Gardening For The Million Part 4
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Biota.--_See_ "Thuya."
Bird Cherry.--_See_ "Cerasus."
Blackberries.--To obtain good crops plant in a poor, dry soil on raised banks facing south. The bushes should be planted 6 ft. apart.
Bladder Nut.--_See_ "Staphylea."
Blanket Flower.--_See_ "Gaillardia."
Bleeding Heart.--_See_ "Dielytra."
Bocconia Cordata.--Ornamental hardy perennials. They do best on a loamy soil, and may be increased by suckers taken from established plants in the summer and placed in rich soil; or by cuttings planted in sand, in a gentle heat under gla.s.s; also by seed sown during the autumn months. They appear to the greatest advantage when grown as solitary plants, away from other tall-growing flowers. The variety B.
Frutescens has an exceedingly pretty foliage. August is the month in which they flower. Height, 6 ft.
Bog or Marsh Land.--By planting a few of the more distinct species adapted for such positions, bogs or marshes may be made interesting.
The following plants are suitable:--Arundo Donax, Bambusa Fortunei, Cypripedium Spectabile, Dondia Epipactis, Drosera Rotundifolia, Gunnera Scabra, Iris Kaempferi, Iris pseud-Acorus, Juncus Zebrinus, Myosotis Pal.u.s.tris, Osmunda Regalis, Parna.s.sia Pal.u.s.tris, Pinguicula Vulgaris, Polygonum Sieboldi, and Sarracenia Purpurea.
Boltonia Asteroides.--This is a hardy perennial which flowers in September. The same treatment that is given to Asters is suitable for this plant. Height, 3 ft.
Bomarea.--A useful greenhouse climber, the flowers of which are valuable for cutting, as they last a long time in water. It thrives best in a mixture of sand, peat, and loam.
Borago Laxiflora.--This very choice Boragewort is a trailing hardy biennial. It produces lovely pale pendent flowers from June to August, will grow in almost any soil, and can be increased by seed or division. Height, 1 ft.
Borecole, Kale, or Curled Greens.--Sow towards the end of March or early in April. Plant out as soon as ready in moderately rich soil in rows 3 ft. apart, and the plants 2 ft. apart in the rows. If the seed is sown thickly, the young plants must be p.r.i.c.ked off into another bed until ready for planting, as strong, st.u.r.dy plants always produce the best results. They may succeed peas without any fresh manure.
Boronias.--Greenhouse evergreen shrubs. A single plant of B.
Megastigma is sufficient to perfume a good-sized house. B. Drummondi, Elatior, Heterophylla, and Serrulata are all good plants. The pots should be filled with sandy peat and be well drained. They are propagated by cuttings taken at a joint and placed under gla.s.s. May is their flowering month. Height, 2 ft.
Bougainvillea.--A greenhouse evergreen climber, thriving best in a loamy soil. It flowers in June, and may be increased by cuttings.
Height, 15 ft.
Bousingaultia Ba.s.selloides.--A rapidly growing climber, beautiful both in flower and foliage, the former of which is pure white, produced in July in elegant racemes from 6 in. to 8 in. long. It is nearly hardy; very suitable for a cool greenhouse. Any garden soil suits it. Height, 6 ft.
Bouvardias.--Favourite stove plants. They are propagated by pieces of the thick fleshy roots, about 2 in. long, inserted in light, rich, sandy soil, and plunged in a bottom-heat. Plant out in May in rich, light soil, cutting back all the over-vigorous growth, so as to form a well-balanced plant. At the approach of cold weather they may be taken up and potted off, using small pots to prevent them damping off. In a warm greenhouse they will flower all the winter.
Box Edging.--A deep loam suits the box best. Cuttings should be taken early in autumn. Dig a trench, and make the bottom firm and even. Set the young plants thinly and at regular intervals, leaving the tops 1 in. above the surface. Tread the soil firmly against them. Cover with 1 in. of gravel to prevent them growing too luxuriantly. The end of June is a good time for clipping. May be transplanted early in spring or late in autumn. (_See also_ "Buxus.")
Brachycome (_Swan River Daisy_).--Beautiful little half-hardy annuals bearing cineraria-like flowers that open well in the border in summer.
