The Recent Mammals Of Tamaulipas, Mexico Part 5
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Family Phyllostomatidae _Pteronotus rubiginosus mexicana_ (Miller) 398 _Pteronotus davyi fulvus_ (Thomas) 398 _Ch.o.e.ronycteris mexicana_ Tschudi 399 _Mormoops megalophylla megalophylla_ (Peters) 399 _Micronycteris megalotis mexicana_ Miller 400 _Glossophaga sorocina leachii_ (Gray) 400 _Leptonycteris nivalis nivalis_ (Saussure) 401 _Sturnira lilium parvidens_ Goldman 401 _Artibeus jamaicensis jamaicensis_ Leach 402 _Artibeus lituratus palmarum_ Allen and Chapman 402 _Artibeus toltecus_ (Saussure) 403 _Artibeus aztecus_ Andersen 403 _Enchistenes hartii_ (Thomas) 404 _Centurio senex_ Gray 404
Family Desmodontidae _Desmodus rotundus murinus_ Wagner 405 _Diphylla ecaudata_ Spix 406
Family Natalidae _Natalus stramineus saturatus_ Dalquest and Hall 407
Family Vespertilionidae _Myotis velifer incautus_ (J. A. Allen) 407 _Myotis keenii auriculus_ Baker and Stains 408 _Myotis californicus mexica.n.u.s_ (Saussure) 408 _Myotis nigricans dalquesti_ Hall and Alvarez 409 _Pipistrellus subflavus subflavus_ (F. Cuvier) 409 _Pipistrellus hesperus potosinus_ Dalquest 410 _Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis_ (H. Allen) 410 _Lasiurus borealis borealis_ (Muller) 411 _Lasiurus borealis teliotis_ (H. Allen) 412 _Lasiurus cinereus cinereus_ (Palisot and Beauvois) 412 _Lasiurus intermedius intermedius_ H. Allen 412 _Lasiurus ega xanthinus_ (Thomas) 413 _Nycticeus humeralis humeralis_ (Rafinesque) 413 _Nycticeus humeralis mexica.n.u.s_ Davis 413 _Rhogeessa tumida tumida_ H. Allen 414 _Plecotus phyllotis_ (G. M. Allen) 415 _Antrozous pallidus pallidus_ (Le Conte) 415
Family Molossidae _Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana_ (Saussure) 415 _Tadarida aurispinosa_ (Peale) 415 _Tadarida laticaudata ferruginea_ Goodwin 416 _Molossus ater nigricans_ Miller 417
Family Cebidae _Ateles geoffroyi velerosus_ Gray 417
Family Dasypodidae _Dasypus novemcinctus mexica.n.u.s_ Peters 418
Family Leporidae _Sylvilagus brasiliensis truei_ (J. A. Allen) 418 _Sylvilagus audubonii parvulus_ (J. A. Allen) 418 _Sylvilagus florida.n.u.s chapmani_ (J. A. Allen) 419 _Sylvilagus florida.n.u.s connectens_ (Nelson) 419 _Lepus californicus altamirae_ Nelson 420 _Lepus californicus curti_ Hall 420 _Lepus californicus merriami_ Mearns 421
Family Sciuridae _Spermophilus mexica.n.u.s parvidens_ Mearns 421 _Spermophilus spilosoma oricolus_ Alvarez 422 _Spermophilus variegatus couchii_ Baird 422 _Sciurus aureogaster aureogaster_ Cuvier 423 _Sciurus deppei negligens_ Nelson 424 _Sciurus alleni_ Nelson 424 _Glaucomys volans herrera.n.u.s_ Goldman 425
Family Geomyidae _Geomys personatus personatus_ True 425 _Geomys tropicalis_ Goldman 426 _Heterogeomys hispidus negatus_ Goodwin 427 _Cratogeomys castanops planifrons_ Nelson and Goldman 428 _Cratogeomys castanops tamaulipensis_ Nelson and Goldman 428
Family Heteromyidae _Perognathus merriami merriami_ J. A. Allen 429 _Perognathus hispidus hispidus_ Baird 429 _Perognathus nelsoni nelsoni_ Merriam 430 _Dipodomys ordii durranti_ Setzer 431 _Dipodomys ordii parvabullatus_ Hall 431 _Dipodomys ordii compactus_ True 431 _Dipodomys merriami atronasus_ Merriam 432 _Liomys irroratus alleni_ (Coues) 433 _Liomys irroratus texensis_ Merriam 433
