Ancient Rome : from the earliest times down to 476 A. D Part 27

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281-272. Pyrrhus.

280. Heraclea. Cineas.

279. Asculum.

274. Beneventum.

272. Rome mistress of Italy; morality at its height.

264. Period of foreign conquest begins.

264-241. First Punic War.

260. Lipara; Mylae.

257. Tyndaris.

256. Ecnomus. Regulus at Clupea.

249. Drepana.

241. Aegates Insulae. Catulus. Hamilcar Barca.

237. Sardinia and Corsica acquired, and provincial system established.

229. Illyrican War. Important results.

222. Gallia Cisalpina acquired by battle of Telamon.

220. Hannibal in Spain.

219. Saguntum.

218-202. Second Punic War.

218. Ticinus. Trebia.

217. Trasimenus. Casilinum.

216. Cannae.

212. Capture of Syracuse. Archimedes.

207. Baecula. Metaurus.

202. Zama.

214-205. First Macedonian War.

200-197. Second Macedonian War.

198. Cynoscephalae.

190. Magnesia.

183. Death of Africa.n.u.s, Hannibal, and Philopoemen.

171-168. Third Macedonian War.

168. Pydna.

149-146. Third Punic War.

149., Death of Cato the elder.

146. Destruction of Carthage and Corinth.

143-133. The Numantine War.

134-132. The Servile War.

133. Tiberius Gracchus.

129. Death of Africa.n.u.s the younger.

123-121. Gaius Gracchus.

118-104. The Jugurthine War. Metellus. Marius. Sulla.

102. Aquae s.e.xtiae.

101. Vercellae.

90-89. The Italian or Social War.

86. Death of Marius.

86-84. Sulla's campaign against Mithradates.

84. Death of Cinna.

80. Reforms of Sulla.

78. Death of Sulla.

80-72. Sertorius in Spain.

73-71. Spartacus.

72-67. Campaign of Lucullus against Mithradates.

67. Pompey conquers the pirates.

67-61. Pompey in the East.

63. Cicero Consul. Catiline.

59. First Triumvirate formed. Caesar's first Consuls.h.i.+p.

59. The Leges Juliae. Clodius. Cicero's banishment.

Cato sent to Cyprus.

58-49. Caesar in Gaul.

57. Recall of Cicero. Return of Cato.

53. Death of Cra.s.sus.

Murder of Clodius. Pompey's consuls.h.i.+p and 52 separation from Caesar.

49. Caesar crosses the Rubicon.

49. Siege and capture of Ilerda.

48 (Jan. 4). Caesar sails from Brundisium.

48. Victory of Pompey near the sea-board.

48 (Aug. 9). Pharsalia. (Sept 28) Murder of Pompey.

Caesar establishes Cleopatra on the throne of Egypt.

47. Battle of Zela.

47 (Sept.). Caesar returns to Rome.

46 (Apr. 4). Thapsus. Death of Cato the younger.

45 (Mar. 17). Munda.

44 (Mar. 15). Murder of Caesar.

43 (Nov. 27). The Second Triumvirate.

43 (Dec.) Murder of Cicero.

42 (Nov.). Philippi.

36. Naulochus.

31 (Sept. 2). Actium.


B.C. / A.D.


30-14. Augustus.


14-37. Tiberius.

37-41. Caligula.


41-54. Claudius.

54-68. Nero.

68-69. Galba.

69. Otho.


69-79. Vespasian.

79. Destruction of Jerusalem.

79-81. t.i.tus.

80. Destruction of Herculaneum and Pompeii.

81-96. Domitian.


96-98. Nerva.

Ancient Rome : from the earliest times down to 476 A. D Part 27

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Ancient Rome : from the earliest times down to 476 A. D Part 27 summary

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