The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner Part 9
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I think I have, nothing uncommon in my pa.s.sage through France to take notice of, since other travellers of greater learning and ingenuity, have given more ample account than my pen is able to set forth. From Tholouse I travelled to Paris, from thence to Calais, where I took s.h.i.+pping, and landed at Dover the 14th of January, in a very cold season.
Thus come to the end of my travels, I soon discovered my new found estate, and all the bills of exchange I had were currently paid. The good ancient widow, my only privy counsellor, thought no pains nor care too great to procure my advantage, nor had I ever occasion to blame her fidelity, which drew from me an ample reward. I was for leaving my effects in her hands, intending to set out for Lisbon, and so the Brazils; but as in the Desolate Island I had some doubt about the Romish religion, so I knew there was little encouragement to settle there, unless I would apostatize from the orthodox faith, or live in continual fear of the Inquisition. Upon this account I resolved to sell my plantation; and, for that intent, I wrote to my old friend at Lisbon, who returned to me an answer to my great satisfaction; which was, that he could sell it to good account; however, if I thought it convenient to give him liberty to offer it in my name to the two merchants, the survivors of my trustees residing at the Brazils, who consequently knew its intrinsic value, having lived just upon the spot, and who I was sensible were very rich, and therefore might be the more willing to purchase it: he did not in the least doubt, but that I should make four or five thousand pieces of eight more of it, than I could, if I disposed of it in any other manner whatsoever.
You may be sure I could not but agree with this kind and ingenuous proposal; and immediately I sent him an order to offer it to them, which he accordingly did; so that about eight months after, the s.h.i.+p being in that time returned, he gave me a satisfactory account, that they not only willingly accepted the offer, but that they had also remitted 33,000 pieces of eight to a correspondence of their own at Lisbon, in order to pay for the purchase.
Hereupon, in return, I signed the instrument of sale, according to form, which they had sent from Lisbon, and returned it again to my old friend, he having sent me, for me estate, bills of three hundred and twenty-eight thousand pieces of eight, reserving the payment of one hundred moidores per annum, which I had allowed him during life, likewise: fifty to his son during life also, according to my faithful promise, which the plantation was to make good as a rent charge.
And thus having led my reader to the knowledge of the first parts of my life so remarkable for the many peculiar providences that attended it, floating in the ocean of uncertainty and disappointment, of adversity and prosperity, beginning foolishly, and yet ending happily; methinks now that I am come to a safe & pleasant haven, it is time to cast out my anchor, &c, laying up my vessel, bid, for a while, adieu to foreign adventures. I had no other concerns to look after but the care of my brother's two sons, which, with the good widow's persuasions, obliged me to continue at home seven years. One of these children I bred up a gentleman, and the other an experienced sailor, remarkable for his courage and bravery. Besides this, I married a virtuous young gentlewoman, of a very good family, by whom I had two sons and one daughter. But my dear and tender wife leaving this earthly stage (as in the second part of my life you will hear) which rent my soul as it were asunder, my native country became weary and tiresome to me; and my nephew happening to come from sea, tempted me to venture another voyage to the East Indies, which I did in the year 1694, at which time I visited my island, and informed myself of every thing that happened since my departure.
One might reasonably imagine, that what I had suffered, together with an advanced age, and the fear of losing not only what I had gotten, but my life also, might have choaked up all the seeds of youthful ambition and curiosity, and put a lasting period to my wandering inclinations. But as nothing but death can fully allay the active part of my life, no less remarkable for the many various contingencies of it, you will next perceive how I visited my little kingdom, saw my successors the Spaniards, had an account of the usage they met with from the Englishmen, agreeing and disagreeing, uniting and separating, till at last they were subjected to the Spaniards, who yet used them very honorably, together with the wonderful and successful battles over the Indians who invaded, and thought to have conquered the island, but were repelled by their invincible courage and bravery, having taken eleven men and five woman prisoners by which at my return, I found about twenty young children on my little kingdom. Here I staid twenty days, left them supplies of all necessary things, as also a carpenter and smith, and shared the islands into parts, reserving the whole property to myself.
Nor will you be insensible, by the account of these things, of several new adventures I have been engaged in, the battles I have fought, the deliverances I have met with; and while, in the surprising relation of such remarkable occurrences, I shall describe many of G.o.d's kindest providences to me in particular, no less conspicuous in the same goodness, power, and majesty of our great creator, shown one way or other, over the face of the earth, if duly adverted to.
_Wherein are contained several strange and surprising accounts of his travels, and his most remarkable transactions both by sea and by land; with his wonderful vision of the angelic world_.
