similarly prepared by the action of nitrous acid on naphthylamine. Just as aniline yellow when heated with aniline and an aniline salt gives induline, so amido-azonaphthalene when heated with naphthylamine and a salt of this base gives Magdala red. The latter is, therefore, a naphthalene a.n.a.logue of induline, as was shown by Hofmann in 1869, and the knowledge of the const.i.tution of the azines which has been gained of late years, enables us to relegate the colouring-matter to this group. This knowledge has also enabled the manufacture to be conducted on more rational principles, viz. by the method employed for the production of the saffranines, as previously sketched.

The introduction of azo-dyes, formed by the action of a diazotised amido-compound on a phenol or another amido-compound, marks the period from which the naphthols and naphthylamines rose to the first rank of importance as raw materials for the colour manufacturer. The introduction of chrysodine in 1876 was immediately followed by the manufacture of acid azo-dyes obtained by combining diazotised amido-sulpho-acids with phenols of various kinds, or with bases, such as dimethylaniline and diphenylamine. From what has been said in the foregoing portion of this volume, it is evident that all such azo-compounds result from the combination of two things, viz. (1) a diazotised amido-compound, and (2) a phenolic or amidic compound. Either (1) or (2) or both may be a sulpho-acid, and the resulting dye will then also be a sulpho-acid.

The first of these colouring-matters derived from the naphthols, was introduced in 1876-77 by Roussin and Poirrier, and by O. N. Witt. They were prepared by converting aniline into a sulpho-acid (sulphanilic acid), diazotising this and combining the diazo-compound with alpha- or beta-naphthol. The compounds formed are brilliant orange dyes, the latter being still largely consumed as "naphthol orange." Other dye-stuffs of a similar nature were introduced by Caro about the same time, and were prepared from the diazotised sulpho-acid of alpha-naphthylamine combined with the naphthols. By this means alpha-naphthol gives what is known as "acid brown," or "fast brown," and beta-naphthol a fine crimson, known as "fast red," or "roccellin." Diazotised compounds combine also with this same sulpho-acid of alpha-naphthylamine (known as naphthionic acid), the first colouring-matter formed in this way having been introduced by Roussin and Poirrier in 1878. It was prepared by diazotising a nitro-derivative of aniline, and acting with the diazo-salt on napthionic acid, and this dye is still used to some extent under the name of "archil subst.i.tute." In 1878, the firm of Meister, Lucius & Bruning of Hochst-on-the-Main gave a further impetus to the utilization of naphthalene by discovering two isomeric disulpho-acids of beta-naphthol formed by heating that phenol with sulphuric acid. By combining various diazotised bases with these sulpho-acids, a splendid series of acid azo-dyes ranging in shade from bright orange to claret-red, and to scarlets rivalling cochineal in brilliancy were given to the tinctorial industry.

The colouring-matters introduced in 1878 by the Hochst factory under the names of "Ponceaux" of various brands, and "Bordeaux," although to some extent superseded by later discoveries, still occupy an important position. Their discovery not only increased the consumption of beta-naphthol, but also that of the bases which were used for diazotising.

These bases are alpha-naphthylamine and those of the aniline series. The intimate relations.h.i.+p which exists between chemical science and technology--a relations.h.i.+p which appears so constantly in the foregoing portions of this work--is well brought out by the discovery under consideration. A little more chemistry will enable this statement to be appreciated.

Going back for a moment to the hydrocarbons obtained from light oil, it will be remembered that benzene and toluene have thus far been considered as the only ones of importance to the colour-maker. Until the discovery embodied in the patent specification of 1878, the portions of the light oil boiling above toluene were of no value in the colour industry. Benzene and toluene are related to each other in a way which chemists describe by saying that they are "h.o.m.ologous." This means that they are members of a regularly graduated series, the successive terms of which differ by the same number of atoms of carbon and hydrogen. Thus toluene contains one atom of carbon and two atoms of hydrogen more than benzene. Above toluene are higher h.o.m.ologues, viz. xylene, c.u.mene, &c., which occur in the light oil, the former being related to toluene in the same way that toluene is related to benzene, while c.u.mene again contains one atom of carbon and two atoms of hydrogen more than xylene. This relations.h.i.+p between the members of h.o.m.ologous series is expressed in other terms by saying that the weight of the molecule increases by a constant quant.i.ty as we ascend the series.