If well watered in autumn and removed to the greenhouse they will continue to bloom during early winter. Sow the seed as for ordinary half-hardy annuals in rich, light mould, covering them sparingly.
Bloom in May. Height, 6 in.
Bravoa Geminiflora (_Twin Flower_).--This hardy bulbous plant bears lovely racemes of coral-coloured flowers in July. A rich loam suits it best. Height, 1 ft.
Briza (_Quaking Gra.s.s_).--There are several varieties of this ornamental hardy annual gra.s.s. Briza Gracillis is slender, and very pretty both in a green and dried state. Briza Maxima bears large and handsome panicles. Each variety should be sown in pots, or on a sheltered bed out of doors, early in spring. Height, 1 ft.
Broccoli.--Requires a heavy, deep, rich soil, and liquid manure during growth. For earliest crop sow thinly in beds early in March, giving a little protection if necessary. Successional sowings should be made to the end of June, to produce a constant supply till Cauliflowers are ready. Transplant, when large enough to handle, about 2 ft. from each other. Keep the ground free from weeds, and earth the plants up as they advance in growth. Sow Purple Sprouting Broccoli in May for late spring supplies.
Brodiaea Coccinea.--Handsome plants for rock-work or the border. On a dry, light, sandy soil, with plenty of suns.h.i.+ne, their gorgeous spikes of brilliant scarlet flowers are very attractive in May. The bulbs may be planted in November, and left undisturbed.
Broom.--Hardy shrubs thriving in almost any soil. Cuttings will strike if planted in sand under gla.s.s. (_See also_ "Genista" _and_ "Spartium.")
Broussonetia Papyrifera.--A very effective deciduous shrub, with large, curiously-cut leaves. It likes an open soil, and is propagated by cuttings. February is its blooming time. Height, 12 ft.
Browallia.--Very handsome half-hardy annuals; will grow readily from seed in any garden soil, but prefer a sandy one. They bloom in July.
Height, 2 ft.
Brussels Sprouts.--For a first crop sow early in March, and in April for succession. Transplant as soon as ready into deeply-trenched, well-manured soil, about 2 ft. apart. Hoe well, and keep clear from weeds. For exhibition and early use sow in a greenhouse, or in a frame over a gentle hotbed, about the middle of February; p.r.i.c.k off into a cold frame, gradually harden off, and plant out in May.
Bryanthus Erectus.--A hardy evergreen shrub, which will grow in any soil if the situation is shady and damp. It thrives without any suns.h.i.+ne, but will not endure the constant dropping of moisture upon its leaves from trees. Cuttings strike readily. April is its flowering time. Height, 1 ft.
Budding.--Budding consists in raising an eye or bud from one part of a bush or tree and transplanting it to another part, or to any other plant of the same species. The process is not only more simple and rapid than that of grafting, but many leading nurserymen contend that a better union is effected, without the risk of dead wood being left at the junction. It may be performed at any time from June to August, cloudy days being most suitable, as the buds unite better in wet weather. It is chiefly employed on young trees having a smooth and tender bark. Of the various systems of budding, that known as the s.h.i.+eld is probably the most successful. Make a small horizontal cut in the bark of the stock, and also a vertical one about an inch long, thus forming an elongated T shape. Next select a branch of the current year's growth on which there is a well-formed leaf-bud. Pa.s.s a sharp knife 1/2 in. above the bud and the same distance below it, taking about a third of the wood with the bud. If in the process of detaching it the interior of the bud is torn away it is useless, and a fresh bud must be taken. Now hold the bud in the mouth, and with as little delay as possible raise the bark of the stock with a knife, insert the bud, and bind it on with raffia. When the bud begins to grow the binding must be loosened. To prevent the shoots being torn away by the wind a stake may be tied on to the stock, and the new shoot secured to it by means of raffia. Fruit trees are sometimes budded close to the soil on stocks 1-1/2 ft. in height. The buds are rubbed off the stock as soon as they appear, but the stock is not cut away until the following spring.