When we consider the puissant force of Nature and, what mighty influence it has many times over the temper of the mind, it will be no such great wonder to think, that my powerful reason should be overcome by a much stronger inclination. My late acquired kingdom ran continually in my thoughts all the day, and I dreamed of it in the night: nay, I made it the continual subject of my talk, even to impertinence, when I was awake. I had such vapours in my head, that I actually supposed myself at my castle; that I not only perceived Friday's father the old Spaniard, and the wicked sailors, but that I talked and discoursed with them about their manner of living; that I heard the things related to me, which I found afterwards to be true; & that I executed my judgments with the greatest severity upon the offenders. And, indeed, this antic.i.p.ating all the pleasing joys of my life, scarcely afforded me one pleasant hour: my dear and tender wife could not but take notice of it, which drew those affectionate speeches from her: _My dear,_ said she, _I am really persuaded that some secret impulse from Heaven occasions in you a determination to see the island again; nor am I less sensible, but your being engaged to me and these dear children is the only hinderance of your departure. I know my dear, if I were in the grave, you would not long continue at home; prevent not your happiness on my account, whose only comfort centres in you. All that I can object is, that such an hazardous undertaking is no way consistent with a person of your years; but if you are resolved to go,_ added she, weeping, _only permit me to bear you company, and that is all that I desire._
Such endearing tenderness, graced with the most innocent and yet most powerful charms, brought me insensibly into my right understanding; and when I considered all the transactions of my life, and particularly my new engagement, that I had now one child already born, and my wife big of another; and that I had no occasion to seek for more riches, who already was blessed with sufficiency, with much struggling I altered my resolutions at last, resolving to apply myself to some business or other, which might put a period to such wandering inclinations. Hereupon I bought a little farm in the county of Bedford, with a resolution to move thither; upon this there was a pretty convenient house surrounded with land, very capable of improvement, which suited my temper, as to planting, managing, and cultivating. Nor was I long before I entered upon my new settlement, having bought ploughs, harrows, carts, waggons, horses, cows, and sheep; so that I now led the life of a country gentleman, and as happy in my retirement as the greatest monarch in the world. And what made me think my happiness the greater was, that I was in the middle state of life, which my father had so often recommended, much resembling the felicity of a rural retirement, which is elegantly described by the poet in these lines:
_Free from all vices, free from care, Age has no pain, and youth no snare._
But, in the midst of this my happiness, I was suddenly plunged in the greatest sorrow that I could possibly endure; for when I least expected it, my dear and tender wife was forced to submit to the irresistable power of Death, leaving this transitory life for a better. It is impossible for me to express the beauties of her mind, or the loveliness of her person; neither can I too much lament her loss, which my latest breath shall record; her influence was greater over me, than the powers of my own reason, the importunities of friends, the instructions of a father, or the melting tears of a tender and disconsolate mother; in a word, she was the spirit of all my affairs, and the centre of my enterprizes. But now, since the cruel hand of Death had closed my dearest's eyes, I seemed in my thoughts a stranger to the world; my privy counsellor being gone, I was like a s.h.i.+p without a pilot, that could only run before the wind. And when I looked around me in this busy world, one party labouring for bread, and the other squandering away their estates; this put me in mind how I had lived in my little kingdom, where both reason and religion dictated to me, that there was something that certainly was the reason and end of life, which was far superior to what could be hoped for on this side the grave. My country delights were now as insiped and dull, as music and science to those who have neither taste nor ingenuity. In short, resolving to leave off house-keeping, I left my farm, and in a few months returned to London.
But neither could that great city, so famous for its variety of entertainment, afford me any agreeable delight; a state of idleness I found to be the very dregs of life, and most hurtful to body and soul.
It was now the beginning of the year 1684, at which time my nephew (who as I before observed had been brought up to the sea, and advanced to be captain of a s.h.i.+p) was returned from a short voyage to Bilboz, the first he had made in that station. He comes to me one morning, telling me that some merchants of his acquaintance had proposed to him to go a voyage for them to the East Indies and China in the manner of private traders; _and now uncle_, said he, _if you'll accompany me thither, I'll engage to land you upon your old island, to visit the state of your little kingdom_.
Just before he came in, my thoughts were fixed to get a patent for its possession, and then to fill it with inhabitants. After I had paused a while, and looked stedfastly on him. _What devil or spirit_, said I, _sent you with this unlucky errand_? He started at first; but recovering himself, when he perceived I was not offended; _Sir_, replied he, _what I have proposed cannot I hope, be styled unlucky, since certainly you must be desirous to see your little territory, where you reigned with more content, than any of your brother kings in the universe. Nephew_, said I, _if you will leave me there, and call for me as you came back, I care not if I give my consent_: but he answered, _that the merchants would not allow their vessel loaden with an infinite value, to return there again, which was a month's sail out of the way; besides, Sir_ said he, _if I should miscarry, was your request granted, why then you would be locked up as before_. This indeed carried a great deal of reason in it; but we found out a remedy, and that was to carry a framed sloop on board, ready to be set up in the island, by the a.s.sistance of some carpenters, which we should carry with us, that might be fitted in a few days to go to sea. I was not long in forming my resolution, which overswayed my good friend the widow's persuasions, and the natural affection I bore to my young children. I made my will, and settled my estate in such manner, that I was perfectly sure my poor infants would have justice done them. The good widow not only undertook to make provision, for my voyage, but also took the charge of my domestic affairs, and to provide for my children's education; and indeed no mother could take more care, or understood that office better; for which I lived to reward and return her my hearty thanks.
