The Recent Mammals Of Tamaulipas, Mexico Part 31

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1901. _Felis apache_ Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Was.h.i.+ngton, 14:150, August 9, type from Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Eastern and northern parts of Sierra Madre Oriental; known only from type locality and near Gomez Farias (Goodwin, 1954:15).

=Lynx rufus texensis= J. A. Allen


1895. _Lynx texensis_ J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.

Hist., 7:188, June 20, based on the description of a bobcat by Audubon and Bachman, The viviparous quadrupeds of North America, 2:293, 1851, from "the vicinity of Castroville, on the headwaters of the Medina [River]," Medina Co., Texas.

1897. _Lynx rufus texensis_, Mearns, Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals ... from the Mexican boundary line, p. 2, January 12 (preprint of Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 20:458, December 24).

_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably occurs in western half of state; known only from two localities.

The specimen examined was shot at night at about 3:00 a. m. in the beam of a headlight in typical scrub "monte." The native name for this bobcat in Tamaulipas is "gato rabon."

_Measurements._--A male, from Rancho Santa Rosa, measured as follows: 885; 170; 172; 71; condylobasal length, 105.2; interorbital constriction, 22.5; pos...o...b..tal constriction, 34.6; zygomatic breadth, 83.5; squamosal constriction, 51.7; length of maxillary tooth-row (C-P2), 38.2; length of upper carna.s.sial (outer side), 14.5.

_Record of occurrence._--One specimen examined from Rancho Santa Rosa, 360 m.

Additional records: Matamoros (Baird, 1858:96); El Mulato (Dice, 1937:251).

=Trichechus manatus latirostris= (Harlan)


1823. _Manatus latirostris_ Harlan, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci.

Philadelphia, 3(1):394. Type locality, near the capes of East Florida.

1934. _Trichechus manatus latirostris_, Hatt, Bull. Amer.

Mus. Nat. Hist., 66:538, September 10.

_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported from mouth of Rio Grande (Miller and Kellogg, 1955:791); probably extirpated in state. tajacu angulatus= (Cope)

Collared Peccary

1889. _Dicotyles angulatus_ Cope, Amer. Nat., 23:147, February, type from Guadalupe River, Texas.

1953. tajacu angulatus_, Dalquest, Louisiana State Univ. Studies, Biol. Sci. Ser., 1:207, December 28.

_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--All of state, in suitable habitats.

Records: Near El Mulato (Dice, 1937:256); Alta Cima (Goodwin, 1954:15); Rancho del Cielo (_ibid._); approx. 10 mi. N Cues (Leopold, 1947:443 map).

=Odocoileus hemionus crooki= (Mearns)

Mule Deer

1897. _Dorcelaphus crooki_ Mearns, Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals of the genera _Mephitis_, _Dorcelaphus_ and _Dicotyles_, from the Mexican border ..., p. 2, February 11, type locality summit Dog Mtns., 6129 ft., Hidalgo Co., New Mexico.

1939. _Odocoileus hemionus crooki_, Goldman and Kellogg, Jour. Mamm., 20:507, November 14.

_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Reported only from Cerro del Tigre (Leopold, 1959:504), but probably throughout western part of state. Now rare in the state.

=Odocoileus virginia.n.u.s=

White-tailed Deer

This species is relatively abundant in Tamaulipas from where three subspecies have been reported. Two specimens examined were shot at night.

=Odocoileus virginia.n.u.s miquihuanensis= Goldman and Kellogg

1940. _Odocoileus virginia.n.u.s miquihuanensis_ Goldman and Kellogg, Proc. Biol. Soc. Was.h.i.+ngton, 53:84, June 28, type from Sierra Madre Oriental, 6000 ft., near Miquihuana, Tamaulipas.

_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Throughout Sierra Madre Oriental.

An adult male, having two points on each antler, and a young male were examined and identified as this subspecies because of their small size and dark color.

_Measurements._--A male from 15 km. W Rancho Santa Rosa affords measurements as follows: 1385; 245; 330; 154; condylobasal length, 234; length of maxillary tooth-row, 76.3; width across...o...b..ts at frontal-jugal suture, 100.9.

_Records of occurrence_.--Specimens examined, 2: 15 km. W Rancho Santa Rosa, 4500 ft., 1; Ejido Santa Isabel, 2000 ft., 1.

Additional records (Goodwin, 1954:15): San Antonio, 11 km.

SW Joya de Salas; Rancho Pano Ayuctle.

=Odocoileus virginia.n.u.s texa.n.u.s= (Mearns)

1898. _Dorcelaphus texa.n.u.s_ Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc.

Was.h.i.+ngton, 12:23, January 27, type from Fort Clark [north of Eagle Pa.s.s on Big Bend of Rio Grande], Kinney Co., Texas.

1902. _Dama v[irginiana]. texensis_ [_sic_], J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 16:20, February 1.

1901. _Odocoileus texensis_ Miller and Rehn, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 30:17, December 27, an accidental renaming of _texa.n.u.s_.

_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Probably all of northern part of state.

Two fragments of lower jaw from the barrier beach were examined and a.s.signed to this subspecies on geographic grounds.

_Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 2, fragments from 33 mi. S Was.h.i.+ngton Beach.

The Recent Mammals Of Tamaulipas, Mexico Part 31

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