The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada Part 1
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The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada.
by Cadwallader Colden.
I. A Pet.i.tion of the Merchants of _London_ to His Majesty against the said Act.
II. His Majesty's Order in Council, referring the Pet.i.tion to the Lords Commissioners of _Trade_ and _Plantation_.
III. Extract of the Minutes of the said Lords, concerning some Allegations of the Merchants before them.
IV. The Report of the said Lords to His Majesty on the Merchants Pet.i.tion, and other Allegations.
V. The Report of the Committee of Council of the Province of _New-York_, in Answer to the said Pet.i.tion.
VI. A Memorial concerning the Furr-Trade of _New-York_, by _C. Colden_, Esq;
K i n g's Most Excellent Majesty in Council,
The Humble Pet.i.tion and Representation of _Samuel Baker, Samuel Storke, John Bayeux, Richard Jeneway, Robert Hackshaw, Joseph Low, Joseph Paice, George Streatfield, William Parkin_, and _John Evered_, Merchants of _London_, trading to _New-York_, in behalf of themselves, and the rest of the Persons concern'd in the _New-York_ Trade.
_S H E W E T H_,
That by an Act pa.s.sed in _New-York_ the 19th of _November_, 1720, ent.i.tled, _An Act for Encouragement of the_ Indian _Trade, and rendering it more beneficial to the Inhabitants of this Province, and for prohibiting the selling of_ Indian Goods _to the_ French, all Trade whatsoever is prohibited in the strictest Manner, and under the severest Penalties, between the Inhabitants of _New-York_ Government, and the _French_ of _Canada_, or any Subjects of the _French King_, or any Person whatsoever, for or on the behalf of any such Subjects; and which Act was to continue in force for three Years.
That the Reasons a.s.signed in the Preamble of this Act, for the pa.s.sing thereof, are, For that the _French_ at _Canada_, by means of _Indian_ Goods purchased from the Inhabitants of _New-York_, had not only almost wholly engrossed the _Indian Trade_ to themselves, but had, in great measure, withdrawn the Affections of the _Five Nations_ of _Indians_ from the Inhabitants of _New-York_, and render'd them wavering in their Faith and Allegiance to your Majesty; and would, if such Trade was not prevented, wholly alienate the Minds of the said _Indians_, which might prove of dangerous Consequence to the _English Interest_ in _America_.
That this Act was sent home for your Majesty's royal Consideration, but your Pet.i.tioners do not find that your Majesty ever signified your Allowance or Disallowance thereof; from whence, and from the Act's being to continue but three Years, your Pet.i.tioners humbly conceive the same was suffered to lie by probationary, to see whether the said Act, in its Effects, was really advantageous or prejudicial to the _British Trade_ and _Interest_ in _America_.
That your Pet.i.tioners have received Advice, That the Government of _New-York_ either have, or are about pa.s.sing an Act, to revive and continue the said Act for prohibiting all Trade between _New-York_ and _Canada_.
Upon which Occasion, your Pet.i.tioners humbly beg leave to represent to your Majesty, That the said Act, tho' in the first Intention of it, it might be well designed, yet, in its Effects, it has proved very pernicious to the _British Trade_ in general, and to the Interest of _New-York_ in particular: For, besides the Nations of _Indians_ that are in the _English_ Interest, there are very many Nations of _Indians_, who are, at present, in the Interest of the _French_, and who lie between _New-York_, and the Nations of _Indians_ in the _English Interest_; and this Act prohibiting all Trade between _New-York_ and the _French_ of _Canada_, or any of the Subjects of _France_, the _French_, and their _Indians_, would not permit the _English Indians_ to pa.s.s over by their Forts, so as to carry on a free Trade with _New-York_, but prevented their Pa.s.sages, as much as possible, whereby that most considerable and only valuable Branch of Trade from _New-York_, hath, ever since the pa.s.sing the said Act, very much lessened, from the great Difficulties of carrying on any Trade with the _English Indians_, and the Prohibition of all Trade with the _French_; and all the _Indian Goods_ have, by this Act, been raised in their Price 25_l._ to 30_l._ _per Cent_.
Whereas, on the other hand, this Branch of the _New-York_ Trade, by the Discouragements brought upon it by this Act, is almost wholly engrossed by the _French_, who have already, by this Act, been encouraged to send proper _European Goods_ to _Canada_, to carry on this Trade; so that should this Act be continued, the _New-York_ Trade, which is very considerable, must be wholly lost to us, and center in the _French_.
