Songs and Ballads of the Southern People Part 28

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Oh, band in the pine-woods, cease!

Or the heart will melt in tears, For the gallant eyes and the smiling lips, And the voices of old years.




Oh, sing of our glorious Southland, The pride of the golden sun!

'Tis the fairest land of flowers The eye e'er looked upon.

Sing of her orange and myrtle, That glitter like gems above; Sing of her dark-eyed maidens As fair as a dream of love.

Sing of her flowing rivers-- How musical their sound!

Sing of her dark-green forests, The Indian hunting-ground.

Sing of the n.o.ble nation, Fierce struggling to be free; Sing of the brave who barter Their lives for liberty!


Weep for the maid and matron Who mourn their loved ones slain; Sigh for the light departed, Never to s.h.i.+ne again.

'Tis the voice of Rachel weeping, That never will comfort know; 'Tis the wail of desolation, The breaking of hearts in woe!


Ah! the blood of Abel crieth For vengeance from the sod!

'Tis a brother's hand that's lifted In the face of an angry G.o.d!

Oh! brother of the Northland, We plead from our father's grave; We strike for our homes and altars, He fought to build and save!

A smoldering fire is burning, The Southern heart is steeled-- Perhaps 'twill break in dying, But never will it yield.



Come, with the rifle so long in your keeping, Clean the old gun up and hurry it forth; Better to die while "Old Betsy" is speaking Than live with arms folded the slave of the North.

Hear ye the yelp of the North-wolf resounding, Scenting the blood of the warm-hearted South; Quick! or his villainous feet will be bounding Where the gore of our maidens may drip from his mouth.

Oft in the wildwood "Old Bess" has relieved you, When the fierce bear was cut down in his track-- If at that moment she never deceived you, Trust her to-day with this ravenous pack.

Then come, with the rifle so long in your keeping, Clean the old girl up and hurry her forth; Better to die while "Old Betsy" is speaking Than live with arms folded the slave of the North.


Ever constant, ever true, Let the word be, No Surrender.

Boldly dare and greatly do!

They shall bring us safely through, No Surrender; No Surrender.

And though Fortune's smiles be few, Hope is always springing new, Still inspiring me and you, With a magic No Surrender.

Nail the colors to the mast, Shouting gladly, No Surrender; Troubles near are all but past, Serve them as you did the last.

No Surrender, No Surrender; Though the skies be overcast, And upon the sleety blast Disappointment gathers fast, Beat them off with No Surrender!

Constant and courageous still, Mind, the word is, No Surrender; Battle, though it be up hill, Stagger not at seeming ill, No Surrender, No Surrender.

Hope, and thus your hope fulfill; There's a way where there's a will, And the way all cares to kill Is to give them No Surrender.

N. P. W.



Arm for the Southern Land, All fear of death disdaining; Low lay the tyrant band, Our sacred rights profaning!

Each hero draws in Freedom's cause, And meets the foe with bravery; The servile race, and Tory base, May safety seek in slavery.

Chains for the dastard knave-- Recreant limbs should wear them; But blessings on the brave Whose valor will not bear them!

Stand by your injured State, And let no feuds divide you; On tyrants pour your hate, And common vengeance guide you.

Our foes should feel proud freemen's steel, For freemen's rights contending; Where'er they die, there let them lie, To dust in scorn descending.

Thus may each traitor fall Who dare as foe invade us; Eternal fame to all Who shall in battle aid us!

Proud land! shall she invoke Another's hand to right her?

No! her own avenging stroke Shall backward roll the smiter.

Ye tyrant band, with ropes of sand Go bind the rus.h.i.+ng river; More weak and vain your cursed chain, While G.o.d is freedom's giver.

Then welcome to the day We meet the proud oppressor, For G.o.d will be our stay, Our right hand and redresser.

Songs and Ballads of the Southern People Part 28

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Songs and Ballads of the Southern People Part 28 summary

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