Gardening For The Million Part 27

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Specularia Speculum.--_See_ "Venus's Looking-Gla.s.s."

Spergula Pilfera.--May be grown in any moist situation in sandy soil.

It is of little value.

Sphenogyne Speciosa.--An elegant hardy annual. Sow the seed early in spring on a gentle hotbed in loam and peat, harden off, and transplant at the end of May to a soil composed of loam and leaf-mould, if peat cannot be obtained. The bloom is produced in July. Height, 1 ft.

Spider Wort.--_See_ "Commelina" _and_ "Tradescantia."

Spigelia Marilandica.--From August to October this hardy perennial produces tubular crimson and yellow flowers. It finds a congenial home in damp peat, shaded from the sun, and may be propagated by cuttings in loam and peat under gla.s.s. Height, 1 ft.

Spinach.--For summer use sow the round-seeded kinds at intervals of two or three weeks from February to the end of July in rows 1 ft.

apart, cover with the finest of soil, and thin out to a distance of 3 or 4 in. In dry weather give a liberal supply of manure water. Pull before it runs to seed. For winter use sow the p.r.i.c.kly-seeded variety in August and September, and thin the plants out 9 in. apart. If the ground is hot and dry, the seed should be soaked for twenty-four hours before it is sown. New Zealand Spinach may be sown in the open during May, choosing the warmest spot for its growth; but it is best to sow it in heat in March, keeping the soil fairly moist, and, after hardening it off, to plant it out in June, 3 ft. apart Sow Perpetual Spinach or Spinach Beet in March in drills 1 ft. apart. Cut the leaves frequently, when a fresh crop will be produced.

Spiraeas.--Placed in the open ground these make splendid plants, and are not particular as to soil, though a moist, rich one is preferable.

For forcing, plant the clumps in 6-in. pots, and keep them in a cool frame until they are well rooted. They may then be removed indoors and forced rapidly, supplying them with an abundance of water.

Their elegant flower spikes are invaluable for bouquets and table decoration. The shrubby kinds are increased by layers or cuttings of the young wood, the herbaceous varieties by division of the roots in autumn. Spiraea Aruncus, if potted early in the autumn, is very valuable for winter decoration. Spiraeas bloom at different periods, from May to August, and vary in height, 3 or 4 ft. being the general growth.

Spruce Firs.--_See_ "Abies."

Stachys Coccinea.--This scarlet hardy annual is fine for bees. It may be grown in any soil from seed sown in March or April. Height, 1 ft.

Stachys Lanata.--A hardy perennial which will grow in any soil, and bears division. It flowers in July. Height, 2 ft.

Staphylea Colchica_(Mexican Bladder Nut)._--This beautiful free-flowering shrub will grow in any garden soil, and produces bunches of fragrant, delicate white flowers in June. It forces well, and may be made to flower at Easter by potting it in rich, light soil, placing it in a cold frame till the middle of January, keeping the roots moist, then bringing it into the warm house. It may be propagated by suckers from the roots, by layers, or by cuttings taken in autumn.

Star Flower.--_See_ "Trientalis."

Star of Bethlehem.--_See_ "Ornithogalum."

Statice _(Sea Lavender)._--The greenhouse and frame varieties succeed best in sandy loam and peat, and may be increased by cuttings placed under a bell-gla.s.s or in a warm pit. The hardy herbaceous kinds are very suitable for the front of flower borders, and may be freely increased by seeds or division. The annuals, if sown in March, will produce flowers in July. Statices require a good amount of water, but thorough drainage must be ensured. If the flowers are dried they will keep their colour for a considerable time. Height, 1 ft. to 1-1/2 ft.

Stauntonia Latifolia.--A greenhouse evergreen climbing plant, which needs a peat and loam soil and plenty of room for its roots. It flowers in April, and is increased by cuttings planted in sand under gla.s.s, with a gentle heat. Height, 10 ft.

Stenactis (_Fleabane_).--Showy hardy perennials which make fine bedding plants. They may be grown from seed, which is produced in great quant.i.ties, and merely requires the same treatment as other perennials, or they may be propagated by dividing the plants. They bloom in July. Height, 2 ft.

Stephanotis.--This pretty evergreen twining plant is most suitable for the greenhouse, and flourishes in a mixture of loam and leaf-mould. It flowers in May, and is increased by cuttings struck in heat. Height, 10 ft.

Sternbergia Lutea.--A hardy perennial which produces bright yellow flowers in August. It likes a rich soil, and is propagated by off-sets. Height, 6 in.

Stipa Pennata (_Feather Gra.s.s_).--One of the most graceful of our ornamental, and most attractive in the border. The seed may be sown early in March, keeping the ground moist until it has germinated, and it is also increased by division. Height, 2 ft.

Stobaea Purpurea.--A hardy border plant with long spiny foliage, and bearing from July to September large light blue flowers. It requires a light, rich soil. Young cuttings may be struck in sand. Height, 1 ft.


_ANNUAL, OR TEN WEEKS' STOCKS_.--Sow the seeds in February, March, April, and May for succession; those sown in May will continue to flower till Christmas. The soil should be rich, and occasionally a little manure-water may be given. Another sowing may be made in August and September. When the plants have several leaves pot off singly in vegetable loam and river sand. Height, 1 ft. to 1-1/2 ft.