And your Pet.i.tioners further beg leave humbly to represent, That as they conceive nothing can tend more to the with-drawing the Affections of the _Five Nations_ of _Indians_ from the _English Interest_, than the Continuance of the said Act, which, in its Effects, restrains them from a free Commerce with the Inhabitants of _New-York_, and may, too probably, estrange them from the _English Interest:_ Whereas by a Freedom of Commerce, and an encourag'd Intercourse of Trade with the _French_, and their _Indians_, the _English Interest_ might, in time, be greatly improved and strengthened among the _Indians_ in general, who, by such Lat.i.tude of Trade, might be link'd to our Friends.h.i.+p in the strongest Ties of their own Interest, as well as Inclinations.
That therefore, and as the said Act was, in its Effects, so plainly destructive and prejudicial to the Trade and Interest of these Kingdoms, and so much for the Interest of the _French_, and greatly promoted that Mischief which it was intended to prevent,
Your Pet.i.tioners most humbly pray your Majesty, That you would be graciously pleased to give the necessary Directions to your Governor of _New-York_, not to pa.s.s any new Act for the reviving or continuing the said Act prohibiting Trade with the _French_ of _Canada_; and that if any such Act, or any Act of the like Tendency, be already pa.s.sed, that the same may be repealed. _And your Pet.i.tioners shall ever pray_, &c.
_Samuel Baker_, _Rob. Hackshaw_, _Jo. Lloyd_, _Sam. Storke_, _J. Bayeux_, _Sam. Fitch_, _Rich. Jeneway_, _Jos. Lowe_, _Asher Levy_, _John Paine_, _J. Bull_, _Fra. Wilks_, _Wm. Parkin_, _John Gilbert_, _Jos. Paice_, jun.
_Rich. Mico_, _Jo. Miranda_, _Geo. Streatfield_, _John Everet_, _Thompson Hayne_.
_At the Court at_ St. James'_s the 30th Day of_ April, 1724.
The K i n g's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.
Upon Reading this Day at the Board the humble Pet.i.tion and Representation of _Samuel Baker, Samuel Storke_, and several others, Merchants of _London_, trading to _New-York_, in behalf of themselves, and the rest of the Persons concern'd in the _New-York_ Trade, which _Pet.i.tion_ sets forth, That great Discouragements have been brought upon the _British Trade_, by an Act pa.s.sed in the said Colony of _New York_, the 19th of _November_, 1720, ent.i.tled, _An Act for the Encouragement of the_ Indian Trade, _and rendering of it more beneficial to the Inhabitants of this Province, and for prohibiting the selling of_ Indian Goods _to the_ French. And that as the said Act was to continue in force only for three Years, they are informed the Government of _New-York_ either have, or are about pa.s.sing an Act to revive and continue the same: Wherefore they humbly pray, that the Governor of that Colony may be ordered, not to pa.s.s any new Act for that purpose; and if any such Act be already pa.s.s'd, that it may be repealed.
It is ordered by his Majesty in Council, That the said Pet.i.tion (a Copy whereof is hereunto annexed) be, and it is hereby referred to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, to examine into the same, and report to his Majesty, at this Board, what they conceive fit to be done therein.
_James Vernon_.
_Extract of the Minutes of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, the_ 7_th of_ July, 1724.
Mr. _Sharp_ attending, as he had been desired, with several _New-York_ Merchants, their Lords.h.i.+ps took again into Consideration the Order of Council of the 30th of _April_, mentioned in the Minutes of the first of _May_ last, referring to the Board their Pet.i.tion against the Renewing an Act pa.s.sed in _New-York_, in _November_, 1720, ent.i.tled, _An Act for the Encouragement of the_ Indian _Trade_, _and rendering of it more effectual to the Inhabitants of this Province, and for prohibiting the selling of_ Indian _Goods to the_ French. And Mr. _Sharp_, in behalf of the several Merchants, acquainted their Lords.h.i.+ps, That he conceived this Act, tho' its Intention of gaining the _Indians_ to the _English_ Interest might be good, would have quite a contrary Effect, because, if the Trade with the _French_ was prevented, and the Merchants should discontinue that with the _Indians_, (as he was informed they would) the _French_ might lay hold of this Opportunity to furnish themselves with Goods from _Europe_, and supply the Five Nations of _Indians_, and thereby gain them to their Interest: And this, by reason of their Situation, would not be in the Power of the _English_ to prevent: That they were two or three hundred Leagues distant from _Albany_, and that they could not come to trade with the _English_ but by going down the River _St. Laurence_, and from thence through a Lake, which brought them within eighteen Leagues of _Albany_.