The h.o.m.ology existing among the hydrocarbons extends to all their derivatives. Thus phenol is the lower h.o.m.ologue of the cresols. Also we have the h.o.m.ologous series--

Benzene. Nitrobenzene. Aniline.

Toluene. Nitrotoluene. Toluidine.

Xylene. Nitroxylene. Xylidine.

c.u.mene. Nitroc.u.mene. c.u.midine.

The bases of the third column when diazotised and combined with the disulpho-acids of beta-naphthol give a graduated series of dyes beginning with orange and ending with bluish scarlet. Thus it was observed that the toluidine colour was redder than the aniline colour, and it was a natural inference that the xylidine colour would be still redder. At the time of this discovery no azo-colour of a true scarlet shade had been manufactured successfully. A demand for the higher h.o.m.ologues of benzene was thus created, and the higher boiling-point fractions of the light oil, which had been formerly used as solvent naphtha, became of value as sources of colouring-matters. The isolation of coal-tar xylene (which is a mixture of three isomeric hydrocarbons) is easily effected by fractional distillation with a rectifying column, and by nitration and reduction, in the same way as in the manufacture of aniline, xylidine is placed at the disposal of the colour-maker.

Xylidine scarlet, although at the time of its introduction the only true azo-scarlet likely to come into compet.i.tion with cochineal, was still somewhat on the orange side. The c.u.midine dye would obviously be nearer the desired shade. To meet this want, c.u.midine had to be made on a large scale, but here practical difficulties interposed themselves. The quant.i.ty of c.u.mene in the light oil is but small, and it is a.s.sociated with other hydrocarbons which are impurities from the present point of view, and from which it is separated only with difficulty. A new source of the base had therefore to be sought, and here again we find chemical science ministering to the wants of the technologist.

It was explained in the last chapter that aniline and similar bases can be methylated by heating their dry salts with methyl alcohol under pressure.

In this way dimethylaniline is made, and dimethyltoluidine or dimethylxylidine can similarly be prepared. Now it was shown by Hofmann in 1871, that if this operation is conducted at a very high temperature, and under very great pressure, the methyl-alcohol residue, _i.e._ the methyl-group, does not replace the amidic hydrogen or the hydrogen of the ammonia residue, but the methylation takes place in another way, resulting in the formation of a higher h.o.m.ologue of the base started with. For example, by heating aniline salt and pure wood-spirit to a temperature considerably above that necessary for producing dimethylaniline, toluidine is formed. In a similar way, by heating xylidine hydrochloride and methyl alcohol for some time in a closed vessel at about 300 C. c.u.midine is produced. Hofmann's discovery was thus utilized in 1882, and by its means the base was manufactured, and c.u.midine scarlet, very similar in shade to cochineal, became an article of commerce.

While the development of this branch of the colour industry was taking place by means of the new naphthol disulpho-acids, the cultivation of the fertile field of the azo-dyes was being carried on in other directions. It came to be realized that the fundamental discovery of Griess was capable of being extended to all kinds of amido-compounds. The azo-dyes. .h.i.therto introduced had all been derived from amido-compounds containing only one amido-group, and they accordingly contained only one azo-group; they were _primary_ azo-compounds. It was soon found that aniline yellow, which already contains one azo-group as well as an amido-group, could be again diazotised and combined with phenols so as to produce compounds containing two azo-groups, _i.e._ _secondary_ azo-compounds. The sulpho-acid of aniline yellow--Gra.s.sler's "acid yellow"--was the first source of azo-dyes of this cla.s.s. By diazotising this amidoazo-sulpho-acid, and combining it with beta-naphthol, a fine scarlet dye was discovered by Nietzki in 1879, and introduced under the name of "Biebrich scarlet." Two years later a new sulpho-acid of beta-naphthol was discovered by Bayer & Co. of Elberfeld, and this gave rise, when combined with diazotised acid yellow and a.n.a.logous compounds, to another series of brilliant dyes introduced as "Crocein scarlets."