The beginning of January, 1694.5, my nephew being ready to sail, I and Friday went on board in the Downs on the 8th, having, besides that sloop already mentioned, a very considerable cargo for my new colony. First, I had some servants, whom I proposed to leave there, as they should appear willing; there were two carpenters, a smith, and a very ingenuous fellow who was Jack-of-all-trades; for he was not only a cooper by trade, but also he was dexterous at making wheels and hand-mills to grind corn, likewise a good turner, and a good pot-maker. I also carried a tailor, who consented to stay in my plantation, and proved a most necessary fellow in the island. As to my cargo, it consisted of a sufficient quant.i.ty of linen, and English stuffs for clothing the Spaniards that I expected to find there; as likewise gloves, hats, shoes, stockings; together with beds, bedding, and household stuff, especially kitchen utensils, with pots, kettles, pewter, bra.s.s, &c. also nails, tools of all sorts, staples, hooks, hinges, and all other things necessary; all which, I think, cost me about three hundred pounds. Nor was this all for I carried an hundred spare arms, muskets, & fusees, besides some pistols, a considerable quant.i.ty of several sorts of shot, two bra.s.s cannon, besides swords,, and the iron part of some pikes and halberts. I made my nephew take with us two small quarter-deck guns, more than he had occasion for in his s.h.i.+p, to leave behind, if there was a necessity; so that we might build a fort there, and man it against all opposers whatsoever.
Well, we put out to sea; and though I can't say this voyage was so unprosperous as my others had been, yet contrary winds drove us so far northward, that we were obliged to put in at Galway in Ireland, where we lay wind-bound two and twenty days. Here indeed our provisions were very cheap, and we added to our s.h.i.+p's stores by taking several live hogs, two cows and calves, which I then resolved to put on sh.o.r.e in my island, if our necessities did not call for them. On the 5th of February we sailed from Ireland, with a very fair gale, which lasted for some days; and I think it was about the 20th of the same month late in the evening, when the mate informed us, that he saw a flash of fire, and heard a gun fired: and when he was speaking a boy came in and told us, that the boatswain had heard another. Upon which we all ran to the quarter-deck, from whence, in a few moments, we perceived a terrible fire at a distance. We had immediately recourse to our reckonings, in which, we were all of opinion, that there could be no land that way, it appearing to be at N.N.W. Hereupon we concluded that some s.h.i.+p had taken fire at sea, and that it could not be far off by the report of the guns which we had heard. We made up directly to it, and in half an hour's time the wind being fair, we could plainly perceive a great s.h.i.+p on fire in the middle of the sea. Touched with this unhappy disaster, and considering my former circ.u.mstances, when the Portuguese Captain took me up, I immediately ordered five guns to be fired that the poor creatures, not seeing us, it being dark, (though we could perceive their flame) might be sensible there was deliverance at hand, and consequently might endeavor to save themselves in their boat. Nor was it long before the s.h.i.+p blew up in the air and the fire was extinguished in the ocean. But supposing them all to be in their boats, we hung out our lanterns and kept firing till eight o'clock in the morning; when with our perspectives, we beheld two boats full of people making towards us tho'
the tide was against them then spreading out our ancient; and hanging out a waft, as a signal for them to come on board, in half an hour's time; we came up to them, and took them all in, there being no less than sixty-four men, women, and children. It was a French merchant s.h.i.+p of three hundred tons; homeward bound from Quebec in the river of Canada.
The master informed me how, by the negligence of the steersman, the steerage was set on fire: that, at his outcry for help, the fire was, as we thought totally extinguished; but, that some sparks getting between the timber, and within the ceiling, it proceeded into the hold, where there was no resisting it; & then they got into their boats, as creatures in the last extremity, with what provision they had, together with oars, sails, and a compa.s.s, intending to go back to Newfoundland, the wind blowing at S.E. and by E. though there were several chances against them as storms to overset and founder them, rains and colds to benumb and perish their limbs, and contrary winds to keep them back and starve them; _But_, said he, _in this our great distress we heard the welcome report of your guns, when with unspeakable joy, taking down our masts and sails, we were resolved to lie by till morning; but perceiving your light, we set our oars at work, to keep our boat a head, the sooner to attain your s.h.i.+p, the happy instrument of our deliverance_.
Indeed no one can express the joy of these poor creatures on this occasion: fear and grief are easily set forth; sighs and tears, with a few motions of the hands and head, are all the demonstrations of these pa.s.sions; but an excess of joy, carries in it a thousand extravagancies; especially, I think, among the French, whose temper is allowed to be more volatile, pa.s.sionate, sprightly, and gay, than that of other nations. Some were weeping, tearing themselves in the greatest agonies of sorrow, and running stark mad about the s.h.i.+p, while the rest were stamping with their feet, wringing their hands, singing, laughing, swooning away, vomiting, fainting, with a few returning hearty thanks to the Almighty; and crossing themselves. I think, if I am not mistaken, our surgeon was obliged to let thirty of them blood. But among the pa.s.sengers, there were two priests, the one an old, and the other a young man; but what amazed me more was, that the oldest was in the worst plight; for no sooner did he perceive himself freed from danger, but he dropt down as it were without life, and to every one's appearance quite dead; but the surgeon chasing and rubbing his arm, opened a vein, which at first dropped, and then flowing more freely, the old man began to open his eyes; and in a quarter of an hour was well again. But soon remembering this happy change, the joy of which whirled his blood about faster than the vessels could convey it, he became so feverish, as made him more fit for bedlam than any other place. But the surgeon giving him a sleepy dose, he was perfectly composed the next morning.
