An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy Part 7

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The movement of History culminates alternately in _Concentration_ on the one hand, and in _Expansion_ on the other: _Positive_ and _Critical_ epochs alternate. Both aspects are necessary for the growth of life.

In modern times the growth of the Expansion-side of life has destroyed in a large measure the equilibrium of life; and the task to-day is to construct a new Concentration-side.

Such a new Concentration is possible: the experience of History testifies to its presence in several epochs; and there is a deep longing for it in many quarters to-day.

In order to attain to such a Concentration the "dead-level" life of the present must be overcome, and a turn must take place towards a new Metaphysic of Life.

Such is the problem to-day, and no complete answer is to be found in the past systems of Metaphysics. "The possibilities of Life and [p.244] of Knowledge are in no way exhausted, but it is only through our own courage and actions that the possibilities can become actualities"

(_Erkennen und Leben_, p. 161).

The various systems of Thought need a synthesis which will include them all. It is difficult to-day to obtain a theory of life which does not leave out of account some essential elements. Is there a possibility of discovering such a synthesis? I believe that Eucken's works answer this question. But we wait eagerly for the appearance of his greatest work, and I think that, when it appears, he will more than ever deserve Windelband's designation of him as "the creator of a new Metaphysic."

APPENDIX [p.245]


1866. "De Aristotelis docendi ratione." Pars I. De particularis. This was the Doctor's dissertation at Gottingen University.

1868. "uber den Gebrauch der Prapositionem bei Aristoteles."

1870. "uber die Methode und die Grundlagen der Aristotelischen Ethik"

(Separatabdruck aus dem Programm des Frankfurter Gymnasiums von 1870).

1871. "uber die Bedeutung der Aristotelischen Philosophie fur die Gegenwart"

(Akademische Antrittsrede gehalten am 21 November, 1871). This was in Basel.

1872. "Die Methode der Aristotelischen Forschung in ihrem Zusammenhang mit den philosophischen Grundprincipien des Aristoteles."

1874. "uber den Wert der Geschichte der Philosophie" (Antrittsrede, Jena, 1874).

1878. "Die Grundbegriffe der Gegenwart." This was translated by Stuart Phelps in 1880, and published by Appleton of New York. The fourth edition has been translated by M. Booth, and has been published by T. Fisher Unwin in 1912. The t.i.tle of the third German edition was changed to "Geistige Stromungen der [p.246] Gegenwart."

The English edition is ent.i.tled "The Main Currents of Modern Thought."

1879. "Geschichte der philosophischen Terminologie."

1880. "uber Bilder und Gleichnisse in der Philosophie": Eine Festschrift.

1881. "Zur Erinnerung an K.Ch.F. Krausse" (Festrede, gehalten zu Eisenberg am 100 Geburtstage des Philosophen).

1884. "Aristoteles Anschauung von Freundschaft und von Lebensgutern."

1885. "Prolegomena zu Forschungen uber die Einheit des Geisteslebens in Bewusstsein und Tat der Menschheit."

1886. "Die Philosophie des Thomas von Aquino und die Kultur der Neuzeit."

1886. "Beitrage zur Geschichte der neueren Philosophie." (Second edition, 1906, under the t.i.tle "Beitrage zur Einfuhrung in die Geschichte der Philosophie.")

1888. "Die Einheit des Geisteslebens in Bewusstsein und Tat der Menschheit."

This will be published by Williams & Norgate.

1890. "Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker." The ninth edition appeared in 1911. Changes and additions have been made in each succeeding edition. English translation (1909) by W.S. Hough and W.R. Boyce Gibson under the t.i.tle "The Problem of Human Life, as viewed by the Great Thinkers from Plato to the Present Time"

(published by Charles Scribners' Sons, New York; and T. Fisher Unwin, London).

1896. "Der Kampf um einen geistigen Lebensinhalt." (Second edition, with many changes, 1907.) A translation of this volume will be published by Williams & Norgate in the spring of 1913.

1901. "Das Wesen der Religion." (First and second editions.) This essay was translated by W. Tudor Jones in 1904, and was published for private circulation. It is now out of print, but will soon reappear together with another essay, "Wissenschaft und Religion."

1901. "Der Wahrheitsgehalt der Religion," 1901. (Second edition, with numerous changes, 1905; third edition, with changes, 1912.) The second edition was translated by W. Tudor Jones, and published by Williams & Norgate in 1911 under the t.i.tle of "The Truth of Religion."

A translation of the third German edition will be published at the close of 1912.

1901. "Thomas von Aquino und Kant: ein Kampf zweier Welten."

1903. "Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Philosophie und Lebensanschauung."

1905. "Was konnen wir heute aus Schiller gewinnen?" (Kantstudien: Sonderdruck).

1905. "Wissenschaft und Religion." This comprises a chapter in the collection of essays ent.i.tled "Beitrage zur Weiterentwickelung der Christlichen Religion."

1907. "Grundlinien einer neuen Lebensanschauung." This volume was translated by Alban G. Widgery, and published by A. & C. Black in 1911 under the t.i.tle of "Life's Basis and Life's Ideal."

1907. "Hauptprobleme der Religionsphilosophie der Gegenwart." (First edition, 1907; fourth and fifth editions (with additions), 1912.) The first edition was translated by W.R. Boyce Gibson and Lucy Gibson under the t.i.tle "Christianity and the New Idealism: a Study in the Religious Philosophy of To-day." This is published by Harper & Brothers, London and New York.

1907. "Philosophie der Geschichte." This is an essay in the volume ent.i.tled "Systematische Philosophie" in the series "Kultur der Gegenwart."

1908. "Sinn und Wert des Lebens." Third edition (with many additions), 1911.

The first edition was translated by W. R. Boyce Gibson and Lucy Gibson under the t.i.tle of "The Meaning and Value of Life" (Publishers: A. & C. Black).

1908. "Einfuhrung in eine Philosophie des Geisteslebens." Translated by the late F.L. Pogson under the t.i.tle of "The Life of the Spirit" (third edition, 1911).

1911. "Religion and Life" (the Ess.e.x Hall Lecture for 1911). This is published by the Lindsey Press, London.

1911. "Konnen wir noch Christen sein?" A translation of this is in preparation.

1912. "Naturalism or Idealism?" (the n.o.bel Lecture, translated by A.G. Widgery). This is published by Heffer & Sons, Limited, Cambridge.

1912. "Erkennen und Leben." A translation of this work, by W. Tudor Jones, is in preparation, and will be published by Williams & Norgate in the spring of 1913 under the t.i.tle of "Knowledge and Life: An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge."

1913. "Erkenntnistlehre." This volume will appear early in 1913. The translation will also appear during 1913, and the book will be published by Williams & Norgate under the t.i.tle of "The Theory of Knowledge."

An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy Part 7

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