From these beginnings the development of the azo-dyes has been steadily carried on to the present time--year by year new diazotisable amido-compounds or new sulpho-acids of the naphthols and naphthylamines are being discovered, and this branch of the colour industry has already a.s.sumed colossal dimensions. An important departure was made in 1884 by Bottiger, who introduced the first secondary azo-colours derived from benzidine. As already explained in connection with salicylic acid, this base and its h.o.m.ologue tolidine form tetrazo-salts, which combine with phenols and amines or their sulpho-acids. One of the first colouring-matters of this group was obtained by combining diazotised benzidine with the sulpho-acid of alpha-naphthylamine (naphthionic acid), and was introduced under the name of "Congo red." Then came the discovery (Pfaff, 1885), that the tetrazo-salts of benzidine and tolidine combine with phenols, amines, &c., in two stages, one of the diazo-groups first combining with one-half of the whole quant.i.ty of phenol to form an intermediate compound, which then combines with the other half of the phenol to form the secondary azo-dye. In the hands of the "Actiengesellschaft fur Anilinfabrikation" of Berlin this discovery has been utilized for the production of a number of such azo-colours containing two distinct phenols, or amines, or sulpho-acids. Tolidine has been found to give better colouring-matters in most cases than benzidine, and it is scarcely necessary to point out that an increased demand for the nitrotoluene from which this base is made is the necessary consequence of this discovery.

It is impossible to attempt to specify by name any of these recent benzidine and tolidine dyes. Their introduction has been the means of finding new uses for the naphthylamines and naphthols and their sulpho-acids, and has thus contributed largely to the utilization of naphthalene. An impetus has been given to the investigation of these sulpho-acids, and chemical science has profited largely thereby. The process by which beta-naphthylamine is prepared from beta-naphthol, already referred to, viz. by heating with ammonia under pressure, has been extended to the sulpho-acids of beta-naphthol, and by this means new beta-naphthylamine sulpho-acids have been prepared, and figure largely in the production of these secondary azo-colours. The latter, as previously stated, possess the most valuable property of dyeing cotton fibre directly, and by their means the art of cotton dyeing has been greatly simplified. The shades given by these colours vary from yellow through orange to bright scarlet, violet, or purple.

In addition to benzidine and tolidine, other diazotisable amido-compounds have of late years been pressed into the service of the colour-manufacturer. The derivative of stilbene, already mentioned as being prepared from a sulpho-acid of one of the nitrotoluenes, forms tetrazo-salts, which can be combined with similar or dissimilar phenols, amines, or sulpho-acids, as in the case of benzidine and tolidine.

Various shades of red and purple are thus obtained from the diazotised compound, when the latter is combined with the naphthylamines, naphthols, or their sulpho-acids. These, again, are all cotton dyes. The nitro-derivatives of the ethers of phenol and cresol, when reduced in the same way that nitrobenzene and nitrotoluene are reduced to azobenzene and azotoluene, also furnish azo-compounds which, on further reduction, give bases a.n.a.logous to benzidine and tolidine. Secondary azo-colours derived from these bases and the usual naphthalene derivatives are also manufactured. It is among the secondary azo-dyes that we meet with the first direct dyeing blacks, the importance of which will be realized when it is remembered that the ordinary aniline-black is not adapted for wool dyeing. The azo-blacks are obtained by combining diazotised sulpho-acids of amidoazo-compounds of the benzene or naphthalene series with naphthol sulpho-acids or other naphthalene derivatives.

One other series of azo-compounds must be briefly referred to. It has long been known that aniline and toluidine when heated with sulphur evolve sulphuretted hydrogen and give rise to thio-bases, that is, aniline or toluidine in which the hydrogen is partly replaced by sulphur. One of the toluidines treated in this way is transformed into a thiotoluidine which, when diazotised and combined with one of the disulpho-acids of beta-naphthol, forms a red azo-dye, introduced by Dahl & Co. in 1885 as "thiorubin." By modifying the conditions of reaction between the sulphur and the base, it was found in 1887 by Arthur Green, that a complicated thio-derivative of toluidine could be produced which possessed very remarkable properties. The sulpho-acid of the thio-base is a yellow dye, which was named by its discoverer "primuline." Not only is primuline a dye, but it contains an amido-group which can be diazotised. If therefore the fabric dyed with primuline is pa.s.sed through a nitrite bath, a diazo-salt is formed in the fibre, and on immersing the latter in a second bath containing naphthol or other phenol or an amine, an azo-dye is precipitated in the fibre. By this means there are produced valuable "ingrain colours" of various shades of red, orange, purple, &c.