Remarkable indeed was the behaviour of the young priest. At his entrance on board the s.h.i.+p, he fell on his face in the most humble prostration to the Almighty. I thought, indeed, he had fallen into a swoon, and so ran to help him up; but he modestly told me, _he was returning his thanks to the Almighty, desiring me to leave him a few moments, and that, next to his Creator, he would return me thanks also_. And indeed he did so about three minutes after, with great seriousness, and affection, while the tears stood in his eyes, which convinced me of the grat.i.tude of his soul. Nor did he less show his piety and wisdom in applying himself to his country people, and labouring to compose them, by the most powerful reasons, arguments, and persuasions. And when, indeed, these people had taken their night's repose, in such lodgings as our s.h.i.+p would allow, we found nothing but the best of manners, and the most civil acknowledgements, for which the French are eminently remarkable. The next day the Captain and one of the priests desired to speak with me and my nephew the commander. They told us, _that they had saved some money and valuable things out of the ruined vessel, which was at our service; only that they desired to be set on sh.o.r.e some where in our way_. At the first my nephew was for accepting the money; but I (who knew how hard my case would have been, had the Portuguese Captain served me so) persuaded him to the contrary; and therefore told them, _that as we had done nothing but what we were obliged to do, by nature and humanity, and what we ourselves might expect from others in such calamity; so we took them up to save them, not to plunder them, or leave them naked upon the land, to perish for want of subsistance, and therefore would not accept their money: but as to landing them, that was a great difficulty; for being bound to the East Indies, it was impossible wilfully to change our voyage upon their particular account, nor could my nephew_ (who was under charter party to pursue it by was of Brazil) _answer it to the freighters_. All that we could do, was to put ourselves in the way of meeting some s.h.i.+ps homeward bound from the West Indies, that, if possible, they might get a pa.s.sage to France or England. Indeed, they were very thankful for our first kindness; but were under great concern, especially the pa.s.sengers, at their being carried to the East Indies.
_They begged therefore, I would keep on the banks of Newfoundland, where, probably, they might meet with some s.h.i.+p, or sloop to carry them to Canada, whence they came._ As this was but a reasonable request, I was inclined to grant it, since it was no breach of charter party, and that the laws of G.o.d and nature obliged us to do what good we could to our fellow-creatures; and besides the danger we ourselves should be in for want of provisions: so we consented to carry them to Newfoundland, if wind and weather would permit; if not, that we should carry them to Martinico in the West Indies. But, as it happened, in a week's time we made the banks of Newfoundland, where the French people hired a bark to carry them to France. But the young priest being desirous to go to the East Indies, I readily agreed to it, because I liked his conversation, and two or three of the French sailors also entered themselves on board our s.h.i.+p.
Now directing our course for the West Indies, steering S. and S. by E.
about twenty days, with little wind, another adventure happened to exercise our humanity. In the lat.i.tude of 27 degrees, 5 minutes north, the 19th of March 1694-5, we perceived a sail, (our course S. E. and by S.) which bore upon us, and then she appeared to be a large vessel, having lost her main topmast and boltsprit; when firing a gun as a signal of distress, wind N. N.W. we soon came to speak with her. She was a s.h.i.+p from Bristol, bound home from Barbadoes, out of which road she had been forced in a hurricane to the westward, in which they lost their masts.
They told us, _their expectations were to see the Bahama islands, but were driven away by a strong wind at N.N.W. and having no sails to work the s.h.i.+p with, but the main-course and a kind of square sail upon a jury foremast, because they could not come near the land, were endeavouring to stand for the Canaries: nay what was worse, besides all their fatigue, they were almost starved for want of provision, having ate nothing for eleven all that they had aboard, was sugar, a barrel of fresh water and seven casks of rum_. In this s.h.i.+p were pa.s.sengers, a youth, his mother, and a maid-servant, who were in a most deplorable condition for want of food. If I had not gone on board their s.h.i.+p, the knowledge of their misery had been concealed from me, and they would have inevitably perished; though, indeed, their second mate who was Captain, by reason the true Captain was not on board when the hurricane happened, had before informed me that there was such persons on board, whom he supposed to be dead, being afraid to inquire after them, because he had nothing to give them for relief. Hereupon we resolved to let them have what we could spare, ordering the mate to bring some of his men on board us, which he did accordingly: as he and they looked like skeletons, when meat was set before them, I ordered them to eat sparingly. But, however they soon fell sick; which obliged the surgeon to mix something in their broth, which was to be to them both food and physic. When they were fed, we ordered our mate to carry them a sack of bread, and four or five pieces of beef; but the surgeon charged them to see it boiled, and to keep a guard on the cook-room, to prevent the men from eating it raw, and consequently killing themselves with what was designed for their relief. But, particularly, I desired the mate to see what condition the poor pa.s.sengers were in, and the surgeon gave him a pitcher of the same broth which he had prepared for the men. And being curious to see this scene of misery myself, I took the Captain (as we called the mate of the s.h.i.+p) in our own boat, and sailed after them.
Here was a sad sight indeed! scarce were the victuals half boiled in the pot; but they were ready to break open the cook-room door. To stay their stomachs the mate gave them biscuits, which were dipped in and softened them with the liquor of the meat, which they call _bruise_; telling them, it was for their own safety, that he was obliged to give them but a little at a time; and so feeding them gradually, their bellies were comfortable filled, and the men did very well again. But when they came to the poor gentlewoman in the cabin, who for several days had continued without food, giving what she had to her son, they found her as it were in the arms of death. She was sitting upon the floor of the deck, with her back up against the sides, between two chairs, which were lashed fast, and her head shrunk, between her shoulders, like a senseless corpse. Nothing was wanting in my mate to revive and encourage her; opening her lips, and putting some broth into her mouth with a spoon.
