The Songs Of A Sentimental Bloke Part 14

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Quid--A sovereign, or pound sterling.


Rabbit, to run the--To convey liquor from a public-house.

Rag, to chew the--To grieve; to brood.

Rag, to sky the--To throw a towel into the air in token of surrender (pugilism).

Rain, to keep out of the--To avoid danger; to act with caution.

Rat--A street urchin; a wharf loafer.

Rattled--Excited; confused.

Red lot--Extreme; out--and--out.

Registry--The office of a Registrar.

Ribuck----Correct, genuine; an interjection signifying a.s.sent.

Rile--To annoy. Riled--Roused to anger.

Ring, the--The arena of a prize-fight.

Ring, the dead--A remarkable likeness.

Rise, a--An accession of fortune; an improvement.

Rocks--A locality in Sydney.

Rorty--Boisterous; rowdy.

Roust, or Rouse--To upbraid with many words.

'Roy--Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne; its football team.

Run against--To meet more or less unexpectedly.

Saints--A football team of St Kilda, Victoria.

Sandy blight--Ophthalmia.

Savvy--Common-sense; shrewdness.

School--A club; a clique of gamblers, or others.



Set, to--To attack; to regard with disfavour.

Set, to have--To have marked down for punishment or revenge.

s.h.i.+ck, s.h.i.+ckered--Intoxicated.

s.h.i.+cker--Intoxicating liquor.

s.h.i.+nty--A game resembling hockey.

Shook--Stolen; disturbed.

Shook on--Infatuated.

Shyin' or s.h.i.+ne--Excellent; desirable.

Sight--To tolerate; to permit; also to see; observe.

Sir Garneo--In perfect order; satisfactory.

Skirt or bit of skirt--A female.

Skite--To boast.

Skiter--A boaster.

Sky the wipe--See "rag."

Slab--A portion; a tall, awkward fellow.

Slanter--Spurious; unfair.

Slap-up--Admirable; excellent.

Slats--The ribs.

Slaver--One engaged in the "white slave traffic."

Slick--Smart; deft; quick.

Slope, to--To elope; to leave in haste.

Sloppy--Lachrymose; maudlin.

Slushy--A toiler in a scullery.

Smooge--To flatter or fawn; to bill and coo.

Smooger--A sycophant; a courtier.

Snag--A hindrance; formidable opponent.

Snake-'eaded--Annoyed, vindictive.

Snake juice--Strong drink.

Snare--To acquire; to seize; to win.

Snide--Inferior; of no account.

Sn.o.b--A bootmaker.

Snout--To bear a grudge.

Snouted--Treated with disfavour.

Snuff or snuff it--To expire.

Sock it into--To administer physical punishment.

Solid--Severe; severely.

So-long--A form of farewell.

Sool--To attack; to urge on.

Soot, leadin'--A chief attribute.

Sore, to get--To become aggrieved.

Sore-head--A curmudgeon.

Sour, to turn, or get--To become pessimistic or discontented.

Spank--To chastise maternal-wise.

Spar--A gentle bout of fisticuffs.

Spare me days--A pious e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.


Splash--To expend.

Splice--To join in holy matrimony.

Spout--To preach or speak at length.

Sprag--To accost truculently.

Spruik--To deliver a speech, as a showman.

Square--Upright, honest.

Square an' all--Of a truth; verily.

Squiz--A brief glance.

Stand-orf--Retiring; reticent.

Stajum--Stadium, where prize-fights are conducted. S tiffened--Bought over.

Stiff-un--A corpse.

Stoke--To nourish; to eat.

Stop a pot--To quaff ale.

Stoush--To punch with the fist. s. Violence.

Straight, on the--In fair and honest fas.h.i.+on.

Strangle-hold--An ungentle embrace in wrestling.

Strength of it--The truth of it; the value of it.

Stretch, to do a--To serve a term of imprisonment.

Strike--The innocuous remnant of a hardy curse.

Strike--To discover; to meet.

Strong, going--Proceeding with vigour.

'Struth--An emaciated oath.


Stunt--A performance; a tale.

Swad, Swaddy--A private soldier.

Sw.a.n.k--Affectation; ostentation.

The Songs Of A Sentimental Bloke Part 14

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