Buddlea.--Half-hardy, tall, deciduous greenhouse shrubs, delighting in a loamy soil mixed with peat. They may be grown out of doors during the summer, but need the protection of a house in winter.
Bugloss (_Anchusa_).--This showy plant, bearing large blue flowers in June, may be increased by division of the roots into as many plants as there are heads, from slips, or from seed sown in the open border in spring. It is popularly known as Ox-Tongue.
Bulbocodium Trigynum (_Colchic.u.m Caucasium_).--A miniature hardy bulbous plant, which produces in February and March erect flowers about the size of snowdrops. Set the bulbs in sandy loam or leaf-mould, choosing a sunny situation. The bulbs may be divided every other year. Height, 2 in.
Bulbocodium Vernum (_Spring Saffron_).--This bulb produces early in spring, and preceding the foliage, a ma.s.s of rose-purple flowers close to the ground. It is perfectly hardy, and valuable for edgings or rock-work. Plant in autumn in light vegetable mould, and in a sheltered, well-drained position. It will not grow in stiff, clay soil. The bulbs may be divided every two years, after the tops have died down. This dwarf plant flowers from January to March. Height, 6 in.
Buphthalmum Salicifolium (_Deep Golden-yellow Marguerite_).--Showy and ornamental hardy perennials. They will grow in any good soil, and flower from May to September; may be increased by suckers. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Burning Bush.--_See_ "Dictamnus" _and_ "Fraxinella."
Buxus (_Tree Box_).--A useful evergreen shrub which may be grown in any soil or situation. The B. j.a.ponica Aurea is one of the best golden plants known for edgings to a walk. The closer it is clipped the brighter it becomes. Increased by suckers or layers.
Cabbage.--Sow from February to April for an autumn supply, and in July and August for spring cutting. As soon as the plants have made four or five leaves, transplant into soil that has been liberally manured and trenched, or dug deeply, placing them 18 in. or 2 ft. apart, according to the kind grown. Keep the soil well broken up, and give a liberal supply of liquid manure while they are in a growing state. An open and sunny situation is necessary. Among the best varieties for spring sowing are Heartwell, Early Marrow, Little Pixie, Nonpareil, Sugarloaf, and Early Dwarf York. For autumn sowing, Ellam's Dwarf Early Spring, Defiance, and Enfield Market may be recommended.
Coleworts may be sown in June, July, and August for succession, placing them about a foot apart, and cutting before they heart.
Chou de Burghley is of great value for spring sowing, and will be found very useful during autumn and early in winter. This vegetable is sometimes called Cabbage Broccoli, on account of the miniature Broccoli which are formed among its inner leaves towards autumn.
Couve Tronchuda, known also as Braganza Marrow and Portugal Cabbage, should be sown in March, April, and May for succession.
Savoy Cabbage is sown in March or April, and given the same treatment as other Cabbage. Its flavour is much improved if the plants are mellowed by frost before being cut for use.
Red Dutch is used almost solely for pickling. Its cultivation is precisely the same as the white varieties.
Cacalia.--Hardy annuals, remarkable for their awkward-looking stems and discoloured leaves. They grow best in a mixture of sandy loam, brick rubbish, and decomposed dung, well reduced. They require very little water while growing, and the pots must be well drained.
Cuttings, laid by for a few days to dry, strike readily. Flower in June. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Cactus.--A sandy loam with brick rubbish and a little peat or rotten manure suits them. Echinopsis is a good plant for cool houses or windows. During the summer it should be syringed over-head with tepid water, and weak soot water should be given three times a week. It is propagated by off-sets planted in sand, also by slicing off a portion from the top of the plant and placing it in light, rich, porous loam.
Caladiums.--Favourite hothouse foliage plants, generally grown in peat soil at a temperature of 70 degrees. They require plenty of light while growing, and to be kept moderately moist at the roots. As the leaves lose colour less water should be given, and during winter they must be kept almost dry. When fresh growth begins, shake them out of their pots and put them into fresh mould. In syringing the plants use nothing but the purest rainwater, but the less the leaves are wetted the better for the appearance of the plants. They may be increased by dividing the root stock into as many pieces as there are crowns. These should be planted in very rich, sandy soil, an inch or so below the surface.
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