History of the Eighty-sixth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during its term of service Part 9
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Again, on the 25th, General Johnston invited General Sherman to another conference, with a view to surrender. It now became the province of General Grant to take the lead in negotiations, but he preferred that Sherman should consummate the work. Nevertheless, General Johnston was afforded another interview. At this conference final terms were soon concluded, and the second grand army of the Confederacy was surrendered to Sherman on the following terms:
"All acts of war on the part of the troops under General Johnston's command to cease from this date. All arms and public property to be deposited at Greensboro, and delivered to an ordnance officer of the United States Army. Rolls of all officers and men to be made in duplicate, one copy to be retained by the commander of the troops, and the other to be given to an officer to be designated by General Sherman. Each officer and man to give his individual obligation in writing not to take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly released from this obligation. The side-arms of officers, and their private horses and baggage to be retained by them.
"This being done, all the officers and men will be permitted to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by the United States authorities so long as they observe their obligations and the law in force where they may reside."
Immediately on the conclusion of the definite cartel of surrender, General Sherman issued orders for the future movements of his army. Its work was done, and nothing remained for the greater portion of it not required to garrison the conquered country but to return home and disband.
The real and genuine feelings felt and expressed by the soldiers of our army at the surrender of Johnston, the return of peace, and the fact of their immediate march towards the homes from which they had been so long absent, cannot be written. It caused a thrill of emotions in every heart beyond the reach of the pen to portray.
The Eighty-sixth Illinois was still camped at Holly Springs when the glorious news of the fall of Johnston and the order for the homeward march was received. Every man was electrified with the great, grand and glorious news. Horrid visions of the past no longer possessed a single mind, but the hearty welcome, the joys and pleasures of a distant home, and the dear, beloved friends that made it home, crowded the mind of every one with inexpressible feelings of delight. Every man was more nimble, more talkative and more pleasant than ever before.
Nothing could be more enlivening, more vivifying and more devoutly to be wished than the very position in which they stood. Long and tedious marches had lost their dread, and every one became anxious to be homeward bound.
Bright visions of a future welcome at Peoria rose up before the minds of all--for there we would be met by the joys of our long absent friends, and the kind hospitality of the n.o.ble and generous-hearted ladies of the Women's National League--ladies who justly deserve our hearty thanks for their humane and loyal efforts to cheer and aid us in the field and at home. Their n.o.ble deeds will ever maintain a sacred spot on the tablets of our memory.
General Morgan's division, of the 14th Corps, led out from its camp at Holly Springs at half past five o'clock on the morning of the 29th of April, and marching to the railroad camped near it, eight miles west of Raleigh, at Page's Station, where it procured supplies for its homeward march.
Remaining at this place until the 1st of May, it took up the march for the city of Richmond, and crossing the Neuse river at Fisher's Dam, camped on the first night four miles north of this dam and twenty miles from Oxford, after a hard march of twenty-two miles.
The column led out of camp the next morning at five o'clock A.M., and pa.s.sing through Oxford, camped three miles north, marching twenty-three miles. Led out of camp on the morning of the 3rd, and being cut off by the 3rd division of the 20th Corps, made a forced march round it, and came in ahead of its advance, but Morgan gave the road; then continuing on, camped on the Roanoke river, four miles into Virginia, having marched about eighteen miles.
Led out of camp on the 4th at half past three A.M., and crossing the Roanoke river at Faylor's Ferry, six miles above Huskington, on a pontoon bridge, marched through Boydton and camped on the Meherrin river. Marched twenty-three miles. Led out at five o'clock A.M. on the 5th; crossed Little and Big Meherrin rivers, and marching through Lewiston, crossed Nottoway river and camped four miles from Nottoway C.H., having marched twenty-seven miles over bad roads. Resumed the march on the 6th at half past four o'clock, pa.s.sing through Nottoway C.H. and Dennisville, camped late at night at Good's Bridge on the Appomattox river, having made a hard march of thirty miles under the pressure of a warm day.
Crossed the Appomattox river on the 7th, and marching camped on Falling creek, five miles from Richmond. Made twenty-five miles. Now ended the march until the 11th.
It was a race between the corps commanders of Sloc.u.m's wing. Sherman ordered his Generals not to march over fifteen miles per day, but instead, General Davis made from twenty-two to thirty. It was an imposition of the worst feature, for many a good soldier was killed that might not have been, all for a foot race.
On this march the Eighty-sixth traveled one hundred and sixty-one miles over a beautiful country, in the latter part of spring, everything a.s.suming a lovely aspect; and had the march been conducted as it was ordered to have been, it might have enjoyed the trip. All the inhabitants came out to see the Yankees; the old and young, the white and black, came from far and near to get a view. The regiment now set to work after its usual manner in the erection of comfortable quarters, which it had completed in a short time, and then took the world easy.
It was encamped in a vicinity made renowned by the wars of the great rebellion, where the contending forces of the Rebel and Union armies had maneuvered for so long a time for the mastery.
