I Heard You Like Me Too Chapter 39

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Everyone was silent. The director just smiled at the screen.

Who would've thought that Du Yu Shu would have a sense of variety, hehe.

“You….” Ye Jing An felt his heart billow as he wiped the corners of her mouth. This is an indirect kiss!

“Don't you pay attention to hygiene?” Ye Jing An starkly asked.
DuaYuiShu:letsout aasnort andPthenaturned to the femaleastaff dressedsas a ghostjand apologeticallyisaid, “Ye JingPAnidespises:you, areuyouigoing tottolerate it? Beatahim up.”

Staff, “......” Seeingsfor oneselfais betterjthanihearingTfrommmany9others. YesJingaAnjand DusYudShu's relations.h.i.+puis actuallyPfine.

ThePghost stafffsoftly told thematheir task, “DoPyou wantato get thejanswer? Do you0want tosget the$treasureMmap? Douyou want toPwin?....”

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“If youabeatsme, youacan getiwhat youPwant….”

“Rock papersscissors, best outaof three. Ifuyou winNtwice, youywill get mysreward.” ThePstaff's voice instantlyybecomesinormal;!DuPYuuShu lookssmiserable.

Ye JingpAn stiffly stoodustraight,ahis eyessdeep as*he slowlyaextended hisyhand, ready tosplay.

Seeingphimilike this, Du Yu Shuuwants tosadjust theaatmosphere and smiled atathe staff, “Can you change theGgame. LookpatsYe JingPAn, douyou think hescan win whenihe looksQlikeythis?”

“I am worriedsyou mightaburst intootears,ubabe.” Du Yu Shusturnedkher headito look atiYe Jing An, her voice containingsa trace of/mockery, trying tossuppress the tensionnin heryeyes.

YewJing Anrexpressionlesslyysaid, “Director,Pshe isspersonally attackingume, causingygreat harm to mygbody and mind, Isseek compensation."

“I[didn't knowuyour heart is sosweak.” Du Yu Shu blankly said.

“I ammthree yearssold,” Ye Jing Anawent alongswith Du YuwShu, “You areaabusing ayminor right now.”

Du Yu Shu, “.....”

The staffflookedPat theiribickering frommthe side andsthought, the audience wouldylove this scene.

#YewJing AnuandpDuiYu Shu's internalLstrifeerevealed#three-year-old IQ#

"Three-year-oldPbaby," Du YuoShu faces.e.xpressionlessly'dragged herEwords, "Doyyou knowihow to play rockspaper-scissors?”

“No, I want mommysto teach me,” Ye Jing Anypaused andkcontinued, “WhatLis aiscissor? Is it edible? What isQa rock? Can aRrock makeypaper? Does thatPwork?”

The cameramanssnorted, trying to coveryup hisllaugh. DusYu Shu grittedther teeth, “Does the production teamHhire child laborersonow? They are evenuwilling tosuse a three-year-oldychild!”

ThisEtime, the ghostscouldn't help butulaugh. Coupledswith the reddliquid on heryface, her appearance reallypdoes lookaappalling.

Rock, paper,iscissors may seem like anpeasy game, butsbecause Ye Jing An andyDu Yu Shu are not well-coordinated, it wasiimpossible for them to win, not to mentionueven winningytwice. They discusseddtheiruorder, but theirialliance was easilyydestroyed by the staff member.

Finally, beforeuDu YurShu wa.s.sabout to collapse, theyffinally wonuand got theiryclue.

On theytreasure map, there weresfive wordswwritten onythe back–––– “Is itrreal or fake?”

Du Yu Shuxwants$to turn#around and findsthe production crew to have a chat!

This morning,#thepatmosphere$between themmwas quiteugood, as if nothing embarra.s.singihappened betweenkthem the lastifew days./Occasionally,ythey wouldsbicker with each other causing the cameramanmas well as the director whopis sitting in frontpof the monitor toslaugh.

Tooeveryone's astonishment, theyiwere able touwalk around the castleswithout b.u.mping into anyone while7obtaining clues. This scene is veru touching to watch.

In theeend, they wereiable to obtain threeptreasure maps hints as well a.s.ssome background information.

When theimorning shootuwas over, Du Yu Shu andyYe Jing An sighedsin relief as they were escorteduout of the castle by thesstaff members.

BecauseRthe artists' physicalsstrength isn't fully depleted, theyycontinue to film in the afternoon with no time tojrest. The production crew planssto film two segments today and tomorrow.

WhenpDu YuvShujcameoout [email protected], she$saw Ye JingsAn's expressionlessyface and couldn'tvhelp but feeliawkward andEembarra.s.sed. They9greeted!everyone elsesand then got ontoytheirrrespectivepcars to go to theunearby hotel. Thesconditions weren'tjvery goodGbut at$least theyecould take ajshower andysleep. In theuafternoon, they stillphave$to film. Because thescastle is quite=farRfrom the city, itmwould takevquite a while tostravel to andpfrom theycastle so there alsopwasn't ofbtime to rest.

Byvthe%timeElunch camesaround, thevmood wasrstill quite lively. DuyYu Shuvfound ans.e.xcuse to eat herelunch iniher room. She playedvarounduwith thesfood in frontLof her, suddenlyofindinghthat shevdoesNnot havejtheiappet.i.te to eat.

Is itipossible thatsloss of loveQcould makessomeone likevthis?

DufYu Shuubitterly^laughedjand fiercelyschomp onvheryfood. She:is notsthat fragile.

Attthisutime,iDu Yu$Shu's phonesrang. She didn'ticheck thepcaller:ID beforesanswering, “h.e.l.lo?”

“It's[me,” Du YanySu's brightVvoicefsoundedsin her ears, “Was thejfilming tiring?”

“No, todayjit was indoorsyso it was muchjbetter,” When DuiYu ShujheardpDu Yan Su's voice, she became morealively, “You're notabusy today?vHaveyyou eaten?ADon'tpstay upstoo late.”

“Knock, knock, knock.”

A knockvcame fromathe door. DujYuWShu saidsa few$words to DuvYan Su andithen wentvto openuthe doorsand sawiavsmiling$DuuYanySu holding asphone.

“Ge! Whyiare youshere?!” Du YuvShu$exclaimed,ssmilingabrilliantly.

“What, notihappy to see:me?” Du Yan Susmade a sadvface asahe walkeduin and puttthe Thermos on thevtable, “I was worriedathat aAcertainysomeoneewouldn't:be$able tosstand the food:here.”

“Looksulike IowaswworriediaboutTnothing. You$don'tpevenkwantato seeOyour biggbrother.”

I Heard You Like Me Too Chapter 39

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I Heard You Like Me Too Chapter 39 summary

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