So much for the azo-dyes, one of the most prolific fields of industrial enterprise connected with coal-tar technology. From the introduction of aniline yellow in 1863 to the present time, about 150 distinct compounds of this group have been given to the tinctorial industry. Of these over thirty are cotton dyes containing two azo-groups. Sombre shades, rivalling logwood black, bright yellows, orange-reds, browns, violets, and brilliant scarlets equalling cochineal, have been evolved from the refuse of the gas-works. The artificial colouring-matters have in this last case once again threatened a natural product, and with greater success than the indigo synthesis, for the introduction of the azo-scarlets has caused a marked decline in the cochineal culture.

In addition to the azo-colours, there are certain other products which claim naphthalene as a raw material. In 1879 it was found that one of the sulpho-acids of beta-naphthol when treated with nitrous acid readily gave a nitroso-sulpho-acid. A salt of this last acid, containing sodium and iron as metallic bases, was introduced in 1884, under the name of "naphthol green." It is used both as a dye for wool and as a pigment. It may be mentioned here that other nitroso-derivatives of phenols, such as those of resorcinol and the naphthols, under the name of "gambines," are largely used for dyeing purposes, owing to the facility with which they combine with metallic mordants to form coloured salts in the fibre. In this same year, 1879, it was found that by heating nitrosodimethylaniline with beta-naphthol in an appropriate solvent, a violet colouring-matter was formed. This is now manufactured under the name of "new blue," or other designations, and is largely used for producing an indigo-blue shade on cotton prepared with a suitable mordant. The discovery of this colouring-matter gave an impetus to further discoveries in the same direction. It was found that nitrosodimethylaniline reacted in a similar way with other phenolic or with amidic compounds. In 1881 Kochlin introduced an a.n.a.logous dye-stuff prepared by the action of the same nitroso-compound on gallic acid. Gallocyanin, as it is called, imparts a violet blue shade to mordanted cotton. Other colouring-matters of the same group are in use; some of them, like "new blue," being derivatives of naphthalene. These compounds all belong to a series of which the parent substance is constructed on a type similar to azine; it contains a nitrogen and oxygen atom linking together the hydrocarbon residues, and is therefore known as "oxazine." The researches of Nietzki in 1888 first established the true const.i.tution of the oxazines.

Closely related to this group is a colouring-matter introduced by Kochlin and Witt in 1881 under the name of "indophenol." It is prepared in the same way as the azines of the "neutral red" group; viz. by the action of nitrosodimethylaniline on alpha-naphthol, or by oxidizing amidodimethylaniline in the presence of alpha-naphthol. Indophenol belongs to that group of blue compounds formed as intermediate products in the manufacture of azines, as mentioned in connection with "neutral red." But while these intermediate blues resulting from the oxidation of a diamine in the presence of another amine are unstable, and pa.s.s readily into red azines, indophenol is stable, and can be used for dyeing and printing in the same way as indigo. The shades which it produces are very similar to this last dye, but for certain practical reasons it has not been able to compete with the natural dye-stuff.

The story of naphthalene is summarized in the schemes on pp. 164, 165.

Light Oil:


-->Nitrobenzene} } Sulphanilic acid.[7]

} Aniline} Amidoazobenzene and sulpho-acid.[7]

} } Nitrosodimethylaniline[8] and } } amidodimethylaniline.[8]

} Sulpho-acid-->Amidosulpho-acid-->Amidophenol } and ethers.[6]

} Azobenzene-->Benzidine.[7]

}Toluidines[7] Sulpho-acids.[7]

} Amidoazotoluene[7]

} and sulpho-acid.[7]

} Thiotoluidine and primuline.[7]

Toluene-->Nitrotoluenes} Azotoluene-->Tolidine.[7]

} Sulpho-acid and Stilbene-derivative.[7]

} Sulpho-acids.[7]

Xylene->Nitroxylenes->Xylidines[7]} Amidoazoxylene[7] and sulpho-acid.[7]

} c.u.midine.[7]

Carbolic Oil:

Phenol-->Nitrophenol and ethers } Azophenol ethers-->Diamidic bases[9]

} a.n.a.logous to benzidine.

} Amidophenol[9] and ethers.[9]

Cresols-->Nitrocresols and ethers-->Amidocresols[9] and ethers.[9]

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