But not having strength to speak, she lifted up her head with much difficulty, intimating that it was now too late! at the same time pointing to the youth her son, as though she desired him to do what he could to save the lad; and in a little time after she died.
The youth, indeed, was not so far gone; yet lay stretched out on a cabin bed, like one that had scarce any life. In his mouth was a piece of an old glove, the rest of which he had ate up. At first he vomited what the mate had given him; but at length began sensibly to revive, though in the greatest concern for the death of his tender mother.
As to the poor maid, she lay by her mistress, like one in the last pangs of death: her limbs were distorted, one of her hands were clasped round the frame of a chair, which she grasped so hard, that it was with some difficulty we separated her from it; her other arm lay over her head, and her feet lay both together, set fast against the frame of the cabin table; not only being, starved with hunger, but overcome with grief at the loss of her mistress, whom she loved most tenderly. It was a great while before the surgeon could bring her to life, and a much longer time before she came to her senses.
After we had sailed with them some days, we sent them five barrels of beef, one of pork, two hogsheads of biscuit, with peas, flour, and other things; taking three casks of sugar, some rum, and some pieces of eight as payment, we left them, but took the youth and maid with us, with all their goods. The lad was about seventeen years old, very handsome, modest, sensible, and well-bred, but mightily concerned for the loss of his honoured mother, having lost his father at Barbadoes but a few months before. He beseeched the surgeon to intercede with me to take him out of the s.h.i.+p; for that the sailors, not sparing a small sustenance, had starved his mother. But hunger has no bounds, no right, and consequently is incapable of any compa.s.sion. When the surgeon told him, our voyage might put him in bad circ.u.mstances, and farther from his friends, he said _he did not care, if he was delivered from that terrible crew; that as the Captain_ (meaning me) _had saved him from death, so he was sure he would do him no harm; and, as for the maid, when she was restored to her senses, she would be no less thankful, let us carry them where we would_. And indeed the surgeon so represented their case to me, that I consented, and took them on board with all their goods, except eleven hogsheads of sugar; but the youth having a bill of lading, I made the commander oblige himself to deliver a letter and the deceased widow's goods to Mr. Rogers, a merchant in Bristol; but I believe the s.h.i.+p was lost at sea, for we never could hear what became of her afterwards. We were now in the lat.i.tude 19 deg. 32 min. having as yet a tolerable good voyage. But, pa.s.sing by several little incidents relating to wind and weather, I shall relate what is most remarkable concerning my little kingdom, to which I was then drawing near. I had great difficulty in finding it, for as I came to, and went from it before, on the south and east side of the island, as coming from the Brazils, so now approaching between the main and the island, not having any chart for the coast, nor land mark, it obliged us to go on sh.o.r.e on several islands in the mouth of the river Oroonoko, but to the purpose. Thus I perceived, that what I thought was a continent before, was no such thing, but a long island, or rather a ridge of sands. On one of these islands I found some Spaniards, but they belonged to the isle of Trinidad, who came hither in a sloop to make salt, and try to find some pearl muscles. But at length I came fair on the south side of my island, and there I presently knew the countenance of my little kingdom; so we brought the s.h.i.+p safe to an anchor, broadside within the creek, where stood my ancient and venerable castle.
No sooner did I see the place, but calling for Friday, I asked him where he was? But when he looked a little, he clapped his hands, crying, _O joy, O there, O yes, O there!_ pointing to our old abode, and then fell a dancing and capering as if he was mad, and I had much ado to keep him from jumping into the sea, to swim ash.o.r.e. 'Friday,' said I, 'what do you think, shall we go to see your father?' at the mentioning his father's name, the poor affectionate creature fell a-weeping: _No, no,_ says he, _me see him no more, never see poor father more! he long ago die, die long ago: he much old man._ 'You don't know that,' said I, 'but shall we see any body else?' He looks about, and pointing to the hill above my house, cries out, _We see, we see there much men and there_: which, though I could not perceive them with my perspective gla.s.s, was true, by what the men themselves told me the next day.
When the English ancient was spread, and three guns fired, as a signal of friends.h.i.+p, we perceived a smoke rise from the creek; upon which I ordered the boat out, taking Friday with me, and hanging out a white flag of truce, I went on sh.o.r.e, accompanied also by the young friar, to whom I had related the history of the first part of my life; besides we had sixteen men well armed, in case we had met with any opposition.
After we had rowed directly into the creek, the first man I fixed my eye upon was the Spaniard, whose life I had saved, and whose face I perfectly well knew. I ordered them all to stay in the boat for a while: but Friday, perceiving his father at a distance, would have jumped into the sea, had they not let the boat go. No sooner was he on sh.o.r.e, but he flew like a swift arrow out of a bow to embrace his aged father.
Certainly it would melt a man of the firmest resolution into the softest tears to see with what uncommon transports of joy he saluted him; he first kissed him, then stroked his face, took him in his arms, laid him under a shady tree, sat down by him, then looked as earnestly at him as one could do at a picture, for a quarter of an hour together. After this he would lie upon the ground, stroke his legs and kiss them, then get up and stare at him, as though he was bewitched; but the next day one could not forbear laughter to see his behaviour, for he would walk several hours with his father along the sh.o.r.e, leading him by the hand as tho'
he was a lady; while, every now and then, he would run to the boat to get something for him, as a lump of sugar, dram, biscuit, or something or other that was good. His frolics ran in another channel in the afternoon; when he set old Friday on the ground, he would dance round him, making comical postures and gestures; and all this while would be telling him one story or another of his travels and adventures.