Family Castoridae _Castor canadensis mexica.n.u.s_ V. Bailey 434
Family Cricetidae _Oryzomys pal.u.s.tris aquaticus_ J. A. Allen 435 _Oryzomys pal.u.s.tris peragrus_ Merriam 435 _Oryzomys melanotis carrorum_ Lawrence 436 _Oryzomys melanotis rostratus_ Merriam 437 _Oryzomys alfaroi huastecae_ Dalquest 437 _Oryzomys fulvescens fulvescens_ (Saussure) 438 _Oryzomys fulvescens engracie_ Osgood 438 _Reithrodontomys megalotis hooperi_ Goodwin 438 _Reithrodontomys fulvescens griseoflavus_ Merriam 438 _Reithrodontomys fulvescens intermedius_ J. A. Allen 439 _Reithrodontomys fulvescens tropicalis_ Davis 439 _Reithrodontomys mexica.n.u.s mexica.n.u.s_ (Saussure) 440 _Peromyscus maniculatus blandus_ Osgood 440 _Peromyscus melanotis_ J. A. Allen and Chapman 440 _Peromyscus leucopus texa.n.u.s_ (Woodhouse) 441 _Peromyscus boylii ambiguus_ Alvarez 443 _Peromyscus boylii levipes_ Merriam 443 _Peromyscus pectoralis collinus_ Hooper 444 _Peromyscus pectoralis eremicoides_ Osgood 445 _Peromyscus melanophrys consobrinus_ Osgood 445 _Peromyscus difficilis petricola_ Hoffmeister and de la Torre 446 _Peromyscus ochraventer_ Baker 446 _Baiomys taylori taylori_ (Thomas) 447 _Onychomys leucogaster longipes_ Merriam 447 _Onychomys torridus subrufus_ Hollister 448 _Sigmodon hispidus berlandieri_ Baird 449 _Sigmodon hispidus solus_ Hall 450 _Sigmodon hispidus toltecus_ (Saussure) 450 _Neotoma albigula subsolana_ Alvarez 450 _Neotoma angustapalata_ Baker 451 _Neotoma micropus littoralis_ Goldman 453 _Neotoma micropus micropus_ Baird 453 _Microtus mexica.n.u.s subsimus_ Goldman 454
Family Canidae _Canis latrans microdon_ Merriam 454 _Canis latrans texensis_ V. Bailey 455 _Canis lupus monstrabilis_ Goldman 455 _Urocyon cinereoargenteus scottii_ Mearns 455
Family Ursidae _Ursus america.n.u.s eremicus_ Merriam 456
Family Procyonidae _Ba.s.sariscus astutus flavus_ Rhoads 456 _Procyon lotor fuscipes_ Mearns 457 _Procyon lotor hernandezii_ Wagler 457 _Nasua narica molaris_ Merriam 458 _Potos flavus aztecus_ Thomas 458
Family Mustelidae _Mustela frenata frenata_ Lichtenstein 458 _Mustela frenata tropicalis_ (Merriam) 459 _Eira barbara senex_ (Thomas) 459 _Taxidea taxus berlandieri_ Baird 460 _Taxidea taxus littoralis_ Schantz 460 _Spilogale putorius interrupta_ (Rafinesque) 461 _Mephitis mephitis_ varians Gray 461 _Mephitis macroura macroura_ Lichtenstein 461 _Conepatus mesoleucus mearnsi_ Merriam 462 _Conepatus leuconotus texensis_ Merriam 462
Family Felidae _Felis concolor stanleyana_ Goldman 462 _Felis onca veraecrucis_ Nelson and Goldman 463 _Felis pardalis albescens_ Pucheran 463 _Felis wiedii oaxacensis_ Nelson and Goldman 464 _Felis yagouaroundi cacomitli_ Berlandier 464 _Lynx rufus texensis_ J. A. Allen 464
Family Trichechidae _Trichechus manatus latirostris_ (Harlan) 465
Family Taya.s.suidae tajacu angulatus_ (Cope) 465
Family Cervidae _Odocoileus hemionus crooki_ (Mearns) 465 _Odocoileus virginia.n.u.s miquihuanensis_ Goldman and Kellogg 466 _Odocoileus virginia.n.u.s texa.n.u.s_ (Mearns) 466 _Odocoileus virginia.n.u.s veraecrucis_ Goldman and Kellogg 466 _Mazama americana temama_ (Kerr) 466
Family Antilocapridae _Antilocapra americana mexicana_ Merriam 467
=Didelphis marsupialis=
The opossum occurs throughout Tamaulipas but is commonest in the south, especially in the areas of tropical forest and along water courses.