And that the _French_ having made Settlements along the said River, it would be in their Power, whenever they pleased, to cut off that Communication.
That this Act had been so great a Discouragement to the _British Trade_, in general, that there had not been, by far, so great a Quant.i.ty of Beaver, and other Furs, imported into _Great-Britain_ since the pa.s.sing the said Act, as there was before; nor half the Quant.i.ty of _European Goods_ exported.
That several Merchants who had sent over to _New-York_ considerable Quant.i.ties of _European Goods_, had received Advice from their Correspondents, That should another Act of the like Nature be pa.s.sed, they could not find a vent for them, and desired they would send no more.
Upon the whole, Mr. _Sharp_ desired, in behalf of the Merchants, that Mr. _Burnet_ might be directed not to pa.s.s any Act of the like Nature for the future.
To the K i n g's Most Excellent Majesty.
_May it please your Majesty_;
In Obedience to your Majesty's Commands, signified to us by your Order in Council of the 30th of _April_ last, referring to us the Pet.i.tion of several Merchants of _London_ trading to _New-York_, setting forth "The great Discouragements that have been brought upon the _British Trade_ by an Act pa.s.sed in _New-York_ the 19th of _November_, 1720, ent.i.tled, _An Act for the Encouragement of the_ Indian Trade, _and rendering of it more beneficial to the Inhabitants of this Province, and for prohibiting the selling of_ Indian Goods _to the_ French. And that as the said Act is now expir'd, the said Merchants are informed the Government of _New-York_ either have, or are about pa.s.sing an Act to revive and continue the same; and therefore pray, that a stop may be put thereto."
We humbly take leave to represent to your Majesty,
That we have been attended by the Pet.i.tioners, who informed us, that they have found this Act, by Experience, to be so great a Discouragement to the _British Trade_, that there has not been, by far, so considerable a Quant.i.ty of Beaver, and other Furs, imported into _Great-Britain_, from _New-York_, since the pa.s.sing the said Act, as heretofore, nor half the Quant.i.ty of _European Goods_ exported thither; in consequence whereof the Price of Furs is raised _Five and Twenty_ and _Thirty per Cent._ to the great Prejudice of several _British_ Manufactures.
They likewise affirmed, That it was impracticable to hinder the _French_ from supplying the _Indians_ with _European_ Goods: For tho' _New-York_ should not furnish them, the _French_ would find another way to be supplied therewith, either from some other of his Majesty's Plantations, or, it might be, directly from _Europe_. That it was of dangerous Consequence to force this Trade into a new Channel, many of the Goods which the _Indians_ want being as easy to be had directly from _France_ or _Holland_, as from _Great-Britain_.
They further added, That it was not likely the Act, in question, should produce the Effects expected from it, more particularly that of securing the Five _Indian_ Nations firmly to the _British_ Interest; because, if the _French_ should once get a Supply of the Goods necessary for the _Indian_ Trade, from any other Place, as the Five _Indian_ Nations are settled upon the Banks of the River of _St. Lawrence_, directly opposite to _Quebeck_, two or three hundred Leagues distant from the nearest _British_ Settlement in _New-York_, the Vicinity of the _French_ would furnish them with the Means of supplying even the _Five Nations_ with these Goods, and consequently of alienating their Affections from the _British_ Interest. And that there was no Prospect of obtaining a Trade with the _French Indians_ by this means, because the French would always be able to prevent their Pa.s.sage cross the Lakes and River of _St.
Lawrence_ to our Settlements.
These were the most material Objections made by the Merchants against the Bill.
On the other hand, the Preamble of the Act sets forth, That it was found by Experience, that the _French_ of _Canada_, by means of _Indian_ Goods brought from that Province, had not only almost wholly engrossed the _Indian_ Trade, but had in great Measure, withdrawn the Affections of the _Five Nations_ of _Indians_ from the Inhabitants of that Province, and rendered them wavering in their Allegiance to your Majesty; and would, if such Trade were not prevented, altogether alienate the Minds of the said _Indians_, which would prove of dangerous Consequence to the _English_ Interest in _America_.
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