It was on the 10th of April, _anno_ 1695, that I set my foot upon the island a second time. When my faithful Spaniard, accompanied by one more, approached the boat, he little knew who I was, till I discovered myself to him. _Seignor_, said I, in Portuguese, _don't you know me_? He spoke never a word, but giving his musket to his attendant, extended his arms, and saying something in Spanish that I did not then understand, he came forward & embraced me, saying, _he was inexcusable not to know his deliverer: who, like an angel sent from heaven, had saved his life_; He then beckoned to the man to call out his companions, asking me if I would walk to my own habitation and take possession, where I should find some mean improvements; but indeed they were extraordinary ones: for they had planted so many trees so close together, that the place was like a labyrinth, which none could find out except themselves, who knew its intricate windings. I asked him the meaning of all these fortifications? he told me _he would give a large account of what had pa.s.sed since my departure till this time, and how he had subdued some English, who thought to be their murderers, hoping I would not be displeased, since necessity compelled them to it_. As I knew they were wicked villains, so I told him, that I was not only far from finding fault with it, but was rather heartily glad that they had subdued them.
While we were thus talking, the man whom he sent returned, accompanied by eleven more, but in such habits, that it was impossible to tell what nations they were of. He first turned to me, and pointing to them, _These Sir,_ said he, _are some of the gentlemen who owe their lives to your goodness_, then turning to them, and pointing to me, he made them sensible who I was; and, then indeed they saluted me one by one, not as ordinary men, but as tho' they had been amba.s.sadors or n.o.blemen, and I a triumphant conqueror; for their behaviour not only agreed with a manlike, majestic gravity, but at the same time was so obliging and courteous, as made them agreeable to the last degree.
Before I relate the history of the transactions of my kingdom, as I had it from the Spaniard's own mouth, I must here insert what I omitted in my former relation. The matter is this: Just before we weighed anchor and set sail, there happened a quarrel on board the s.h.i.+p, which had like to have occasioned a second mutiny, till such time the courageous Capitan, taking two of the most refractory prisoners, laid them in irons threatening, as they were concerned in the former disorders, so have them hanged in England for running away with the s.h.i.+p. This frightened some of the rest, as thinking the Captain would serve them in the same manner, though he seemed to give them good word for the present. But the mate having intelligence of this, mad me acquainted with their fears; so that to make them more easy, and ourselves more safe from their conspiracies I was obliged to go down, and pa.s.s my honour's word for it, that upon their good behaviour, all that was past should be forgiven; in testimony of which, I ordered the two men's irons to be taken off; & themselves forgiven. But as this had brought us to an anchor that night, in which there was a calm; the two men that had been in irons stole each of them a musket, and some other weapons, and taking the s.h.i.+p's pinnace, not yet hauled up, ran away to their brother rogues. The next morning we sent the long-boat with men to pursue them, but all in vain; the mate, in revenge, would have demolished my little castle, burnt his furniture and destroyed their plantations, but having no orders for it, he did not put it in execution. And thus there were five Englishmen in the island, which caused great differences, as my faithful Spaniard gave me a perfect account of, in the following manner:
You cannot, Sir, but remember the you sent me about, and what a disappointment we met with, by your absence, at our return. There is but little variety in the relation of all our voyage, being blessed with calm weather and a smooth sea. Great indeed was the joy of my countrymen to see me alive, having acted as the man on board, the captain of the s.h.i.+pwrecked vessel dying before; nor was their surprise less, as knowing I was taken prisoner by the savages of another nation, they had thought me long since entombed in their monstrous bowels. But when I showed them the arms, ammunition, and provisions I had brought for them, they looked upon me as a second Joseph advanced in Pharoah's court, and immediately prepared to come along with me. Indeed they were obliged to trespa.s.s upon their friendly savages, by borrowing two of their canoes, under a pretext for fis.h.i.+ng; and they came away the next morning, but without any provisions of their own, except a few roots which served them instead of bread. After three weeks absence we arrived at our habitation. Here we met with three English sailors, who, I confess, gave us provisions, and that letter of direction you had left for us, which informed us how to bring up tame goats, plant corn, cure grapes, make pots, and, in short, every thing that was necessary for our life. As, in particular, I knew your method best, so taking Friday's father to a.s.sist me, we managed all the affairs; nor were the rest of the Spaniards wanting in their kind offices, dressing food for the Englishmen, who did nothing but ramble and divert themselves in the woods, either shooting parrots, or catching tortoises. But we had not been long ash.o.r.e, before we were informed of two more Englishmen, unnaturally turned out of their common place of residence, by the three others above mentioned; this made my Spaniards and me (whom they now looked upon as their governor in your absence) endeavour to persuade them to take them in, that we might be as one family; but all our intreaties were in vain, so that the poor fellows finding nothing to be done without industry, pitched their tents on the north side of the island, a little inclining to the west, for fear of savages. Here they built two huts, one to lodge, and the other to lay their stores in; for my good natured Spaniards giving them some seeds, they dug and planted as I had done, and began to live prettily.