Most of the specimens examined were caught in steel traps baited with remains of small animals (mostly mammals and birds, but one trap was baited with the head of a black ba.s.s). At Villa Mainero five individuals were caught in one night in five of seven traps scented with spilogale musk. These traps were set in runways along a thick thorn-brush fence, which separated a cornfield from thorn-brush desert.
Along the Rio Purificacion 36 kilometers north and 10 kilometers west of Victoria an opossum was eaten in a trap by a small carnivore, probably a felid judging from tracks around the trap.
A female with 14 pouch young was taken in June in the Sierra de Tamaulipas and weighed 1350 grams; a March-taken female with nine small young in her pouch, from Soto la Marina, weighed 1800 grams. A male from the Sierra de Tamaulipas also weighed 1800 grams.
=Didelphis marsupialis californica= Bennett
1833. _Didelphis Californica_ Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc.
London, p. 40, May 17, type locality restricted to Sonora by Hershkovitz (_infra_).
1951. _Didelphis marsupialis californica_, Hershkovitz Fieldiana-Zool., Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus., 31(47):548, July 10.
_Distribution in Tamaulipas._--Southeastern part of state, north at least to Soto la Marina.
In studying Tamaulipan specimens, I was mindful that Hershkovitz (1951:550) regarded all opossums of this species in Mexico as a single subspecies, even though J. A. Allen (1901) recognized two subspecies in the northeastern part of the Republic. According to Allen (p. 172), _D.
m. texensis_ (to which he ascribed a distribution in Texas and adjoining Tamaulipas) was described as: "Similar in coloration to _D.
marsupialis_ (_typica_) [_D. m. californica_], but with a relatively longer tail, longer nasals, usually terminating posteriorly in an acute angle, instead of being rounded or more or less abruptly truncated on the posterior border." The available material from Tamaulipas can be divided into two groups on the basis of shape and proportion of the nasals. In opossums from the southeast the nasals are truncate posteriorly and average 47.0 (45.1-48.4) per cent of the condylobasal length, whereas in specimens from elsewhere the nasals are acute posteriorly and average 50.7 (49.7-51.8) per cent of the condylobasal length. Tentatively, therefore, I follow Allen in recognizing two subspecies in northeastern Mexico.
I note no especial difference in length of tail between _texensis_ and _californica_. Hooper (1951:3) followed Hershkovitz in reporting as _californica_ a specimen from Rancho del Cielo; to me, specimens from this area are referable to _texensis_.
One of the specimens from two miles south and 10 miles west of Piedra (54917) has a supernumerary tooth lingual and anterior to the last upper molar. The tooth is small (2.7 mm. long) and peglike.
_Records of occurrence._--Specimens examined, 8: 3 mi. N Soto la Marina, 1; 2 mi. S, 10 mi. W Piedra, 12,000 ft., 7.
The Recent Mammals Of Tamaulipas, Mexico Part 5
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