At this camp, it will be remembered, the commanding officers issued a deal of their surplus whisky to the division, which proved the harbinger of rows, riots, fights of a stirring and noisy kind, too numerous to mention. After four days rest, the division resumed its march for Was.h.i.+ngton City early on the morning of the 11th of May, and pa.s.sing through Manchester, crossed the James river and entered the city of Richmond from the south-west. Now, for the first time, it beheld the once great Rebel Capital--the anaconda and boa-constrictor of rebel vengeance. When the command reached the north side of the James, the Libby prison could be seen on the right, where so many of our captured soldiers have languished and died under the cruel care of its keeper. Then, a short distance above the Libby, and on the same side of the street, stood Castle Thunder, also a place of infamous reputation. Pa.s.sing on, it was met by hundreds of peddlers dealing out their pies, cakes, cheese, and such, by the wholesale. The city did not show the ravages of war as much as was expected; true, a part of it had been burnt on its evacuation, but aside from this there was nothing to show that it had been so long the theatre of war; neither racked nor ruined, but compact, neat and clean.
All were surprised not to see huge entrenchments, high as the Chinese walls; but alas! there was nothing but an ordinary line of works around it, no stronger than the Eighty-sixth had often made on the Atlanta campaign in one night! "As strong as Richmond" had become a by-word. In front of Kenesaw, the Chattahoochie and Atlanta, may be found stronger works by far, thrown up in just one mortal night, than are to be seen on the south-west and north of Richmond.
Jeff. Davis, in his Sodom and Gomorrah of the Confederacy, was not as secure as many were wont to think. Sherman would have snaked him out sooner than he did if he had had his "flanking machine" in operating distance. But time progressed, the world moved, and Richmond fell.
Pa.s.sing through Richmond, the command marching northward, camped four miles from Hanover C.H., making sixteen miles. Led out of camp at twelve o'clock M. on the 12th, and pa.s.sing through Hanover C.H., crossed the Pamunky at Little Page's Bridge, and camped four miles above it, making eight miles. The course of march on the 13th was north-west, crossing the railway at Chesterfield, and camped one mile beyond Childsburg, making eighteen miles.
The march of the 14th was still north-west. The command camped on Plentiful creek by an old mill, having made an easy march of eighteen miles. Resuming the march on the 15th in a north-western direction, the command crossed the Rapidan river at Racc.o.o.n Ford, and camped for the night on the north bank, having marched seventeen miles. Led out of camp on the Rapidan at seven A.M. on the 16th, the Eighty-sixth Illinois being train guard and crossing the North Fork of the Rappahanock at Kellie's Ford, marched and camped near Catlet's Station, making twenty-two miles.
Marched from Catlett's Station at half past four A.M. on the 17th, and following the railway, pa.s.sed through Mana.s.sas Junction and camped on the Bull Run battlefield, having marched twenty-five miles under a hot sun.
Resumed the march at five A.M. on the 18th, and pa.s.sing through Fairfax C.H., camped within nine miles of Was.h.i.+ngton, having marched fifteen miles. Again, at nine A.M. on the 19th, the march was resumed, the command camping at a point equidistant from Was.h.i.+ngton and Alexandria, and four miles from each, having marched five miles. From its camp at this place the Eighty-sixth Illinois saw the distant dome of the Capitol for the first time.
Soon again the regiment had comfortable quarters, and enjoyed them hugely after so long and arduous a march. It marched one hundred and forty-four miles on its journey from Richmond to Was.h.i.+ngton, consuming eight days in doing it. On this march all were surprised not to find the country cut up with all kinds of works incident to war, for such things were not to be seen to any formidable extent. At Mana.s.sas Junction there were a few old forts, then in ruins, that may have been at some time quite formidable, but never wonderful. At Bull Run was to be seen the strongest entrenchments on the line of march, which had been built and held by the rebel army.
The following are the casualties of the regiment from the time it left Savannah until its muster out:
Recruits 6 Resigned 2 Transferred 5 Discharged 12 Ordinary deaths 4 Killed in action 3 Died of wounds 5 Missing in action 8 Wounded in action 20 Wounded, accidental 1 --- Aggregate 66
Immediately upon the arrival of Sherman's army at Was.h.i.+ngton City, General Grant issued orders for the review of the Grand Army of the Potomac to take place on the 23rd, and that known as Sherman's army to take place on the 24th. Thousands of people flocked from all parts of the country to witness the grand pageant. The most ample preparations had been made for the occasion. The President was seated on an elevated stand, surrounded by his Cabinet officers, foreign ministers and distinguished strangers. Pennsylvania Avenue was lined on both sides from end to end with admiring people; every window presented its tableau of fair spectators; and the occasion was such as had never before been witnessed on the American continent. The daily papers all over the land soon flourished lively descriptions of the great and grand review; and according to them and the judgment of most of the spectators, the Army of the West bore off the palm; they described it as more graceful, more stalwart and more intelligent than the Grand Army of the Potomac.
On the occasion of this grand review of Sherman's army, a certain New York paper, the _Independent_, paid our division a very high compliment. It said:
"The finest looking set of men in either army--they were also said to be the best drilled--was the 2nd division of the 14th Corps, composed of Western troops, and commanded by General James D.