But while they were thus comfortably going on, the three unnatural brutes, their countrymen, in a mere bullying humour, insulted them by saying, 'the governor (meaning you) had given them a possession of the island, and d-mn 'em they should build no houses upon their ground, without paying rent.' The two honest men (for so let me now distinguish them) thought their three countrymen only jested, and one of them invited them in, to see their fine habitations; while the other facetiously told them 'that since they built tenements with great improvements, they should, according to the custom of lords, give them a longer lease;' at the same time desiring them to fetch a scriviner to draw the writings. One of these wretches swearing _he should pay for the jest_, s.n.a.t.c.hes up a fire brand, and clapping it to the outside of their hut, very fairly set it on fire, which would soon have consumed it, had not the honest man thrust him away, and trod it with his feet. Hereupon the fellow returns with his pole, with which he would have ended his days, had not the poor man avoided the blow when fetching his musket, he knocked down the villain that began the quarrel. The other two coming to a.s.sist their fellow, obliged the honest man to take his musket also, and both of them presenting their pieces bid the villains stand off; and if they did not lay down their arms, death should decide the dispute one way or other. This brought them to a parley, in which they agreed to take their wounded man and begone; but they were in the wrong that they did not disarm them when they had the power, and then make their complaint to me and my Spaniards for justice, which might have prevented their farther designs against them. And indeed so many trespa.s.s did they afterwards commit, by treading down their corn, shooting their young kids and goats, and plaguing them night and day, that they resolved to come to my castle, challenge all the three, and decide their right by one plain battle, while the Spaniards stood by to see fair play. One day it happened, that two of my Spaniards (one of whom understood English) being in the woods, were met by one of the honest men, who complained how barbarous their countrymen had been in destroying their corn, killing their milk-goat and three kids, which deprived them of their subsistence; and that if we did not grant them relief, they must be inevitably starved, and so they parted; but when my Spaniards came home at night, and supper being on the table, one of them began to reprehend the Englishmen, but in a very mannerly way; which they resenting, replied, _What business had their countrymen in that place without leave, when it was none of their ground? Why_, said my Spaniard, calmly, _Inglise, they must not starve:_ but they replied, _Let them starve and be d.a.m.n'd, they should neither plant nor build, and d.a.m.n them, they should be their servants, and work for them, for the island was their's, and they would burn all the huts they should find in the island. By this rule_, said my Spaniard, smiling, _We shall be your servants too. Aye, by G.o.d, and so you shall_ replied the impudent rascal. Upon which, starting up, Will Atkins cries, _Come Jack, let's have t'other brush with them; who dare to build in our dominions?_--Thus leaving us something heated with just pa.s.sion, away they trooped, every man having a gun, pistol, and sword, muttering some threatening words, that we could then but imperfectly understand. That night they designed to murder their two companions, and slept till midnight in the bower, thinking to fall upon them in their sleep: not were the honest men less thoughtful concerning them; for at this juncture they were coming to find them out, but in a much fairer way. As soon as the villains came to the huts, and found n.o.body there, they concluded that I and my Spaniard had given them notice, and therefore swore to be revenged on us. Then they demolished the poor men's habitations; not by fire, as they attempted before, but pulled down their houses, limb from limb, not leaving stick nor stone on the ground where they stood, broke their household stuff in pieces, tore up their trees, spoiled their inclosures, and, in short, quite ruined them of every thing they had.
Had these people met together, no doubt but there would have been a b.l.o.o.d.y battle; but Providence ordered it for the better; for just as the three were got together the two were at our castle; and when they left us, the three came back again, but in great rage, scoffingly telling us what they had done; when one taking hold of a Spaniard's hat, twirls it round, saying, _And you Seignor Jack Spaniard, shall have the same sauce, if you don't mind your manners_. My Spaniard, a grave but courageous man, knocked him down with one blow of his fist; at which another villain fired his pistol, and narrowly missed his body, but wounded him a little in the ear. Hereat enraged, the Spaniard takes up the fellow's musket who he had knocked down, and would have shot him, if I and the rest had not come out, and taken their arms from every one of them.
"These Englishmen perceiving they had made all of us their enemies, began to cool; but not withstanding their better words the Spaniards would not return them their arms again, telling them, 'they would do them no manner of harm, if they would live peaceably; but if they offered any injury to the plantation or castle, they would shoot them as they would do ravenous beasts. This made them so mad, that they went away raging like furies of h.e.l.l. They were no sooner gone, but in came the two honest men, fired with the justest rage, if such can be, having been ruined as aforesaid. And indeed it was very hard, that nineteen of us should be bullied by three villains, continually offending with impunity.
"It was a great while, Sir, before we could persuade the two Englishmen from pursuing, and undoubtedly killing them with their fire-arms; but we promised them 'justice should be done them, and, in the mean time, they should reside with us in our habitation.' In about five days after, these three vagrants, almost starved with hunger, drew near our grove, and perceiving me, the governor, & two others walking by the side of the creek, they very submissively desired to be received into the family again. We told them of 'their great incivility to us, and of their unnatural barbarity to their countrymen; but yet we would see what the rest agreed to, and in half an hour's time would bring them word.'