_BROMPTON_.--Sow very thinly during the first week in May in a rich, light, sandy border, with an eastern aspect. When 2 or 3 in. high, thin out to 9 in. apart. Those taken out may be re-planted in the flower border, 9 in. from each other. In transplanting reject those plants having a long tap-root: they generally prove to be single. If the following winter be severe they must be protected with mats. Any desirable varieties may be propagated by cuttings, which root readily under gla.s.s if kept shaded. Should it be desirable to transplant them to another part of the garden, March or April will be found the best time to remove them. Shade the plants till they are established, and use liquid manure till they begin to flower.

_GREENHOUSE OR SHRUBBY_ species grow best in a mixture of light soil and sand, and cuttings of these Stocks root readily under gla.s.s.

_NIGHT-SCENTED STOCKS_.--_See_ "Mathiola Bicornis." If Emperor, Imperial, or Intermediate Stocks are sown in March or April, they will flower in the autumn; if sown in June or July they will flower during the following June, and throughout the summer and autumn.

Stokesia Cyanea.--A handsome herbaceous perennial which is quite hardy, but owing to the late period at which it flowers its blooms are liable to be cut off by frosts. It is therefore more suitable for a cool house than the open air, unless the warmest and most sheltered position be a.s.signed to it. A rich, sandy soil is indispensable for its growth. It may be increased by dividing the roots in spring. The flowers are produced from October to December. Height, 1-1/2 ft.

Stonecrop.--_See_ "Sedum."

Strawberries.--The soil most suitable for the growth of this fruit is a rich, deep, adhesive loam. July or early in August is the best time to make new beds, but if the ground be not then available runners from the old plants may be planted in peat on a north border and lifted with good b.a.l.l.s of earth to their permanent bed in the spring. Set them firmly in rows 2 ft. apart and 18 in. from plant to plant. Spread out the roots and avoid deep planting. Remove from the old plants all runners not required for new beds before they take root, as they exhaust the crown. In dry seasons liquid manure is highly beneficial.

Some growers give supports to the fruit by means of forked-shaped pegs, while others lay straw down to keep the fruit free from grit.

Keep a sharp look-out for snails and slugs. King of the Earlies, Auguste Nicaise, Royal Sovereign, Vicomtesse Hericart de Thury, Gunton Park, President, Sir Joseph Paxton, Lord Suffield, n.o.ble, and Samuel Bradley are excellent sorts. For Ornamental Strawberries, _see_ "Fragaria Indica."

Strawberry Tree.--_See_ "Arbutus."

Streptocarpus (_Cape Primrose_).--This plant is a greenhouse perennial, showing great variety of colours, from white to violet and crimson, and is of neat habit. A light and rather rich soil or vegetable mould suits it best. Seed sown in February in slight heat will produce plants for flowering in July; that sown in March or April will flower in August and September. Grow slowly in small pots, and in February put them in their flowering pots. Give plenty of air and shade them from the sun. It may also be increased by division, or leaf-cuttings may be taken under a bell-gla.s.s. The plants like plenty of water, but need good drainage. Height, 9 in.

Streptosolen Jamesoni.--A good compost for this greenhouse evergreen shrub is two parts sandy loam, one part leaf-mould, and a little silver sand. During growth it needs a liberal supply of water and to be kept near the gla.s.s; only a small amount of moisture should be given in winter. In March cut it into shape, and re-pot it as soon as new growth starts. During the summer syringe it frequently to keep off red spider, and during winter maintain a temperature of 55 degrees.

Stylophorum _(Celandine Poppy, or Poppywort)._--During May and June this hardy and handsome plant produces fine yellow flowers. It accommodates itself to any soil, but prefers a rich, light one, and can be increased by seed sown in autumn or early spring. Height, 1-1/2 ft.

Styrax.--Ornamental shrubs requiring a light soil for their cultivation. S. j.a.ponica has Snowdrop-like flowers, and S. Obasa Lily-of-the-Valley-like scented flowers. They are best propagated by layers. Height, 4 ft. to 10 ft.

Sunflower.--_See_ "Helianthus."

Swainsonia Galegifolia Alba.--A graceful and charming cool greenhouse plant, with Fern-like evergreen foliage and pure white flowers, which are borne from April to November. The soil most suitable for it is a mixture of loam and sandy peat. Cuttings of the young growth planted in sand under gla.s.s strike readily. Height, 2 ft.

Swallow Wort.--_See_ "Asclepias."

Swamp Lilies.--_See_ "Zephyranthes."

Swan River Daisy.--_See_ "Brachycome."

Sweet Alyssum.--_See_ "Alyssum."

Sweet Flag.--_See_ "Acorus."

Sweet Peas.--_See_ "Peas, Sweet."

Sweet Rocket.--_See_ "Rocket."

Sweet Scabious.--_See_ "Scabious."

Sweet Sultan.--Sweet-scented, Thistle-shaped hardy annual flowers, which are very useful for cutting. They may be raised in any garden soil from seed sown in March or April, and will flower in August.

Height, 1-1/2 ft.

Sweet William.--Well-known hardy perennials, and deservedly favourite border plants, which may be grown in any good soil; but to have them to perfection they should be placed in light, loamy ground mixed with a little old manure and sand. They can be raised with little trouble from seed sown thinly at any time between March and midsummer where they are to bloom, and may also be increased by dividing the old plants in spring. They produce their flowers in July. Height, 1-1/2 ft.

Symphoricarpus (_s...o...b..rry_).--A handsome species of St. Peter's Wort.

The shrubs will grow in any ordinary soil, are hardy, and readily propagated by suckers, which are produced abundantly; or cuttings may be taken either in spring or autumn. They bloom in August. Height, 4 ft.

Gardening For The Million Part 27

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