Morgan, of Quincy, Illinois, one of the bravest of the brave, the idol of his soldiers, and called by them 'Our Jimmy Morgan.'"
But as for the soldiers themselves, grand pageantry in the line of reviews had "played out." What was charming to the a.s.sembled mult.i.tude was no joyous affair to them. Their good time came, however, when the attention of officials was turned to mustering out.
On the morning of the review of Sherman's army, our division led out of its camp at an early hour, and by a slow and tiresome march it arrived at Was.h.i.+ngton and pa.s.sed before the admiring crowd between one and three o'clock P.M., marching back to camp in the evening, where it arrived as much fatigued as if it had been pursuing rebels.
At twelve o'clock M. on the day after the grand review, General Morgan moved his division across the long bridge over the Potomac into Was.h.i.+ngton City, and thence three miles north, where he camped it near the President's summer houses.
While encamped here the boys were allowed many privileges in and around the Capitol; all the guards being taken off, they were allowed to run wild, though they did not run riot.
Here also the Eighty-sixth Illinois, on the evening of the 6th of June, 1865, was mustered out of the United States service, having been engaged in the service of its country as an organized body for three years wanting two months and twenty-two days.
Immediately after this the boys of the regiment saluted each other as American citizens and not as soldiers, and though the metamorphosis was sudden, it seemed to have the force of a protracted transformation.
The following are the casualties of the regiment from the time it left Lee and Gordon's Mills until its muster out:
Recruits 6 Transferred by promotion 1 Transferred to other regiments 31 Discharged 21 Ordinary deaths 11 Killed in action 48 Missing 33 Deserted 6 Wounded in action 133 Wounded, accidental 9 Died of wounds 15 Resigned 2 Surrendered from desertion 1 ---- Aggregate 323
The entire casualties of the Eighty-sixth Regiment, during its term of service, in killed and died, discharged, transferred and deserted, was four hundred and sixty-seven men, the company loss being as follows:
+-------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-----------+ | | Killed and | Discharged. | Transferred. | Deserted. | | | Died. | | | | +-------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-----------+ | Company A | 29 | 16 | 9 | 1 | | Company B | 5 | 21 | 12 | 3 | | Company C | 11 | 25 | 7 | 8 | | Company D | 16 | 19 | 9 | 3 | | Company E | 15 | 25 | 6 | 2 | | Company F | 15 | 26 | 4 | 3 | | Company G | 16 | 10 | 6 | 1 | | Company H | 12 | 22 | 8 | 0 | | Company I | 22 | 18 | 7 | 8 | | Company K | 20 | 20 | 5 | 2 | +-------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-----------+ | Total | 161 | 202 | 73 | 31 | +-------------+------------+-------------+--------------+-----------+
The regiment lost fifty-one men killed and one hundred and fifty-four wounded in battle, having partic.i.p.ated in twenty-two engagements, not mentioning many others in which it rendered a.s.sistance by supporting, guarding flanks, or protecting rear. It marched thirty-five hundred and thirty miles, and was transported by railroad about two thousand miles, making a total distance of five thousand five hundred and thirty miles, besides a great deal of traveling about camps, on picket, etc., that is not taken into account.
There were three hundred and seventy-nine men mustered out with the regiment; besides this number there were many absent at hospitals and on detail who could not be present at the muster-out. Two days after it was mustered out of the service, the regiment boarded the cars, at the depot in Was.h.i.+ngton City, on its way to Chicago, there to receive its pay, disband and go home.
From Was.h.i.+ngton it pa.s.sed through Baltimore _via_ Harrisburg and Pittsburgh to Chicago, where it arrived at twelve o'clock M., on the 11th of June. Everywhere on its route it received expressions of the most cordial welcome. Every one seemed rejoiced that the soldier boys were coming home from the b.l.o.o.d.y wars, in every way showing their grateful feeling of warmest sympathy for the services they had rendered to Union and liberty.
At Pittsburgh it received the kindest welcome of them all. More genuine sympathy was manifested there than the boys had yet experienced. In behalf of this people was engendered a feeling of the most profound regard. The regiment was escorted from the cars to the city hall by a band discoursing delightful music, where was prepared a dainty meal for all. After dinner, it was escorted back to the train, by the same band, amid the waving of handkerchiefs from the crowds that thronged the streets and balconies, and the "G.o.d bless you" from a thousand lips. So long as our minds can retrace the past, and so long as our hearts are capable of a generous emotion, will we continue to hold in sacred remembrance, the n.o.ble and generous-hearted people of Pittsburgh.
Every one antic.i.p.ated a hearty welcome at Chicago, inasmuch as it had been extended elsewhere on the route; but we were cruelly and sadly disappointed. No one met the regiment at the depot even to tell it where to go. Every window presented its tableaux of fair spectators, but no signal was made in token of welcome, no hearty "G.o.d bless you"
emanated in audible words from a single heart, but they gazed as if upon a menagerie of southern wild beasts. The men were chagrined, and would exclaim, "This is Richmond, not Chicago!"
The regiment finally found its way to Camp Fry and pitched its tents.
Here it remained until the 21st, waiting impatiently for its pay and discharge.
History of the Eighty-sixth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during its term of service Part 9
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