After some debate, we called them in, where their two countrymen laid a heavy charge against them, for not only ruining, but designing to murder them, which they could not deny. But here I was forced to interpose as a mediator, by obliging the two Englishmen not to hurt them, being naked & unarmed, and that the other three should make them rest.i.tution, by building their two huts, and fencing their ground in the same manner as it was before. Well, being in a miserable condition, they submitted to this at present, and lived some time regularly enough, except as to the working part, which they did not care for, but the Spaniards would have dispensed with that, had they continued easy and quiet. Their arms being given them again, they scarce had them a week when they became as troublesome as ever; but an accident happening soon after, obliged us to lay aside private resentments, and look to our common preservation.
"One night, Sir, I went to bed, perfectly well in health, and yet by no means could I compose myself to sleep; upon which, being very uneasy, I got up and looked out, but it being dark, I could perceive nothing but the trees around the castle. I went to bed again, but it was all one, I could not sleep; when one of my Spaniards, hearing me walk about, asked who it was up? I answered, _It is I_. When I told him the occasion, _Sir_, said he, _such things are not to be slighted; for certainly there is some mischief plotting against us. Where are the Englishmen?_ said I.
He answered _In their huts_; for they lay separate from us, Sir, since the last mutiny. _Well,_ said I, _some kind spirit gives this information for advantage. Come let us go abroad, and see if any thing offers to justify our fears._ Upon which I and some of my Spaniards went up the mountain, not by the ladder, but through the grove, and then we were struck with a panic fear on seeing a light, as though it were a fire, at a very little distance, and hearing the voices of several men.
Hereupon we retreated immediately, and raised the rest of our forces, and made them sensible of the impending danger; but with all my authority, I could not make them stay where they were, so earnest were they to see how things went. Indeed the darkness of the night gave them opportunity enough to view them by the light of the fire undiscovered.
As they were in different parties, and straggling over the sh.o.r.e, we were much afraid that they should find out our habitations, and destroy our flocks of goats: to prevent which, we sent immediately an Englishman and two Spaniards to drive the goats into the valley where the cave lay; or, if there was occasion, into the cave itself: As to ourselves, resuming our native courage and prudent conduct, had we not been divided, we durst venture to attack an hundred of them; but before it was very light, we resolved to send out Friday's father as a spy, who, immediately stripping himself naked, gets among them undiscovered, and in two hours time brings word, that 'they were two parties of two different nations, who lately having a b.l.o.o.d.y battle with one another, happened to land by mere chance on the same island, to devour their miserable prisoners; that they were entirely ignorant of any person's inhabiting here; but rather filled with rage and fury against one another, he believed, that as soon as day light appeared, there would be a terrible engagement.' Old Friday had scarce ended his relation, when we heard an uncommon noise, and perceived that there was a horrid engagement between the two armies.
"Such was the curiosity of our party, especially the Englishmen, that they would not lie close, tho' Old Friday told them, 'their safety depended upon it; and that if we had patience, we should behold the savages kill one another.' However they used some caution, by going farther into the woods, and placing themselves in a convenient place to behold the battle.
"Never could there be a more b.l.o.o.d.y engagement, or men of more invincible spirits and prudent conduct, according to their manner and way of fighting. It lasted near two hours, till the party which was nearest our castle began to decline, and at last to fly from their conquerors. We were undoubtedly put into a great consternation on this account, lest they should run into our grove, and consequently bring us into the like danger. Hereupon we resolved to kill the first that came, to prevent discovery, and that too with our swords, and the b.u.t.t end of our muskets, for fear the report of our guns should be heard.
"And so indeed, as we thought, it happened; for three of the vanquished army crossing the creek, ran directly to the place, as to a thick wood for shelter; nor was it long before our scout gave us notice of it: as also, that the victors did not think fit to pursue them. Upon this I would not suffer them to be slain, but had them surprised and taken by our party; afterwards they proved very good servants to us, being stout young creatures, and able to do a great deal of work. The remainder of the conquered savages fled to their canoes, and put out into the ocean, while the conquerors, joining together, shouted by way of triumph, and about three in the afternoon they also embarked for their own nation.
Thus we were freed at once from these savages and our fears, not perceiving any of these creatures for some considerable time after. We found two and thirty men dead in the field of battle; some were slain with long arrows, which we found sticking in their bodies; & the rest were killed with great unwieldy wooden swords, which denoted their vast strength, and of which we found seventeen, besides bows and arrows: but we could not find one wounded creature among them alive; for they either kill their enemies quite, or carry those wounded away with them.
"This terrible fight tamed the Englishmen for some time, considering how unfortunate they might have been had they fallen into their hands, who would not only kill them as enemies, but also for food, as we do cattle; and indeed so much did this nauseate their stomachs, that it not only made them very sick, but more tractable to the common necessary business of the whole society, planting, sowing, and reaping, with the greatest signs of amity and friends.h.i.+p; so, that being now all good friends, we began to consider of circ.u.mstances in general; and the first thing we thought of was, whether, as we perceived the savages haunted that side of the island, and there being more retired parts of it, and yet as well suited to our manner of living, and equally to our advantage, we ought not rather to move our place of residence, & plant it in a much safer place, both for the security of our corn and cattle.
"After a long debate on this head; it was resolved, or rather voted, _nemine comradicente_, not to remove our ancient castle, and that for this very good reason, that some time or other we expected to hear from our supreme governor, (meaning you, Sir) whose messengers not finding us there, might think the place demolished, and all his subjects destroyed by the savages.
The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner Part 9
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